Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Cat Who Wants A Burrito

How can you not love a cat who craves Mexican food?


  1. Me = Human who wants a pasture-fed burger with lacto-fermented pickles & mayo.

  2. Aw, dammit! I really wanted to see a cute cat video to cleanse my mental palate from reading about that lunatic Octomom and brood of genetically damaged kids I'm paying for with my taxes.

  3. Aww dang it! I really wanted to see that, too.

  4. I really wanted to see burrito cat.

    Here's something: put a peeled banana in front of your cat. They HATE the smell. It's kind of funny.

    Sorry, kitties.

  5. I wish I had a kitty to try that.

    I did a search but couldn't find anything more than a still. The still was cute. I'm kind of mad at the owner for taking it back.

  6. My cat loves anything crunchy. Chips are his favorite things, we can't eat Doritos around him or he becomes insufferable. Popcorn, too. I don't feed him any, he lunges for the dropped bits. Yum, yum trash food!

  7. I had a cat that loved salt so she wouldn't eat the chips but she'd lick them. So gross.

    Here's a link to the webcam of the Mann Cat Sanctuary that was mentioned in another thread (I think it was Vicki Cupper).

  8. Boo. I really wanted to see this.

  9. I think this is it:

