Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Confrontation

It has been an interesting few weeks for this celebrity couple. The couple, part of a huge franchise and consisting of a B+/A- movie actor and movie actreess have always managed to give the impression they are a couple, when in reality they are not. It has never been that big of an issue until lately. With the exception of some flings our actor had on set with some of his co-stars, he has managed to keep everything he has done on the side on the down low. The actress has always loved the friendship and relationship the two have had although it has been entirely asexual. She does not really have feelings for anyone, whether it be male or female in a sexual way and has loved being part of a relationship without actually being in a relationship. Make sense? Well, although it works for her, it has not always worked for the actor. He would love to play the field and take advantage of all the women who want to be with him. Not in a Gerard Butler kind of way, but at least have some fun. Most of the time his drinking keeps him from getting too interested as that is by far his first love. Unbeknownst to the actress though, the actor has maintained a steady group of two or three other women who he spends time with which satisfies his needs. If the actress were to find out about them or if the relationships would be made public then she would be forced to answer questions about this long time relationship and move on which is something she is loathe to do. She likes being insulated. The problem is the actor has been seeing someone more frequently who is growing impatient and wants to be seen with our actor in public. She wants a real relationship and not just one consisting of random hotel rooms and hookups at his place when the actress is out of town. It got so bad that in the past two weeks, the woman actually showed up on the set where our actor was filming and he had to pass off the woman as an obssessed fan which our actress did not entirely believe. Also, a former lover of the actor who also happens to be a co-star got drunk with the couple and began revealing details of the relationship she had with the actor and did so loudly. She also saw the "obsessed fan," and said, "That looks exactly like the girl you showed me last year who you said was just your type and you were going to try and meet her." Although our couple headed back home together, apparently neither of them have stayed there together since the fateful time on set.


  1. Rob Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

  2. Kristin Stewart and RObert Pattison?

  3. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson

  4. Co-sign with @spacecowboy78.

  5. Aaand @princessd & @Beth. :^}

  6. Yuppers. Love the easy ones.

  7. Yeah, what everyone else said...*L*

  8. Y'all are GOOD! Agree 100%.

  9. Kristen has been looking extra gloomy lately.

  10. robert pattison a B+/A- actor? something is wrong with that rating system then.

  11. Oh and it's gotta be Ashley Greene as the one that spilled. lol

  12. rob & kris. i first thought the "other co-star" was nikki reed but i think she keeps her distance. got to be ashley greene. rob hooked up with both, right?

  13. Is Twilight still "huge"? I guess so. And the clue fudge is not mentioning that the "actress" is also B+? Tsk, but Pattinson does look wasted a lot.

    Dude, hit the reefer instead of the bottle. If you're not holding, I'm sure K is whenever....

    This is a clever BI, because even if it's fake (and I'm not saying that it is...at all), don't you still get the feeling that K-Stew just ain't gettin' it right, however she pleases?

  14. Wow that one seemed pretty easy even for me, my first and only thought was Rob and Kristen

  15. You know, while Lainey constantly INSISTS Rob & KStew are the "real deal" I also immediately thought of them.

  16. I can't think of anyone else it could possibly be. Bummer though, as I think I'm the only person around (and I'm not a Twihard) who likes them.

  17. Ashley was just with them in Vancouver doing the reshoots for BD2--perfect fit!!

  18. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Gerard Butler really? He doesn't make promises for anything other than sex. The women he sleeps with have to take responsibility for their own actions. Yeah he gets around but he doesn't lie to get in your pants. If you're expecting more out of it and get attached then that's on you. I'm a feminst but I don't have a problem with men who sleep around and are completely honest about their intentions. I have a problem with those that promise the world when they're only trying to get in your pants. Enough with the GB bashing, he's a better person than anyone, especially those that don't actually know him, give him credit for.

  19. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

    1. Lol. Yeah this one was cake. I wonder how long this secret lover will wait....hmm!

  20. Since I've never been interested in Twatlight, I'm glad you all have enlightened me.

    DianaofThemyscira: agree!

  21. The funny thing about this is that the major gossip sites have entirely conflicting accounts of this relationship.

    CDAN: Fake. Kristen is a-sexual and Rob is a player
    Lainey: Couple is the real deal
    Ted: Rob and Kristen are both bisexual.

