Thursday, May 17, 2012

Raven-Symone Outed By National Enquirer

The National Enquirer has decided to go ahead and out Raven-Symone. It is not like she has necessarily been hiding what she does but she has always denied being a lesbian. Usually The Enquirer is more subtle about outing someone but they went full bore on this one. It makes me wonder if this is going to be a new policy of theirs. They say that Raven is gay and her girlfriend is AzMarie Livingston who you may remember from ANTM. Apparently the two live in Raven's place in New York. As you know, I am not a fan of outing and feel like it is a decision that each person needs to make individually and not have thrust on them by a tabloid.

I guess Raven's parents would not be happy if she came out as gay and I'm not sure why The Enquirer would bother to do this. It is not like Raven is huge. If you are going to out someone then go and out someone who would sell some editions. You know, someone big. A huge movie star.


  1. Are the last two sentences directed at someone in particular?

  2. Vicki, that's what I thought.

    I know Raven's name but would be hard pressed to tell you anything she's done. She has a fan base, I think, or I wouldn't keep seeing her name(?) Someone must care about this.

  3. I think the last 2 sentences is referring to John Travolta who is in the midst of a sex scandal.

    Raven was the lil gil from the Cosby Show and big Disney (or Nick) tween star.

  4. EmEyeKay - she was that cute little girl Olivia on the Cosby Show (you know, when all the original kids were too old to be cute anymore) and then did some stuff on the Disney Channel later on.

  5. @Borg Queen - jinx!

  6. Two responces: who cares? And who cares?

  7. I am wondering if the last part is referring to a male or female? I am assuming that it's female, given that this is about a lesbian, or so says the NE.

  8. poor girl shes young and its not right that a tabloid paper has to out her. She should be able to make that decision on her own.
    Yes i think the last sentence is aimed at a bigger star, but he has probably paid all of the tabloids off to NOT run a story about him.

  9. LOVE Raven, gay or not. But boo on the NE, let her tell people (esp her parents) when she feels its right. Uncool.

  10. Maybe the last 2 sentances are aimed at Queen Latifah?

    Anywhoo, I had to google her name to spell it, landed on her website and a song clip started up. I really liked it. Does anyone know what it is?

  11. Are we going to be hearing about some guest star who was on "The Jeffersons" once or twice who is gay next? Cause that's what it seems like. Seriously, What has Raven done recently? Or even in the last 5 years? I don't think anything really. Maybe I'm wrong and I could easily look it up but I also don't really care. Mostly I agree with Enty that why waste time and ink on something as stupid as this.

  12. Isn't she on broadway now in Sister Act? She was on the view a few weeks ago promoting it.

  13. She was on Cosby Show and then later had her own show on the Disney Channel, but I haven't heard anything about what she's doing lately - but I don't agree that "outing" should be reserved for big stars that people are actually interested in. Let people move at the pace they feel comfortable with, there are reason we couldn't possibly know for why folks stay closeted - live and let live, sheesh.

  14. I'm sure there are quite a few closeted homosexual stars who could be outed at any given time. John Travolta might be the only one, currently, who should be IF if the allegations against him are true.

    I keep hearing the song from the Southpark Scientology episode, "I'm not comin' out the closet..."

  15. My daughter watched That's So Raven obsessively when she was younger. It was a really cute show. I always liked her.

  16. I disagree with outing ANYONE who doesn't wish to be outed. It's his/her business, period. I know that some LGBT activists/allies feel that prominent people should stand up and be proud, but some people are private and just want to live their lives and not be poster people. I think it's great when people choose to come out -- NPH comes to mind -- and then become role models for the community, especially those who may be young and scared to come out themselves. But let everyone decide for themselves, for goodness sake, in their own time, in their own way.

    NE should be ashamed of this, frankly.

  17. what a horrible, classless move on NE's part. (not that they're the epitome of class, but still...). this is, by all accounts, a good kid who's decent to everyone and has a great work ethic. idk her personal situation, but i can see how her people would want this kept under wraps (whether she wanted that or not), simply b/c of her demographic. mega boo hiss and side-eye to you, NE.

  18. The last two sentences aren't targeted at any star in particular, they're against the Enquirer.

    The Enquirer would never out a huge movie star, because the star would sue them and they would end up paying tons of money. That's why the Enquirer only targets 'weaker" and less famous people.

    As much as I'm bothered by most of the BI about abortions, sterility and many innuendos about homosexuality, I think that Enty wouldn't devote so many words in the same piece about how he feels that the Enquirer is wrong about outing Raven, then putting a wink-wink-nudge-nudge-say no more mention about Travolta, Cruise or a precise big star.

  19. She might be gay, and I don't care if she is, but I'd like to point out that a young adult having a roommate of the same gender is hardly proof of anything. Many, many college-age or just past college age people do, especially in expensive cities.

  20. There are child actors who are really, really good.

    Raven is not one of them.

  21. Raven was great in That's So Raven! Funny as all heck! And she was in all of the Cheetah Girls movies and a couple of films. She also has a fantastic voice.

