Friday, May 25, 2012

Four For Friday - She Gave Up Everything For Him

Happy Friday everyone. I wanted to let you know that despite it being a three day weekend here in the US, that I will be here all three days just typing my fat fingers to the bone. Oh, and also drinking. If you have not already done so, please follow me on Twitter. Over there I have more blind items and things that are above and beyond on the site. I just passed 10,000 followers so thank you so much. As promised there will be a special reveal which will be on either Sunday or Monday depending on my inebriation level. Oh, and that will be in addition to the Saturday reveal that will be on here tomorrow.

So, this actress was A list. She was on top of the world and then got sucked into the lies of an A list movie actor and lost it all. Why? Because he was bored and placed a bet with crew members that he could get her to have sex with him. The bet was that he could get her to have sex in 10 different locations before the end of the movie. He won easily. She was always a bed and lights off person, but she did everything for him and anything he wanted.

She was married at the time and had some on set flirtations but nothing beyond that even though her husband cheated on her frequently. She was going to be the good one in the relationship. She liked her martyr role. She liked being able to throw it into her husband's face whenever they argued which was often. There was no joy, but she was faithful at least until she met the A list actor that would change her life forever. He was bored. He was in the middle of nowhere and the drinking options were limited. He did like the crew though. He always got on with the crew. he also like getting it on with local women and extras and any other woman who was willing. The problem was there just weren't that many. So, one night when he was drinking he made a bet with the crew that he could get his co-star to have sex with him. The crew didn't think it was much of a challenge so the ten locations was added.

The actor started the next day and it took entire days of talking to her and wearing her down. He gave up drinking for three days just so he could talk to her into the night. He turned on that A list actor charm and finally wore her down. They hooked up. All the time and everywhere. She was not just in this for the sex though, she had fallen in love with the actor. When she told him she was going to leave her husband, he was not even paying attention or it didn't register, but she did that and when she did, that was the end. Her A listness was over permanently. His A listness took a huge hit and took years and years to even come close to coming back. When he told her that he just was not interested in her that way and didn't want to be with her forever, it crushed her. It took her a few years to just get over that. She had given up everything and all he wanted was sex.


  1. Meg Ryan & Russell Crowe. Done.

  2. and you both beat me. too easy...

  3. Yep, even I got it.


  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Yeah, I am shit at the BI but I had Meg & Russell for this one after just a couple of sentences.

  5. Wow, 1 minute ? Takes me 10 just to read it. Damn ........

  6. This shouldnt be a blind its too obvious. Kinda feel sorry for Meg Ryan though.

  7. This is barely a blind item. Did anyone but Meg Ryan ever believe that Russell Crowe wanted her for more than just sex?

  8. Wow, too easy. Anyone know where "Proof of Life" filmed?

  9. That was one even I got immediately. And makes me even more sad because Meg paid such a high price. If there's any consolation, Russell Crowe lost his looks completely and Meg still looks good IMHO. He was hugely popular and now no one likes him much, even his wife always looks like she hates him.

  10. Good job guys!

    What was with their supposed relationship then? It didn't last long, but they were out & about together. Was that just to sell tickets for "Proof Of Life?"

  11. Since this BI was easy...

    I've always wondered. What happened to Meg Ryan? What behavior led to her career completely imploding?


  12. In my opinion, Meg has some of the worst Hollywood plastic surgery this side of Mary Tyler Moore. I find it difficult to look at her face.

  13. Yep, Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe!

  14. Yup - was just coming on to post Meg Ryan & Russell Crowe. Sad.

  15. @ Cathy

    According to IMDB, it was filmed in:


    I'm guessing most of the filming too place in Ecuador then.

  16. I'm proud to say I actually got this one. It must be really easy.

  17. I gotta disagree w/ you, Elizabeth, that Meg still looks good. Plastic surgery has ruined her once-cute looks forever.

    I think POL filmed in South or central America, but not sure. off to /IMDB

  18. It sucks that her career imploded and Dennis Quaid milked the sympathy that he received for her defection while HE was the bigger cheater. Russell Crowe? Just disgusting, especially if some past blind items turn out to be about him.

  19. And HalleGoLightly saved me the trip!

  20. Meg was a victim of her success as America's sweetheart. When she had the affair with Russell Crowe, Dennis, even though he's a cheating bastard, was furious and they divorced. She also did a couple of romcom clunkers like Kate and Leopold and some movies outside her genre which failed like In The Cut and a boxing movie I never saw (and I'm a fan). Actually there were quite a few clunkers, the remake of The Women, Hanging Up, etc.

