Wednesday, May 23, 2012

John Travolta & Kelly Preston Getting Divorced

The cover of the National Enquirer this week is full of Scientology goodness. It is falling apart before their eyes with two of their biggest celebrities full of scandal and/or hate for the church. I imagine there are secret meetings going right now with Tom Cruise and Leah Remini and Kelly Preston and Jada Pinkett Smith on speakerphone and hidden in the dark. Hey, in my mind she treats every scene in real life like a movie. They can see their church falling apart. If any of these people go public they will get national television time and lots of it and the whole church will implode. Maybe it will even get Nicole Kidman to speak. Oh how I want her to speak. Do you know that I would post a new photo of her everyday and tell her how hot she is and never mention the whole fake first pregnancy thing again if she did.

Anyway, The Enquirer says Lisa Marie Presley is for sure leaving the church and that John Travolta is a cross-dresser which I wrote in a blind years and years ago. Oh, and they also say that John and Kelly are getting a divorce. Not sure about this one. It isn't like they do a lot in public together anyway, but Kelly is not leaving the church so unless one of them plans on never seeing the kids again that isn't going to happen. Of course are we really sure that new baby is John's baby?


  1. That baby could be the result of his sperm and her egg, but in no way did she carry that baby.

    If only Beyonce were $cientologist, her pillow baby would have been a helluva lot more believable.

  2. He's no Pretty Woman .

  3. As much as I loathe $cientology and applaud its downfall (oh please let that happen), I can't help but feel sorry for John. There's just something about him that I like.

    ...then again, maybe he has to go through this to finally get to live a life that's true to himself. Imagine how free he'd feel being out?

    Hey, if the former Soviet Union can suddenly fall (those of us who remember didn't think that would happen, did we?) then even the mighty church of L. Ron can too.

    ...waiting for the $cientology apologists to appear now in 3...2...1...

  4. @ her age, it is very very rare to have your own baby and it not be an egg donor. 46 and twins is when you have to ask yourself - really - of course this was the info I received from a fertility doctor at the end of 2009. I am sure things have improved since then...

  5. I'll be pleased if the whole fake pregnancy crap ends. I applaud those who own up to using a surrogate.

    I would enjoy every moment of CoS downfall. It's about time.

  6. I just hope Lisa Marie, John Travolta, KatieBot, and the nameless civilians suckered into billion-year contracts get out alive.

  7. Wow, cross dressing! That's a new twist I didn't know about. Doesn't really change much but interesting nonetheless. Can't wait to see how this whole CoS thing turns out.

  8. I'm with you 1,000%, @ figgy!

    F*ck scientology!

  9. John Travolta in a dress would look like Ke$ha!

  10. You would think with all the money and with all the back up(CoS) that he and Kelly would have keep their stuff/secrets locked up tighter than the gold at Fort Knox. I can see them being friends-best friends even, but after "he" released the Mothers Day video "tribute"....Yeah. I just don't see this ending well.

  11. Can someone please explain to me how the Scientology Church would prevent John from seeing his kids? That seems absurd to me.

    If it is because KP would launch crazy allegations at him supported by evidence provided by the Church, then he should just go nuclear and tell all for the sake of seeing his kids.

    And, by the way, he's John Travolta for crying out loud. He should throw some of his brand power behind his case. If he came clean, he would get a lot of sympathy and his career might even see an uptick.

  12. Why doesn't anyone talk about the fact that Kelly has a son with her prior husband who is 25 and has down syndrome? He lives with her parents in Hawaii. She's a vile human being who doesn't deserve kids the way she writes them off because they're not born to her standards.

    Check out her Wikipedia page, it says she has a son.

    John being a Kinsey six gay is nothing.

  13. @snowstorm
    Andrea Barbeau (sp) had twins naturally at 52. It's rare, but it happens. After all I've seen and heard about fertility, I'm doubting the doctors more and more. It seems they just don't know and make guesses.

    I question Kelly's pregnancy because it was so convenient after Jet's death.

