Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't Ever Let This Guy Out Of Jail

Thanks to everyone in Miami who sent me this news report. Jonathan Davis is a sex offender in Miami. Two months ago he was arrested for performing a sex act in front of a girl in a K-Mart. Now thanks to a security guard who was paying attention, the f**ker is behind bars again after trying to lure children over to him while he touched himself and tried to get their attention. While he was doing this he was recording it all on his cell phone. This guy needs to be locked up and never let out of jail. If you think he can be rehabilitated, then great, he can come live next door to you. If you are so sick that you are doing this inside stores, and in some cases while the child is within two feet of their parents, then what do you think this guy is doing in less public places.


  1. Oh dear. That man is seriously troubled and I am going to keep an even better eye on my son in public places. How horrifying.

  2. This is why I never let my niece or nephew out of my sight in any public place. Its also why I do background checks on guys before I date them.

  3. neuterin, chemical neutering.

  4. WTF is wrong with people? He should NEVER be let out of prison.

  5. Oh fucking sick. I agree w/ Beta. Get this guy neutered stat.

  6. I saw this on the Daily Mail this morning. This POS is so brazen he was trying to lure kids that were holding their parents hands! He doesn't need a jail cell, just 5 minutes alone w/ any parent of the kids he was trying to video.

  7. Just cut the whole thing off. There should be no second chances when it comes to the safety of children. One strike and off with your dick.

  8. I hate to say this, but I have seen similar behaviour where I work. And where do I work you might ask? A library. There are TONS of children running around while their parents browse, thinking this is the safest place for their kids. It isn't. And working here, you quickly learn to be hyper-aware of any child that appears to have walked of from their parents, and kids do it ALL THE TIME! The problem is, most parents actually expect that from us, that we keep an eye on their kids while they do whatever it is they are doing. Hey guess what? We don't like doing it, but we do because not one of my co-workers EVER want a child to go missing when they are around even if their parents don't seem to care all that much.

  9. I am going to show this to my son tonight when I get home. He's 6 and we talk all the time about stranger danger. Adam Walsh's story has always frightened me (I was a kid when it happened) and this just confirms my fears.

  10. Sick f*ck!! I have a rule with my 5 grandchildren, "eyes on". Meaning I have to be able to see Them at all times when we are out together. I recommend to all caregivers. It infuriates me to see parents on their frigging phones instead of watching their kids play. Not only is it rude to children, its dangerous!!

  11. THIS GUY is exactly why I support the death penalty. I don't care who he is or what his story is - he deserves to be put down like a dog.

  12. Nice how the topic of a deranged sicko turned into a diatribe about bad parenting....but whatever!!!

  13. Indefinite incarceration for those of these sort. As there is no cure for such perversion.

  14. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I can't believe they let this person out on bond. I never understood what gets people million dollar bonds vs. smaller bonds but this should be prime example number one of someone that should not be let out back into society until his trial and obviously not after.

  15. I used to spend all kinds of time alone in the library as a kid...then again, I grew up in a tiny little podunk town, with most of the library quite visible from where the librarian sat, so I really was quite safe there. *sigh* Obviously times have changed...

  16. This situation happened to my daughter in a library in Houston, Texas, while I was sitting three feet away from her. My daughter was five years old at the time. I knew my daughter had witnessed something but at first she would not speak of what she had seen. Well, I has not going to let her not tell me what had happened, she clearly had experienced something that terrified her, greatly. She finally spilled the beens and pointed out the freak to me. I ran to the front of the library and butted into a conversation between a librarian and a woman and her teenage daughter. It turned out the mother and daughter who were speaking with the librarian were discussing the same man had exposed himself and was masturbating in front of the teenager. I looked up to notice the crazy man was slithering out of the front of the library towards the front door. I went running towards the asshat and he ran out the door. He got away. The police came and took statements from myself, my daughter and the other mom and daughter, and informed us not to chase after someone like this man again, you never know if the pervert has a weapon. I put the experience in the back of my mind and would only speak to my daughter about the incident if she would brought it up. Low and behold six months later the police called me and asked me to come the police department. I went down and spoke with a detective who had me look at mug shots, I picked out the guy that my daughter had pointed out to me in the library. It turned out this sick F*CK was arrested for giving the golden shower to four kids waiting at a school bus stop. What a troubled man this guy turned out to be. And I know Enty mentioned this before, sick assholes like this guy and the creep from the story can not be rehabilitated. Period, The End. Psychology can not "fix" that part of the human brain.

  17. @Ice Angel, if you are referring to my post, all I can say is what I have seen. Even the most diligent of parents seem to relax a bit when they come to the library.

    Most parents are really great when we catch their toddler walking off (all ittakes 1 second with your back turned for the kid to go off somewhere more interesting). But I have also been yelled at by parents because I had the audacity to SHOUT to a wandering child "Stop"! They felt I was over stepping my bounds, and it was up to them to discipline their child. Um, I wasn't disciplining anyone's child, I was stopping them from leaving the building. They can yell at me all they want, but I still do the same thing when I see a kid on their own. Thankfully, that is only a small percentege of parents or caregivers.

