Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jennie Garth Has A New Boyfriend

It did not take Jennie Garth very long to move on from Peter Facinelli. Antonio Ballatore was an unknown guy until he won Design Star on HGTV. Now he is the new boyfriend of Jennie. This is a totally different kind of guy for Jennie. When you think about Peter Facinelli and then you look at Antonio Ballatore they are not the same type at all. Apparently the two have been going out to dinner together several times a week. To me that is moving pretty quickly. Antonio should be warned though that he is the rebound guy and things never work out with the rebound guy. Well, sometimes they do, but this seems so fast for her that I can't see anything working out.


  1. I don't get it, her tastes are either all over the place or she's a beard, seriously she can do better in the looks department.

  2. she had looks with Peter for 15 years. Maybe she wants something a little more mature and better personality.

  3. It's all about saving face

  4. Didn't realize that having dinner with someone a few times meant you were in a "relationship."

  5. My rebound guy and I have been married for 8 years. I met him only 2 months after my ex split.
    I wish her happiness.

  6. I like his looks. But then, pretty boys who look more groomed than the average woman (e.g., Peter Facinelli) don't do it for me at all.

  7. He appears to be a very likeable, no bullshit guy even though he's a designer. Maybe she wants to be the pretty one in the relationship again.

  8. Like Reno, I've been married to my rebound for 15 years now. He was so drastically different from my ex that I knew I had found my mate.

    IF this think with Antonio is actually a relationship, then more power to them.

  9. I thought that was Adam Duritz at first.

  10. Peter is very unattractive to me. I'd rather date this guy, if it were up to looks alone. But - I thought she was all heartbroken and whatnot?

    I know a girl, Amy, who was on Design Star. She didn't win.

  11. I never understood women who cannot be without a man, even for the shortest periods of time. to me, that reeks of insecurity. not him, he is probably a fine person, but her needing to fill in the hole so quickly.

  12. Hey, it's all about fulfillment of needs. I can imagine this guy might do a really good job of giving her lots of appreciation, which was probably conspicuously absent from her previous relationship.

  13. I loved him on the HGTV design show he won. I had actually had a conversation about him recently, we wondered where he was since he won that show a couple summers back. Both my husband and I were each other's rebound and we are still going strong after 16 years of marriage! Yay, us. Plus, Antonio's look was different then compared to this photo. While he appeared on HDTV he looked just my husband, (hence the conversation with someone wondering where he was after his victorious decorating win), very yummy!

  14. Good for Jennie. I hope this guy makes her happy and helps her get over her idiot husband cheating on her. He looks like he'd be grateful to be with her and treat her well -- and isn't that what all of us women (and men) want? Looks like Kelly Taylor has grown up and realized it's not all about looks.

  15. My coworkers who have met Antonio have nothing but great things to say about him.

    And like RenoBlondee and Lisa, I've been with my rebound guy 15 years, 12 of them married. :)

  16. I love Antonio! He's a really sweet guy, and I've wondered if he had someone in his life before--he never seems to mention it on his show or online. He just published a design book--he did 2 seasons of a show on HGTV--I'm not sure if he is doing another one. I follow him on twitter and I haven't seen him post anything.

    I don't know much about her but he seems like a nice, down to earth person--he seems very grounded and when he has had people with kids on his show he seems to really relate to the children so that would be a good sign since she has a family.

  17. Damn! That was fast!

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  19. I married the rebound guy too. BEST thing I ever did. Let's hear it for the rebound guys! For being brave enough to take a chance ;>

  20. My husband and I were the first serious dates for each other after our respective divorces. We've been married 24 years, I love him more each day, the one is the ONE.

  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    He was one of the judges on the White Room Challenge last night on HGTV. I actually quite like a lot of his designs -- they aren't necessarily what I would do in my house all of the time, but I appreciate his creativity.

    I don't understand these people who can't be alone for two minutes, either. It just smacks of insecurity to me.

    If I remember correctly, her first husband wasn't particularly attractive.

  22. This guy has a very pleasant face. I wish the best for her - she deserves it after pretty much being publicly humiliated (though Fancelli actually humiliated himself).

  23. But haven't Jennie and her husband been split for a long time now, but only just went public with it? If that is the case, this guy isn't a rebound guy.

  24. Under the big skyy, I am so glad I read your comments first. This pic is God awful! I hate full beards on men. Hopefully his chest and back aren't as hairy...ewwww

    However, back on point, he looks like he is quite handsome under all that hair and those glasses.

    Her first hubby wasn't ugly to me, just looked like her brother, complete w/long hair. Peter was the pretty boy type, and this guy looks like he has sleeves, wow - I agree w/all that she doesn't have a type when it comes to looks...

  25. Maybe she was seeing him before she and Peter split?

  26. I wish her the best! He looks like he has a very sweet Soul. :)

  27. I think he's sort of cute.

  28. I do too! Andrea! He's nice looking, not just physical but character wise.

    I also am with people who say you can't really find love until you learn to love being by yourself, ie without a SO. Otherwise you're looking for someone else to fill your life.

  29. This guy is a step up from Peter, IMO. I'm not a big fan of beards, but this guy is still sexy.

    Peter is too much of a pretty boy for my taste.