    Anyway, Proof of Life crashed, even though they had chemistry, Russell Crowe promptly dumped her and she was left to deal with a divorce and looked like the bad guy which was really so wrong. I saw a picture of her yesterday I think in Daily Mail and she still is in great shape. John Mellencamp is no prize though, I don't get the attraction.

  21. @ Nutty

    Agreed. She took her hugest asset, her cuteness, and flushed it down the toilet. Not sure if she was trying to be sultry/sexy or what (big lips). She didn't go to the Demi Moore Doctor(s). She went to the Doctor(s) Catherine O'Hara went to in "For Your Consideration." She (Meg) ended up looking like a circus freak.

    Whatever else people have done, WHY does anybody do the lips? IT'S NEVER LOOKED GOOD ON ANYBODY! If you're not born with big lips, you'll never have big lips. Not that big of a deal. Stop with the injections. It's madness.

  22. Too easy. Signing on to the russell Crowe guess. I still don't understand why he earned a list status. He wasn't even the best or best looking actor in LA Confidential

  23. Hahaha, I thought I had had a real blind item breakthrough when my first thought was Russell and Meg, but I see now that it was just a really easy blind...*L*

  24. Okay, does Meg look bad here?

    The whole vein thing is dumb, my feet are a bit veiny and it seems like you have to choose between veiny or plumpy as you get older (I can't win) But how does she look bad here? Am I missing it?

  25. Her cutesy romcom days were over but she could have made more films until she turned her face into donald duck. I will never understand why women who already have nice lips will do that.

  26. I think he got attention in LA Confidential because of his intensity. That was it. The last movie I saw him in was a remake of a British miniseries (British version much better) and he looked beyond horrible. He was supposed to be a love interest and all I kept thinking was "how on this planet is this likely?"

  27. Definitely Ryan and Crowe.

    Re: her appearance.
    She's looked a lot better lately, IMO, because she stopped doing so much shit to her face and it looks more natural.

    Crowe could have a much bigger career, but his douche-ness always shows up. No self-control.

  28. Insecurity, Crystal, insecurity. And trying to make herself look younger so she doesn't get a part as a grandmother.

  29. I saw Meg backstage at a few shows Dennis did with his band in Austin in the 90/91 or so. She was not nice yo anyone and bitchy as all get out. He was drunk and coked up. They were not happy then.

  30. Easy Peasy and definitely not blind!

  31. Yep, Crowe, Meg and Dennis. On the set of Proof of Life; I was one of the 94 people who saw it on opening weekend back when.

    I saw the movie In the Land of Women about 5-6 years after that, and I just kinda felt sorry for her, she had destroyed her face with so much surgery. Donald Duck, indeed.

  32. Comma Chaser, I'm in love with your cat picture! What a beautiful ginger tabby!!!

  33. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Does anyone remember the photos of her after she got her cheek implants? She looked completely different (and bad). The first few times I saw her, I thought she was Natalie Maines from The Dixie Chicks (or however she spells her name. I'm not a fan).

    In The Cut was literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And I've seen some really shitty movies. The Women sucked, too. The original kicked ass, though.

  34. It's super sad all around, but I can't help but hope that at least the sex was super good for Meg. Maybe at least ten good romps before reality set in? Cause I could easily believe that Crowe could really ring a girl's bell back in the day.

  35. I think I made it through 15 seconds of the remake of The Women. I've seen the original so many times I'm sure I can quote it.

  36. First guess gets it, as usual. You guys are too quick!

  37. Yep, she had all that plastic surgery WAY too young. She started it around 40 years old and you just can't do that! Melanie Griffith did the same thing.
    And I soooooo cosign with the blown up lip thing. Why does anyone think that looks good? It's awful!

  38. Hey Vicki, thanks so much. This is one of our rescue cats, Alice. We've had her for a couple of years and I still haven't heard her growl or hiss once. She also doubles as an alarm clock for us in the morning. Really a wonderful cat.

  39. @ Elizabeth - I get the Mellencamp thing! Yeah, he's old now, and yeah, I bet you can smell his ashtray aroma a mile away, but I saw him on a vh1 Behind the Music or some such show maybe five-ten years ago, and he had a pure sex vibe that was just oozing through the screen. I'd never thought it before, but after seeing that show I thought he was hot as hell.

  40. Awwww, love. She's so beautiful!

  41. Hahaha Halle, you're so right. She def went to the Catherine O'Hara doctors. That's my favorite part of that movie, when Parker Posey says "...Catherine?"

  42. @HalleGoLightly: about the lip injections - Frances Bean Cobain was pretty, but not that pretty. After she got lip injections: GORGEOUS.

    I don't support plastic surgery in general, but dang, she's a knockout since having that done. And the only example I can think of where someone looked better after having their lips done.