  18. Not to defend the guy, but he was probably molested as a child.

    The cycle of abuse has to stop.

  19. This is horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. Not everyone deserves a second chance. I firmly believe that there is no amount of rehabilitation in the world that can "cure" or help these sickos. I think he should be let loose into the general population in prison and they can deal with him.

    @Basil - What is it about libraries that make parents feel like they don't have to watch their kids? I don't work for one (I'm really jealous that you do), but I am a frequent patron and have seen some pretty negligent parenting.

  20. This guy is scary, he may have been abused, I don't care. He is an educated man who has to know what he is doing is wrong and damaging to children. They rarely change because they don't want to change.

    And a big bravo! to the alert security guard.


    With a dull knife. I volunteer.

  22. @Basil, I had not read your post when I posted my library experience with my daughter, LOL. You are correct, people do let their kids run amok in a library. In reality, there are many parents that don't provide supervision for their children, period. I have two children, that are 12 years apart in age. What a contrast between the ages of my children in regards to parental supervision. When my kids had play dates or were playing at the park, many parents are oblivious to not only their surroundings but the surroundings of their children. My favorite is when a parent sits reading with headphones on or if they sit talking on a cellphone. My son (the youngest of my two kids) had developmental issues that made me be hyper aware of everything going on around him (and me) at all times, so I (still to this day) notice the little things that sometimes are really not so little.

  23. six months ago i started volunteering at a library. since then i've quit, but while i was there it was very uncomfortable. my job was mostly just to shelve books for two hours once a week. during that time over the course of two months i had grown men not-so-discreetly follow me from shelf to shelf, put their number in my back pocket, comment on my appearance, ask me to leave with them once my shift was over, among other things. one of them was a tutor whose session happened to be during my shift. when i left he would wait outside the building and harass me. it made me so anxious and i would have run to my car. he eventually started waiting beside my car. that was when i left and never went back. i never expected this to happen at a library, but predators ARE around. also, i am 17.

  24. As much as this enrages me, I am so glad I came across this video and read the comments. I have a 3 year old girl, and an almost 2 year old boy. When you have kids that young and close in age, in can be really hard to have your eyes on both kids every second (They like to divide and conquer). As vigilant as I am, I think I'm a little more lax in the library!! What is it about that place?? Thanks so much, Basil, for bringing that up.
    Also, it's times like these I wish there was a real life Dexter to take care of these animals. I myself have been a victim of this more times then I think anyone could possibly believe. When I was a kid, a man exposed himself and jerked off in front of my Mom and I on a cable car in SFO. Then in high school it was a man parked next to me at a convenient store. 2 years later it happened on the beach when I was surfing with a friend (cloudy, sloppy day and we were the only ones out). In my 20's, I had a video camera stuck up my dress at work (that guy turned out to be the Pacific Beach rapist) and THEN a man exposed himself and jerked off next to my friend and I on a train in Sydney. SERIOUSLY!! There needs to be harsher punishments (OUT ON BAIL??) for these guys who are caught to send a message. I don't want any kid to have the same stories that I have :(

    1. Was it on the Bondi-Cronulla line? A friend of mine had similar experiences.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The pervs go where the kids go. Libraries, zoos, school, etc. Uh, to stores. It's common sense. And it's difficult to impossible to rehab a perv because they are sneaky and won't even admit to themselves that what they want and do is very very very wrong. They always have an excuse.

  27. Coriander Shea - - I actually started carrying a little knife with me every day for YEARS after the "dress" incident! It was just a part of my purse-packin routine: Lipgloss, powder, wallet, knife. I forgot about how weird that would look to people, until I pulled it out of my bag before I went through a security screening for jury duty. They weren't amused :)

  28. OMG, Sunny. I was going to mention that this kind of happened to me in a store,when I was 17. 'Kind of' because I didn't see him or know he was there during, my best friend (who was a guy and too afraid to say anything) did. I was looking at the tights/pantyhose display, and he was whacking off watching me choose a pair.
    I almost killed my best friend after he told me. I was freaked out for years about that.

    i had a flasher episode in my early 30's....I kept my cool in front of him (they get off on the shock, as i understood), but for WEEKS, I could have no happy thoughts about any man without thinking of that awful guy's dick. YUCK.

  29. @ all...OK....I take back my comment...I just hate when we put what creeps do on the parent...@ Montanta...this happened to your daughter and you were RIGHT THERE!!! This man did it to children holding their parents hands!!!

    I am glad to learn more awareness about librairies, etc...because I will admit I let me kids run around at the library while I may be browsing books...but only in the Children's section!!! And I'm just an aisle or two over. And a sole man wandering around the children's section of the library would definitely get my attention and make me more vigilant.

    But my kids are a bit bigger, the youngest being 7 and none of them have any problem crying out to me if they see something suspicious. They all watch detective shows like Psyche and Monk and I swear I am raising a bunch of mini-detectives. They love all those kid detective books too.

    But it's sad that we even have to watch places like libraries for crazed lunatics like this-and I agree he cannot be rehabbed.

