Friday, May 25, 2012

Married Man With 6 Kids Discovers He Is A Woman

So, you are a man who is married and you have six children and you end up getting a kidney stone. You go to the hospital and at the hospital the doctors tell you that all of your internal organs are female. What do you do? Well if you are Steve (now Stevie) you go home and tell your wife and kids and then start living your life as a woman.

“The nurse is reading the ultrasound and says, ‘Huh, this says you’re a female,’ Stevie said. “It was very liberating. I had spent so much energy after the age of 13 constantly evaluating how people looked at me and acted towards me. We told them [the children] individually. Some were in person and some weren’t. Every one of them said, ‘We don’t care one way or the other. We love you for who you are and you’re still my dad.’”


  1. Enty, don't be a troll. Seriously.

  2. Ohhhh, so that's my problem. I probably have dude-parts inside. Totally makes sense.

  3. Huh? So...the kids are adopted? Or step-kids?

    Oh, never mind. I don't care.

  4. Except he's got sperm, so how much of a woman could he be? Color me confused. Unless he's hermaphrodite?

  5. I can't find a link to this article anywhere, and I want to read this story. this blog doesn't tell enough of the story.

  6. WTF? This story is ridiculous

  7. Apparently it's a real story:

  8. From five years ago. Please.

  9. There is way too much info missing for this to even be considered an article.

    Enty, I think you grabbed the wrong piece of paper out of the wrong interns typewriter. This is clearly not finished and clearly you meant to grab the long reveal about how Brad and Angie are only in it for publicity.

  10. "We told them [the children] individually. Some were in person and some weren’t."

    So what did he do - send an e-mail to those that weren't told in person?

  11. He looks better as a man. Not even up for argument.

    And how did he father 6 kids with no male plumbing?

    And did the nurse really blurt that out in front of him?

  12. Hey Vicki - thanks for the link! As I suspected, what used to be called hermaphrodite. I've actually read stories of very young children being this and forced by parents and doctors to be a certain sex when as they grew older they identified more with the other sex - I think it's wiser to let the child grow a bit and decide for themselves.

  13. What a shitty piece, Enty. Read the story posted above. He's considered intersex (formerly called hermaphrodite)--external male genitalia and internal female organs, reason he was able to father children. .

  14. If you read Vicki's link, he's got external male genatalia and internal female organs. Great family.

  15. Thanks for the extra info, guys!

  16. I think he should have stuck with the guy thing. I would have.

  17. In all seriousness, I wonder if this is something that he could pass on to his children.

  18. The Daily Mail has a picture of his wife. They look like sisters! There was also a pic of him w/Jessica Simpson. He is a celebrity photographer...

  19. I'm intersex. All day long if possible.

  20. i'm sorry i didn't realize there was a CNN NEWS banner at the top of the page missing..??

    I could have sworn it was a BLOG.

  21. All seriousness aside, he was in the stirrups with a nurse reading his ultrasounds, with "You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)" playing on Muzak speakers, when he discovered he was a she. I agree with EmEyeKay, I almost feel like I'm being trolled here. Must ... fight ... urge ... to ... be ... pulled in ...

  22. @surfer- why do you say "in all seriousness" in your comment about him "passing it down" to his kids? You make it seem like he has some evil incurable disease the kids are in danger of receiving.
    You most likely didnt mean anything by it but I was slightly offended by your tone in you question- as if there's something to be ashamed of by being intersexed.

    Good for her for finding this out and using it to live as the person she's always wanted to be. And what a great family for accepting her! :))

    FYI- most famous intersexed person? Jamie Lee Curtis ;-)

  23. I like that his family was so accepting and loving.

  24. The Jamie Lee Curtis story is one of the all-time great urban legends; it keeps getting repeated in college science/psych classes (usually the prof had a friend of a friend, or FOAF, who knew the doctor or someone else at the hospital), but no one's ever been able to trace it back to the source. She's never gone on the record saying anything either way (can't say as I blame her; it's not really anybody's business), and these days her doctors would be in a heap of HIPAA hurt if they disclosed any such thing.

    If she has any kind of problem, the most likely cause would be androgen insensitivity syndrome, but just because she adopted a child rather than giving birth doesn't mean she's either (a) infertile or (b) genetically male. Whatever her genetics say, she presents and lives as a woman, and that's good enough for me. (It's also clearly good enough for Christopher Guest--how many years have they been married?)

  25. Confusing...if he has external male genitalia and internal female genitalia, how was he able to produce sperm which fathered 6 kids?

    I guess this is a medical condition that I was never aware existed, I wish this article covered that more in depth...what a bizarre write-up job Enty.

