Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Amber Portwood Gets 5 Year Jail Sentence

A judge in Indiana today sentenced Amber Portwood to five years in jail. The Teen Mom star had asked a judge to reinstate her sentence two weeks ago and the judge did just that. Amber was unable to finish her drug treatment program and told the judge she was never going to be able to stay clean. Can you imagine if Lindsay Lohan had been sentenced to five years in jail? Her crimes seemed just as bad but she never had to do anything close to the time that Amber is going to have to do. I really hope this gets her clean and when she gets out she will be young enough that she can start over and I still admire her for admitting she needed help.


  1. Maybe now we can stop hearing about this non-celebrity.

  2. She might be a non-celebrity but how many people have ever been so honest with a judge to say that jail is their only hope of getting clean? I watched a teen mom marathon so I know a little but I'm not a regular watcher. I know we DEFINITELY wont be hearing about her in 20 years but I'd be curious to know how this affects her daughter and if she's proud of her mom surrendering or not. I think that makes her story interesting, not that she had a baby at 16.

  3. Glad she asked for help and I hope this helps her! But otherwise good riddance, we don't have to hear about her anymore!

  4. Some people just have a face that goes with an obese body. Until she gains weight, she'll always look mismatched.

    1. Like a bobblehead. But anyway, good luck to her. I think that this was a wise decision.

  5. Also, that is some horrendous photoshopping on that inside right upper arm.

  6. p.s. I stand by my comment giving her the benefit of the doubt, not thinking for a second it was a ploy for leniency. I don't believe a judge would hear her plea and not take it as the truth.

  7. Good luck to her. She was honest, fessed up, and accepted harsh punishment. This may be the most admirable thing she will ever do.

  8. Indiana! That's where the spiders are!

    1. No hon, they're called Hoosiers.

  9. It's sad that she could get clean.

    It's extreme to prefer lock-up to getting clean and getting a job and being a parent.

    Oh right, those things are hard.

  10. I highly doubt she's going to jail for a full five years.

    I have no high regard for her. She has a kid. She can't get it together for the kid so it's easier to just go to jail. Fuck her. Let's hope we never have to hear from her again.

    She's got a lot of different skin colours going on there.

  11. I think this is really sad. I remember when she smacked that fatty and guess what, he had it coming.

    She shouldn't have ever been arrested for that, not when I have seen other people smack and punch each other on reality shows like Monster in Law.

    It's really sad. And hate her or not, a child is now without a mother, a mother is probably going to be even more f*ed up then she would have been had she NOT gone to jail for smacking gary etc.

    I pray she uses this time to refocus and make the proper changes that she needs to. However the temptation to just give up will be great.

  12. and she chose jail over actually feeling what was going on. She is not unusual from the majority of us. JUst look at us as a society. WE are ALL numbing our pain, be it by pharms, booze, cigs, food, exercise, etc....celeb gossip sites, etc. Feeling what is true within you is one of THE hardest things to do, so before you point your finger, make sure your hands are clean.

    1. Love ya Omama but nobody should ever be hit. Yes, at 55 my hands are clean. And I know plenty of people who truly deserve to be punched in the snout!

  13. LOL at EmEyeKay! I read Indiana, too, yesterday.

  14. This is sad---she's going to miss a lot of her little girl's childhood. I am glad she's going to get clean but what a huge price to pay.

    I suspect if she gets straight in jail she'll get parole or some kind of time cut off.

    1. She will never be clean. This is doing her kid a favor.

  15. @princess That is exactly what I was thinking. Her face looks like she should be really fat, but she's not. Huh.

  16. She looks like Natalie from the Facts of Life- on crack.

  17. Natalie Green it is! Maybe Mindy Cohn can play her in the Lifetime Biopic.

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    All I know is I am loving that dress she's wearing !

  19. I read that she made $280,000 last year. For getting pregnant at 15 or 16. It's sad that TV execs keep rewarding people with reality shows when the people are not smart enough to know they're embarrassing themselves. I went to college and grad school for 8 years. Where's my $280,000???

  20. osn't this the girl that ws "going away" for a year or 2 a couple of months ago? and enty made a comment about how she wouldn't be able to do the tv show anymore.

  21. i thought i was the only beatch mean enough to think she had a fat persons face, it looks like someone photoshopped their face on a skinny body for fb or something

  22. Good, now if she's really a decent human being she'll give her daughter up for adoption. Seriously. Give the poor kid a chance.

  23. Like her or not, the fact that this girl went in and asked for FIVE YEARS in jail rather than try to pull a fast one and attempt to beat the system with a rehab stint that she knew wouldn't work takes balls. Five years is a LONG time to be locked up - even if she is paroled, she is still looking at a year and a half at least. I despite reality shows and all these teen baby mamas are trailer trash, but I give the girl credit.

  24. No way this was some ploy to try for mercy from the judge. I don't buy it. She chose jail because it's forced detox, along with a prolonged sober period afterward - and this way, she can't sign herself out, or escape, or be tempted as soon as she walks out of a 30 day rehab. She can also attend 12-step meetings inside. Sure, drugs are available in lockup (as per a friend of mine who actually spent time in a state pen for a drug offense), but not as easily as one might think. You also need money with which to buy them. It's sad for her child, but a child with two addicted and neglectful parents are far worse. This might give both mother a child a fighting chance.

  25. That dress is performing a miracle: she looks okay in this photo.

  26. Yeah, from the neck down!
