Thursday, May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips Wins American Idol - Ace Young Proposes To Diana DeGarmo

After their performances earlier this week it was pretty obvious that the Wilson Phillips tribute band aka Phillip Phillips was going to win American Idol. The only thing left to do was to drag it out for six hours so Ryan Seacrest could have plenty of airtime and the audience could watch a bunch of musical performances that you will forget by the end of the weekend. I'm glad Phillip won but he just continues the trend of vanilla, banal guys winning who all seem to blend in with each other and have nothing to make them stand out from any other singer or musician trying to make a living. Oh, except for Paul McDonald. He was smart and married a movie star as quickly as he could so he won't get broke and always has the fallback excuse of enjoying being a husband or something that deflects away from his music.

The best part of the night was seeing Taylor Armstrong's old grope buddy Ace Young proposing to Diana DeGarmo. She was always one of my favorites because she took the shot and ran with it and has made a nice solid career for himself. Ace? Well, he does birthday parties cheap.


  1. I was so mad last night. We had a bad thunderstorm and lost our DirectTV and internet right towards the end of the show and I missed all that. I really wasn't that into this season, but I did stick through it and wanted to see the end result, darnit.
    Glad he won too, but agree with the blending in white dude w/ guitar thing.

  2. I knew he'd win. Americans love stupid names.

  3. The same thing happens to my DirectTV every time it rains. It was pouring in PA last night.

    1. Thats y we dont hv direct tv anymore! My husband cldnt stand that!!!!

    2. Where in pa? Our mall got struck by lightning and had to close haha I used to work there and NOTHING closed that mall snow, sleet, hurricane? Just took a single bolt of lightning

  4. Who are these people? Seriously, I can only remember Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. All the rest are just turning into blurs. What happened to that grey haired guy?

  5. Phillip did his post-win interview on Live with Kelly this morning via phone--not even Skype--I wonder if he's already in the hospital and getting ready to have his surgery?

    He did comment on how sick he'd been and that he was trying to get his interviews done so he could get better. He looked awful last night--so thin and tired.

    I read this morning that Tommy Motola is going to produce Jessica's recordings. Good for her! I was wanting Phil to win but she did a really good job.

  6. I'm glad he won mostly because of what a trooper he was carrying on despite a painful kidney problem.

    BTW, Rhianna sang live and gave a flawless performance last night on Am. Idol imo, so if you recall the recent blind she was the popular choice for about a singer whose voice is so impaired due to excessive partying that Million$ have been wasted trying to record new material, it can't possibly be her.

  7. Your comment on Ace Young is a total cheap shot. The two met while both performing together as the leads in the Broadway production of Hair. Same jobs at the same level. If you're saying that he does birthday parties cheap, well, then so must she.

  8. Taylor Hicks completely ruined the Friday remix

  9. How about the train wrecks that were Fantasia and Chaka Khan? Who let Fantasia on the stage with that horrific leotard? Chaka Khan could barely formulate a sentence...except for the odd grunt, the cast carried her performance. She looked wasted!
    And Jennifer Holiday sang her A$$ off, but what is with the crazy face? I really wanted Jessica to start mirroring the crazy face back at her. It was bizarre, but totally amusing.

    I love that Phillip one. I hope that he feels better after his surgery. I can't wait to hear the music he puts out. I just love this guy!

  10. @angel
    I thought Rhianna was lip syncing for her life, personally. That wasn't live was it?

  11. Oh...and that whole proposal thing? When will TV stop using this as a time filler? I have zero connection to those two, and felt bad for the audience having to sit through their blurb of self indulgence. Do people actually enjoy watching that, or am I the only one that gets really bugged by it?

  12. Hold on, what is this about Ace Young and Taylor Armstrong?!

  13. @RenoBlondee, if she was lip syncing, she's very good at it. I watched and listened very closely because of that blind, and it sure seemed live to me. Of course, I can't swear that it was.

