Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Alec Baldwin & His Temper

Yesterday I Tweeted the photo of Alec Baldwin attacking a New York Daily news photographer, but didn't talk about it on the site. Today though I wanted to talk about Alec and the thing that makes me still hesitate to like the guy despite me loving most of the roles he has ever played. When he is on SNL, I always watch because I know it will be good and he will be a fearless performer, but then I remember how he yelled at his fiancee' when she dared to speak before he was finished and demeaned her in front of others and I get turned off. I watch him on 30 Rock and like him and then remember how he screamed at his daughter or at Kim Basinger and drove Kim to almost quit the business because she was so shell shocked from their marriage. Think about what he did to Kim. When they met she was at the height of her career and he told her what to do and not to do and she listened and he yelled and she has never been the same person again. I like him in a movie and then he berates a flight attendant for doing her job and what every other person had to do other than Alec who lives in his own world. Think about all the people he has yelled at and screamed at we never hear about or know about. His way of dealing with girlfriends is to try and knock them down so much verbally and mentally that they become meek and subservient to him. It is kind of like when someone is always yelling at their dog and enjoy when the dog's first instinct is to cower.


  1. OOohhh this sounds like one of the BI too.

  2. @jessie I was thinking the same thing!!!....researching now...

  3. Despite him being a total douche nozzle, he was in beetlejuice which is my favorite movie of all time, but his behavior does not get a pass. You need anger management Alec, stop being such an asshole!

  4. Douchebag of relationships! Toxic

  5. Yuck. Never cared for him. Now I have reasons why.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Can't the man ever play words with friends in peace?

  8. I feel the same way - love his work, but hate him as a person. I know how verbal attacks can beat you down and there's no call for it. I know he and Tina Fey don't talk unless they are doing a scene together.

  9. Well, Enty, when you put it like THAT...

    I tend to conveniently forget Alec's bad behavior, because I like his work so much. Right now I feel pretty guilty for watching him. I've known that kind of man, they're awful.

  10. What the hell is wrong with him?? And, Enty, dont give Bassinger a free ride on her path to nuttyville. Hes a bully and asshole, but she is equally weird, and i can never firgive her for using daughter as weapon in divorce.

  11. This is a man that is insecure!!!

  12. You know what? Everybody, even my cat, knows he has a short fuse. So why wld photog purposely aporiach him and take picture? Ignore the idiot and mb he will go away!

  13. II don't really have a lot of sympathy for his fiancée for staying. $$$

  14. I smell a BI!

    I am with you enty. I've always lived him and find it easy to ignore his off screen "antics" even tho he's kind of a pig.

  15. Alec also Tweeted a gay slur at the editor of the Daily News, called him an "English Queen" and "Her Highness Colin Myler." Can't believe GLAAD hasn't called him out on that.

  16. Oh Alec why must you be such an asshole! I too love his work, he gives me the case of the giggles quite regularly, but damn he is a mean one. I am curious as to what his relationship with his mother is like. Obviously not all, but I always think that men who don't think highly of their mother tend to pass it down to other women in their lives.

  17. "and she has never been the same person again"


    This refers to a blind item, for sure.

  18. I hope one day he runs into someone like Roger Huerta and gets the snot beat out of him.

  19. Something is clearly not right when you make John Mayer look like a choir boy by comparison.

  20. One of my family members works at Tempur Pedic and said Alec was the second worst famous customer, made a CSR cry. The first being Martin Sheen, he was also a big a**hole.

    It sucks, because I absolutely love him as Jack Doneghy.

  21. Aw. Martin Sheen is a big a**hole too? :(

  22. @ curlyhairslacker , I can sympathize with your family member. Oh, not my Martin?

  23. I really dislike this f*cker.

  24. Alex needs rehab and the photographers should ignore for awhile and do not pring anynthing for a while.


  26. I've always liked Alec Baldwin on the screen, and as for punching a photographer in the nose, I honestly can't say I blame him. But he does seem to have a troubling pattern of abusive behavior toward others.

  27. I've spent all morning looking, but the blind item that I thought this was referring to (man overheard berating his wife over an intercom) didn't describe Alec Baldwin at all:

    It was clearly Ben Stiller/Christine Taylor. Maybe I'll look again later.

  28. I didn't hear about him yelling at his fiance. Can anyone tell me about that?

  29. I like Alec in most everything he's in and remember well how good he looked in The Hunt for Red October. I know he's got a terrible temper and wouldn't recommend anyone dating him unless they were on an equal playing field with him (which he would not allow). But I think Kim had/has issues of her own and probably did some pretty bad things to keep him from his daughter.

  30. I think these photographers are deliberately provocative when they approach actors and actresses with known tempers. I have no doubt that in this case, Alec was provoked. That being said, he needs to learn how to handle provocation. By reacting with anger, he gave that low-life pap exactly what he wanted. I also have no doubt that Alec is a toxic boyfriend, and probably acts like a spoiled brat most of the time. Sadly, most of the actors and actress we love probably act like this, too. They just do a better job of keeping it quiet. The revelation about Martin Sheen doesn't surprise me much. Charlie didn't come from the stork.

  31. That's a good point about Martin and Charlie. I am disappointed, though.

    I love Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock and you'll pry The Hunt for Red October and the Schweddy Balls skit from my cold dead hands, but it's been a long time since I last held any illusions about what kind of person he is in real life. I just hope he never hurts anyone seriously, and if he does, that they'll throw the book at him, not give him a slap on the wrist.

  32. Has Kim even dated since him?

  33. I see him and I instantly think of THAT voicemail he left
    For his DAUGHTER. wrong wrong wrong

  34. Hillaria better give up yoga and take up running!

  35. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Yeah, I enjoy Alec as an actor, but I cannot tolerate him as a human being. He's an egomaniacal douchenozzle rageaholic.

