Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jason Trawick & Britney Spears Are Trying Too Hard

I get it. Jason Trawick and Britney Spears wants us to think they are in love. Let me ask you a question. You and your significant other see each other every morning before work and then you go to work together and then you come home and spend the evenings and nights together. Do you think at that point you would have the time to at least exchange a few words? Do you think you would have to find the time to make a video expressing how much you love the other person? You might. But, then would you share that video with the world? No. So, why does Jason do that to Britney? Because they want the world to think they have this boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and are madly in love and do all kinds of romantic things for each other.

Oh, oh, oh. And what is this about congratulating her for making it through one day of judging. We are not talking about climbing Everest. we are talking about sitting in a chair and stringing four or five words together after someone performs.


  1. Enty used to be a huge healthy Brit supporter and fan I thought. Yes or am I mistaken?

  2. Yeah, it's a little weird, but I think he really loves her. People do weird shit!

    Have you not seen John Travolta proclaiming in a video what a GREAT (insert eye roll) mother Kelly Preston is?

    It's like dude, you're gay and she's vile.

    I'll take Jason/Britney any day!

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This guy is even more unappealing in this video than in the still shots I've seen of him. Surely Britney can do better? It's not his looks especially, he's just ... I don't know. My ickdar is pinging like mad.

  4. He sounds so sincere.

    Yes, sarcasm.

  5. He looks like he's about a second and a half from falling into deep sleep. He can barely keep his eyes open. These two must be real exciting to be around.

  6. That video was as convincing as Jason really loves crazy Brittany.

  7. god bless their hearts for trying to make it seem everything is real.

  8. Jason doesn't love crazy Britney, Jason loves strong Britney!

    1. This made me laugh so hard! I can picture her in that interview, (points to self), "strong Britney!"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Maybe Enty is concerned that Britney is trapped in a loveless marriage with a controlling man. It seems he's mostly ragging on Jason, not Britney. On another Britney related topic.... did y'all know that Dido cowrote "not a girl, not yet a woman?" that blew my mind. I just found that out...sorry for the non-sequitur. ;)

  11. He looks crafty to me. Just doesn't seem right.

  12. Britney is so fragile and her needs so odd that I tend to think he did this for her, because he thought it would please her. That seems to be his MO.

    Also, I don't get why people think he's "creepy." He's a nice looking guy IMO, he's only 10 years older than her, and he was her agent for years. Unlike so many people in Brit's life, he seems to have consistently been there for her.

  13. Based on the time of night and his request for her to rejoin him so they can get back to sleep, she must have been somewhere in the same hotel suite, so it doesn't make much sense unless it was contrived to show his support for her in the face of all the talk about her walking off the X Factor set before talent auditions were finished.

    I think it dovetails with the expectation that Britney is a wild card subject to sudden bouts of erratic behavior, and is evidence that the episode was indeed a publicity stunt.

  14. "Dude, you're gay and she's vile." Somewhere in the world, an army of dragqueens is perishing from jealousy over the brilliance of that line, strawberrygirl.

  15. Didn't she learn her lesson with Federline videos?

  16. Nellie, Enty seems to go out of his way to make fun of people that he described as friends or acquaintances in the past; I think it's all part of hiding his secret identity. :)

  17. Enty is wrong. For Britney to make it through a day in public without freaking out completely is, for her, the equivalent of climbing Everest.

  18. I think that for someone who has CLEARLY has such a hard time pulling things together over the past several years this is an accomplishment. It's not about the money or the actual job.It's about being able to show up and be ok afterwards.

    We can all guess what's going on with ALL of the celebs that are featured on these sites - so no - we don't know how real this is - but either way, it's a kind affirmation and nothing more.