  14. Kriss, u right! What the hell is with Fantasi?! All she does is shriek!! That not singing!
    I dont find double p boring at all. He's very creative and puts own spin in material. I think he has huge future. It was so enough with the huge dreary ballads from the woen already!! They trot out same shitty songs so they can showcase their range. Theres more to singing and performing than dolphin singing!
    And AI is prob never gonna be electric because it has to appeal to all of america. U think Madonna wld hv won, with the wedding dress and the rolling on the floor??! No way! I enjoyed the season this year because they are really talented.

  15. Is that his real name? Phillip Phillips?

  16. Is the Taylor Armstrong mention MEANT to read "Taylor Hicks," or am I missing something?

    Oh, and this show is still on? Without Simon and Paula, I jumped ship years ago.

  17. btw, that blind is a bit iffy imo anyways. Renting a recording studio, engineers, and musicians isn't cheap, but it would still take a relatively long time to blow through Million$ and a clueless producer not to have pulled the plug until further notice before the situation got that far out of hand.

  18. Yeah, I saw Ace in Grease on Broadway and he was quite good. I didn't catch him and Diana in Hair, but I know they got good reviews. They seemed genuinely in love (or very good actors), so good for them.

    Fantasia was awful. Did her bodysuit tear at the end? I felt bad for poor Josh having his duet be a screamfest with her. LOL.

  19. @Doc girl @AKM - Ace Young was on an episode of RHBH where he performed at Taylor's daughter's bday party. He seemed to be a little drunk and the two were quite flirty. I never heard much beyond that.

  20. AND Taylor had no $$ to pay for the birthday party which means Ace had to perform for free, little to no pay, or "goodies" from Taylor herself

  21. ...and as predicted even before the show began. A male wins it all. It's all the little girl teeny boppers. They sit on the phone for 2 hours straight, voting for the cutest boy that makes their hearts melt. They will never vote on talent alone. A female will never ever again win American Idol. The show has officially jumped the shark and is now a complete joke.

    My new prediction for next season. I boy will win it all. Talented or not.

  22. Anonymous8:12 AM

    @crila16: teenagers aren't really into Idol. It's more about the 'soccer mom' vote. I hate that term, but it's true in this case. It's not the teenboppers who vote, but their mommies who read 50 Shades of Gray after daddy has passed out for the night. Sort of like a lot of Twihards are grown women.

    If people can't figure out that Idol is a TV show where the viewers forget about 98% of the contestants after the confetti drops, then we aren't paying attention.

  23. Henriette, Taylor Hicks is going to be in Vega$ this summer. He mentioned it on Idol this year.

    Darn my DVR for deleting all my shows last night, total fluke - but I missed the mess known as Fantasia.

    Also, beforeDeGarmo, the last I'd heard of Ace, he was marrying his castmate in Grease - about 4yrs ago.. Anyone know if they got married and divorced super quick, did the sweet GA peach Diana break up his marriage - or did he break off that engagement?

  24. Angel, I don't think Rhianna was singing. There were several times when she didn't even have the mic up to her mouth when the song was going on.

    Obviously, Neil Diamond wasn't lip syncing.

    I thought Chaka looked messed up. I still love her though.

    Skylar and Reba, and Jennifer and Jessica were my favorite duets.

  25. Regarding Jennifer Holiday's facial expressions .... she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a year or two ago. This is the first time I've seen her perform since the diagnosis and considering that fact, I think she did a phenomenal job.

  26. Snowstorms, I think Ace was on the national Grease tour when he left it to go to do Hair. I think he broke it off which is maybe why he left the tour? Anyway, Taylor Hicks was also on that tour of Grease. Ace didn't actually marry the other chick.