    I kind of think about him the way I do Ty Cobb -- an absolutely shitty person, but fantastic at their job.

  36. Hilaria knows what she's getting into, she will make sure it pay$ off.

    I really like his work, but he is evil. Did you know he compared bring confronted by a photographer to Trayvon Martin being murdered in cold blood? Yeah, that happened, although the comment was made in one of his rages and I think he unintentionally compared himself to George Zimmerman, which is somehow fitting.

  37. Seriously. I mean, hopefully she's well-adjusted and knows what she's getting into, I think that would put her miles ahead of poor Kim, but can you imagine fifteen, twenty years down the road with him possibly meaner and angrier, like some people get as they age? I sure wouldn't risk it.

  38. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I can't help loving him despite his horrible temper which comes from the same passion he puts into his work which is why he is such a wonderful actor (I don't ever feel bad when the stalkarazzi get hit so I easily let those incidents slide) but his frequent rants cannot be defended and he really should seek some anger management therapy. However, anyone who claims that Kim is fucked up b/c she married Alec must not have a lot of Hollywood connections b/c she was notoriously crazy long before him. The stories still circulate even though she rarely works so not sure why 'Enty' is placing the blame on him. If anything she cracked under him b/c she finally couldn't get her way with someone as strong as him and that drove someone with her mental issues even more cuckoo.

  39. "I know he and Tina Fey don't talk unless they are doing a scene together."

    No, that's not known at all. They do a lot of press together in which the act very friendly. Tina lauded him to the skies in her book. The 30 Rock cast and writers all talk about what a huge talent he is. To the world they are good friends.

    But...there was a CDAN BI about two stars of a hit sitcom who act very friendly but only communicate through others on set. I can't find it but it was posted just after Baldwin's infamous voicemail incident. The consensus was that it was Tina and Alec.

  40. Breaking Schweddy Balls News:

    Photographer-bashing Alec Baldwin found a new target Wednesday, rolling his mountain bike over a television reporter's foot outside his East Village apartment.

    NY Daily News

  41. @B Profane. If I'm not mistaken that blind was revealed two years ago? And it was Tina and Alec

  42. I feel the same, really love and appreciate Alec's work, but good lawd he is a terrible person when that temper gets out. I have a bit of a temper and I somewhat understand, but my goodness if I was that famous I would work a hell of a lot harder to control it.

  43. Classic symptoms of Penis Smallitis

  44. I think he should get a pass for this one. We have all heard about the methods paparazzi use to provoke responses. I'm not saying he hasn't displayed a'hole tendencies in the past, but in this instance, I think he deserves to be let off the hook.

  45. I would love to hear the stories on Kim. I've read many times of her having agoraphobia (sp) and she lost a ton of money buy that town (why does someone buy a town?) and she lost a ton of money over that movie Boxing Helena (bad movie anyway) and there were rampant stories during the filming of The Marrying Man and how she and Alec were a challenge to deal with, but the funny thing is, I haven't heard of Alec being a challenge in recent years when it comes to work. Was that all Kim or were they worse together? I picture Kim now huddled in her house, never leaving, and giving their daughter the third degree anytime she visits him. I don't dislike Kim, I just don't think of her as as much a victim as Enty does.

  46. I believe Enty revealed the blind where Aec yelled at Hilaria at a dinner party because her political views were 'wrong'. Anyone with stories, let's hear them. I think when people are constantly displaying bad behaviour they should be outed.

  47. think about how Basinger is known as very difficult on set,very capricious "very Marylin Monroe", how Baldwin paid her debt after she dropped a movie and that she lost the trial,how she won an Oscar during their marriage and she was more interested to breed her kid than by her career,how Basinger was not interested by politics (Baldwin's passion)
    I remember also how their divorce was nasty (abuse/alcohol trouble for him)

  48. I remember Baldwin being very supportive to her during the trial. I didn't know he paid her debt, that was huge. I remember her laughing about all the gifts he would give her and described this really pretty necklace with multicolored stones she liked to wear with t-shirts. I remember him being rather devoted to her. That doesn't mean he wasn't in the wrong, but it doesn't mean she didn't have a part in it. I think she was probably a master manipulator similar to what it looks like Halle Berry is.

  49. @Sarah, you beat me to how he compared what happened to the Trayvon Martin case. Serious case of its all about me.

  50. "@B Profane. If I'm not mistaken that blind was revealed two years ago? And it was Tina and Alec"

    Well that just makes it weirder, because they still do buddy-buddy flacking when they're pimping for 30 Rock, and Baldwin hosts SNL about every other year. I don't think that Lorne would put up with him if Baldwin was consistently an asshole in private.

    Maybe they've made up since then. Tina wrote Bossypants after the voicemail incident and maybe a fifth of the book is passages lauding Baldwin.

  51. I thought that reveal was Any Poehler and Rob Lowe.

  52. Ah, you're right:

  53. Whoops, we're both right. There were two BI's revealed about co-stars hating each other, and one was about Alec & Tina:

  54. Anonymous5:25 PM

    God help me, but I love me some Alec Baldwin. He's just so talented and so sexy. And so damn funny as Jack Donaghy - he MAKES 30 Rock.

    If I was his girlfriend, I'd tame that bad boy and have a good time doing it !!

    Seriously, the man just needs some anger management classes. I wish he would wake up and just go and get some help. He's had too many incidents lately.

  55. He is a dangerous narcisist; an abuser of women, its only a matter of time before he goes too far.

  56. I tend to side with the RJ's of the world on this matter. If I had someone constantly in my face like that, I'd probably want to give them a shove, too.
