Monday, May 14, 2012

Lindsay Lohan's People (Dina) Wants Her Far Away From Samantha Ronson

Dina Lohan doesn't like Samantha Ronson. Never has and never will. Michael Lohan doesn't like Samantha Ronson. Never has and never will. Wow, something the two parents agree on. I bet they don't even realize they agree on it. The reason they don't like Samantha? Lindsay ignores them when she is with Samantha. Never has time for anyone but Samantha. Dina needs to be involved in every second of Lindsay's life. The last time the couple were together, who do you think was leaking all the stories to the press about Sam exploiting Lindsay and getting really high paying gigs only because of Lindsay and that Sam would be nothing without Lindsay. Hello parents.

Now, Dina (through the guise of Lindsay's "people") is telling The NY Daily News that Lindsay and Sam should not hang out together at all. It isn't that they don't like Sam because they really do. Uh huh. They just feel that Lindsay needs to focus on her career and not Sam. More like Dina and Michael have Lindsay firmly in their tight little claw talons and don't want to let her go when they are about to start getting some checks again soon. They keep hoping one of the other kids will make them money but it just hasn't happened.


  1. My God, Lindsay, how many skin tones do you have going on?

  2. That will make Sam's family very very happy, they hate Lindsay...and have more connections than the Lohan's ever will.....Also they don't expect Sam to support them.

  3. Is it wrong that I'm kind of hoping for them to have a happy ending with them ditching the parents, getting healthy and married in NY or somewhere? Yeah, I'm a sap.

  4. The majority of the world doesn't like Lilo. Never has, never will.

  5. Yes I'm sure Sam's family doesn't expect her to support them with her gigs of carrying her Ipod and Macbook to clubs and and hooking them up and pushing a button.
    Worst DJ ever.

  6. The fact that Dina and Michael Lohan dislike Ronson so much argues eloquently in her favor as a decent companion for their daughter. It's been obvious from the beginning that Lindsay's parents are both bottom-feeders who'll ride their daughter's gravy train for the rest of their lives--as long as they're allowed to and there's a train to keep riding. Ronson, on the other hand, has had her own issues, but nothing nearly on the scale of Lindsay's, and she was making her own way in the world long before Lindsay Lohan ever came along.

  7. I'm hoping she stays with Sam and ditches those two parents. At least Sam presumably cares about her welfare?

  8. I don;t think Samantha is good for her in general, but if she keeps away from Dina and Michael then I am all for it.

  9. At least that dress serves as a bra-type device for LL's boobs. Can't she see that's a better look that loose and floppy?

  10. I've always felt like Samantha got a really bad rap in that relationship when it's Lindsay that is the problem. But I'm in love with Samantha's brother so of course I'm Team Sam.

  11. Ali wasn't such a bad-looking girl until her face was ruined with that heinous plastic surgery; she's finished before she even started! Better hope Lindsay's Liz Taylor biopic turns out well, or, hopefully, it's curtains for her, too.

  12. The only "celebrity" more boring than LL herself is this fraud Ronson. The girl gives herself airs and projects a totally phony "badass" persona when in reality she's nothing but a spoiled and pampered Hollywood brat who has no talent for being a "DJ" or anything else.


  13. Yeah ---- my mom said I can't play at your house anymore or have sleep overs

    (translate THAT)

  14. Dina and Michael make the the manson family look wholesome. They are appalling, and I hope they just fade the f*ck away. Lilo will never get it together with those insane spawns of hell in her life!!

  15. Did her last stint in rehab say that Lindsay needs to get another manager because Dina was the problem? Yeah, hoping that their other kids would be famous and no one is hitting it. Oh my, what if they both have to get a real job? Right! Ronson is a loser but at least she's better than those two losers.

  16. How can she focus on a non-existent career? These days the only way she can focus on her career is to watch old Freaky Friday and Mean Girls DVD's.

  17. Maybe they don't like that weird face Sam always makes in photos. Color me surprised that she's not making it in this photo!

  18. If those two are really a true couple, with all the activity that implies, then I just hope they have a regularly scheduled delivery of dental dams each month.

  19. I am immediately on Team Ronson. she makes a good living, comes from a stable family, and clearly gets solid business and accounting advice. We love this girl for Lilo.

  20. It wouldn't surprise me if the Ronson family are paying the Lohans to try and break them up.

  21. Well, here's my two cents, even though all of this is none of my business. Lilo needs to ditch both her parents AND Sam. I suspect the girl is addicted to the party life - and she's a bit old for it now. That being said, I think Lilo will probably straighten out 5 years from now. She's not going to die before her time.

  22. I feel Déjà vu.

    I don't know about SR being a bad influence or not? She can probably just handle her booze/drugs better than LiLo, is my guess. You never really heard about her going bat shit crazy and punching anyone, getting arrested, etc. Anyone has to be better than White Oprah and Meshy.

  23. Oh yeah...cause Samantha is the problem. Not Dina.
