Thursday, June 07, 2012

Amber Portwood Had Second Suicide Attempt

Back in June of last year, Amber Portwood was hospitalized after she tried to commit suicide. She says though that it was not her last try to kill herself. In an interview with Good Morning America, Amber says there was a recent second suicide attempt and was one of the reasons she knew she needed help and needed to go to jail. Amber says she took 30 Suboxene in three days. She would take four or five at a time. Would that be enough to kill you? It is a drug to treat opiate addictions like OxyContin or heroin? Nurses? Doctors? Angelina Jolie? Help me here. I think it would knock you out, but I don't know if taking 10 a day would kill you.


  1. I don't like this person, etc., etc. But this is the second picture I've seen of her where she's styled quite well. Like, does she have the best stylist in the world? That jacket/hair combo makes me wonder if she's got some good powers of vision. Terrible powers of living, and horrible self-control, and addicted to the worst drugs in the world -- but, damn girl, that jacket.

  2. The obvious answer is it doesn't matter how many suboxene she had to take to kill herself. She obviously didn't want to be here, and that is called committing suicide.

    If someone tries to hang themselves, are you going to speculate about how long the rope should be, and which materials you shouldn't use?

  3. Suboxone, (not ENE), builds up in your system so that you can't get high. If you take four per day already (and who knows what dosage she was on) every day, then if you wanted to get high, you'd need to take more than that. It's not instant, either. So I can see someone taking a bunch, nothing happening since they have a tolerance, then taking a bunch more. And then they'd get very sleepy and very itchy, just like with heroin. But I don't think you could OD.

    Yes, it's used to treat opiate addiction - but you can't shoot it up, that's one of the benefits. It also makes taking other drugs a moot point - it can actually be dangerous to take a bunch of Vicodin or whatever when you're taking Suboxone.

  4. Does it matter? She's not bright enough to know better. Obviously, if the intent was there then there is a problem. Not wheather or not she had knowledge to pull it off.

    If someone put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger, and there were no bullets would we just laugh it off? No. And we shouldn't do it here.

  5. The term for this kind of behavior is parasuicidal. Many depressed or borderline personality patients take an overdose that might or might not be lethal. The thought is "I don't want to wake up," but doesn't rise to the extremely lethal methods of suicide. Men, incidentally, attempt suicide less but are more successful; women make more failed attempts, statistically. Whatever her intention, there was some death-wish involved in it, perhaps not totalizing.

  6. Even I suspected that she needed a psychiatric ward more than a prison cell. Disappointed in her judge who mindlessly followed the sentencing guideline book rather than use his head.

  7. Swedes love to inject meth and snort Suboxone, for what it's worth. And y'all love their books!

  8. I feel for her daughter. Seriously.
    She is the only one in all of this that matters.

  9. Good Lord, I really dislike this person, but atleast she's finally realized she needs serious help. I hope her time in prison will include some of the therapy she wants and needs. I hope very much that she can turn things around.

  10. My father and sister are addicts and they both have taken suboxone. My sister has been taking it for 4 years. It can be just as addicting as pills. It is a synthetic opioid and it gives you a boost which is why my sister still takes it. It also makes you not hungry. When my dad was on it he took the whole months worth in 5 days. You have to keep taking more each time to get the high.

  11. She may have been already addicted to opiates when she started suboxone. She needs help.

  12. Every psychopath will make you feel sorry for them. Every one! They rarely kill themselves - Carey Mulligan in Shame. I'm done being fooled by these folks. My empathy is now reserved for those that also have empathy. Please throw away the key on this one. She cannot be helped. Reserve psychiatric treatment for those who can be helped please! Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on this trash. It's bankrupting this country.


  14. Honestly, I love all this second-guessing of suicide attempts. So if someone is unsuccessful at dying, they weren't really trying and are just looking for attention?

    Get a grip, Barton Fink.

