Thursday, April 19, 2012

Your Turn

Simple question. Team Jennifer Aniston or Team Angelina Jolie?


  1. Oh God really?!?!!?


  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Uh, Team I Don't Give Two Shits.

  3. This question is so 2005.

    Anyway... Aniston.

  4. Aniston. Jolie is insufferable in her pretentiousness.

    Aniston is just mildly annoying.

  5. Jolie--she's a freak, but at least she can act.

    1. She used to try to act, after Original Sin she just stands around & poses.

  6. I can't, I just can't.
    Oh, OK......Jolie

  7. Two famewhores None of the above!

  8. I don't care for either one but Jennifer is so whiny and self-absorbed I hope I never have to read about her again.

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Jolie. Can't stand Anniston's smirky face.

  10. Ummm...neither?
    But I'd still do Brad in a Manhattan millisecond.

  11. This is indeed so 2005.

    Agree with what caralw says.

    Team Aniston

  12. Team I don't give a crap.

  13. Jolie. Aniston keeps playing the victim when she is rich, famous and healthy. Not a victim.

  14. Team Jen.

    Has Ange ever heard the word "no" in her entire life? Highly doubt it.

  15. Both. Fans of both women, not fans of how the tabs love to play them against each other. Like here.

  16. Aniston. I can't stand cheaters.

  17. btw hello everyone, i'm on the site more than I do actual work but never really post.

  18. Why?

    Aniston - can't stand the smugness that is Jolie!

  19. I don't really care for either, but since I am from Mr. Pitt's hometown and Jolie has been constantly rude in the media and in person regarding the locals and the area...

    Team Aniston!

  20. Team Downton Abbey!

    (For realz, I can't stand either of these bitches, so I'm going classy)

  21. Team Aniston. Like more of her movies and Angie was in that hot mess version of foxfire

  22. Yeah, Team I-MIGHT-Have-Given-This-A-Passing-Thought-Back-in-2005.


  23. ...and then there's Team I Don't Give A Fuck.

  24. Team Angelina. I love me some bat shit crazy.

  25. Jolie. She's all those things you guys don't like, sure, but she is out in the world doing things that do a difference in people's lives. UN ambassador, adopting, foundations to help whole communities....

    Aniston? Nice looking woman, not a great actress and shallow.

  26. Team Jolie.

    More than ever, now that Jennifer has let her friendship with Courteney Cox fall apart just when Courteney needed her most.

  27. Team Aniston. And I've been reading this blog for years, and finally registered just so I could comment on this post. I can't stand cheaters either!

  28. Aniston - she at least appears to have a sense of humor

  29. Team Aniston. Can't stand cheaters, and Jolie is a publicity whore. (Yes, more than Jen)

  30. If I have to chose, I'll go with Jolie. Just find her more interesting (and yeah, she does do good work in parts of the world).

  31. Team Anniston

    I dont think Jolie is pretty either. I don't get the infatuation with her

  32. Team not using the shitty term Team Anything.

  33. Aniston, she doesn't annoy me the way that the Brange does. I could like Brangelina if people didn't worship them so much and they'd go away for a very long time(years).

  34. Team Who Gives a Fuck About Something That Happened 7 Years Ago

  35. Oh dear. Not here too? When will this ever stop? I wish them both happiness, and they certainly have moved on!

    But Jolie, she does good work (and is respected by the people actually in the field), altho I sure wish she would gain weight. Jen seems quite shallow, IMO is the queen of media manipulation plus I'll be curious to see how she handles aging ala Demi.

    But hey they both are supposed to be nice people so can we let this die now?

  36. Team Edward!
    Oh, wait.

  37. This is like comparing crab grass to dandelions...don't care for either

  38. Angelina makes good, interesting movies for the most part. Jennifer makes the same awful movie starring her hair everytime. I think there is acutally something a little off about each of them in the personality department. Btw, Brad was the cheater in that triangle.

  39. Team Aniston coz it winds up the loonies on imdb

  40. Team Nobody. Good god, who cares?

  41. What nolachickee said: I love me some batshit crazy broad. Go Angie!

  42. Team Jennifer. I never liked Jolie.

  43. Aniston. I do not like Jolie but I credit her with the determination to rewrite her bio. I just don't buy the bio at all and think she is capable of anything - other than acting.

  44. Team Angie by a mile! Nothing against Jennifer Aniston, but Angelina Jolie gives a third of her income to charity, travels to refugee camps all over the world and seems to genuinely care about humanity's most vulnerable. She outclasses almost everyone in the entertainment industry, imho.

