Monday, April 16, 2012

Your Turn

So, tax day is tomorrow and I am wondering whether you usually get a refund, end up owing money or calculate it just perfectly.


  1. Refund but I have them take out extra taxes weekly.

  2. Refund. And paid off a credit card! Go me!!

  3. Refund. Gotta find a new ride.

  4. I've only owed money once, and I believe it was for 2008. Every other year I get a refund.
    Oh wait, this year I did owe money for state taxes. I got unemployment benefits and had them deduct federal taxes from it but they wouldn't deduct state. I think I owed something like $500, and I just used a portion of my federal refund to pay it.

  5. After a few years of owing I now withhold some extra out of each pay and usually net a small refund.

  6. Always a refund. I realize that I should just have them withhold less, but I really like getting it each year, as an extra bonus. Going to use mine to put in an extra bathroom and/or build a deck.

  7. Refund most years.

  8. Small refunds on both fed and state. This is the first year that I can remember that I got them both in the mail before the deadline day!

  9. Rufund, buy try to keep in modest. I don't like giving the IRS an interest free loan for the year.

  10. I’ve never filled a tax form. Wages department does it all. Good job really, I can’t frikkin’ count to ten! TRUE!

  11. Refund - I have them withhold too much so I always get a small bump at tax time. Way better than paying!!

  12. Definitely a refund, thanks to charitable commitments, which in turn I donate to charity.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Most of my life, a small refund ($300 or so). Then, for three years I had to pay, because I was getting a salary AND social security benefits. Now I've retired, and this year, surprisingly, I got a nice refund...and from now on I'm under the wire and will not have to pay again, unless I win a lottery or something, which is unlikely since I don't have enough money to buy tickets.

  14. I never owe money. I always get money back. This year though, I'm getting the least amoutn of money back from 2 states (live in NJ and work in NYC) and the government than I've ever gotten, because they're taking more out. If the government keeps this up, they'll be taking my entire paycheck before long.

  15. Usually refund, but this past return and next year's, I'll be owing, since I was on fellowship and they don't take the taxes out of that when they pay me, so I have to do it at the end of the year. *ouch*

  16. I pretty much calculate perfectly, get or pay like $50 some years. Never have had a BIG refund.

  17. We always owe. Lots and lots of money. It's very irritating.

  18. I usually hit the mark +/- $300. I prefer to owe a little as I don't like making interest free loans to the Feds.

    Lately though the refunds have been bigger due to a capital loss on a piece of real estate.

  19. Refund. I have my part-time job deduct 20.00 per pay period. Plus I am a student, so I am able to claim my tutition et al.

    I haven't done them yet. Maybe tomorrow.

  20. Never , just happy when I don't have to pay.

  21. Six dollars and eighty two cents refund! *L* I'm getting a burrito!

  22. @crila16 - if you work in one state and live in another, you have to pay both states taxes? That doesn't seem right.

    We usually have a small refund but this year due to a business loss (we have our own business) we got back $3000.00. Going to pay off bills and put the rest in a Roth.

  23. I owed for years thanks to stocks and bad planning, but I finally paid it off recently. I filed in Jan of this year and got my refunds back by the first week of Feb. It's the first time in 7 years that I actually got to keep my money...well, not really because the minute it hit my bank it got sent to my dentist. Every dime of it...oh killed me.

  24. I paid this year and last. Prefer it. The government uses the money and makes money on it, then pays you back with no interest has always been my take.

  25. Anonymous11:47 AM, you have to file returns in both states, but then the states prorate it and shuffle it around and everyone gets satisfied (except of course you, the taxpayer). I'm familiar with this from my days of living in Kansas City, when I lived on the Kansas side and worked on the Missouri side.

  26. I owed money for freelance work. I'm feeling rather impoverished today after paying federal, state and city taxes.

  27. Got my refund back in early February. I always have extra taken out of my check after having to pay one year. That sucked.

    This morning that show with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Whatsername was on and Hoda was feigning excitement about getting a tax refund (you know, being all upbeat for the camera) and Kathy Lee called her stupid or an idiot or something equally fucking rude. I was appalled. She was just as bad as Kristin Wiig plays her on SNL.

  28. Refund? What is that? I pay through the nose, state and federal.

  29. My hubs gets the refund money, since he makes more. He writes me, our twins, and my mother off. Since I'm still a 3/4 time student, my tuition is a write off too, and I pay the interest on my student loans.

  30. Hi ho hi ho I always always owe.

  31. Get $ back from Uncle Sam but the $ I would get back locally gets kept by the city my workplace is in because " they are in a depressed community with no funds." They keep over $100.00 of my money and it pisses me off.

  32. I don't like giving the govt an interest free loan. I prefer to owe

  33. I was lucky and only owed $42. And I did them early this year. I owed last year, and had the money to pay, but unfortunately my mom died on April 15th. My dad died on that day 25 years earlier. Weird. Anyway, I used the money that was supposed to go to the IRS to pay for my mom's funeral, and had to deal with her horrific family. I'm still PTSD'ing from that sh*t, not to mention making pmts to the IRS for 2010. RIP, mom - Love you!

  34. my hubby started working last year after being laid off for awhile and his job screwed his withholding. We owe a combined $2000!!! Ugh! We're gonna do payments. Taxes suck.

    sorry about your family shit, MadLyb.

  35. I've always gotten a refund because I get more taken out just in, its always nice having a big chunk of money at the end of the year. This year I barely made any money because of unemployment so I got every single penny back - immediately went and paid off a loan so woot woot for that.

  36. I always get federal back because of claiming tuition, but state I had to pay 75 bucks this year.. Asses

  37. I've always gotten a refund.

  38. I'm getting $15 from the feds and $13 from the state. Might buy a boat or a manse or something.
