Monday, June 25, 2012

Amar'e Stoudemire Calls A Guy A F* g on NYC Pride Weekend

In response to a Tweet from a NY Knicks fan who thinks Amar'e Stoudemire should play a little harder next year, Amar'e sent a direct message which said, "F**k you! I don't have to do anything f*g. Yeah, as you can expect this did not go down well with the fan who retweeted it. As soon as Amar'e realized that he was going to get a whole lot of crap for it he decided to apologize. If he had not got crap for it he would not have apologized. So, when he sends a message saying he is sorry and had just got off a plane and was in a rush, was he apologizing for being mean or calling the guy a f*g. Is he sorry? Probably. He is in Milan right now so hiding out. The thing is it was his first instinct to use that word. That is what bothers me. When is that your first instinct? If it is, then you probably use it a lot, and you are only sorry that you got caught.


  1. Who is this guy? I realize I could google him, but he doesn't seem like he's worth the five seconds that would require...

  2. Basketball player. I believe he plays for the Knicks.

  3. Basketball player. I believe he plays for the Knicks.

  4. Yes hes a basketball player for the Knicks & a douchebag. That about sums it up.

  5. Yes, he does play for the Knicks.

    The thing is, people for some reason separate that word from its homosexual meaning i.e. if you randomly decided to start calling someone a "plate" like it was an insult. They don't really even think about the meaning of it, and just hurl it as a general insult.

    That being said, in reading that NY Observer article that outed Chace Crawford, I was pleased to see that NY handed down a ruling that calling someone "gay" is not slander. Being gay isn't a negative thing as much as being straight isn't, or being male or female or what have you.

  6. Just background info. I love Etymology, you can learn a lot about culture and social mores from it.

    American Etymology of the word:

    "George Chauncey, in his 1994 work Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, says that the terms fairy, faggot, and queen were used by homosexuals to refer to men who were ostentatiously effeminate. Homosexuals who were not as showy referred to themselves as "queer" in the first decades of the 20th century. But the general public mainly called homosexuals "fairies." "

  7. What pisses me off is when "celebs" do this kind of thing and then say oh my bad I'm just tired or exhausted. Whatever. Mother fucker just has no tact and needs to know when to act like a damn adult. Same goes for those who get strung out and claim dehydration or exhaustion. Just admit you can't handle your shit and be done with it. I wonder if he would be as forgiving if somebody called him a slur. And I don't mean in an ignorant way like Paltrow.

  8. Oh yes, I'm sure he's really sorry he said it. Douchebag.

  9. Being gay isn't an insult, but there will always be people who use it that way, like the word Jew/Jewish.

    My problem with out someone as gay is, it is a double standard that should be fixed in life. No straight person has to be outed because that is acceptable, "normal". Who is to say CC, whether is gay or not, isn't out among his family and friend. Why is necessary to be public knowledge? Where are the People magazines claiming Ben Affleck, Julia Roberts, or Demi Lavato are straight?

  10. I'm guessing no one here watched that hot piece Louis C.K stand up on this subject (the usage of the word fa**ot).

    Let's just say, I concur.

  11. "That hot piece Louis C.K" LOL.

  12. It just get's my panties in a knot that it's SOOOO anti-pc to say fa**ot, I mean google some youtube video's, like Bran Nubian's Punks jump Up to Get Beat Down....everything's censored. But hey no problemo saying terrible things about women, such as calling us Hoe's, trick's, bitches (and not in the good way), etc. Notice, none of that's censored.

  13. I have a thing for mexican gingers. what can I say. Well, that and when he said "he's looking not for a 22yr old, but for a woman who had some people fall out of her vagina and walk all over her dreams." It's the moment I fell, deeply in love.

  14. ^^ in re: to the hot piece Louis C.K.

  15. Something tells me that someone will be taking over Amar's tweets, from now on.
