Friday, May 25, 2012

Britney Spears Has Enough X Factor On Day 1

Ahhh, Britney Spears. This is going to be the greatest few months ever. Simon Cowell has got to be worried when he sees things like yesterday. Despite being in the middle of auditions, Britney got up and walked out. Later Britney Jason Tweeted that she was just taking a break. You can always tell when it is Jason Tweeting for Britney. First of all he uses way too many ya'll's. Second, Britney can't go more than a few words without dropping an f bomb so if it's clean you know she didn't write it.

Do I think she needed a break? Yep. The thing is no one else was taking a break and suddenly you have someone auditioning and one of the judges is gone. This is day 1. Think about Day 12. Why should Britney even care? If her day was up to her she would spend it sleeping, laying on the couch, hanging out with her kids and having half naked bodyguards make coffee runs with her. She chose the X Factor option so she could avoid having to go on tour right away and making everybody more money.


  1. Brit brit has them crazy eyes, sad to say. She needs stability in her personal and professional life, I hope she is getting some kind of mental health help such as therapy and hopefully not just meds.

  2. The question that comes to my mind is, did she return after her 'break', or is taking a break a nice way of saying she abruptly called it a day and blew everyone off.

  3. Her body language says it all in these photos:

    Look at how stiff she looks -- and her eyes in that last photo! She looks petrified. Poor girl.

  4. Let's see... after looking at the DailyMail, I predict we will get an Alec Baldwin calls Harvey Weinstein a douchebag story today, a Chris Brown is moving out of his condo story, a Gretchen Rossi is making Slade reverse his vasectomy story, and a Paris Hilton pole dances on a carousel story.
    Love Enty, but the stories are coming straight from DM it seems.

  5. Hi Princess
    yes several commenters have commented it. but I dont see any big deal in that. First all of the gossip sites are reruns of each other, second you read the site that usually writes stuff akin to your opinion/taste.
    CDAN is cool for its level headed commenters (a rarity).

  6. Come on, y'all, maybe she just had to go potty real bad.

    God love her, she needs to look into some longer dresses. She looks great, but that hemline makes her look no bueno.

  7. Its true a lot of it comes from DM but you realize it has to come from somewhere right? Enty doesnt run around LA with a camera

  8. I don't know. I don't trust Simon Cowell and think some of this stuff is scripted to generate headlines. Same when Sharon Osbourne walked off X-Factor. Maybe I'm just too cynical--though I admit, Britney looks medicated.

  9. @ L'auteur - for sure. ITA.

  10. yes, princess. enty is a lawyer by profession and actually has a job he has to do every day. if you don't like the stories on the blog, go to another one.

    loyal cd&n readers stay because he is smart and has interesting comments and an actual point of view that is his own. and we love the stories about living in mommy and daddy's basement. and the ex wives. and the blinds.

  11. God poor Britney she looks SO miserable in all the recent pics. Big smile and sad eyes. She should be allowed to retire.

  12. I'm convinced Simon calculated this.

  13. ^^^^i just came to say that. It will make for great tv.

  14. She will retire when she's dead that is the only TRUE FREEDOM from the industry she enslaved herself to. Sad shame.

  15. Could the pink wig make another appearance? God, I hope so.

  16. Thanks for the link @TheEntrepreneursWife. She does look uptight.

  17. So, I'm sitting here thinking about Brit some more, and man, do I feel for her. Maybe she or her handlers thought she was ready for this gig, but maybe she isn't.

    I had a huge breakdown about 11 years ago (anxiety coupled with extreme life stress and health problems), and it took me six months to just be well enough to care for my kids. It took me several years to be able to handle the kids and the house. I gradually added in volunteer work, and am to the point now that I think I could handle a full-time job for pay.

    Point is, mental health recovery is an ongoing process, and maybe she's just not there yet. But maybe she wants this challenge. We have no way of knowing, but I sure wish her peace as she travels her life's road. Peace and longer hemlines :-).

  18. I had a breakdown about 2 years ago, and even though we're stressing bad over money, I just can't handle a job right now. Can't. Can't. My husband doesn't get it and I don't know how to explain it to him.
    Anyway, all that to say, I hadn't thought about Britney feeling the same way. Now I understand.

    1. That was supposed to reply to Frufra! Stupid phone.

  19. I think she will be just fine, I think she took a break so she could be coached what to say on acts. After they go to the selected finalists I think she will wear an earpiece and be fed what to say or will be fed what to say based on rehersals. Jamie & Jason aren't dumb they are going to protect their investment and brand.

    Becuase that is all she is, a goose that lays golden eggs.

  20. @Annabella, that's not why I stay. I don't buy any of that for a second. I'm here for the commentors.

    @Princess, you forgot to mention dListed.

  21. Doesn't anyone think this is a publicity stunt? We are talking about the flailing x-factor.

  22. I'm hoping she shaves her head on air and smashes Simon over the head w an umbrella-ella ella ella hey hey hey!

  23. I don't think it was a publicity stunt I think it was real and Simon took advantage of a story.

    Simon is genius at turning lemons into lemonaide.

  24. Britney, my Britney. I love the idea that she uses less "y'all's" than her reTweeters. It just sounds so right.

  25. @seaward - sending loads of peace and love your way. It will get better (I feel cheesy saying that cause it's sooo trendy to say that) - time, therapy, and meds are your friends.

    I have to say that my husband is perhaps more understanding than most, in that he deals with his own issues. It's so great to have a spouse that really gets that part of me, but we feel quite guilty about the genetic timebomb ticking in our kids. We hope being proactive will help diffuse it somewhat - we'll see.

