Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toddlers & Tiaras

I don't know why I did it. I was scrolling and surfing and there it was, Toddlers & Tiaras. I couldn't help myself. I went in for just a peek and ended up staying the entire hour. I have not seen it this season really and last night was definitely a night I'm glad I tuned in to watch. If I had not tuned in, then I might have missed Tricia. If you have not seen Tricia before or did not watch the show last night, let me give you one sentence which should sum it all up nicely.

She thinks it's a good idea to have her two year old daughter watch her pose naked and almost naked for photos because it will make her more culturally aware. Yeah, she said it while she was bent over in a bikini and trying to figure out how to pay the photographer who was taking these photos in a garage while the two year old stared transfixed. It's the parents that make this show. I also decided that the fix was in for this particular pageant. Before the pageant even started the director of it said that Tricia's kid would probably get a big award. Despite not doing anything, surprise, the kid did take home a big prize while the others that looked better went home with a participation medal. Oh, oh, oh. Wait it gets better. Tricia works at Hooters and loves wearing the uniform because it fills her with pride. She also has five kids by at least a few different baby daddies.


  1. well, um...yay for....taking pride in your work? =O

    pls, someone convince me there isn't some past childhood trauma thing going on here that this Tricia person is carrying (and projecting on). wth. so sad.

  2. IMHO, about the time Madonna came along was when we women started reverting back to that "we only matter because of our bodies" mentality.

  3. Call DFACS, this has to be grounds for taking the kid into Protective Services.

  4. I saw this on a clip of The Soup last night.

    I can't watch this show BECAUSE of the parents. They make me stabby.

    And Enty, Hooters is a "family" restaurant. ha! ;-)

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    You might as well watch kiddie porn if you support these shows. If they're not mentally and physically abusing the kids with their ridiculous demands, then they're hyper sexualizing them with the poses, dances and costumes. These shows should be illegal to produce and watch. What a disgrace!

  6. "culturally aware?" which culture was she referring to?

  7. How about taking her to a museum or teaching her about class, dignity and self respect?

    These people make me sick.

  8. Toddlers & Tiaras is child abuse.

  9. I watched a season on Netflix due to the trainwreck factor (it's awful, yet you can't look away). It's baffling to me, the idea that pageants are good for girls. Slathering them with makeup, telling them they are prettier with a face full and big helmet hair that takes an hour.
    The worst part is the prancing around with their little booty shakes and whatnot. Just awful.
    Most of the moms are disgusting to look at, but they stay on their kids to make sure they're cute enough to win for them.

  10. On the occasional evening when my hockey playing,tomboyish 15 year old daughter sit and watch this together, the biggest laugh we get is the mother's doing the entire posing routine behind the judges' table, so the little darling doesn't forget her hooker poses or dance routines on stage. Talk about living vicariously, if dangerously, through your child.

  11. Sick sick sick. And yet this is on TV and obviously gets ratings.

  12. As a woman I will say that showing off your body does not make you more cultural or liberated, it just makes you look like a Ho.

  13. Tricia has many employment opportunities. This was her shooting her calendar. She's also a ring girl for boxing/wrestling (I couldn't tell). She's very proud of the fact that her 2 year old seems to be hypnotized by her mom's breasts.

    This show used to be about the kids. That was creepy enough. Now it's about how disgusting the parents are. I think that last night's episode will be my last.

  14. Toddlers and Tiaras....the trashing of America continues unabated

  15. The worst thing about this show is that only about 1/3 of the viewers understand that there is something wrong with this behavior. The rest seem to think its acceptable and heroic.

    America needs fewer cable stations and fewer cable shows, apparently.

  16. Ummm...I don't think they made take your daughter to work day to include porn pics at Glam Shots.

    Sometimes God/Fate seems to give the wrong people children.

  17. I also was sucked into this show, and I wanted to SMACK a bitch! She was just awful in her little Hooters get up. I have a sneaking suspicion she got preggers very young and is making up for lost time now...

  18. I didn't know whether to laugh or light things on fire while reading this. Her modeling (I use that term loosely) shots were taken in her garage. Class-ay. It's one thing if prancing around in her underthings makes her feel empowered, but do not drag your kid into it.

  19. I watched one season of this show and I can't do it anymore. I have a 3 1/2 year old little girl and I can't begin to wrap my head around what these awful mothers do to their daughters and expose them too. I just don't agree with it at all and it should be outlawed. I refuse to give it any ratings boost by watching it. It's awful that it's still on tv and it will continue to be until no one is watching it and the ratings tank. I can only hope that will be sooner rather than later.

  20. sick, sad, pathetic disturbing. it is child abuse. And that woman has several screws loose..

  21. What a scumbag.
    If this bitch thinks its ok to have her kid watch her mom sell sex for pay she is only kidding herself that this is not child abuse. What a piece of gutter trash. I would say low life, but that would give low lifes a bad name. Who knows what she'd let her child do for a dollar.

  22. Watching these shows is like watching a train wreck - we stare in fascination at what these people are thinking and doing! To be honest this show needs to be off the air. Anything that promotes what I consider child sexualization needs to be kicked hard. People no longer want 15 minutes of fame, they are looking for an hour now. People suck sometimes.

  23. This is a hard show to watch. I'm a reality-lover, but this is too skanky and sad for me. These women HOPE to be as mentally healthy as Taylor. It's horrible, and there isn't even anything to save the show for me. At least Dance Moms has the fabulous Arby's McGillicuddy and the more fabulous Arby McGillicuddy's Aesthetic Emporium and Abatoir of Animatronic Shrieking Cellulite.

  24. "This show makes me stabby"!!!! HAHA! Love it, me too! Omg, I get so * angry* the few times Ive been trapped at someone's house for dinner and this show comes on. The women on this show are all horrendous mothers producing kids who will be excellent candidates for borderline personality disorder. I saw one child who acted like a total brat but no wonder, I thought, after I saw her crotch shot the camera while lifting herself up from a floor position, it was a stripper move. I wanted to beat her mother. These women are sick, particularly the one who is suing be ause someone called her out on hypersexualizing her child which is a fact. Hey, if you want to do it on tv, you forfeit the right to complain on people invoking their right to free speech. Your acts are not unimpeachable. We are getting inured to the gradual hypersexualization of children--an easy year for pedophiles. I wonder if these stupid, enabling broads scan the crowds for perverts as their kids crotch shot the crowds? Or are they their bread and butter? I can't wait till these kids can grow up and tell their recklessly endangering mothers to go f themselves. I know I would love to, Id love to see that sick twist with the lawsuit have her child taken away. When can we call a spade a spade?

  25. Btw, I encourage everyone to avoid these shows and shame your friends for enthusing about them. Write the cable company and anyone who will listen and shame them too. Its one thing for adults to exploit and whore themselves out, but how do they have the unbridled right to whore their daughters out for pay?!!!!! Oh angry angry consumer am I! Not a consumer of this show but capitalism in general. Ive dropped my satellite access.

  26. Oh! ENTY, shut the hell up! You have a toddlers and tiara advert on here?

  27. So, did anyone else hear banjos in their head while reading that sentence of Enty's?

  28. Brenda Love, you're right.

  29. Ah, love the banjos line.

    Not all Hooters girls are scumbag ho's. I had an enlightening afternoon talking with a bunch of Hooters waitresses (I was doing "research" for a project). Nice ladies.

  30. Cancel the show. Arrest some of those parents. Give those girls some therapy. I'm sure Nielsen Ratings would show majority of watchers are pedophile. Sheesh. Threw up in my mouth after reading this.... :-(
