Sunday, May 06, 2012

Tanning Mom On SNL

Kristen Wiig as Patricia Krentcil from Saturday Night Live last night.


  1. Now that SNL has made fun of this, can we pretty please stick a fork in this story and say that it's done?

    I cannot take even one more image of this hag.

  2. if she went as dark as tan mom really is, she'd be ridiculed like jon hamm

  3. I love Kristen Wiig.

  4. I love Seth Meyers.

  5. Here's a link to a photo of the Petunia character from Futurama. She's also from Nutley.

  6. @nolachickee...oh it's done all right. OVERDONE!

  7. To me Kristin Wiig is phoning this in.

    She's SO leaving after this season.

    I'm sorta glad actually. We need more of the female comediannes to make it big. Break up that boy club thang happening in the comedy world since forever.

    I have faith she'll pull it out- girlfriend is talented and funny (when she wants to be). Here though, I didnt laugh once.

    Okay, maybe at the end with the bread to toast joke ;-P

  8. This made me laugh, which surprised me because I'm just not that into her (except for Bridesmaids - she did a phenomenal job with that movie). The toast thing was classic!

  9. This had sooo much potential but was an utter flop! I think kristen wiig is great but her delivery was terrible for this.

  10. The bow is priceless. I have to say I feel terrible for that poor little girl. Can you imagine that kid seeing her ridiculous burnt mother everywhere?

  11. I kind of expected her to be loud and more Jerry Springery.

  12. This one cracked me up...the bit about the toast. Good stuff. My favorite was the court room text message skit...I was in stitches and literally crying, it was so funny.