  14. It's $cieno policy that if someone leaves the cult, their family still in the cult aren't allowed to ever have contact with them again. It's not her; it's $cientology.

    He can't throw his "brand" behind anything, because of $cientology. He would be branded an OP - Oppressive Person - and all his $cieno friends and family would shun him.

    That is if the SeaOrg doesn't help him commit suicide.

  15. Lisa Marie had quit a while ago, I'm sure they're not making it easy for the thought.
    Kelly & John have so many secrets to hide...
    Tom & Katie are supposed to be separated ....interesting times we live in

  16. @strawberrygirl, I believe you are correct. I do remember hearing about the "other" son that she denies having. A woman who has a downs child while young - 25 years ago - really doesn't have good odds having a normal child at her current age. Make one wonder, doesn't it?

  17. Thanks, Vicki. But surely he could get a court order for custody if seeing his kids was important to him? That would overrule any Scientology "decree"?

  18. I'm popping my popcorn and sitting on the edge of my seat for this show. Fuck Scientology.

  19. Henriette, I know it can happen, but normally it is a case of egg donors. By the time I find Mr. Right, I might need some help. I went early and the doctor laughed and gave me worst case scenarios...

    If Kelly DOES have a son in HI - first I ever heard of this - and w/Jett having autism, gives more credence that it truly was an egg donor - though there were so many stories that it was a fake belly.

  20. I don't get it- if he gets divorced it's not in the court of Co$ ? Can't non Co$ attorneys blast the lid of this crap in divorce court?

  21. Enty is on a BI reveal roll today, LOOVE IT!

  22. Wife, you have no idea to what lengths they'll go. Read up on them; you'll be horrified.

  23. If they can infiltrate the US government, what's a little divorce proceeding?

  24. Custody or court-ordered visitation, I mean.

    Although I guess the older one could be brainwashed by KP and the Church, and say she doesn't want to see him.

  25. @Vicki, yeah I will. I know there have been a lot of exposes and such.

  26. Scientology only has power over your life if you let it.

  27. John Travolta is gay?

  28. That baby is def John's looks just like him.
    That cross-dressing pic just looks like a halloween costume picture taken in the 90's to me.

  29. Fawn, it's not so easy. The "church" uses a lot of brainwashing, if you live on their compounds there is a ton of security so you can't leave, they record all auditing sessions where you spill secrets so they can blackmail celebs into staying.

    You have to pay to move up and learn about your "faith". In their sea org, members sign contracts for 1 billion years, are separated from spouses for months, forced to get abortions. They get like $50/week, so if they leave they have no means to support themselves and are cut off from the people they know in the church.

    Oh, and they also use physical abuse.

  30. I thought Leah Remini left Scientology too.

  31. Also, they will follow, threaten and stalk anyone that find reporting negatively or protesting their cult.

    There are a lot articles and documentaries on it. A lot of other countries do not recognize it as a church.

  32. Rose, don't forget blatant murder.

    It's outright banned in Germany.

    When I said OP -oppressive person-, I mean SP -suppressive person

  33. OT,

    SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me how to stop the flashing ads on the right. They are killing what's left of my eyesight.

  34. @Agent, download & install Adblock Plus to your browser.

  35. Angel, thank you. You have lived up to your name. I swear it's like a flashback to the 60's when they pop up like that.

  36. lol :) Fortunately I haven't had the pleasure of seeing them. I think you're going to start enjoying the internet a lot more.

  37. @figgy - OT, but it was crazy when the USSR fell and the wall in Germany came down. I remember watching tv coverage and being simply agog. And now I've had to explain it all to my teenage history student. Weird and wild stuff!

  38. I was reading some of the older AGC blinds and saw the one about Kelly Ps other child, wonder if John really is so naive and dumb or just doesnt give a fuck as long as someone is still getting down on his johnson. Where does ella fit into all this?

  39. OT,

    Mikey, how is your doggie?