  43. So true, Halle. Ha ha ha.

    I do not get the appeal of Russell Crowe at all.

  44. I have made comments before about how I like Dennis Quaid and Meg was such a witch when I met them. Now I have softened a little towards Meg.

    Fast forward to present. Stephen King wrote a play, Mellenkamp and T-Bone Burnett did the music. I think Mellenkamp wrote the words and Burnett did the composition.

    I was an invited guest for opening night. Still gives me the chills! John's teenage sons were here, but I didn't see Meg's daughter. She didn't look her worst, but she did look great. They all sat right in front of us and were pleasant as can be.

    The play took years to get financed and was very dark, but I quite enjoyed it, going into it knowing that it was written by Steven King.

    Justin Guarini from AI, Season 1 was in it, minus his curls. We went to the after party and Meg and John held hands the entire night. They all posed for pics. She wasn't the witch I remembered, but she never cracked a smile. She drinks a lot, so does John, but they were pleasant enough. There just looks like there is a lot of sadness in those eyes. She looks like a miserable person. I used to hear stories about her mother and their bad relationship. I just wonder. Sorry, I am a total people watcher.

    T-Bone on the other hand was the life of the party! He is a really nice man, quirky dresser and a gifted mind - definitely someone to have drinks with.

    Also there (that I noticed), Charles Barkley, and Kim Fields. Her hubby was in the play and she looks better than she ever has!

  45. I must be the only person in the world that liked Kate and Leopold, lol

    1. Nope. I love the movie too. Watch it whenever it's on. Liev is actually likeable on the film.

    2. I liked it, too.

    3. I worked on that film - Hugh Jackman was a dream! ;)

  46. Cindy, I loved it - last movie of hers I loved...If Hugh Jackman IS gay and something happens to his wife, I'll beard for Yes, I love almost anything he does - kinda like the old days for

  47. I think Meg is looking better in the last few pictures I have seen of her also so maybe she has stopped the plastic surgery. Sorry to hear about this. As I mentioned in another post, I am relatively new to the site and I don't know a lot of these stories you guys do and I had no idea about Russell and Meg or about cheating Dennis. I feel very naive.

  48. I like a several Meg movies but my favorite is probably Joe Vs. the Volcano where she plays three roles. That movie has a lot of easily missed depth to it. I liked Kate and Leopold, it just wasn't a big hit. The one I can say I didn't like was when she played an alcoholic. She looked so beautiful in it but I didn't like her character at all.

  49. Straight out of DANGEROUS LIAISONS.....Malkovich & Pfeiffer.

  50. To be honest, I don't get the John Cougar Mellencamp thing.... For John Mellencamp.

    His former wife, Elaine, is like one of the hottest women on the planet, and they were together for 20 years with children.

    So apparently, Meg's got some game of her own.

  51. Why would her A listness go away just from this? I thought it was because her movies weren't making money. Isn't that the fastest way to lose your ranking?

    Her husband was cheating on her in early 1999 on the set of Any Given Sunday.

  52. Wow everyone got this one quickly. So sad that she messef with her face too. She would look so much better with having done that. And Russell was hot in the day for his voice alone but now that he's such a douche nozzle, not so much.

  53. The Arnold and Linda Hamilton..just for kicks.

  54. This one was too easy! I have a soft spot for Meg because she was in one of my favorite movies of all time When Harry Met Sally...! I just watched it in honor of Nora Ephron's birthday last week. Sigh.

  55. Elaine Mellencamp in that New Order "Round and Round" video with the closeups of all the hot models that year, oh my God she was a beautiful girl. I still see her in Brooks Brothers catalogues.

  56. I thought she had all that plastic surgery out of necessity after Crowe beat her up.

  57. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Elizabeth, I LOVE Joe vs. The Volcano! It's one of my favorite movies of all time!

  58. @Elizabeth and Texshan: "That outfit's wearing you, Felix."

  59. Just to bring something a little bit different in the mix: Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix?

    Her career stalled after the oscars (at least in my mind) and he was totally lost with this strange "docu".

  60. Aw, Frufra, I get the Mellencamp thing too I'm from Indiana, close to Seymour AND Bloomington. So I may have seen more than my share of interviews growing up. He is confident, articulate, macho yet artsy type. And extremely down-to-earth. It's very enticing to me.

    I saw him & Meg at an I.U. game, all they did was chatter the whole game. She was acting 'girly-enamored'.
    Mellencamp really, really likes blondes, huh?

  61. @Texshan and Vicki - Love the '39 original of The Women. Clare Booth Luce always fascinated me.

  62. Agree. Meg and that pig, Russell.
    It destroyed her marriage. I don't think she's entirely recovered since then.

  63. Funny my first thought was Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman, hence rumored affair, his bab etc, and Nic is in Enty's pics. Meg and Russell arent a blind people! it was front page tabloid news.