  45. Aniston, all the way. She fine and unobjectionable. Angelina, I find to be outwardly smug and annoying. Also, all the BS about how she doesn't need to sleep with someone else's husband, and then it turns out - she did. And finally, along with Grey - I also don't really find her (or Megan Fox, for that matter) attractive. I don't see what all the fuss is about. She not a plain jane, but I don't think she's nearly as attractive as say Charlize, or Catherine Zeta Jones, or about five dozen other actresses I can think of off the top of my head.

  46. Good grief.

    *sigh* Aniston.

  47. Team I Don't Give a Shit.

    But when it comes to movies, I'm far more likely to watch something with Jennifer Aniston in it than one with Angelina Jolie. I think Jen is cute and good comedic timing. Angelina Jolie is flat out awful.

  48. Hi Jay, btw.

    Mojees, that's funny.

    Team Angelina all the way.

    And since you asked, I just want to say that I was not a big fan of Jen the person way before the whole fiasco. I read some interview maybe Vanity Fair and I thought jeez, this woman will never be happy. Jen made a good Rachel on Friends and that's about it.

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith was one hot ass movie. The chemistry was off the charts between Brad and Angelina. They didn't just screw around, but have built a family with kids who appear to be happy and walk on their own two or twelve feet.

  49. Team "I don't get the appeal of Brad"

  50. For Real Enty? Really? I mean Really?

  51. I'm on my own team, but I think I prefer Jennifer to Full of Shit Angie....

  52. Jolie, can't stand Aniston.

  53. Team I don't give a fuck.

  54. Aniston. I like a woman who doesn't hide her non-maternal feelings. Jolie is a baby adopting factory. Aniston seems more stable; Jolie gets obsessive about things. And Aniston seems more like someone I'd like to have a drink with. I would get a headache listening to Jolie go on about how important she is.

    Finally, while Jolie makes movies that are more "Important", Aniston makes movies that I actually watch. I'm a fairly intellectual person, but being artsy for the sake of being artsy is not intellectual; it is being pretentious.

  55. Aniston if I had to pick, but really I don't care much about it.

  56. @farmgirl

    Wait, what happened with Jen and Courteney?

  57. Jen. I really don't give a rat's ass about her movies. She'll always be Rachel Green to me.

    Jolie bugs me somewhat. She tries to give off this vibe that she doesn't care about worldly things-- as said from her 10 million dollar mansions-- and that she writes her scripts in long hand and doesn't use a computer or watch TV -- I think she's full of shit. I think she's all over her own press and uses a computer just like the rest of us. She might not park her ass in front of the TV each and every night like the rest of us, but I have no doubt that she watches television and she must have been pretty damned embarrassed about shoving her chicken leg out at that awards show. And it's damned easy for her to run a household and take care of six kids is it? when she's got an army of helpers in the wings.

  58. It's a tough decision because let's be honest, they are both annoying in their own ways. I don't think the portrayal of Aniston as purposely playing the victim is fair, the media likes to paint her as such. Jolie gets points for being involved in her community and being active for great causes, but she seems really cold and she needs to eat a damn sandwich!
    You know I guess it's got to be Team I don't really care anymore.

  59. Seriously? Still?

    Ok...I'm team Jolie. Always have been. I have a friend who grew up with Angie, and said she was the nicest, coolest, amazing calm aura about her when she was younger. She said when you were in a room with her, you just wanted to be near her.

    I've heard horror stories about JA's personality. Can't stand the phony.

  60. I have a suggestion for the Your Turn. Could we suggest a show, person or topic that we would like to see more attention paid to? We all seem to be on board with who shouldn't be mentioned, but I have shows that I watch that are never mentioned and I wish they were.

    Aniston. I would rather sit around drinking coffee while talking about dogs than being forced to split a single granola kernel with a cadaver.

  61. Wait I wanna ditch my choices and joing Ms Cool and be on her

    "Team "I don't get the appeal of Brad"

    Yep, that is the team for me!

  62. I really don't care, but IF I had to pick, I'd go with Aniston. I just like her.

  63. Jenny is very vanilla (not that there's anything wrong with that)! Jolie is seeminly sexy and wild. They r both two different extremes. But since everytime i have a dream about brad pitt, jolie is always in it and never lets me get at Brad so fuck her!

  64. Team This is Bullshit.

  65. I dont know, I dont think either woman wld want it to be a contest I very much like them both


  67. Aniston. Can not STAND cheaters and women who purposely go after other womens husbands (didn't she do the same with Billy Bob/Laura Dern?) That's either a sign of insecurity or someone who's just a plain ol bitch.