  40. I think I will buy the enquirer just to see the pics, hilarious:)

  41. Saw a documentary on Scientology years ago, someone tried to infiltrate; crazy stuff happened. While he was undercover they showed what kind of crazy shit went down, and it was INSANE. Complete brainwashing, giving up your whole life, revealing every personal detail. Was said they do this so they can blackmail you when you try to get out, they know EVERYTHING about you; what you know, think and believe in.
    When the guy left he was threatened by several members and followed around. When he exposed himself as an undercover journalist they started to play nice and denied everything they had done. Then they threatened him anonymously and still followed him. Creepy.
    No idea if he ever got rid of the creeps, documentary ended and never looked up what the journalist is doing now. (Also can't remember the name of the documentary/journalist, but if someone finds/knows it; please post)
    Think everyone should see this.

    Seriously, Scientology is worse than Charles Manson. They say he brainwashed people, but at least he didn't threaten people when they tried to leave. I once heard Manson actually got most of his manipulation-ideas from Scientology, which doesn't surprise me at all.


  42. @anita_mark, no word from the vet yet about his test results. He had a good night, ate a little, and a short walk. He's back in the office today. Good thing my boss fell in love with him!

    Thanks for asking! I'll keep you posted.

  43. Mikey, what's wrong with your puppy? :(

  44. You're right, Vicki. I forgot about Lisa McPherson, it wouldn't surprise me if there were others.

    They also accuse every single person who leaves of lying about every single thing they say about the church. A lot of the higher up people who have run it have left in the last ten years, and have spilled the secrets.

    The real documents of their cult saying they believe in xenu are on the internet but they deny they believe in it. The lower level people deny it, only because they don't get to know about it until they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    It is some scary ass shit.

  45. Charles Manson went to a few Scientology meetings, DECIDED IT WAS TOO CRAZY FOR HIM, and left. That should tell you everything you need to know about Scientology. I wouldn't be surprised if CM did get his manipulation techniques from them, though.

    1. You know they are seriously fucked in the head when a serial killer won't even join because he thinks they are crazy!

      I feel sorry for anyone that feels like they need circle of friends or support from a group that openly shuns others who do not share their beliefs, sadly this is very common in many religious organizations around the world.

      Jehovah's Witnesses, Morman's and the Amish employ similar tactics to keep the sheep in line.

  46. @Shit.. is this it ?

    reporter Ali Braund

  47. Check out this BI:

    Kelly's wiki does mention her older son, but I still think this must be about her.

  48. @Vicki Cupper, my puppy is 11. Was a 10 lb yorkie-poo, now he's 7 lbs. He started bleeding rectally - no other symptoms. Vet had me giving him meds when it first started, special food, etc., but he's getting skinnier and the bleeding is less, but still happening.

    He's the dog I bought my daughter when she had her head injury and couldn't do anything but sit and watch tv/play board games. He was the perfect little companion. She's in her 3rd year of nursing school now.

  49. I wonder about that baby too. It could happen, but it's rare, like someone mentioned. I just hope Ella and the new guy can be happy and well adjusted.

  50. Oh @Mikey, I have tears in my eyes reading about your puppy. Dogs have AMAZING healing abilities for us humans, SO glad to hear that he helped your daughter to heal. :-) Now let's hope the little guy's internal issues clear up soon. I <3 yorkie-poos.

  51. Since when is the Enquirer considered reliable??
    Just because you are drooling over a story, it doesn't make it any more true. I'm still waiting for Elvis to show up at Burger King!

  52. see

    Biography for
    Kevin Gage

    Kelly Preston (1986 - 1988) (divorced) 1 child
    Kevin and his ex-wife, Kelly Preston, have a son.

    Serving 41 months for cultivating marijuana. [2003]

  53. Mikey, I'm so sorry about your poor baby. I hope he gets well soon!

  54. Steppy, two words:

    John Edwards.

    David Miscavige is gonna be pissed you got out of your cell.

  55. @Mikey Sending positive thoughts to you and your puppy!

  56. Vicki, you're en fuego today!

  57. seaward, I know CM and scientology is not a laughing matter, but you made me laugh hard.

  58. The UK covers Scientology far more than the US. This was a HUGE story of a very public Xenu figure, Debbie Cook. She testified in February of the Scientology abuse. They quickly settled with her because the testimony was only going to get worse.

