Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Miranda Lambert Rescues Dog #21

Miranda Lambert is a one person animal rescue titan. Over the weekend she Tweeted that she had rescued another dog which brings her total to 21. She says she is going to stop, but I think she should keep going. She obviously can afford them all and provide a place for them and can also afford to hire some help if she needs to for taking care of them. This is just the dogs. She also has a host of other animals. I just feel more secure knowing Miranda has them then say a dog Paris Hilton rescues and then she forgets where it is until there are some bones in a closet found a few months later.


  1. Yay! I always said if I was wealthy, I'd do the same thing!

  2. Thanks, Enty, for confirming that Paris is the dog killer blind!

  3. Curly, me too! I always said I'd buy a 100-acre ranch and just adopt animals from the pound.

  4. I wish someone would "accidentally" lock Paris in a closet somewhere.

  5. What?? What was the dog killer blind? How awful :/

    1. Just found it. No wonder I didn't know it, it's a Ted bv ugh

  6. ...a dog Paris Hilton rescues and then she forgets where it is until there are some bones in a closet found a few months later.

    She is horrible. She should have her dogs removed if this is true.

  7. On the other hand, Miranda is awesome. This makes me love her more.

  8. Sorry, but I disagree with Enty that this is a good deed. It sounds too close to hoarding and using animals to fill a void in her life. Not an expert and I could be wrong and she probably does care, but I think that helping to get the message out to get your dog or cat neutered would do much more than tweeting about your recent rescue.

  9. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't I read somewhere that she is part of an organization that tries to place some of these animals in loving homes? I doubt she's keeping them all - just because you rescue doesn't mean you keep them. Either way good for her for keeping another helpless animal from ending up as road-kill or worse. She's giving them a chance... and LOVE her for doing so :)

  10. I disagree about the hoarding. There is often a fine line but if you have the room and the resources to care properly for the number of animals you have (whatever that number is), it isn't hoarding. And I am speaking of the psychological definition of hoarding here, not the general definition.

  11. I'm quite sure Miranda Lambert has more than enough resources and property to take good care of 21 dogs. And if she's trying to place them in homes, all the better.

  12. She must be Kinky Friedman fan as well.

    (he has a ranch in TX for this sole purpose. I know b/c it's my dream as well)

  13. Rescuing a dog from a ditch is not hoarding!

  14. Rescuing a dog from a bitch would be a good idea, too, re: the Paris Hilton stuff.

  15. I've always gotten the impression that Miranda just adores animals and most of the ones that they take in become essentially farm pets; like, they have a ton of land to roam and play on and at the end of the day there's always food and a place to sleep. Not like every single one of them gets to live in the house.

    Good for her. :)

  16. God Bless her - if I had the money I'd have 15 dogs by now; all I can do is spoil the two I have and apply for another adoption. I'm not fond of country music but I like her voice and am going to support her.

  17. Kinky Friedman, good lord, what a variety here ! Have you read "The Billy Bob Tapes”.?

  18. Have I read the Billy Bob Tapes, no. I got into Kinky back when he was running for gov of tx

  19. He is quite entertaining:)

  20. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I love it! I have always said that if I woke up super-wealthy one day I would buy a big piece of property and build an animal adoption ranch.

    I don't think she is a hoarder per se. She has the means to take care of these animals, and #21 has obviously been bathed and received medical attention. I'm not really a fan, but I say good for her!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. How is it possible that Paris Hilton has not been brought up on animal cruelty and neglect charges if people know that this happened? I want her miserable, soulless ass nailed. That poor, poor little puppy...

  23. Oh if I only had the land and the resources! Good for her, the lost and abandoned need all the help they can get.

  24. She's using her fame for good. Miranda rescues a dog, and then fans can adopt that dog from her. Not only are they helping an animal, they are psyched that it's from a celebrity. Plus, it brings more awareness to the shelter dog problem.

  25. Good Lord, she's a dog lover with money, not a hoarder. And yes, she has her own animal rescue organization, MuttNation Foundation:


  26. How ignorant are you if you claim Miranda's a hoarder? Are you kidding me?

  27. Miranda sounds more like a rescuer/foster parent (someone who takes them in, gets them well and socializes them until they're adopted by their "forever family") rather than a hoarder. Good for her!

    Paris needs shock therapy. Like, with a bat upside the head.

  28. I don't think it's fair to accuse Blankverse of being ignorant just because s/he questioned an action. So s/he's not worshipping at the Miranda Lambert altar. Adopting a dog doesn't automatically qualify ML for the person of the year award.

  29. Count me in on the fantasy of being rich and owning a ton of property where I could rescue animals.

  30. That's my dream too, being rich enough to own a big property and a big house, where I could foster parent all the gay kids who got kicked out of their homes. And maybe have a few dogs and cats and horses too.

  31. I don't think she is a hoarder. Hoarders are those people who keep 25 cats in a filthy little apartment. (I fucking hate people who do that, BTW. I know hoarding is a mental illness, but that is not the cat's fault and they shouldn't have to live in shit because their owner is a hoarder. They'd be much better off at a shelter.)

    Miranda has land for all those dogs to roam on and she can afford to take care of them. I think what she's doing is great.

  32. Thanks Anita for understanding my questions and observation. I actually don't know who Miranda is or what she does but just went on what Enty wrote. I read 21 animals, more at home and the tweet said 'Ok ok I need to stop'. And I just wondered if that was her issue. Are we not allowed to question what people do or are there different rules for celebrities? No matter, it's not life or death here. . . just entertainment.

  33. She does not keep all of the animals she finds. She posted on Twitter over the weekend that this little one was adopted by her friend Vicki. If I was a stray dog, I would pray that I'd be found by her! She gives them lots of love and care and I guarantee they all find great homes- with her or elsewhere.

  34. Whether she keeps them or fosters them and finds them a good home, what she's doing is great and I hope she keeps doing it!

  35. I don't have any dogs, but she can come rescue some cats from me, if she wants. I have way too many and too soft of a heart to get rid of any of them.

  36. I'm sure she does have the means/space/help for 21 animals BUT if she is fostering them until they are adopted, that's even better. Just frees up space for another rescue.

    This is totally my dream as well. Kudos Miranda!

    Whenever that story about Paris/her dog come up, my stomach drops and I just want to through up. Then I get angry and imagine round kicking her in her eagle nose.

  37. Anonymous8:22 PM

    LOL @Barton Fink!!

  38. I love this bitch! (dog lovers know I mean this as the highest compliment).

  39. She has a BIG concert every year in East Texas and she has a foundation. Good for her.