  27. Thanks caralw. I saw Taylor in ATL, but Ace wasn't in that show, darn it..,lol I will take Grease any time though!!

  28. Snowstorms, I didn't get to see the national tour, but was visiting New York and some friends and I went to see Grease when Ace played Kenickie (think he played Danny in the tour). Anyway, we went to a bar next to the theater after the show and he and some of his castmates showed up. He and one the chick who played Rizzo spent at least 30-45 minutes talking to me and my friends. Totally nice guy. I hope he and Diana are happy. That was a better proposal than any I've seen on the Bachelor! Would have loved to see Taylor as teen angel. LOL.

  29. @KaySea...I sincerely was not aware of any MS diagnosis of Jennifer Holiday, or I would not have commented in that manner. I've never seen her perform before, and not aware of what the 'norm' is for her.

    So what was Fantasia & Chaka Khan's excuse?

  30. Loved Phillip and wish him all the best!

    Love Aerosmith too, but they were a lil rusty last night.

    I'm going to go with the rule of "if you can't say anything nice" about pretty much the rest of the show.

  31. I think that Jessica's songs the night before were really bad. I think that with the right producer she'll make an excellent album. Though I still think that Charice is my favorite Filipina.

    As for her duet with Jennifer Holliday ... I was fortunate to have seen her in Dreamgirls in the 80's. Her facial expressions have not really changed. When she sang her song the audience was powerless. She was, and continues to be amazing vocally. When she sang that song she reminded people that she IS the original Jennifer to record that song and by far the best. She really needs to have a record contract and release some pop/ R&B music. You can hear her vocals in the background of Foreigner's "I Wanna Know What Love Is". I remember thinking that she should have recorded that song as a soloist just around the time that Wynonna Judd released her version.

    With that said ... I think that a voice competition should have people singing live ... or not singing at all. That includes those people who are judges. I'm looking right at you Ms. Lopez.

  32. I like Philip, hope he can make a career out of it.

    I thought Rihanna was live, if so, she was good.
    Joshua and Fantasia thought it was their show and it got to be way too much.
    Chaka can still scream and had to be wearing 20 pair of spanx.
    Fogarty was okay.
    Ace took too long to propose.
    Reba was great, and can still sing.
    Neil Diamond can't. I almost choked when Ryan said he was going on tour.
    Aerosmith was fun.
    Ms. Lopez, meh!
    Jessica and Ms Holliday were awesome even if they clashed a little on the high notes.

    This show should be renamed *Teen Girls Favorite Cute Guy*

  33. I wish Phil Phillips the best with his health and all but c'mon, he's Dave Matthews 2.0

  34. The celebrity duet choices were kind of odd to me, compared to past years.

    I didn't care much who won, but I don't think it is the teen girls voting. As someone else mentioned, it's their moms.

  35. I really wanted Joshua to win, but they seemed like a nice group this year and supportive of each other, which was really lovely.

  36. we LOVED the show! even the weird outfits and crazy facial expressions were fun. i read a great recap
    even if you didn't like the show you'll like the part about jessica fearing her face being eaten by mary williams. (video highlight!)

  37. White Guy with guitar #5, and most people can't even name all of the previous 4. By the way, yesterday Adam Lambert's second album was named Billboard's number one for the week. He was the runner up and he's sold more records than the guy who won, and the guys who have won since then. And Adam doesn't even sell that much. Lee DeWyze was dropped a few months after his first record was released.

    They always talk about how many votes they get for the final two, but it seems those votes don't turn into record sales.

  38. Wasn't Phil Phillips the guy who recorded the original version of "Sea of Love?" Wonder if they're related?

  39. Team Joshua. His performances always made me want to get up and dance.

  40. Remember the little girl with the pig tails and tears who was crying over the mess of a contestant named Sanjaya? That is who is voting. I haven't watched this mess of a show since the voting public decided that The Soul patrol idiot, Katherine Mcphee and some other guy who has long been forgotten were better performers than Chris Daughtry. There have been some fine examples of talent on that show--but very few of them have gone on to win it.

  41. I was rooting for Joshua. I think he should have been the in the last two, but I liked P2 as well. Jessica was good but still a bit too young. It's always interesting to see if they make a career out of AI or end up at the county fairs.