    Who's telling the truth?

  22. On what planet is Robert Pattinson B+/A-?

  23. Oh Robsten. Nice to have a relatively bland and easy one for a change!

  24. Slightly OT, did anyone see Bones last night? Seemed like they were admitting Hollyweird has its own rules and everyone is morally corrupt. It was odd... almost like they were the answer to a bunch of blinds and then saying, hey, it's Hollywood, anything's okay. I guess with that David Boreanaz dude (someone, please tell him to take off the hair piece, right?) they have to make excuses for keeping him on (and hiring Ryan O'Neal while they're at it).

  25. The problem with the Rob & Kristen guesses is that they've been filming reshoots....together.

    Try again.

  26. God your all good....

  27. I've never even seen a Twilight movie and even I immediately knew this was Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

  28. They're filming together because they are the two leads in the film. That doesn't mean this isn't true.

  29. First guess has it!

  30. Oh, that explains the timing of planting of an old gossip about legitimate gf and ashley @ Blindgossip. I was just wondering what was going on.

  31. I'm sort of confused as to why he is discussing with his at that time lover that he is gonna hook up with someone else and even shows this girl to her? are they all sister-wives there???

    1. I don't think she was his lover at the time he told her he wanted the other chick. Rumor has it Rob and Ashley hooked up near the beginning of filming the first twilight movie, so, years ago. And maybe a few times since, but nothing consistent.

  32. Asexual...defines Kristen Stewart to a T. Rob needs to quit that boring talentless chick and have his fun.

  33. What a cowardly concept. Throw out a blind item and let the commentators fill in the slanderous blanks.

  34. Hey Kvaughn, welcome to the internet. Just so you know, well before the internet there was a magazine that had a column called "Guess who, don't sue" filled with Blind Items. Wish I could remember which mag that was. Movieline?

  35. Totally down for RPatz/KStew combo. Sign me up For the AGreene bit too. Always knew it was too good 2 b true!!

  36. @cancan - I like them both, too, but can't stand Twilight.

  37. Ditto on the Rpatz, KStew guesses.

    She could have a great career as a beard, I'm sure she could find someone else she really likes to be around and who's company she enjoys.

  38. @FS: I remember that column, too! I think it was Movieline, in fact.

  39. Andrew Garfield/Emma Stone? Something a little different than the Twilight bandwagon.
    B+ list for Andrew because of Social Network and possibly Broadway?
    Huge franchise being Spider-Man.
    Only thing is, don't people speculate that Garfield AND Stone are both gay? So he wouldn't be chasing after the ladies like this stud.
    Also, Spider-Man is a recent franchise so unless Dunsty likes to hang around movie sets, I am not sure Spider-Man works.

  40. Rob and Kris would make sense, even with Lainey claiming they are the real deal. Sounds like this relationship, though unconventional, IS a real partnership. It simply lacks the sex factor.

  41. I immediately thought of Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone

  42. As much as I don't like Lainey, I'm more inclined to believe her because she actually (verifiably) is in the biz. Although, since it became common knowledge that she's in the biz I believe her less.

  43. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Lainey has since totally sold out. She used to love Nikki Reed and since Kristen started to get "big", she changed her tune and started to hate Nikki and praise Kristen. So, basically, everything that comes out of her mouth is a force fed lie. She also has a crazy Robsten shipper/Kristen stan writing for her, Sarah, and it's sometimes impossible to tell which one of them is writing what.

  44. Anonymous12:44 PM

    What previous (female) co-stars has Andrew been linked to, though? And he hasn't been filming in the past two weeks, either.

  45. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Just a comment about the formatting, could these longer blind items be put into smaller paragraphs?

    It just seems like a wall o' text and I keep getting lost then frustrated.

  46. I don't buy it.

    Not the part about Pattsy being a player, that may be true....but I have it on good authority that they are a "real couple" I would prefer not to say how, let's just call it family ties.

  47. Anonymous12:51 PM

    chellesy, one look at your profile tells me you're a Twifan because you're part of a Twilight fanfic group. I don't buy YOU.

  48. I never bought them as a couple. 10 bucks they are over within a year of the las twilight movie.

    I am not a twilight fan. I read the books but mainly to see if i had predicted correctly (i had). Plus i was pregnant and bored.