    I believe that anyone who harms a child in any way like this this should just never see the light of day. Raise my taxes for it. I don't care. Get them off the street and keep them off the street. I am so tired of seeing these guys out there...and they don't get better...they get worse...they remember how much they hate prison, so they are more careful to "cover their tracks."

  30. @ all...OK....I take back my comment...I just hate when we put what creeps do on the parent...@ Montanta...this happened to your daughter and you were RIGHT THERE!!! This man did it to children holding their parents hands!!!

    I am glad to learn more awareness about librairies, etc...because I will admit I let me kids run around at the library while I may be browsing books...but only in the Children's section!!! And I'm just an aisle or two over. And a sole man wandering around the children's section of the library would definitely get my attention and make me more vigilant.

    But my kids are a bit bigger, the youngest being 7 and none of them have any problem crying out to me if they see something suspicious. They all watch detective shows like Psyche and Monk and I swear I am raising a bunch of mini-detectives. They love all those kid detective books too.

    But it's sad that we even have to watch places like libraries for crazed lunatics like this-and I agree he cannot be rehabbed.

    I believe that anyone who harms a child in any way like this this should just never see the light of day. Raise my taxes for it. I don't care. Get them off the street and keep them off the street. I am so tired of seeing these guys out there...and they don't get better...they get worse...they remember how much they hate prison, so they are more careful to "cover their tracks."

  31. I was accosted in a mall by a dirty old perv when I was 16. It was in a bathroom - this old guy in a trench coat (yep, for real) offered me $20 to meet him out back. Asked me if I'd ever been with a man. He had a pack of tampons on him that he was shoplifting. What the hell for I don't know. Sick old fuck. He told me to meet him out back. I just left, informed the first security guard I saw about him and went on to the movie that I was at the mall to see. Have no idea what happened to old pervy tampon creep. Hopefully took away. My mother picked me up when the movie was over and that's all I thought about it. I suppose he's dead now.

  32. I guess the bright side of this is that parents will be more aware that they need to keep watching their kids.

    This stuff makes me sad. Kids shouldn't be treated like that.

    1. Scratch that, no one deserves it.

  33. Rehabilitate him with a wood-chipper.

  34. I know of a shopping centre where people leave their kids in a toy store to "play" while they are in a different store doing grocery shopping. This happens daily.

    The staff freak out and the kids get taken to the police office on site, where their parents are paged to collect them. I hope they see stories like this and take better care in the future.

    This guy should be forcibly chemically castrated. He obviously has poor impulse control.

  35. @Jessie. I think it was a train from Sydney to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. I'm not trying to make light of this at all, but my best friend was so shocked she jumped up and ran to another train car. I looked over at the douche and thought "Oh God, here we go again", picked up our bags and calmly joined her in the next car. Because of my bizarre history, I am pretty desensitized to it. However if I saw someone doing this in front of children (mine or any other) I would go into attack mode. I know a commenter was saying we're not supposed to, but it's a primal reaction once you become a parent

    1. The Blue Mountains is a beautiful area, unfortunately they have some odd inhabitants.

    2. Indeed! (I'm actually just trying to show you I learned how to "reply". I'm a newbie!!!

  36. Out on bond? There are drug pushers and hookers that don't get that treatment, but a scuzzball like that does?

  37. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Continuing the library horror stories...I was a freshman or sophomore in high school when I started seeing a tutor at the library. My best friend started seeing the same tutor right after my session. One day I noticed a strange man staring straight at me. I stared back, but felt uncomfortable because he didn't look away during my session. When I looked up I saw his hand was in his pants while his other hand covered it with a magazine. This was a public library in one of the safest suburban areas in the county and we were in the magazine/newspaper room which was FULL of people walking around. I was shocked and told a librarian straight after my session. She told me she couldn't do anything unless I was sure I had seen something for sure. I was so in shock I doubted myself and just left. My friend called me later saying she had seen a strange man staring at her and touching himself. The next week the man was there again, obviously knowing our tutoring schedule. Whenever I looked up, he was staring at me so I tried to hide myself...crouching lower and lower to the table. I felt disgusting and couldn't concentrate. After my session I told my friend that the man was there again and to sit somewhere else. He actually got up and followed my friend to a different table. My friend later called me freaking out because the man had been obviously touching himself and said she actually saw him ejaculate onto the library floor. She told the librarian again. The next week I went, the library staff came up to me and asked me to report any such activity immediately. Too late, the man never came back. It's appalling that someone can touch themselves in public (and no, he was not being subtle, he was being very obvious) and not have any of the adults around him notice. It's also appalling now that I think of it that our word wasn't taken seriously the first time we reported it. I've had a similar incident in which I was actually walking with my mom and younger sister and a man in the children's section actually followed us out of the store and was driving behind us. He couldn't continue following because the light turned red. Parents, please PLEASE watch your children, ANYWHERE. Just because they are surrounded by books does not mean they are safe. Even in suburbs there are disgusting perverts. If I had my way, every pedophile would be castrated. I don't give a shit if people say they are sick in the head and need rehab. If someone ever touched my child, I would do horrible horrible things to the perve.
