Saturday, June 02, 2012

Being Eddie Murphy's Girlfriend

I always feel sorry for the women who date Eddie Murphy. You have some serious issues to deal with and lets just say you probably are not going to be the only one playing house with him. Everyday I wonder if Mel B will run out of money and decide the only way to make a buck is to write an Eddie Murphy tell all. Nicole Murphy can't because of an agreement, but maybe she will let something slip on that new show of hers. Tracey Edmonds can't either. Look at the hug. Is that the most awkward hug ever? That's like a "I'll miss you while you are gone for six months, and promise I won't cheat on you hug you give at the airport," not a waiting for our latte hug. The new girlfriend is Rocsi Diaz from BET. You would think someone over there would have given her a heads up so she must be ok with what happens behind closed doors. And the gate. Eddie has a gate. He also has a guard. He also lives across the street from Gene Simmons if that kind of thing interests you.


  1. Oh these women know what they are getting into. His exploits are well documented. They want either money or fame.

  2. She works for BET. I can feel myself losing IQ points when I watch that channel. Can't blame the girl for this publicity tour. That hug is most likely the only action she has to give him in this trade.

  3. He must be insufferably needy in that always-need-to-be-validated kind of way. But the money is probably good so whatever. I don't have to put up with him.

    I am not a casual-wear person, there's nothing I hate more than seeing sweatpants out in public but I have to say, I kind of love her outfit.

    As for their hug, my husband and I look awkward like that when we're whispering about something or someone ridiculous near us. Because we forgot our phones and can't text it.

  4. Not going to date the man, but Delirious is still quoted around my house at least once a week. Funniest. Shit. Ever.

    And then we feel REALLY old when we refer to it around people who are too young to have any idea what we're talking about.

  5. @Frufra, do you wear the red leather suit? Really give them the visual.

    1. @anita - that is an awesome idea, but I think I'll get one in hubby's size - he could really sell it. And a microphone to swing around, ya think?

    2. @ anita - I have to add, hubby looks just like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec.

  6. The denial is similar to Travolta and Smith. Do they really think anybody but a small group of Rand believe them?

    Have they never Googled themselves or read any of the popular gossip sites? I just always wonder who they are pretending for, the public or themselves? At a certain point it just seems embarrassing.

  7. That is supposed to be "fans" and I have no idea what a rand is.

  8. @Frufra, awesome!!!!!! Have you seen this site: cats who look like Ron Swanson?

    1. This is why I always read the comments, even on posts that look meh.

  9. Anita, no, but I'm looking at it as soon as I finish typing this.

    Him looking like Ron somehow makes me feel like Megan Mullaly (prob butchered the spelling there), so it's that much greater for me.

    1. A unit of money in south africa.

  10. I am new to this gossip site. What is the deal
    With Eddie??

  11. Tammy #2.

    I love that show.

  12. Tammy 2 is greatness. Evil librarian. Best show on TV.

  13. ^Might I jump in and say, Yes, yes it is!

  14. What is with women's shoes these days? They're so f-ugly.

  15. OMG frufra, re having to explain ish to youngins. Was @ the bar last night and had to explain pagers to my buddy's young (but old enough to drink) sis in law. I feel 100... Lol.

  16. Hello all , I never comment bc I despise logging into blogger from my cel, but read everyday so feel like I know everyone... In a totally non creepy/ lurker way I swear ;)

    1. @Random - welcome! I've had to explain pagers to my kids - they think it's hilarious. We also have a wall phone in our kitchen that I had to teach a neighbor kid how to dial.

  17. Rocking the hoody in solidarity with Trayvon. Love it.

  18. im sure Johhny Gill is somewhere crying because of this!

  19. @Elizabeth312 - Eddie is gay, and these women are beards. As @netta mentions above, he's allegedly been in a long term relationship with Johnny Gill.

  20. Heard Johnny Gill in a radio interview a few months back because he was plugging a new album. He swears he's getting married this year. The wedding had already been postponed once before that interview and I don't know if he's still living in Eddie's house.

  21. If I could beard for Eddie, my only condition would be him remaking (with a video) Party All the Time. They could use the technology that brought back Tupac to recreate Rick James.

    I wouldn't take money directly from him, I'd just steal the silverware and al the other ridiculously valuable things you know he has all over his house.

    1. Oh anita, you have THE BEST ideas. I wish I'd thought of that. I wanna be in the video, too.

  22. I always thought Eddie was bi. Either way, he has a ton of kids. Mark his ex on my list of people I want to share some alcohol with.

  23. Lets just start with the fact that the goof is 51 and dressed like an 15 year old. What the hell is up with the sleeveless hooded shirt? Is that the same one I wore in the 80s? Eddie have you been going thru my trash again?

  24. LOL. I think Rosi would be find with Eddie's cheating should that happen in the future. The scoop on Roci is that she's a homewrecker. She allegedly broke up the marriage between Lisa Raye McCoy (VH1's Single Ladies) and former Turks and Caicos's PM Michael Misick. Rosi's not exactly an angel. Google her.

  25. Whatever Eddie might be, I still think he was the funniest guy who ever came out of SNL. I hope one day he comes back to host. I, too, quote Delirious and Raw.

    Is Eddie wearing Fendi sneakers?

  26. Well I think Enty just gave away the answer to a blind from either last week or the week before. Don't remember the name of the blind, but basically the blind said that a A list star (which Eddie was at one point) was having some guy on guy time, when the wife arrived at the front gate. The star had the guard turn the wife away. The popular guess was Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman. But interesting how Enty ended this Eddie Murpy item. Now that you think about it, it does fit him.

  27. Ooh, good one, annab!

  28. Oh hey, ya, thats a blind reveal there. I was so not interested in this bit I didnt read it. Good job AnnaB

  29. It's hard being a gay dudes old lady!