  15. Suboxone is used like methadone for heroin addicts, as essentially replacement therapy for oxy. Very long half life, so it keeps withdrawal at bay, but it also take A LOT to get high off of it (although my guess is that at this point, girlfriend is looking to stave off the WD, not to get high anymore). Problem with subox, much like methadone, is that you still have to wean from it just like other opiates, which is where people end up just trading one dependency for another. My sister is an addictions nurse at a rehab, and has told me a good rehab has subox dosing to a science so you can wean in as little as a week, but it's still no picnic bc you still have some wd to deal with, just not as severe. Frankly, she's best off in lockup where she can dry out cold turkey. And as someone who has dealt with physical dependency thanks to long term pain management (never using to get high and never taking anything beyond what was prescribed by a legit doctor), I can speak firsthand about how awful - AWFUL - withdrawal is. You feel like you are dying, and that can go on for days and weeks depending on what you've been taking and for how long. She's a major dummy for playing with fire for a recreational high (among her other life choices), but if she's doing what I think she's doing by having herself locked away, I give her a boatload of credit. I don't like the girl or the show, but I'll give credit where it's due.

  16. Barton, I actually agree w/you. I like her look/style in this pic. I've seen a couple of other shots of her looking nicely styled. If she is styling herself, then she has talent in that area. It would be great for her--and for her daughter-- if she could capitalize on this or whatever her talents are & use it to get her self together and benefit others.

  17. @angel She asked to be put in prison instead of rehab or a psych ward. I don't know if that's good, bad, or indifferent, but it was her choice.

  18. huh, you figured that glamorizing a pregnant teen with no job or education would be good for them.

    Anyone who tunes into Teen Mom or The Kardashians is partly responsible for everything wrong with America.

    1. Idk about kardasians, but teen mom in no way whatsoecer glamorizes teen pregnancy or teen motherhood. Quite the opposite. Shows how hard it is.

  19. She looks like Adam Lambert. I hope she can get her act together.

  20. Why, thank you, McSpanky! I'll get right on that.

  21. If someone is styling her, are they seriously advising orange skin, pale lips, and drag queen eyeliner?

  22. I'm with Chad Sexington, I'm sorry, I know a lot of people here watch those shows but they are pure garbage. They make Dance Moms look like The Wire.

  23. No idea who she is but I doubt it was suicide attempt. I like what PhillyGirl said. I imagine the WDs are so bad that 10x/day didn't seem outrageous to her. If you have a bad headache that's like five doses of motrin in 24 hrs -- it ain't going to kill you, you're just looking to get out of pain.

    LMAO @ "Angelina Jolie?"

  24. @Figgy, you forgot to mention her sytlish drawn eyebrows. And I'm going to assume her purse is Coach and is the same style as the 8 billion I'm going to pass on my walk home from work.

  25. This SUB pill while of great use for addicts wanting to change their lives, I'm living proof. At the same time this pill is just as bad as any opiates and caution must be used while handling. I thank god have been successful in getting off SUB so far with a month left fingers crossed.
    Amber should have known SUB has a ceiling dose of 4 pills or appx 32mg so anything more was pointless, her body didn't use the 26 remaining pills. Hope she finds what she's
    looking for, for the sake of her baby!

    1. You actually hit a ceiling at 4 mg. sadly this fact is overlooked by our health care " providers " or just plain ignored. I know people that are prescribed ridiculous amounts of subs when 2mg would do 95% of people just fine . It's so sad.

  26. It took me months to recover after getting off suboxone.

    I jumped off of 4mg and I didn't sleep for almost 30 days .. It was the most intense pain I've ever been in and some days it took all my strength just to sit in an Epsom bath and cry.

    10 sub pills a day will not kill you not get you high unless you have no previous opiate experience.

    I agree with BF.. It seems like a cry for help not a real attempt. Any opiate addict knows that amount is pretty safe.

    I used to swallow 50 Percocet a day and it didn't do anything for me :(

    5 months opiate free now! Woot ..
    Never again would I put my body through that hell... And subs are worse than H in my humble opinion .. Recovering from anyways.. The od factor of H is always scary and in Portland OR where I live deaths have gone up 50% in the last year alone ..

    Stay out of your parents medicine cabinets kids.. It's not worth the wasted years

  27. Alicia...HOLY Von Shmoly....50 a day?

    Congrats on your recovery.....that's amazing!!

  28. @alicia i am also from portland. tar is crazy out here. as for amber, im glad shes desperate to get clean. good for her.