  30. Add me to the list of married to "rebound" guy. We helped each other get over the hurt of the last one and it made us great friends and even better partners. Together 15, married almost 9. And I love him more every day.

  31. I have a feeling that Jenny is very much in need of a man who is going to build her up, not tear her down. Every woman needs that.

  32. Good. No more "I'm Struggling Through My Divorce" articles in kneepads.

  33. My stepmother always said don't marry anyone better looking than you. My vibe on this guy is laid-back. good for her.

  34. He looks like a pleasantly normal kind of guy, I wish her the best. My hubby is a rebound too and we've been together 22 years now.

  35. This is a much better picture of him...he actually is cute...

  36. And add another one in for good measure...

  37. He looks like a diamond in the rough and I bet he is sweet as can be and great in the sack.. in short, a keeper .. so go Jenny! Hope it works out

  38. Man give the woman a break! She can have a few dinners, including some laughs and fun, it doesn't mean she isn't hurting. Personally I think Antonio would be a great catch. He is artistic with an edge and loves his dog! Seems loyal to his friends, and doesn't take himself too seriously. Thankfully woman have always had the ability to look past "just looks" and are able to enjoy the company of a man for himself. I think he's pretty good looking anyway.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Musesx9, thanks for posting the link for better pics of Antonio. Jeez, Enty, couldn't find a better picture of him to post than this one!

    Peter Facinelli, comes off to me like he's completely LAME/Douche Nozzel, so good for you Jennie. Antonio seems more manly to me.

  41. OO, he's kind of a hottie in that picture musesx9 posted.
    Good for her, she's broken in that stupid show of hers. I mean, she's with Peter for 17 years, 3 kids... slap in the face she was not expecting. Even if they're just friends, I wish her the best, she's a lovely woman. That show of hers though.. not the realest of reality, kind of predictable and poorly scripted. But a check is a check I guess.

  42. I do not find Peter Facinelli the least bit good looking. One of the worst noses in Hollywood.

  43. Antonio is hotter than hell, I've been a fan for a long time. I'm not 100 percent certain I buy this story, but if they are together, I wish them much happiness. Not only is Facinelli a douche, he's the opposite of sexy.

  44. Seriously? Ugh. I couldn't stand him, and hated his designs.

  45. But she is rather country, so maybe they're a good fit.

  46. I love guys with dark hair, facial hair and glasses. I usually dont like really skinny guys either. He looks like he's just my type!

  47. He looks like a buggerer to me.

  48. I loved Antonio on Design Star, have the biggest crush. Hope they are both happy.

  49. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Cosign Califblondy!!!

  50. @chopchop: Adam Duritz wishes he looked that good! (Seriously, I've never understood how that particular guy could get some of the women he did, because he's just NOT attractive, and he seems rather full of himself to boot.) We obviously don't know what the story is here, but it sounds as if he's a good guy, and if he's treating her well and they enjoy each other's company, that's the important part.

  51. My rebound has turned out to be my best friend, and I think having a relatinoship would hurt our friendship...that being said, I love him and would marry him in a heartbeat :)

  52. Antonio is one of my fav designers on hgtv! He is very down to earth and a sweetie!

  53. Danielle.Totally right about the nose. Ugh, not workng for me.
    However the other pics of Antonio make him look like a total bad boy. Me likey!

  54. I love Antonio! Totally my type - tall, meaty, looks like he could strong arm you in the sack but that smile says he would want to cuddle after.

  55. He's hot. Way cuter than her ex..

    And who knows how long J and P have really been split? It doesn't seem like they just broke up. Peter was trying to divorce Jenny for a while apparently. Who knows how long it's been since they lived in the same home and beyond that how long it's been since they had sex?! Good for J! I would jump off to that tv guy too

  56. Not sure there's any truth to this story, but it beats being with a cheater. Peter might have been good-looking, but certain character defects cancel out any good looks.

  57. Anonymous11:12 PM

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  58. super honestly. His eyes look kinda sad. In that way that Adam Duritz has. Probably overindulges, is open to anything, low self esteem.... he's perfect for a rebound, actually.

  59. so her kids get to see mom boo-hooing all over the media about ther dad walking out, AND get to know that mom has moved right along herself. 2 weeks ago she was saying she hadn't given up on peter. now this? the crying therapy session that was filmed kind of put her public whimpering over the top for me.

  60. Oh, do shut up Enty. He looks like a very nice, *real* guy - unlike that wanna-be pretty boy Facinatesmysefilli.

    I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a douchecanoe - I think they make a cute couple.

  61. He looks kind of unattractive to me on the Design Stars clips I watched (eg the one where he goes to redo Kathy Griffins home office). However, he actually looks *hot* in the promos for his new show. It's amazing what a little beard trimming and clothes styling can do for a person!

  62. Yay - I hope this is true.

    I love him. Antonio is cool and has awesome taste. And he has a bulldog! Just right for Jennie - so much better than her ex.

  63. That's a bad picture of him. I think he's hot, but then I'm a beard girl. It does seem soon, but we don't really know the timetable of when they actually separated.