    I still can't figure out of Robert Pattinson is a good actor or not, he is so tainted by twilight. I can't wait until it is over.

    All i can say about the 1st movie my BFF drug me to see is that it was so awkward i felt like i was in high
    school again.

  49. So, the reasoning for why this relationship works for the actress (presumably, Kristen Stewart) is explained in the blind, but why does the actor (presumably, Rob) stay in this relationship?
    Kristen and Rob have been in this are-they-aren't-they "relationship" for 3 yrs now. That seems like a long time to waste if it truly is just a fake relationship, especially if Rob doesn't have something to gain from it (i.e. kristen being his beard). This blind makes it seem like all he gets out of it is one big headache with not being able to play the field with other women? I can see putting up with that for a year or so, but, 3 years in your 20's while you're at teen-age heart-throb status seems like a long time when you have no reason for staying.

  50. Anonymous1:22 PM

    They can't just "call it quits" while Twilight promo is still very much on. They just had to do re-shoots ffs. It's not going to die soon. Also, they're obviously close friends so it's not like they're strangers living up some sham.

  51. Well, for Rob it could have been emotional stability. They have been through so much together over those past three years - 3 movies per year, crazy twihards, pappz, media attention, etc. they had to hide all the time, living in between 3 houses and bunch of movie sets. Plus he was new in the country, new in the industry - I doubt he had any emotional space for real relationships at that time. So, it all worked, until he got 6 months of vacations. I feel bad for Stew - I think she might be not asexual but just exhausted.

  52. I see these doors have keys...

    Umm... WTH? I don't know what fanfic site you can see in my profile, but what the fuzzballs does that have to do with me stating that I have been told something and believe it because it is a trusted source.

    Just because I read fanfiction (all and any genres that tickle my fancy) does not mean I am a rabid Twilight fan. Honestly? I am grown woman with no hidden agenda other than passing the time reading a little gossip like every other person here.

    So you can not buy me all you want. I doubt you could afford me.....

  53. I have a hard time believing they've never screwed. Even a drunken/high night sloppy screw happens between friends UNLESS Kristen is a lesbian- which I would buy more than her being "asexual".

  54. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Ha, chellesey I seen you've deleted it. Mens Rea, does that ring any bells?

    And, you're a grown woman who reads Twilight fanfiction? You're not making your case any more valid. Am I to believe that some woman who is clearly part of the Twilight fandom just happens to have a familial tie that knows Rob and Kristen are "real"? We've heard a lot of "just happens" connections and they all sound bogus. Just like yours.

  55. FS, I was just thinking of the Hollywood Kids and the phrase "guess who, don't sue" this morning! It was the main reason I subscribed to Movieline, it used to be my favorite magazine back in the day....

  56. Anonymous1:54 PM

    ruby, her relationship with Michael Angarano seemed just as genuine, tbh. She stays with these men in these 3+ year relationships that she doesn't seem to be "into" so yeah, I think she's gay.

  57. No, there is NOT always a sloppy screw on a drunken night between friends. Friends are friends, and that's why they're friends. WTH!?! Or someone has to be lesbian/gay??!?

    OK, I'm feeding trolls, right?????

  58. Why is anyone reading a blogger gossip site that the ny post proved to be totally false info

  59. NY Post proved nothing. I read Enty because I like gossip and he serves it up. How hard is that to understand?

  60. Part of the Twilight fandom...or a fan of the author of Twilight? Ponder that if you will. There may actually be people who have an interest in fanfiction for numerous reasons,none of which may be relating to the actors in some poorly made films.

    I am more than sure you are aware that a Twilight fanfiction is at the top of the NYT best sellers list as I type this. That story is not my sort of thing and the fact theat it was published as an original story is a joke, but more than a few grown women think it's the best thing since sliced bread....

    Oh and I didn't read Mens Rea, but I may have passed the link on to a friend :-)

  61. The post proved he lies about what he does for a living and who he knows. I would say that is a big no no for a person who wants to be known for serving up real gossip

  62. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/blind_items_X90W22a56Zl3O5RnjTvhsL/1

  63. Real pr pro thx for posting that link

  64. Always happy to inject a little truth into the conversation

  65. Sweet Georgia brown. When did this site get so catty? I was gone for 3 months and it changed so fast. Brrrrr.

    Not on the Robsten train. I need more convincing. What else you got? I just don't see either of them being A-/B+.