  68. Jolie. But what do I know? Crazy just gravitates to crazy I guess.

  69. Aniston...she just seems nicer. We don't know these people in real life so who's to say what we perceive through pictures is reality. I can just say that from what I perceive through pictures, stories, and video...Aniston seems more down to earth, relaxed, fun, and less elitist.

  70. Team Jolie all the way.

    People still upset about the "cheating" need to get over it....after how many years of AJ and BP being together can you admit that they are the better match?

  71. I never had really watched Angelina Jolie movies before, but my parents really like her films and there was this one weekend I was over...I seriously saw 4 AJ movies back to back, and it struck me how in every single one there was this agonizingly long sex scene, where she was buck naked and just going on...and on...and really turned me off to these movies that were otherwise pretty interesting, story-wise. I wouldn't say I'm a prude, but these scenes were oddly prolonged. It's not really good acting if you just get naked and make sultry eyes the whole time.

  72. Team neither shoots up and one sniffs ...

  73. I LOVE Mizz Angelina....but I think she should bring back her crazy every once in awhile. I miss it! :)

  74. Angelina - we were born the same week. I'm just 7 days older.

  75. Team either is an improvement over the goopster - though I still live the photo of the 2 w/matching Brad definitely doesn't have a type!! Jolie, Anniston, Goopy, Juliette Lewis, Robin Givens, Christina Applegate...boggles my mind.

    You think one day we might not have to hear about this anymore - from anyone, seriously!?!!? I was so excited to see the late Dick Clark post yesterday, then we get to read this crappy comparison today, really?!? Lol

  76. Aniston for the win!

  77. Jennifer Aniston. Always.

  78. Aniston...Jolie is manipulative...obviously

  79. Both women are uber insecure but Jolie all the way. Acting wise at least she tries and is willing to "go there". And even if you hate her, you have to acknowledge her humanitarian efforts as being commendable.

    Aniston is as interesting to watch as white bread sitting in a Tupperware container of milk.

    Personally I don't consider cheating in Hollywood to be the same as in "real life". We don't know what arrangements these people have and from what we've heard here, even married actors(resses) use sex as currency for work.

    I will say that if Aniston was really as open to having a family with Brad as she says she was then it would have happened. Whether it was her professional insecurity or Brad wasn't the right one, there was a reason she didn't give him what he has said he wanted. So the right choice was made, IMO.

  80. Team Pitt. I just really love the movie fight club and JA and AJ make shitty movies anymore.

  81. @rejectedcarebear - agreed! Team Lt. Aldo Raine!

  82. This is the worst day of the blog I've read in years. A guy with a crush. And pick a team. You should apologize to the readers Enty. Lets solve MV and Coke Mom. Yeah, that's the ticket.....reveal MV and Coke Mom for penance and we will forgive you.

  83. If I haaaaad to choose, team AJ. I would totally become super besties with her and one day, when she least expects it, push her in front of a BART train. Ughhh her face annoys me.

  84. I think this thing is very for unhappy hag housewives who have no lives. It's beyond time to move on (but, admittedly, you can't complain about stuff if you're going to click on stories about it/them....the only way it goes away is to ignore it.....see: palin, Paris, Kate has 8).

    I like them both. AJ has more talent by far. AJ can open movies. JA owes her career to manufactured faux relationships with her co-star and women who feel sorry for her. Her best role to date has been that of Spurned Woman in "Lonely Me." The divorce was the best thing that ever happened to her.

    As for cheating, didn't JA take Theroux from another woman?

    So, team AJ because she's more talented and more interesting. She should leave her crazy Ase dad at the door. Aniston is okay. I like her politics.

  85. Team Aniston all the way..

    Jolie Gives me the creeps...

  86. Anonymous2:20 PM


  87. I'd rather hang around with a funny, relaxed woman who likes dogs and sitting on the beach, than an actress who is constantly reinventing herself and her past one day it will be leaked Jon V was only her father figure, and her mother was visited by angels..

  88. Can't everyone just get along? Hahaha! AJ for me!

  89. Team please stop beating the dead horse already. It's weird how the media has such a fixation on these 3 when they all seemed to have moved on.

  90. Team Angelina!

  91. Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie... I'm begging of you, please don't take my man. Jolie, Jolie, Jolie, Jolie ii ee, please don't take him even though you can.

  92. Aniston - I don't know if it's because I love Friends or that I saw Girl, Interupted when I was younger and now Jolie terrifies me.

    To me, Aniston is much more likable and Jolie seems like she sucks the life out of people. Literally.