  64. Funny my first thought was Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman, hence rumored affair, his bab etc, and Nic is in Enty's pics. Meg and Russell arent a blind people! it was front page tabloid news.

  65. Even I got it, and I never get anything.

  66. Are you guys? It's Meg and Rus? what about Nicole and McGrgger from MR's

  67. Kidman and Cruise were done before Moulin Rouge.

  68. yeah, seems like an easy one. a have a friend that thinks russel crow is the sexiest thing ever to draw a breath. after the phone throwing incident i looked at him a little differently. at least meg seems happy now.

  69. i remember Crowe and Ryan dated together 2 years (1999-2001)

  70. I've enjoyed a few meg ryan movies but she's always been a one note hanna acting wise hasn't she? I meant she's good at the genre she does but she's always played the ingénue and its entirely possible that its a coincidence that being involved with Russell Crowe after this film, her career tanked.

    I saw thhe pictures from the link someone posted, she looks better than she has.

    WTF makes women in the public eye do things like that to their faces? cheek implants, lip fillers (I'm in my 50's btw and i still say EW!!!!!)

  71. Based on my limited interaction with him, i can confidently say that mr. crowe is a snotty aussie troll.

    1. Probably don't need to say "Aussie" as an insult.

  72. The news broke that Meg Ryan left DQ for Russell Crowe before the release of (insert movie name) came out. The movie flopped, and Meg Ryan was Out. It was definite, with a resounding thud. The overall plastic surgery was a huge nail in the coffin imo. Russell Crow sucks in everything, also imo.

  73. I remember after they broke up, Dennis Quaid said part of the reason they broke up is that he wanted more kids and she didn't. Then, she said she didn't want to have kids with a drug addict or something along those lines.

  74. Dennis can say that if he thinks that will make him look innocent but he was a total cheating dog. And his new wife has already said the exact same thing. He's bought off divorce for now but clearly cheating is his MO. Meg probably thought this was love and found out she'd been used. It is Dangerous Liaisons!

  75. The only problem I have with Meg Ryan is that it was pretty widely reported she dumped him, and even "broke his heart."

    Not that she would be above lying while "telling all" but that and how obvious it is, I wonder. Then again, I'm fairly certain that a lot of these blinds are widely improvised with a grain of truth by the time they get back to our source.

  76. NO! Kate, i haven't read all of the following comments, but i LOVED Kate and Leopold. My first 'contact' w/Hugh Jackman. And may they continue. Meg was adorable, but he's absolutely awesome! May he go about his business doing whatever he wants whenever he wants -- I'll always love him.

  77. Matt, if Meg "broke his heart", how would you describe how she felt for what, ten years?, as he cheated on her constantly?

    I think Dennis was suffering from Ryan Phillipe Syndrome. Meg was doing Sleepless in Seattle and Courage Under Fire while Dennis was doing Innerspace.

    But Dennis cheated then and is still cheating. It took balls for Dennis to cry wounded.

  78. Elizabeth, Meg and Dennis met on the set of Innerspace. The other movies you mentioned were done after they were married.

    Matt, Dennis Quaid was a manwhore long before Meg came along. He never changed his ways. He's on his third marriage already.

  79. "Based on my limited interaction with him, i can confidently say that mr. crowe is a snotty aussie troll."

    Slap down on you Kitty, Rusty was in fact, born in New Zealand.

  80. He was born here, yes, but he identifies as an Aussie which is what really counts. Plus, I'm from New Zealand, and the general consensus here is the Aussies can have him. We just want our credit for pavlova and Pineapple Lumps, not phone-throwing muppets.

  81. wow, what an asshole.

  82. This is one of the few easy ones! (Malkovich & Pfieffer kinda fit but she never lost her A status...even retains it now.) But Meg Ryan was America's sweetheart - her rep could not withstand the cheating scandal. Dennis Quaid played it smart, crying wounded.

    @Elizabeth, I agree with you about the terrible nasty comments about women & their "veiny" arms and hands. People get older - both men and women - and veins happen as the body loses fat and muscle. It's natural. Catherine DeNeuve famously said, "An aging woman must choose between the face and the body." Now, with fillers, women can prop up their faces while their bodies stay slim, but there are some things about aging you just cannot hide.

    And Meg Ryan does look a lot better now - she is clearly not having the lip injections any more and appears to be letting her face age more naturally.

    The root of the problem lies in the fact that actresses are considered old by the time they are 35. Of course they want to do something about it!
    Can you imagine if you were told you could no longer do your job at 35 (or be reduced to appearing in LIFETIME movies?)
