Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beyonce Says She Lost 60 Pounds

At her concert last night, Beyonce decided to share with everyone how wonderful she is and how she lost 60 pounds by eating lettuce and having her trainer work her out several times a day. The thing is she never gained close to 60 pounds during her pregnancy. I remember her saying once she thought she gained about 40 pounds. Another time she said she wasn't sure. The only thing she is sure about is that she lost 60 pounds which would make her at least 20 pounds lighter then before her "pregnancy." She looks the same to me as she did before and after her "pregnancy." So, remember that when you can't lose 60 pounds after your baby Beyonce wants you to know you can do it if you starve, hire a trainer, work out five times a day and never actually have a baby.


  1. She also apparently turned into a white woman.

  2. ^yeah, noticed that as well. She looks really pale there.
    And really, except for that temporary puffy face she had, there really was no noticeable weight gain, at least none I can recall.

  3. I thought I read a blind item somewhere about her taking pills to make her face appear puffy.

  4. Yeah, it was Blind Gossip, I think.

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It can be done. With my first, I gained 50 lb and by the six week checkup was 15 lb. less than pre-pregnancy. No appetite, barely ate and seldom slept. I'm still trying to lose the weight from the third, though, and he's 40 now.

    Even with losing all the weight, though, there is usually a shifting of the body, boobs and hips are just a touch fuller, etc. She just doesn't look like someone with a tiny infant.

  6. Gaining 60 lbs in sympathy weight is amazing and scary at the same one can like Popeye's chicken that much.

  7. She's full of baloney, which she cant eat.
    I like how everyone acts like its so amazing she singing 5 months after giving birth, if indeed that is what she did. Its 5 MONTHS, not 5 minutes!! Not so amazing! Everything she does seems to hv some sort of miraculous quality to it, when, in reality, it isnt that extraordinary.

  8. That pillow must be exhausted...

  9. She's Beyonce. Of course everything she does is miraculous. /eyeroll

  10. i never knew a pillow could weight so much

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Most women who didn't have complications can be on their way to getting back in shape by 4-6 months. You include the Hollywood moms with personal chefs, trainers, and nannies it should take no time. However, this insufferable bitch had a surrogate. Taking off the prosthetic belly is the best diet ever!

  12. I lost 60+ pounds of baby weight in four months, and that was on a lettuce diet and insane cardio and weight training workout (was TERRIFIED of turning into my large ex-sister in law) way she lost it so fast, assuming she was really pregnant to begin with (or gained that much, which I also find extremely hard to believe).

  13. It's so hard to tell whether or not she even gained the 60 pounds because the size of her belly bump (I won't call it a baby bump) changed all the time. Whoever was in charge of airing up the pillow wasn't very consistent.

  14. If the fake pregnancy thing is true, I still can't figure out why she even bothered to go through with the charade.

  15. Chicken or egg? Are these stars crazy to begin with and this fuels their need for fame or is the taste of hitting it big such a high that they lose their minds trying to hold on to that very tenuous superstardom. Or is it the difference between real talents who have nothing to prove and the manufactured ones? Sorry for the rhetorical questions but that's what I see in these stories over and over. . . incredibly desperate people who need to be the spotlight at whatever cost. No wonder CO$ and Kabbalah along with others can make such a quick buck off them.

  16. I tried hard to disregard the surrogate rumors as too far fetched, but I'm pretty sure now that Beyonce is bat-shit crazy.

  17. Anonymous11:18 AM

    We all saw her huge 'pregnancy' bump collapse inward while getting in/out of a chair in a green room. She was never pregnant. Two weeks after the birth she was out looking the same except she was wearing unflattering clothes, which disappeared a couple weeks later.

    Look, the rich are different. If she wants to hire gestational carriers (I assume she will go it again with the next baby) to preserve her body, it's her right. It's the lying that's objectionable: no respect for that.

    And she is getting whiter. So is her husband. He is markedly lighter. He has been going with her on her European 'spa' trips.

  18. I dont see how she is getting white! She has always been of a lighter complexion and the blond hair makes her look even lighter. All that i know is that this heffa can sing and will perform the shit out of a song, which alot of pop stars today cannot do! Im not a fan but i have to be fair.

  19. Forget about this five months nonsense- Beyonce was out there claiming to have lost the weight and was back out partying with her ugly husband three weeks after the pillow was removed. She's got an ego the size of Mt. Everest, and it's killing her that people aren't blindly beieving in her and crowning her the most awesome woman on earth! Everytime she's interviewed, she claims she lost a different amount of weight.

  20. Wow. To tell the world that you lost 60 pounds by starving yourself is not really something to be proud of. Kind of disgusting. Almost as disgusting as the fact that she's lying about all of it. It's almost like she keeps bringing her weight up because she's still trying to convince everyone.

  21. Damn, I'm over all the Beyonce hate. Love her or hate her, bitch works hard for her money. It's hard to stay relevant in the land of the crazy train that is Britney, and that weirdo Gaga. Beezy has got to do something!

  22. I'll never get over that video of her and Katie Couric and how she FREAKED when Katie rubbed her belly and she kept moving her hand down. That was what turned me pretty much.

  23. While I totally agree that Bey works hard for her money, I think she is being totally deceptive about the pregnancy. She was pregnant for three friggin' months! She didn't lose any weight because SHE DIDN'T GAIN ANY. And I have known people who had lost all their baby weight relatively quickly after giving birth, and they STILL looked like they had a baby. I call bogus, sorry.

  24. 60lbs?


    45 of them where b-a-b-y.

  25. Surrogate - or -
    could this have been a child fathered by JayZ and given to him and Beyonce to raise?

    As more and more reports of JayZ being unfaithful surface I just have to wonder. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. And that would explain some of Beyonce's acts, like this weight stuff.

    1. This is true...i think thats what happened with tom cruise & nicole kidman also

    2. This is true...i think thats what happened with tom cruise & nicole kidman also

  26. @seaward: You're not the only one who's noticed how Beyonce/Breezy/Bey/Sasha Fierce is slowly morphing into a white woman.

  27. I'm 11 weeks postpartum and only have 10 of my 50 lbs gained left to lose. This is my 2nd. I'm not starving, barely exercising, and only breastfed the first month.

    I still just find the bending belly so weird. Plus how quickly the baby was announced to her all of the sudden being huge and having a baby. That was just weird.

  28. Fuck her. This stunt of hers makes me so angry. I don't know why, other than the obvious reasons already mentioned, but man she pisses me the fuck off with this shit.

  29. Next thing you know she'll have a Jennie Craig or Weight Watchers deal.....cause she's so grounded now she's a mom, you know.

  30. @car54
    Ha! the "grounded" statement came from that strange video/doc she did of her "return." Bewulf acted like she was the first woman to have a kid!

  31. How sad for you your "story" never popped huh? It came from YOU. LOLz love her performance last night and so did the First Lady her daughters the Governor of NJ and countless celebs. But, you know, she has to stay relevant to keep up with.. who exactly?? Rihanna the phenomenal singer/dancer and Lady Gaga, the non gimmick? Or maybe LMAO who topped the charts for half of last year?

    Yeah, I can see why she would fake a pregnancy.

  32. Haaahaha! Best description ever. Ugh she's such a liar. She looks exactly the same before, "during" and after. What a crock of shit.

  33. maybe she lost 60 pounds of extra hair extensions...

  34. Oh please, she was thinner while "pregnant".

    STFU about this Beyonce. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    ...and this is coming from someone who LIKES her.