    I saw very little US coverage on this.

  59. -@ Steppy

    Add to Vicki's comment:

    Gary Hart/ Donna Rice

  60. The baby looks just like John but I dont believe for a minute that she carried him.
    She said she had a symptom free comfortable pregnancy, and I believe her.

  61. @Elizabeth. Village Voice does a great job of coverage but it's not exactly mainstream.Fascinating read re Debbie Cook.

  62. Geez, I can't even believe I am doing this, (I am in no way defending anyone or anything), I just think it's nice to let people in on the truth, instead of letting media created stories run amuck.
    1st - Charles Manson is not a serial killer. He may be a lunatic, but he never killed anyone.
    2nd - Mason studied scientology for quite some time, in fact, he declared it as his religion upon entering prison. Manson decided that he had gone as far as he could with the religion and left.

    I know the truth isn't always that exciting, but it's good to know.

  63. First, I don't think the Travolta's new son looks ANYTHING like John, and 2nd, Adrienne Boob-oh! had fertility treatments at 52 to have twins- she may have even had the eggs implanted from another woman. can't remember- and to those of you who think it's crazy that the sci cult can keep members from their children after leaving the "church"- do some research. They're hideous people who truly believe they're better than everyone else, and it's their mission to keep you from true believers.

  64. @Rose Unfortunately, I know all about scientology. Some of what you say is only vaguely true, but sea org is really only a small part of the church.

    If you laugh at them, they can't control your life. They only have the power you GIVE them.


    Just like any other church.

  65. Oh, Steppy. You really are a delight. Sorry, but today I'm gonna go with the "media created stories" over the propaganda you paid $10,000 to hear.

  66. I hate to step in this, I really do, but I gotta say - defending Manson? That's a new low.

  67. I am not defending manson, just saying he didn't kill anyone. That's not propaganda, that factual.
    Like I said, he may be a maniac, but he never killed anyone.

  68. ^SERIOUSLY! Thank you, Frufra. Jesus. Steppy, you're all kinds of crazy if you don't consider Charles Manson a mass murderer just because he didn't pull the trigger.

  69. I guess he got life just for the heinous tattoo on his head then?

  70. From steppy "Manson decided that he had gone as far as he could with the religion and left".

    C.M. had an E-Meter at the Spahn Ranch where his "family" stayed.Guess after the murders he went as far as he could go with Co$.

  71. Omg. I remember the cross dressing blind!! I think THAT'S when my CDAN addiction kicked in!!!

  72. must have The Enquirer confused with Weekly World News. Seriously.

    Cosign the John Edwards, etc., examples of Enquirer's truthfulness.

    Coincidentally, there's a blip in last week's about Isabella Cruise and her "fiancee", and they included photos from her adoption. Photos that The Enquirer released first, before any other news outlet, and before they had even confirmed the adoption.

    So get your glossies straight, please. :)

  73. wow, this thread...!

  74. @figgy cosign
    the only good thing about the john travolta issue here is that the Co$hit implodes *cross fingers*
    if travolta cross dresses or not, frankly, I dont give a damn, its totally inocuous.

  75. Anyone who doesn't think Scientology could do ANYTHING they want to you doesn't know much about this cult. They are quite...resourceful. They know exactly how to TAKE your power away from you.

    I have to chime in here. Charles Manson didn't kill anyone? Okay, so neither did Hitler. That doesn't change the fact that both are cold-blooded mass-murderers of the worst kind. They're cowards, who welded their influence to get others to commit their crimes for them, and destroyed countless lives in the process.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. John Travolta should stick to his leather and pornstache look. He looks ridiculous in a dress. Then again, so do I, LOL.

  78. Steppy, try avoiding a COS article for once, you make yourself wayyyyyy too obvious, but saying Manson isn't a serial killer? You DO know about the other KNOWN deaths via his cult, right?!? Or, do you just make it a habit to defend all cults/clans?!?

