Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yeah That's A Gun

When the story first broke that Pippa Middleton could be arrested for her part in Romain Rabillard's brandishing of a gun in public, I think most people wanted to see the photo and see hat all the fuss was about. Well, that is definitely a gun and it is definitely being pointed at the car behind it and that is definitely Pippa smiling her little head off about it. I wonder if it went off and killed someone if she would still have that smile on her face. No, but she would have said something like she never wanted him to pull it out and was just smiling because she did not want it pointed at her. Romain has performed legal work for gun manufacturers so I wonder if he got it for free. Why is he even carrying a gun?


  1. It looks more like she is in the middle of saying something to the guy in the back seat. I score this one Middleton 1 - Paparazzi 0. Those weasels live for this sort of thing. That moment will be the highlight of that photographer's life (unless of course he's the same photog who chased Diana into a tunnel 15 years back).

  2. Ugh - sometimes I don't care about the entitled wealthy.

  3. I thought it came out yesterday that it was a toy gun...that the police examined the gun and found it to be a toy...did they retract that? at any rate, yearh, these guys look like they are in their 30s and way too old to be acting like that.

  4. Can't make a judgement about a split second snapshot. She may not even realize what's going on at that point. I have also heard other reports that this is a plastic toy, but that has not be verified as far as I know.

    That said, I am a gun owner myself and only a complete dumbass douchebag would ever point a gun (real or not) at someone, whether as a warning or as a joke, UNLESS you genuinely feel that your life is under immanent threat of death or great bodily harm. This situation does not fit that bill and charges should be filed against Rabillard.

    He obviously has no idea how to handle a firearm. One of the basic rules for handling ANY kind firearm is keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

    Clear case of unmitigated dumassery.

  5. I'm not a person who is either pro or anti-gun, but I do think it is idiotic to point anything that looks like a real gun at anyone unless you feel that your life or the life of a loved one is in danger. If you have a gun that looks real and handle it in a way to lead others to believe it is real, you should expect to be treated as if you have a real gun. Romain needs to face some consequences. Plus, isn't this a lot more serious offense in England?

  6. For some reason guns aren't nearly as hilarious in Europe as they are in the US. Regardless, this is STUPID STUPID STUPID.

    Soooo stupid.

    p.s. No, I don't actually find guns hilarious, but the Euros REALLY don't.

  7. They're all smiles except we can't see the face of the dude in the blue hat. I'd reckon he didn't think it was so damn funny. Most people can't aim for shit IRL.

  8. Oh wow, I second what RJ said. There has to be the risk of someone thinking that it is a real gun and acting accordingly. I thought there was some rule about there not being a difference between having a real gun and a fake one, if it looks real? Maybe that is just in my country

  9. @RJ You are right on the mark. In the US if you hold up a bank with a toy gun, you get charged with armed robbery no differently than if you had a real one.

    Even in this event, if it happened in the US, he could charged with some form of assault or "menacing" which is potentially a felony charge in most States, regardless of whether or not the gun is real.

  10. Well Pippa needs her downtime writing that blog for her parents party company is stressful and now she has to slap together an entire book, but slapping together old blogs in book form for 1 cool million is not bad....what's a girl to do ?
    Gee Kate had none of these problems she was only a part-time accessory buyer...and she married a prince.

  11. I like what the Royals said about it: "she is not a royal, so it does not concern us." Icy.

  12. Bill Clinton had Roger. Looks like Kate has Pippa to provide the sibiling embarrassment.

  13. I thought this investigation was completed and closed yesterday. The police have said they have no need to question Pippa, it was a toy and they will deal with the guy who aimed it accordingly. Moving on.

  14. Pippa sure knows how to pick her friends. I really don't like her and am tired of the royal family. Also if they are going to say things about her stupidities they aren't far behind when there children did their stupid things.

  15. Why is Jlo driving around with Kyle McLaughlin?

  16. it's a fake gun (it's in the french media or the police said it) and the paparazzi doesn't want to complaint

  17. Im regards to Pippa, it looks like the camera caught her in the second before she realized the gun was there. She appears to be talking to a person in the back seat and something they're saying is funny.
    Pointing a gun, real or fake... no class but Ive never been hounded by the paps so I dont know what levels I would be pushed to.

  18. @ Patty: And Jimmy Carter had Billy Carter (remember Billy Beer?). LOL

  19. Loser move whether it's a toy or not. I'm actually sneering over here...oooh....tough guy.

  20. Idiots. I, personally, find nothing funny about pointing a gun at someone, be it real or fake. They look like a car full of entitled brats....yet, they are much too old to carry it off.

    As for the paps, you can tell she craves the attention. The whole France weekend she looked like a wannabe Paris Hilton chasing after as many different wealthy men as she could. She seems to lack the class of her sister.

  21. Pippa just jumped the shark. Not that she even got to the point where she was ready to jump the shark...

  22. Gun owner here, and only a fool would do this. You NEVER pick up a gun unless you are willing to use it, and with the US civil laws being what they are, you'd better be willing to lose everything you have. It had better be important enough that you realize you will be sued and you will lose everything. If I pick up a gun not at target practice, and I haven't yet, except to clean it, I am mindful of the full range of serious consequences for using it. Unlike this tool.

  23. Tempestuous Grape, I thought the same thing. Funny! Looks just like JLo in that pic. Didn't JLo also find herself in the middle of a gun situation a long time ago with her then boyfriend Diddy?

  24. Anonymous8:52 PM

    what a fool
