Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone has a great Mother's Day. Feel free to comment about your own mom or say something nice to her here if you like. I got my mom these huge chocolate covered strawberries. There were supposed to be 12, but I hope she doesn't think 9 is an odd number. Can't help it. Those three were really good. 8 is probably a better number. Excuse me while I go have another. They have swizzled chocolate whatever that means. I think that is just fancy talk for they couldn't make a straight line. Anyway, I hope your day is great!


  1. thank your mom for having such a good kid. happy mother's day to all the community here from colorado!!

  2. It's not Mother's Day in Sweden where my mom is, but she is an awesome lady and I love her very much!

  3. Making brunch for my mil and sent cards and called mama in NC. She's enjoying her Cap't D's right about now. Along with multiple mimosas no doubt.

  4. Happy mother's day to my mom in heaven!! And happy mothers day to all single hardworking moms!

  5. I skyped w/mom and sisters earlier, so I've sent my greetings. Now I get to spend the day on the beach with the short one, who made me an awesome breakfast.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the CDAN moms!

  6. I'd like to thank my mom for not ever trying to get me to suckle on her breast in a prom gown for an international magazine.
    That said, Happy Mother's Day CDAN moms!!!!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there!

    History Lesson Time: Anna Jarvis worked to make "Mother's Day" a holiday, but was disgusted with the commercialization of it.

    "A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy! You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment.
    —Anna Jarvis" (

    We live in a world where in most places, women are still seen as second-class citizens, not worthy to go to school, vote or live their lives freely. While we (as a global community) are slowly getting better, take a moment to reflect on your grandmother and great-grandmother - what rights do we have now that they did not? And now, as the conservative venom is swelling in the United States, what things will be taken away from us?

  8. I hope she thinks 9 is an odd number!

  9. @hamster party, totally feel the venom and profound misogyny verging on vitriol. Here's to celebrating this moment in time AND my Gramma, who was my mom in all ways that counted.

  10. oh yes, huge chocolate covered strawberries.. is there anything better? Happy Mother's Day!

  11. My sister and I do not have a very good relationship with our Mother. She is exactly like Tony Soprano's mother-with out the ties to the Mob.
    I would like to send a special thank you to my sister who lives in Jackson GA. She is 14 years older than me-but we are super close. Years ago, when I became a Mom for the first time, we had a conversation-one of many-about growing up with our Mom-one thing that we agreed on was that the cycle ended with us. That we would never treat our daughters the way we were treated. While we could not change the past, or change the way our mother treats us now-she is 73-we would change things for our daughters. I love you Sis. You are an awesome Mom and grandmother to your two beautiful grandkids.
    I am also blessed to have an awesome Mother in Law from Longview TX. She opened her heart, home and arms to me. Had been not only a mother figure to me, but raised my husband to be a loving, kind, hardworking man who has served his country for the past 21 years, and who is an awesome father too. I love her and am lucky as hell.
    Happy Mother's day everyone. I hope that every day is filled with laughter and love.

  12. happy mother's day to all you mommies!

    personally, i think it would be a lovely gesture of enty did a BI reveal in honor of mother's a big juicy one. just a thought.

  13. This was my first mother's day for children I didn't give birth to. So I want to say happy mother's day to all the mothers, stepmothers, foster mothers, other mothers, second mothers, girlfriends that go the extra mile, and everyone else that does the job of trying to fill the world with good people.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. My mother is 3,000 miles away and has moderate stage dementia. I am grateful that she lives near my brother and that she still recognizes us both on the phone and in person. I realize that will not always be so. At least she is still able to laugh. Happy Mother's Day!

  16. I had a wonderful Mother's Day - spent in the glorious Seattle weather, where my sis and I walked the dogs along the canal by Google and watched all the boaters.

    My daughter is on storm tossed seas near the equator heading for Samoa right now, but she gave me a call and we had a really nice conversation. She sent a fruit bouquet to my work on Friday, and some coffees, jams and macadamia butters from Hawaii.

    In remembrance of my mom:

    Do not stand at my grave and weep;
    I am not there, I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful people!

  17. Happy Mother's Day all! My Mom is the most amazing and kind person I know, it's an honor to be her daughter.

    (speaking of kind people - just FYI, Gary Sinise is being featured on "60 Minutes" right now; see the 4/27 Kindness blind).