  79. Just the other day, we had to explain to our very bright thirteen year old why a Hitler joke was an inappropriate part of his report on Austria. The level of evil there is indefensible, and certainly not joke material (and we think everything is joke material). While Manson isn't responsible for the millions of deaths that Hitler has on his head, his brand of evil is right up there.

    I'm not saying anyone's joking around about Manson's actions, but I feel he's in the same category as Hitler - evil beyond reason and completely inexcusable. Period.

    *I will give a Hitler humor pass to Mel Brooks for The Producers.*

  80. Oh geez people, relax. I wasn't defending scientology or manson. All I said was manson didn't kill anyone. He was convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to death. That was commuted to life in prison.
    I've never really been a big fan of travolta, but I feel bad for the guy. As a parent, I cannot imagine the pain and grief of losing a child.
    Maybe I do have the enquirer mixed up with weekly news. Either way, enquirer is not generally know for journalistic integrity and I would take whatever they print with a grain of salt.
    It's hard to know which news outlets to trust these days. Look what happened with the trayvon murder, the story that came out first is proven not to be entirely accurate. Sometimes you have to wait and let justice run it's course.

  81. @steppy
    People died because Manson wanted to start a revolution and even though he himself did not physically participate in the murders he was fully responsible for multiple murders so yes he is a serial killer.

  82. @Frufra 'Springtime for Hitler' gets me every time, as does anything from Blazing Saddles.

    1. Worst song to get in your head if the people around you haven't seen The Producers.

  83. It took Steppy a long time to show up here today, but it was worth the wait to learn from him/her that Charles Manson "went as far as he could with $cientology then left." That's quite a tribute.

    And agreeing with others who've said that the Enquirer is actually acknowledged to have *quite* the team of crack reporters who do get the stories, and get 'em right.

  84. Wow, this is quite the thread...

  85. I read somewhere, maybe even here that John was all set to come out when kelly suddenly got pregnant to keep john from leaving/coming out but in all actuality she wasn't really pregnant at all it was a surrogate. Seems like its all becoming 100% true!

  86. If you want nightmares, read Susan Atkins' version of the events. It's long, detailed and provides a plausible chain of events that explains why Manson did what he did when he did. And she says Manson shot Bernard Crowe and thought he had killed him. And she she implies Manson's involvement in Shorty Shea being hacked to death. I read Helter Skelter too. Once. Then put it behind all the other books on the shelf when I was done. There's every possibility Manson killed.

  87. Hey Steppy, What do you think of Tom and Katie? Do you think they are in love? Destined to be together forever? How about that movie he has coming out?

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Agent, omg Blazing Saddles is the FUNNIEST movie of all time! I will be a blubbering mess when Mel Brooks passes. I love and adore him!

  90. About what manson said about scientology, I should have cited sources. Sorry about that. I think I read it on cracked or reddit, not sure. Regardless, I would not consider either of those sites to be solid documentation. but in terms of him declaring himself a scientologist, and being convicted of conspiracy, that is in the court/corrections records. I would consider that to be legitimate.
    Sorry, from now on, I will not assume that anyone here is interested in factual information.
    To Elizabeth - I have no idea if Tom and Katie are genuinely in love. But I think Rock of Ages looks like a great movie! I grew up with that music, so I hope it's as funny as I want it to be!

    1. Speaking of Reddit! Look what's there today

  91. @Mikey, I had a older dog that some one dumped. Brought him home, he had been highly trained, even field trained. Anyway he started bleeding rectally while on a Vacation with my family. It turns out to be an Adrenal gland problem. It is treated by giving the dog steriods. Hopefully this is the problem, the things you said were going on weight loss, bleeding are the same. I am hoping it turns out to be something easily treated.

  92. Steppy, we know when an anti-COS topic is being hijacked deliberately. You Scieno shills need to come up with new tactics.

    And no, Rock of Ages looks to be a huge bomb.

  93. I'm just gonna throw another "Fuck Scientology" in here for good measure.

  94. Love this thread...a little of everything today!

  95. Rock of Ages looks amazing. Definitely an Oscar contender.

  96. I just had to chime in about the Enquirer. Those people ARE a team of crack journalists who get sensational stories first. Ask any political press secretary what they think of the Enq and you'll hear the same.

