Thursday, May 03, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Alec Baldwin makes funny faces for Hilaria Thomas.
Bruce Willis waves to the one person who noticed he arrived in Budapest.
Courtney Stodden without makeup. This is how she should look all the time. Now she doesn't look like a 40 year old hooker. She looks like a 17 year old hooker.
Drew Barrymore getting papped on a daily basis now.
David Beckham at his birthday party.
David Cassidy in London.
Demi Lovato in Mexico City.
Emma Watson on the set of her new movie.


  1. So, IS Drew preggers or not? Sure looks like it there...

  2. I thought David Cassidy died.

    Courtney Stodden just...ugh, I don't know. I want someone to beat the shit out of her parents.

  3. How old is the Harry Potter girl?
    She looks 11 in that photo!

  4. Courtney still looks at least 30 in that pic

  5. She still looks at least 30.

  6. Seeing a picture of poor Courtney without makeup makes me feel like I'm viewing child porn - ewww! seaward, I'll go with you to beat up her parents.

  7. Courtney's eyes look sad and dead. I feel kinda sorry for her here.

    And yes, Drew Barrymore is definitely preggers.

    And yes, Beckham is definitely yummy!

  8. It's always the Mom's fault, Jax.

    I know it's always my fault with my crew.

  9. Why do you keep putting up pictures of this Courtney Stodden person? What's the fascination? I suspect the fascination is to look at the freak and her freak relatives and ineffectively comment derisively on the freakiness of the situation then aren't we all just contributing to a bad situation? Is it not obvious that the answer to publicity whores is LESS PUBLICITY?

  10. I just love Beckham - look at the Daddy card he's proudly displaying. makes me happy - i guess because it he seems to be a good dad, and celebrity or not, I've known some who are crappy.

  11. Stodden looks so much better without all that shit on her face.

    I laugh when I see Demi Lovato concerts. Who GOES to them?

  12. David Cassidy? Is there a 70's era teen heartthrob blind about to be unleashed?

  13. popup ads now, Enty?

    see you guys later...done.

  14. papi.......

    Courtney looks absolutely vacant.

  15. calif- if you signed off on allowing your underage teen to marry a pedo with a teen fetish, it would be your fault!!

  16. Lol @ Bitter Queen! I had not even noticed the peen and now it's bedtime and I'm going to have nightmares.

    And urgh, Emma Wats-herface, yawn..

  17. OMFG enty there is a new advert on your website which is stopping me from seeing the first couple of lines of the top post on every page... it is REALLY annoying.

    Is anyone else getting this??

  18. Yeah no doubt that BW is cut. Wow, ever hear of wearing underwear?
    Yes, yes, she's not wearing make-up but she's still naked in the bath..Something about that just bugs me.
    Emma is sooooo thin!

  19. The ad at the bottom bugs me more than the popup - every time I click on "older posts," I end up on that damned ad page for lawyers. Drives me nuts.

  20. Is it legal to post that photo of Stodden?

    Gosh, I'm so in love with the Beckham family.

  21. Sian, yes. We're all getting it now it seems. Revamp your code or SOMETHING, Enty!

  22. Courtney is very pretty without makeup, but looks high or drunk in that photo.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Gaga's dress!

  23. Emma Watson is giving a real Mary Louise Parker vibe in that photo. Man, I can't wait for Weeds to come back on...I miss her!

  24. the stodden is OBVS wearing makeup, there's one pic in the set of her in front of a mirror without the stupid sexyface and she looks about 12.

  25. Yesterday I sent that photo of Stodden to Enty because I couldn't believe how dang young she looked minus the hooker makeup. It freaked me out, she looks like a child. Because she is. When I saw it I thought: there's no excuse for the husband. She's a LITTLE KID. And her parents signed off by sending that girl to a 50-year-old.

    Not cool.

  26. Can anyone explain why Demi Lovato is wearing a ripped sheet? Was she at a toga party?

  27. I don't get any of those pop-up ads. But I use the Opera browser.

  28. Courtney Stodden has actually been looking closer to her age lately. I think her peeps probably gave her some decent makeup pics. She's still creepy, though. I mean, who wears silicone pumps and a mini to Tar-zhey?

    I hope Demi L. is getting the help she needs. I feel for that girl. She doesn't have as much support as she should from people who should know better. :(

    Emma Watson is adorables!

  29. Makeup tips. Makeup TIPS. UGH, I'm gettin' old! I can't even spell check for the typos I make. :(

  30. I was going to post a comment about Courtney Stodden, but we are all equally disturbed by this photo, aren't we. For me, she looks human in this photo, and it's just weird. Hypersexualized still, with too much JonBenet, but I just wish she would take a breath and put on some clothing.

  31. David Cassidy needs to grow his hair out into a shag again. He has too much forehead going on.

  32. @Bitter Queen - damn you! I read your comment and had to take a look at Bruce Willis pants. You must have better eyes than I, cause all I see is the beginnings of a little sprout. That is the smallest outline of a penis I've ever seen. Time to go find some pics of Robert Plant...(aka: Robert "TREE").

  33. I really hope that Juicy jumpsuit and tattoo are part of Emma's costume. What movie is that for? I thought she had wrapped on Bling Ring?

  34. I thought David Cassidy died a while ago also. Huh.
    I would love to see a picture of Courtney without the makeup and smiling or laughing like she is really happy. I bet she'd make a lot of money off of it. Imagine. I'm fascinated by the whole thing but really I am dying to know what she looks like happy and quietly confident. Someone catch Courtney in a content and peaceful moment.
    I think her husband is gay. In any case he is very effeminate. I think this is a publicity marriage and doubt they are intimate. Im not defending her parents. Everyone involved is deeply disturbed and she is being pimped out to the media by all involved. I just think it's totally a sham marriage.