  26. Awesome read robin! If this man had bio kids and is intersex, why couldn't Jamie Lee? This is one of those subjects that fascinates me. And Jamie Lee - love her on NCIS!

  27. I am intersex. I have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Learned of it as a teenager when I never got a period. Docs told me my internal parts were male but never developed, so my body opted to default to female. No big deal, married with 3 adopted kids. I hate the term hermaphrodite. It's tough to come to terms with being an XY female, but it is what it is. I feel completely female and couldn't be male if I tried-my body can't "read" male hormones.

    There are several different ways to be intersexed and there are some great websites out there by simply googling intersex, androgen insensitivity syndrme, etc...

    The hardest part is that to this day many dctors recommend not telling patients, even as adults. It's really sad, because there is nothing to be ashamed of and there are thousands out there.

    As far as JLC, I shudder every time I hear her name. Her businss and I can't believe people talk about it.

    Plus, I've seen pics of her naked so she can't be full AIS. Full AIS women don't have pubic hair and she most certainly does. (I used to hate not having it and now find it a need for brazilian waxes for moi! Oh...and I never need to shave my underarms. Love it!

    1. Thank you for sharing that. This is a very interesting subject.

  28. I thought it was Anthony Edwards!

  29. @Ice Angel there is a really good book called Middlesex that is about an intersex person, the story is engaging and I loved the protagonist. Think it won a Pulitzer prize.

  30. @boommm....GREAT BOOK...and yes I have it!!! Many starts and stops trying to get through it, but unfortunaely, 3 kids in 5 sports and a full time job and all I ever have time for is a little fooling around online once in a while...oh...not that kind of fooling

  31. Actually, this is hereditary. I worked with a lady who was intersex. She was originally raised male, but decided to live as a woman in her 30s. She said that it came from her mother's side of the family where there were a couple of intersex relatives.

    I've heard the same rumors about Jamie Lynn Curtis too.

  32. No periods, no pubic hair or armpit hair.

    Man, I wish I were intersex. No pun intended.

  33. @Ice Angel, Very interesting and helpful stuff --

  34. @Ice Angel, ditto to Barton's comment. Thanks.

  35. @Ice Angel thank you for the revelation and interesting story. It really helps to get better understanding of the condition.

  36. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing, Ice Angel.

    I had always heard that JLC was a case of parents & doctors of that era deciding FOR the child, soon after birth.

    Anyone remember the Canadian identical twins, one of whom had a circumcision accident as a baby and lost his penis? It was in the 70's, i think. The doctors convinced the parents to make him a girl, so he suffered repeated operations to change his sex. He grew up completely tortured---always knew he was a boy, and had no idea why until his 20's. There was a book about it, "As God Made Him", or something.
    He lived as a man and got married after he found out, but they couldn't reverse the sex change he had gotten as a child, obviously. It's the saddest story, particularly because he had an identical twin brother, who was not living in the wrong clothes and didn't have all the psychological baggage.
    It's a long story, but the twins were also STUDIED throughout their childhood by a psychiatrist, because he wanted to 'prove' that gender is learned or something.
    His parents nor the doctor ever told the child why he didn't feel like a girl, even when he repeatedly asked & acted out, and they also went along with the psychiatric experiments. The doctor was TERRIBLE to him, because he didn't want to be wrong. I think he died an alcoholic. i should really learn to google.

    1. That book was really interesting but such a sad sad story. The title was actually 'as nature made him' and David Reimer committed suicide. For years his case was cited by every psych to prove nurture over nature and when the truth about how miserably it had failed came out, it was huge.

    2. Ice angel, thanks for sharing! Libby, I remember something about this. I didn't remember him committing suicide - but if I was that tortured, perfectly plausible! Thanks for the name of the book Amanda, will definitely check it out.

  37. Well there must be degrees of being intersexed because he (and I say that as it appears he had male organs in addition to female organs to father kids) because normally doesn't one have the genitalia of one and reproductive organs of the other sex. I've never heard about anyone having both organs although the porn industry back in the day tried to convince us that people were born with penises and vaginas.

  38. The boy who was a gender experiment was David Reimer. He committed suicide.
    There are lots of nudie pics of JLC up to us to decide which are real.

  39. I'm all aboard the train of "how does he have six kids?". Because I thought XXY or external male/internal female couldn't conceive. I'm also of the opinion that gender is a many splendored thing, and I believe there are many variations of gender.

  40. @Ice Angel Thank you for sharing!

  41. I always assumed Jamie Lee was a DES baby, Janet Leigh had a few miscarriages and at the time DES was given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages from happening.
    Truthfully, whatever her reasons are for not getting pregnant are no one's business unless she chooses to discuss it.

  42. @ice angel I can completely understand, i have four rugrats of my to squeeze any fun we can WHEN we can, lol