  97. Ooooh, seaward. Nice. When you wake up to people going through your garbage, at least you'll know that it's $cienos this time.

  98. I'll throw in a "Fuck Scientology" as well. Someone much earlier in the thread said the Scientology support people would show up and so they have!

    Mel Brooks is on the very short list of men I'll leave my husband for. My husband knows that and admires my good taste in that regard.

  99. Man oh man, I bring up Manson and shit goes down! Sorry ppl:p

    Agent**It; Thanks for that! It's not the same one (think the docu i saw was more recent, i will keep looking), but still very good! Ty:)

    For those interested, (long)article about Charles Manson/Scientology.

  100. @Rose - Oscar contender?? I think maybe you are being sarcastic, but I do think (hope!) it will great.

    @B. Profane - no, not a scientologist, Roman Catholic through and through. I'm sure my 12 years of Catholic School uniforms are still in my Mother's basement if you feel the need to see proof.

    Something us Catholics believe - everyone makes mistakes and deserves forgiveness. Ever heard of Saul??

  101. @mikey - I hope everything with your dog turns out to okay. Please keep us posted!

    As someone already asked above, didn't Leah Remini defect after she saw what Scientology's practices were doing to her daughter? I would scroll up to see who it was, but Steppy showed up, hilarity ensued and the comments blew up.

  102. @Popcorn

    Glad I could provide some afternoon entertainment for you :)

  103. Nothing to report yet. Ate a bit and is napping.

    What did I miss about Leah? She left? Her daughter was the reason?

  104. Me, sarcastic? Never! It looks like a timeless movie, one for the ages. I hear Tom is an amazing singer, just like he is race car driver, and water walker.

  105. @Rose; don't forget pilot! xD

  106. And virile father and sex machine for straight women everywhere!

  107. Is Steppy short for Stepford Wife?

  108. Idk if she left, but Iran's daughter was little terrorist and was ruling their household, out of control. I think she was on some talk show trying to get help for them. they showed her daughter throwing unbelievable tantrums. that's all I know about it.

    1. *Leah not Iran.
      I am really not enjoying the autocorrect feature on my new phone.

  109. ^^^clever, Lynette.

  110. @Shit, Lol. I forgot doctor too.

  111. @Rose and @Vicki, you forgot that he is also an amateur CMT who, in his spare time, drives/walks around LA saving people.

  112. Right, I completely forgot!

  113. Classic comments. Saw Rock of Ages on Broadway, loved it, can't wait for the movie.
    Maybe Nicole will talk if Isabella leaves the cult?

  114. This might be the best thread ever, even right up there with the live awards show threads. We really need a forum...

  115. I don't care who's gay or has zebras, I feel a little bad for JT but I cannot excuse his predatory tactics, if the victims had been female then he'd be in jail instead of being ridiculed, Kelly is a different story though she signed up for this fuckery so she gets no sympathy from me, that's what her $$$ is for.
    And CoS is nothing more than an evil greedy cult with a piece of paper that allows them to get a tax exemption, that however does not make it a religion.
    I should start my own religion and call it the church of anti-organized religions.

  116. Test results back - early cancer situation. We'll put him on meds and special food to keep him comfy.

  117. Mikey, I'm so sorry. :(

  118. Mikey, prayers to you and your buddy.

  119. Isn't his BFF Kirstie Alley a Scientologist as well?

  120. Mikey I'm really sorry about your doggy, one of my beloved pets passed away from cancer and that was 9 years ago and your news really struck a nerve with me, I'm sorry but keep the faith and try to make him comfortable.

  121. Adrienne Barbeau(sp) used her own egg. She had identical twins. Iman also had a baby over 44. Personally, I woman I work with is pregnant at 48! She was not planning it or using anything either. Each woman is an individual, and I'm meeting more and more women having babies without trying who are past 45. I don't think doctors have all the answers when it comes to fertility.