    But if we are so outraged by NE, why aren't we AS outraged by Enty's repeating it?

  22. That's So Raven! has taken on a whole new meaning.

    Having said that, I agree with Enty than no one should be involuntarily outed, and I agree with the posters who say "Who cares!?"

  23. She also recently did a sitcom for ABC Family, but it was canceled after its first season.

    Anyway, I don't see where it's such a big deal that she's a lesbian. Since the Enquirer isn't known for outing people, I wonder if this was planted by one of her team as a way to create buzz for her. Since, you know, being gay is so in these days...

  24. It'd be nice to live in a world where this wouldn't even matter. I won't hold my breath.

  25. @KellyLynn, you may have something there. Presumably her partner would also enjoy the publicity. Maybe they hope to become the young Ellen and Portia.

  26. Not to trivialize the outing, because that's not cool, but AzMarie is HOT! I totally would. Go Raven! Lol

  27. @Char. I agree, AzMarie is very pretty, and she is also very butch. Somehow I doubt this announcement is a big shock to HER parents.

  28. Am I the only one who sees her channeling Nicole Richie here?

  29. She was roommates with Lohan when they were teens and it went south pretty quickly. I wonder if they weren't just roommates.

  30. The more I think anout it, the more I think @Kellylynn is right. Two struggling entertainment careers in need of a boost. A president who has just endorsed gay marriage. And the Enquirer does not generally out C-list celebrities. If they did, they'd do nothing else. This is a plant from Raven's team.

  31. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Good for her? I think it's pretty shitty of them to out her if that's not what she wants. I wish that gay people felt comfortable enough to live out and proud without having to worry about getting treated like shit by ignorant bigoted hillbillies.

    AzMarie is friggin hot. If this is true, double good for her.

  32. NE has outed people in the past, but they have only been small fish in the pond. When they outed Travolta back in the early 90's, got sued and lost, that was it for the big outings.

  33. AzMarie Livingston looks like a butch Rosario Dawson...good for Raven!

  34. I remember when she lived with Lindsay Lohan, I thought they were just friends at the time but now i'm thinking it was more than that.

  35. My daughter is a fan of Raven and I truly didn't know she is gay but it doesn't really matter. But it does matter to her and she should be given the dignity to come out on her own terms in her own time.

  36. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Outing is not cool. People should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit -- it's no one else's business if they are gay or not (unless they are on the downlow and putting a spouse/partner at risk with chancy behavior).

    That being said, this girl has gotten on my last nerve ever since The Cosby Show, and it's just gotten worse as she's gotten older. Just looking at her annoys me, for some reason. My mom wanted me to watch The Princess Diaries 2 with her (I know, I know), and when they had this trick singing with JULIE FREAKIN' ANDREWS I wanted to commit murder.

  37. Never a fan of outing people, it's their choice and it has nothing to do with their careers in my opinion.

    Love Raven, don't care if she kisses guys or girls.

  38. Geez - leave these people alone. As long as everyone's a consenting adult, I couldn't care less.

  39. This whole "issue" makes me think of when US magazine used to publish the who bonked who grid. They never used any gay editions. And the bonk list was so false because many on the grid are gay

  40. I really don't care if she's gay or straight. She seems like a sweatheart and a really good person. Her sexual preference is none of my business.

  41. If Enty hadn't posted this item, I probably would never have heard about it, so... Enty outed Raven Symone to me.

    NPH did not come out voluntarily, he came out pre-emptively because his management was being hounded and they learned the story was going to happen. He came out to get in front of the story and some of the lies that were about to be published.

  42. I look forward to the day when this is not an issue. I hope she is not harmed by this and is happy in her life. She has my support!

  43. I think even in my dying days I will never be able to get the theme song from "That's So Raven" out of my head. It is insidious.

  44. I think she's doing Sister Act on Broadway now isn't she? She was on the View recently--she seemed like a very well spoken young woman.

    Nobody's business what she does in her private life and publishing it before she chooses to discuss it is wrong.

  45. The NE was wrong, but recycling the story isn't any better. If you say you stand for something, you should mean it.

  46. Basil said "NE has outed people in the past, but they have only been small fish in the pond. When they outed Travolta back in the early 90's, got sued and lost, that was it for the big outings."

    For the lawyers out there

    Is there any way they can get their settlement back based on what is happening now with John?? Just wondering...

  47. This totally reminds me of the time way back when Lindsay and Raven lived together!!

  48. I have more of a problem with closeted celebrities supporting anti homophobia causes.

    I mean, props for supporting a good cause but was Zachary Quinto (for instance) really helping doing an 'it gets better' speech before he came out?

  49. Raven made a comment on her twitter today that I enjoyed, "My sexual orientation is mine, and the person I'm datings to know. I'm not one for a public display of my life. However that is my right as a HUMAN BEING whether straight or gay. To tell or not to tell. As long as I'm not harming anyone."

    and to that I say, you go girl.
