Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Whole Month Of Fail Videos

I can't ever decide what fail compilation person I like better. This one is pretty good though.


  1. Define pretty good. Not gonna look. I've been burned by your videos before.

  2. Fail videos are usually funny .... but the ones posted here are brutal. I hope everyone involved is still alive.

  3. These were cringeworthy, not one made me crack a smile. Hope that kid on the bike was ok, hope that wasn't blood on the top of his helmet.

  4. The guy who gets off the motorcycle and has an axe is the best of the bunch.

    If I had spent 30 years guessing what was about to happen, I never would have guessed he'd get up and approach the vehicle behind him with an axe.

    What got me was he was so casual about it; like he does it all the time.

  5. everytime it cut to the dudes street fighting all i could think was "FINISH HIM."