    1. Thank you!! He is considered one of the tops in his field, and said 43 was about it. I have more than a few years to go, but I thought safe vs. sorry! You made my day!!

      Steppy, I went to Catholic school too. Worst thing my Southern Baptist parents could have done - or best! I went from close minded to open minded in four years - the opposite of their

      Mikey, I was at the vet today myself. My four-legged babies are spoiled rotten - my poor future hubby of my two-legged One of mine had cancer and they were able to get it all at 11! Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

  122. Mikey, so sorry about your dog. Peace to both of you.

    I am in my forties. I am afraid of the condition my eggs would be in at this point in my life so child bearing is out of the question for me now. Kudos to anyone who gets pregnant at this stage and has a healthy baby.

  123. I'm sure the Scis have recordings of John admitting to crimes (he's been assaulting those poor masseuses for years), so they may be able to blackmail him into staying away from his kids.

  124. I'm so sorry, mikey. I hope that since it's early, things are still hopeful.

    I think Denise summed up the Leah situation. Since she basically said she was done raising her daughter the Scientology way, I assumed that meant she was leaving. I can't imagine they were thrilled with her publicly criticizing their ways. I don't know for sure if she left, though.

    Vicki Cupper, your virile father and sex machine comment almost made me choke on my gum.

  125. this cover is almost as good as the weekly world news covers of hitler cross-dressing photos i saw as a kid in the 90s

  126. I like how we can all interpret facts in our own way.

    But let's talk more about how wonderful Mel Brooks is...

  127. What age do they start on the kids?? Suri and Will Smith's kids always look either angry or bewildered so often.

  128. @jessie , you are right .Once springtime for hitler gets in my head, I'm done.

    Lili Von Shtupp:
    "A wed wose. How womantic."

  129. @mikey sending puppy hugs your way.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. @mikey, so sorry for the news you got about your dog. The most comfy thing will be him knowing you love him. I gotta go cry.

  132. @Mikey, I am so sorry about your dog. I hope because you caught it early, your pups will be able to recover.

    I lost my dog this year to cancer, and along with his regular vet I saw a homeopathic vet. She gave me a list of food options if I wanted to start cooking his meals (I did) and also various spices, herbs, and chinese herbs to add to slow down the cancer growth. That might be an option for you.

  133. You know what's always seemed off to me? The fact that Kelly Preston was ENGAGED to CHARLIE SHEEN... imagine the kind of lifestyle she had with him. She probably still does - we all know how clean cut (not) Charlie's other exes are.

    It seems so, so bizarre to me, as a woman, for her to be engaged to Charlie Sheen and then break up (shooting incident aside) and then marry.... John Travolta.....

  134. Aren't Will and Jada CoS too? I'm wondering if most of the questionable bearded Hollywood marriages are CoS controlled. I'm imagining a wife getting sucked in by their evil but brilliant tactics, then terrified of never seeing her kids again.

  135. i knew kelly had a son that was disabled, but had not heard what his diagnosis was. i heard he lived with her parents in hawaii and that they had a court order for kelly to pay support. the son was listed in a few places on her bio, but then suddenly "vanished". interesting that he's mentioned on wikipedia.

  136. @snowstorm
    Be careful with doctors and your fertility. I threw out my conraception at 40 and got pregnant! My ob/gyn said that, next to teenagers, the over 40 crowd keeps getting pregnant accidentally. Probably because we all heard the stories about how hard it was to concieve after 40!

    I just keeping finding these huge gaps between what the "specialists" sprout and my real life experiences.

    Anyway, just be careful with fertility doctors. Look at Octomom, a lot of them are in it for the money and scare tactics work. Also, they are not totally above board about how the hormones affect women. I think there is a real link between cancer and fertility treatments in women.

    I'm not saying wait forever to have a kid, but be real circumspect with "top doctors."

  137. Many thanks for all your good wishes - he's doing well on his new food and meds. The dr. has us trying some baby food slowly to try and put a little weight on him. I have him all packed up and we're heading to the mountains after work for the holiday weekend.