  93. I guess this is what happens in a divorce on a humongous public and international scale, you divvy up friends (and fans). But that said, I'd like to thank God and the whole of humanity for no longer giving one shit about taking sides with me or the girl (my fake friend, no less) my husband left me for, omg, thank you, thank you. I can't imagine anything more painful than hundreds of thousands of people still participating in keeping that nondrama alive. Im not putting anyone down on this site, at all even if it sounds like that. Its hard not to take sides when the media would have us believe Jennifer still suffers. If Brad still really talks about Jen, then he is the true asshole here. But again, for those of you who have been through a painful divorce, aren't you so fucking glad YOU aren't famous? I think the worst thing that happened here is not that Brad and Jen divorced, its that he chose someone soooo freaking famous. Danny Moder and his wife, ya'll? Who gives a shit? Lucky them. Horrible for the wife, but sooo merciful no one rubs her nose in it
    publicly anymore. Team Privacy and Team Closure over here.

  94. Welcome to the team Joella!

  95. Team The Wanted! Those One Direction guys are a bunch of pussies.

  96. Neither -- but more anti-Aniston than anti-Jolie.

  97. Team Who Gives a Rat's Ass, Anyway?

    If I absolutely HAD to go w/one over the other, I'd probably go w/Angie--hey, if she got boring or annoying, I could always go hang out w/all the kids and be the not-as-crazy-as-their-parents auntie. :-)

  98. Team Hail Mary Jane.

  99. Angelina. My whole life is about the work I do with refugees. She's done right by our world for a long time.

  100. I have to say Angie... at least she uses her fame and her own money to help those less fortunate. She might do it to make herself look good, but its more than Jen ever does. And, at least angie is honest about what a freak she is/was...

  101. How random?

    Let's re-phrase...Who is the better actress? Jolie
    But who would I rather go have drinks and laughs with? Aniston!

  102. ok, I keep reading peoples comments say JA doesn't "do good things" like AJ does. Where the hell is everyone get that, she has always been involved in charitable causes. Just because she doesn't advertise it doesn't mean she doesn't care.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. That's true.

    No matter how famous you are, if you want to help you can do it quietly and even anonymously.

    You don't need to hold a press conference and send out press releases to let people know what you are doing.

    You don't have to set up a foundation in your own name, talk about it in the media and broadcast every charitable deed.

    Maybe Aniston and others do quite a lot for charity too, but they do it privately and without wanting to be publicly praised as great humanitarians.

  105. A lot of comment has been made of how random this 'your turn' is.

    I think something is going to bust open in one of the camps and Enty needs to gauge response.

    Team Aniston but I want to know the story either way.

  106. Team Rachel Karen Green!!!

  107. Angelina, for sure. JA gets the hell on my last nerve.

  108. Jolie Jolie!!

    Say there was a contest and the prize was "Win a Day with ..." I would much rather hang with The Jolie. It would be a crazy fun day! Seriously! She likes motorcycles, she likes crazy sex, she likes saving children, she has a sense of humor and makes fun of herself. She's seems more real of the two. JA seems super fake and plastic. AJ is also the better actress by far. And she can seriously kick butt! In a one on one fight, AJ would snap JA like a twig. Gotta love a strong woman.

    Right On @Monica. Sometimes couples are meant to be together. They don't plan to cheat but things happen. Look at Johnny Cash and his June. The heart knows what the heart needs. It's clear to me that AJ and BP really care about each other and truly love their kids.

  109. All y'all on Team Aniston because you "can't stand cheaters" need to revisit the circumstances of Jen's originally hooking up with Theroux.

    Team Jolie, because she's better known for her acting and her philanthropy than her "victimization".

  110. Jen. Just say no to heroin.

  111. I've always liked them both. The "teams" stuff is just manufactured drama.

  112. Why must society pit women against each other? And why are you promoting that, Enty?

    That said, Team Jolie!

  113. Team Jolie, now & always.

    Never been a fan of Jennifer "boo hoo, I'm so unlucky in love because my husband left me for another woman, so now every time I have a new movie coming out I have a new man in my life and I don't want to talk about the split anymore but I will if I have something to promote" Aniston.

  114. I think I have to go w/Aniston on this one. Like a lot have said above, she seems like the kind of person you'd want to go for drinks with. She has friends.

    You never see Angie w/a girlfriend.

    And I'm just so sick of BP & AJ.

  115. Agree with Kelli. My perception is that Aniston is the nicer person and waaaay less phony.

  116. Team Jolie -- she is really pretty.

  117. I am pretty sick of people saying that JA doesn't donate to charity or give back the way AJ does. BullFUCKINGshit! JA has been a huge supporter of St Judes and other extremely worthy causes. The difference is that she doesn't use her charitable works at every opportunity to improve her image. She may be a famewhore but she is NOTHING compared to AJ.