  66. SO, if this IS Rob/Kristen, then the costar MUST be Ashley Greene as she was just filming for a day w/them i Canada.YET CDAN calls her a "former lover?" But in their last BV - from a few months ago - Ashley and Rob were in a hotel room in Paris making such loud sex they were told by management to quiet down. So IS she a former lover or lover? And if we believe the first BV, why would he admit he was interested in another woman to his lover? You can't have it both ways CDAN. I call BS on you. Which is it - is the last BV about Rob true, or is this one true? I call you out as a liar who changes his bv to get more hits. everyone knows R+K=hits=more ad revenue for CDAN. Greedy pigs

  67. and, they're back......

  68. If one believes totally that NYPost article, what the fuck are they doing here.

    On topic: Kristen Stewart strikes me as a virgin, lesbian who still hasn't gone below the waist, if you get my meaning. Her eyes are always so sad and/or empty, and when she's not actively posing, her whole face just drops. That's probably why she seems asexual, she never, ever seems to let go.

    Just my observations, as a sad-faced girl myself. I have no idea the plot or appeal of Twilight, for the record.

  69. Do those pr specialists patrol every blind or just this one?

  70. @libby, I agree that there is something sad and haunting about her face when she retreats from "work" and goes into whatever dark place she goes into. For me, though, that is what made me pay attention to her in the first place. That, plus the Spanx.

  71. http://www.breakingdawnmovie.org/kristen-stewart-at-coachella-2012/exclusive-kristen-stewart-shows-off-an-american-eagle-bra-under-a-loose-top-and-ae-cut-off-shorts-while-enjoying-the-coachella-music-festival-2/

    yes, libby, so sad when not posing. yes, what a haunting look. snort.

  72. I think the sadness comes from deep repression of her sexuality. She's a textbook closet case IMO. If this blind is true then Pattinson as her BFF should help her instead of helping her hide IMO

  73. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I always wanna go up to Kristen and give her a hug when I see her sad face in pictures. It's just something in her eyes that scream out "I need a hug"

  74. I would be sad too if I was hated and criticized as much as Kristen.

  75. @nolachickee
    "Kristen has been looking extra gloomy lately."

    How could you possibly tell?!? She always look like her BFF just died, like she can't be bothered to comb her hair or dress herself because she's so distraught.

  76. People are silly. Who actually thought Enty was an entertainment lawyer and telling the strict truth about who he knows/doesn't know? Not anyone with even a grain of common sense or who has hung around here with any sort of regularity.

    For people who are feeling betrayed, I'm sorry you are so very, very dim.

  77. Kristen always makes me want to give her a hug, too. I kind of just wish she could find something else she wanted to do with her life and just run far away (especially from RPattz.)

  78. Robert and E Gee Bee, thanks for the confirmation about the Movieline column. :)

    Lunabelle, I agree this is a PR showmance. I've said it here more than once. They will be over by the time the final film hits DVD or shortly after.

    El and Real PR Pro, maybe we're still reading this site because we saw the hint Enty dropped on April 1st that the NY Post article was planted. Or maybe we realize that gossip is gossip and we have a fondness for our fellow posters. Why are you here? Your criticism would be better directed at the morons who follow Kim Kardashian and buy her shit.

    Paris to Montreal, if Rob and Ashley were going at it a few months ago and are not going at it anymore, then yes, they qualify as former lovers. Also, this site doesn't have BV's, that would be E Online. (Technicality, I know).

    Anongkhla, exactly.

    Sometimes I wish this was a message board instead of a google blog, might cut down on the drive by trolling.

  79. Paris to Montreal
    Yes, when I said Kristin always looks so sad, I meant every single moment of her life ever, of course. Don't peddle that photoshop smile here!

    Notice how many concerned comments followed mine? It doesn't make her less of a person, to be sad or closeted or anything. It's not an insult to point out how sad she seems, and how stiff she is. It's concern. It's empathy. You'll get yours by the time you're 30, i promise, and at the same age you'll lose the need to knee-jerk react like a fangirl. I know it's hard to realize your idols are simply people, we all go through that at your age. It's just concern on this end. Her constant discomfort is so striking.