  18. @MadLyb, that is I believe what people mean when they refer to something as 'devastatingly beautiful.'

  19. Spent the days with all my kids, my baby boy and two steps, I live them all and wouldn't change it for anything. I don't currently talk to my mother because she tried to kidnap my child but that's for another post.

    Happy mother's day ladies. I can honestly say my family is the most beautiful thing I've ever created.

  20. my daughter did not call, but I spent a few hours making her favorite potato salad for dinner..she gave me a card she didn't sign and then told me what a great time she had at brunch with a friend. I'm so hurt.

    1. Oh sweetie. So sorry to hear about your daughter not even signing the card.

  21. I couldn't be with my mom today because my little guy is sick and I didn't want to expose my dad, who just had surgery.

    My mom wanted nothing more in life than to have a big family that she could love and could love her. She came from a very broken family and grew up unwanted by both parents. She had four kids, two of whom I consider extremely selfish. I hope that I can make up for some of the hurt and anguish that they have caused her because I love her so much and just wish she could finally have some happiness.

    My mom is a great mother and a great friend.

  22. I miss my mom tremendously--she passed away in 1999. I even miss that manipulative mother energy. In fact, I miss THAT most of all! I hope everyone appreciates their mothers, even when they're at their most aggravating. One day you'll wish you could her her nagging again. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

  23. My kids decided it was too vague to wish a happy mothers day so they had a cake made up that said Happy Susan Day and proceeded to wish every mom they met or talked to today a "Happy Sue Day" . That's how I know how much I mean to them. I love my kids.

  24. So sorry to you all who didn't see your mom for whatever reason. I didn't see my mom but did talk to her several times as I do everyday.

    I had the best Mother's Day. Yesterday I had a birthday party for my 6 yr old daughter at my house. Then I cooked a supper for 10. I was pooped!

    Today, I slept in, relaxed, watched Nurse Jackie and the Survivor Finale. I got the best cards from my kids and husband that brought tears to my eyes.

    And, my husband did the laundry. AMEN.

    Happy Mother's Day to all.

  25. My mom is 13 hours away, so I only got to spend some time with her by phone. She was in a very good mood & talking about her Mother's Day dinner plans with my dad.

    I got a card from my dogs and cat. My husband thinks he is clever and hilarious. ;)

    Happy Mothers Day to all you CDAN mamas!

  26. @MadLyb I really liked the poem you had.

    My mother is on hospice right now. She's 57 and I'm 27 and I am really sad this mother's day. She has ovarian cancer and I am really trying to spend as much time with her as possible while I still have the chance. Your poem brings a lot of comfort.

    I am really lucky to have such a sweet and loving mom. I hope to be like her to my future children.

    I hope all of you who are mothers or have mothers had a great day with your families and friends.

  27. @abby, I think you must be a wonderful daughter and you will be a terrific mother. Take care of yourself.

  28. @Abby prayers to you and your mom Ovarian cancer sucks God bless you both

  29. @Abby prayers to you and your mom Ovarian cancer sucks God bless you both

  30. @ abby: Blessings to you and your Mom in your struggles together. Hope she doesn’t suffer.
    And to my long-departed Mom. You gave me the strength to get to where I am now, thank you for that.
    And to all Moms......big hugs at ya.

  31. I don't know how my name will come up here .. Maybe another 'unknown' .. But happy mother's day to all you fine ladies, and the other fine ladies in your lives. And to the fellas - you too. I've been reading you guys (enty and commenters) a couple months and you seem really nice. Nice in the not the 'boring and bland' sense. Delurking ;o)

    I love my Mum and she loves me, we talk daily and spend a lot of time. We all cooked bits and gathered and had a great day together. My son got me the greatest gifts - mainly a schmacker kiss and an 'love you, you're beautiful' commentary, a $5 scarf I'd intentionally eyed off and am wearing now, and a first-aid kit mother's day craft from Cubs. That sounds fairly dewy, and to be fair he spends a large portion of his time being a right sod, but those parts were good.

    @Moosefan and @Discoflux - you're right, the sentiment extends to all that assume the role. Thoughts are with you, @Abby, that is just so sad. @Redronnie, I hope it gets better. A lot of people kids go through shitty phases and come good? Hope that's for you.

    Nice to greet .. Wonder what my name will be .. Dun dun dun ..

  32. Oh, okay, I came up as Alita. Good. Most interweb things work really badly with a blackberry :o)