    My mom doesn't "get it", so I kind of know how you feel. We were living with her during the worst of my ordeal (loooong story), and I finally had to leave. Just literally leave the kids with her and take off to seek treatment. Her only advice - usually offered through yelling - was to get over myself and calm down.

    I did get my kiddos the next day with the support of other family members, and my mom and I have a decent relationship now.

    Hang in there, seaward. Virtual hugs and good vibes your way :-).

    1. @ frufra and seaward - my thoughts are with you both. I have gone through similar things and sometimes it just seems overwhelming and too hard. Your courage gives me strength. And I think it's great that you are both going at the pace you need to for your mental health. Lots of people just don't get it. The very best to you both.

  26. Poor girl. She really isn't ready for this, and may never be. Her eyes look dead in photos.

  27. After doing a little internet sleuthing, I was able to answer my own question. Britney left the stage and didn't return, with those 4 contestants being the last ones scheduled for the day.

    I'm leaning in the direction of it being a publicity stunt because of the huge salary she's getting for being here, and because her bf Jason typically does such a good job of keeping her behavior in the normal range.

  28. Take years of meth use, which destroys the brain, and couple it with mental illness and this is what you get. It's really sad, and as she ages it's going to get worse. I wouldn't be surprised if she became a shut in by the age of 45.

  29. @frufra -
    don't worry overly much about your kids having depression issues. My mother is a paranoid manic depressive, and my father had substance abuse issues. Despite that, several of us kids have managed to not inherit, or at least we manage the issues well. It will all be okay!

  30. i agree with @angel i think its a publicity stunt because people are tuning in to see her go "crazy" and simon knows that.

  31. Thanks, Nellie and ms s. Again, at the risk of being extremely cheesy, my journey has brought me to where I am today, so it was all worth it. And thanks for the vote of confidence about our kids. We are raising them in a much healthier environment than either of us had, so that's got to help. And whatever happens, we'll deal with it head on.

  32. Oh, and I love the support we give each other here! It means a lot :-).

  33. Thanks to Frufra & nellie. Words I definitely needed to read today.

  34. Poor Britney. I hate when people call her "shitney"

  35. How do you think these girls who have had recent emotional problems will be able to handle the ridicule Cowell aims at female judges? (using last year as an example)

    Frufra, Seaward and Nellie, I would like to hear what you think.

    My best to all of you!

  36. I really don't want another reality show or singing contest right now, but I might have to watch this to see her. I feel bad for her.
    Thinking good thoughts for you
    Frufra, Seaward and Nellie!

  37. I worry that she can't handle it and that her *break* will be used for ratings. Hope it doesn't happen.
    To Frufra, Nellie,and Seaward, some will never get it, but those of us who do wish you all the best in the world.

  38. Del Riser

    That has been my concern also.

  39. @ cosina - gosh, who knows where these girls really are emotionally? Seems like Brit would be the best off, with her family and fiancé really taking care of her for the last few years. Poor Demi, though - she seems very raw, and like she hasn't really been helped in any meaningful way. She seems like the bigger risk, really.

  40. I really don't know. My issue is mostly anxiety - I am light years from where I was which makes me happy. :)

    But with Britney .... I have so many different worries for her. I think just from hearing how nervous she was at the Fox event.... I cannot imagine that putting yourself under that strain - to finally make the move from entertainer to celebrity again - much less to do be "performing" as a judge and also being judged on everything by everyone .... I don't think that's good for

    I think she is probably to a certain degree "ashamed" of her breakdown. It's a very common response. And I think that shame and guilt are probably weighing heavily on her, causing more anxiety as she tries to prove that she is "normal". It's a really complicated mix but also very toxic. Because what you are trying to prove to others is really also what you believe least about yourself but also need to believe most about yourself. I don't know if any of this makes sense - I don't know if I am articulating it well.

    I think she most likely

  41. I honestly hope this is awesome for her. That she is able to build confidence in herself slowly and feel proud if herself. As well as be back in the public eye being loved. It's all that she has ever really known.

    I know it seems weird probably to think so much about someone I don't know. And maybe it partly is. But I grew up with her music, had my own struggles and righted myself and then watched her go struggle. When you know a little of the pain of anxiety and depression, it's really easy to be empathetic

  42. @ Frufra & seaward **hugs** <3

  43. Surprisingly Demi is holding her own

  44. I will always wish Britney the best but honestly i wouldnt mind seeing some crazy!

  45. Jesus, on the first day ?!! She pulled a Lohan, lol

  46. People missed the key part of the story...she left right when a contestant performed her song Hold It Against Me. It was probably a trigger for one of her alterss and she couldnt handle it. Like when diane sawyer said spasm and it triggered her alter. Dis. Identy disorder is a bitch

  47. @wutwudlindsaydo: Or her saying the word "weird" during the Diane Sawyer interview and suddenly turning into somebody else. Watch "Britney Cries Over Justin" on Youtube to see what I'm talking about. Scary.

  48. She's living in a scheduled performance prison, so it seems to me. I hope this experience proves positive for her.

  49. "Oh...hello, Strong Britney". It's fucking creepy.

  50. Simon Cowell is a piece of fucking shit for putting two fragile girls, who are both suffering from bipolar disorder, on life fucking TV. He only hired them because he knows that people want to see a train wreck. It's cruel on his part, and also cruel and neglectful of Brit's family. It is totally obvious that she is also suffering from social anxiety. She seems to be agoraphobic (somewhat, at least). I am speaking from experience. I am bipolar and agoraphobic anxiety and I don't have anyone pushing me into the public eye! Mark my words... Brit will have a breakdown in the next six months....if not sooner. I'm praying for those girls.