  80. Argh!!! Twilight trolls, GO AWAY! This is not the sight you're looking for. (said in best Obi Wan Kenobi voice.)
    Seriously, I MISS the original crew here.

  81. This does NOT sound like rpatz and kstew sorry but rpatz is bi and kstew straight up gay. Google Tom Sturridge and you will know who rpatz really love.

    Still dont have a guess for this blind.

  82. @libby You would be amazed at how many of the Twi-nuts who refuse to believe any of the blinds about Rob and Kristen are actually middle-aged wives and moms. I know it's a frightening concept but most of the people you are addressing will never gain another ounce of maturity.

    @ecua You should see Ted's comments. At least the non-Twi posts here are safe. The Twi-crazies have turned the entire Awful Truth into their delusional Twi-land.

  83. It really makes me sad to read all the negative comments about Rob and Kristen. Do you guys judge them just to feel better about yourself?

    Rob and Kristen do not deserve these hateful untrue comments...they are the sweetest people on the planet and totally devoted to each other. This piece of gossip is not about them.

  84. This item is about Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. It's well known Andrew left his long time gf Shannon because he wanted to be with other people.

    He and Emma are together right now but I've heard he's wanting to be free again. His friends discovered him with other women recently and Emma heard about it...things are not good between them. This blind item fits them to a T!!!

  85. From the first line of this blind I thought Andrew and Emma, but after reading the comments and re-reading the blind I can see how it fits Robert and Kristen as well. So I'm a bit confused but hoping it's not Spiderman because they look so beautiful together.

  86. I have to agree with all of you. Kristen totally seems like an emotionless fembot. Asperger's, NPD, touched by an uncle, who knows? all I know is that an average chick thats DTF is much better than a hottie that hates to be touched.

  87. So I don't know alot about rob and kirsten or whoever..but I just read a little gem about Kirsten visiting rob on set when he was filming with Chrisitna Ricci..they had a steamy sex scene but christina downplayed it saying that SO's don't usually visit on love scene days...

    Usually not a poster and like I said don't know much about them so I don't know if it fits.

  88. So I don't know alot about rob and kirsten or whoever..but I just read a little gem about Kirsten visiting rob on set when he was filming with Chrisitna Ricci..they had a steamy sex scene but christina downplayed it saying that SO's don't usually visit on love scene days...

    Usually not a poster and like I said don't know much about them so I don't know if it fits.

  89. @unknown: You're confused. Christina Ricci was on The View when she said this (I watched it). She said Kristen visited the set when it was Rob's birthday. They asked her if Kristen was there when they (Rob/Christina) were filming love scenes and what Kristen thought of it, and Christina said no, that Kristen Stewart was NOT there. Christina said that it's kind of an unwritten rule to not bring your significant other when you're filming love scenes, as it's considered tacky to do so.

  90. Oh ok I thought I was confused! I wasn't sure if that fit to the blind..I am somewhat new to these blinds read them alot...don't guess too often! Just putting my 2 cents in :) Ps I am "unknown" I was just figuring out the creating of the account :)

  91. Let me see if I got this right. Rob and Kristen's relationship is fake and Rob fucked Ashley Greene a time or few. And they got drunk the other night and Ashley saw the stalker um mean lady that Rob once said that he would like to get with. Ok. But if R and K's relationship isn't real then why is Rob hiding a lover away. And why would she put up with that shit. Most importantly who the fuck is this secret lover.

  92. Let me see if I got this right. Rob and Kristen's relationship is fake and Rob fucked Ashley Greene a time or few. And they got drunk the other night and Ashley saw the stalker um mean lady that Rob once said that he would like to get with. Ok. But if R and K's relationship isn't real then why is Rob hiding a lover away. And why would she put up with that shit. Most importantly who the fuck is this secret lover.

  93. oh lord... is "Enty" now courting the Twihards? Jeezus that's the reason i left Ted C.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. LondonBlue, He's hiding either cos it would mean to everyone the relationship between him and K is fake,which is dreadful for Twilight fans or cos this "lover" isn't so important to him
