Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bret Michaels Settles Lawsuit Over Tony Awards Exit

For over three years now, all of us here have enjoyed the ten second clip below numerous times. How often have you had a bad day and needed some cheering up so went to YouTube and searched for Bret Michaels Tony Awards. It is a winner everytime. Well, our laughter caused Bret some pain. It might have even caused his later stroke. Yeah, that seems like a stretch to me too. But hey, it was in his lawsuit against the producers of the Tony Awards and he settled yesterday so we will never know. The good news is that he did settle and that he is healthy now so we can enjoy it one more time. I wish there was some music being played. Hmm, how about Every Rose Has It's Thorn. Yeah. Sing it Bret. Yeah, I can see it. He is all excited to go back to his Rock Of Love tour bus and see what stripper is competing to be his true love today. The crowd is waving their cell phones in the air and Bret is not paying attention and whack.


  1. I'd pay good money to see another rock of love. That was classic trash tv

    1. Flavor of love was WAY better. How are you going top top a contestant dropping a deuce on the floor.

  2. @seachica - that was CRAZY tv - I watched one season (didn't they do it more than once?) and laughed all the way through.

  3. You know, I've never seen him look so good. He never acts the way he should, but I like it.

  4. Don't threaten me with a good time! --- Rock of Love was the best trash tv!!

  5. I looooved Rock of Love!!! What was the crazy bitch's name from season 1? Lacy I think? I miss her dearly.

  6. ^Lacey, I think she was from Texas? She wore red a lot? I remember her, too.

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  9. That was my first foray into truly trashy television. Then I watched some of them on Charm School. That was truly horrific television (horrific in a way that means nothing but a good time).

  10. This is such a waste of time. Neil Patrick Harris was on a recent Nerdist podcast and they talked about this incident. Appereatnly Bret didn't show up for any of the rehearsals and when he did show up for the actual awards show the producers made it clear to him that once he was done he needed to turn around and get back because a giant set piece was coming down. Just look at the others on stage. They finish and run back. What does Bret do? Showboat a couple extra seconds because he's the "big" star. His ego caused that accident not the Tony's and suing them for your own incompetence is annoying. Just like the McDonald's coffee lady. This shit is such a waste of time.

  11. I enjoyed his performance on Celebrity Apprentice during his season. He came off as intelligent.

  12. The only real damage done here was to his ego. You can get a settlement for that?

  13. Beguiled, agaaaaiiiinnnn! I love this video so much *L*. And I was completely addicted to "Rock Of Love". It was cringeworthy most of the time, but you just could not look away!!! I wonder what Crazy Lacey is up to these days :)

  14. For real I had 2 close friends whose mission in life was to fuck Bret after the concert he played in our area a few years ago. They got their wish. And a nice case of body lice. But I'm the debbie downer for not wanting to take my turn with him :/

  15. I wish they would make another season of Rock of Love. I missed the first one, but I did watch the second.

    @AuntJess- Whoa. I would not have gone there either. Body lice, huh? Sounds like they got off pretty easy.

    In 2000, I won backstage passes to meet Poison. Bret looked like he was high as a kite, but he was pretty nice. There was a kid there in a wheelchair and he sat and talked with him for a long time and took tons of pictures with him. I thought that was pretty nice, seeing as how there were many off duty prostitute looking things milling about, angling for his attention. Also, CeCe (sp?) seemed to think it was 1987 and had a huge attitude. He had a new band at the time and wouldn't sign anything that was related to Poison.

  16. Oh I hate to differ, but every time Brett said the word Diabetes and pronounced it "DiabetUS" I cringed. That was not intelligent. AT ALL.

  17. haha i've never seen that before. Only know the guy from the trashy rock of love show... MTV seems to have stopped doing those which is a shame as they were totally mind numbing entertainment, and they made me feel good about myself :L

  18. His suing over this made him look far worse than the incident itself. What a jackass.

  19. @uberbaldy - I LOVE Nerdist! I haven't heard the NPH one yet. Kind of puts this story in perspective given that he didn't come to rehearsals.

    @lisap515 - Him too?? I thought it was just Wilford Brimley.

    He seems like SUCH a db, but I still felt a little bad for laughing at this. Again.

  20. supapimp, I had totally forgotten about that! I only watched sporadic episodes of that show, but I did see that one.

  21. @Lelaina Pierce
    enjoy! LOL.


    Cringe worthy! And yes, I always immediately think of Wilford Brimley.

  22. Thanks, lisap515! haha! I can't believe I haven't seen that before.
