Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Britney Spears Causes More Trouble

While in Kansas City for X Factor auditions, one contestant was really rude and all the judges got up and left. Not a big deal. The big deal was that all of the judges except for Britney came back to the table for the first filming session of the day. Britney decided not to come back until the second filming session of the day. That means if there is a contestant who is really good, you either cannot show the judges and just have a voice over or show the judges and explain that Britney had to go to the bathroom again. That quickly becomes repetitive. I don't know if Simon Cowell really thought it was going to be quite like this when he hired her. Did any of you watch the Pauly D show this weekend? He was in Puerto Rico opening for Britney and they met backstage and I don't think she had a clue who he was or if he was a DJ or singer, just that he was opening for her. And the thing is Pauly's show is executive produced by Britney's manager so you would think she would have some clue. I'm worried for her. I wonder if everyone who gets paid by her thought this would be easy money.


  1. I don't know what her people were thinking when they signed her on for this.
    At first I thought that they'd know if she could handle it or not, but now I'm not so sure.

  2. So what did the rude contestant do that was so upsetting to the judges?

  3. *sigh* I'm pulling so hard for Britney. I wish 'they' would just let her do what makes her happy......

  4. This was a cash grab by her management.

    Her fiance/manager is so suss. This is someone who has a respectable roster of clients. I really don't understand this relationship with Britney. It's so bizarre.

  5. Big deal. Simon isnt even there right now & do you really think he cares about one contestant as opposed to viewers tuning in to see Britney be Britney. Im sure Paula & Christina arent cake walks. Still will watch XFactor just for Ms. Spears.

  6. I'm kind of curious about this wedding. Like, they're waiting for all of her court hearings to be out of the way? As much as I don't want to think so, the whole thing is kind of strange/sketchy.

  7. Is it bad to say I'm LOLOLing Britbrit doesn't know who Pauly D is? She scores a point for that one.

  8. I was waiting for this one. The UK tabloids were all over this last night (turns out Simon Cowell is kind of a big deal over there).


  9. @AuntJess hahahaha true :)

  10. Agree completely with CandiCanee and AuntJess!

    Also, wtf Demi Lavato's hair? Yuck...

  11. I feel like Britney's being used by everyone around her because she's the golden goose that laid the golden egg, she's clearly mentally ill and should be allowed to retire in peace.

  12. I have asked this before but what exactly is wrong with BS? Is it mental illness, if so what type? Was it some drugs that took her on a trip she never came back from?

  13. Montana - Britney is supposedly bipolar, add addiction and depression on top of that. OR there's the theory that she's trying to break out of her "programming"...

  14. It's believed she is bi-polar. Although, it could be other things. The sad thing is a person can be fine growing up, but then when they hit their 20's sometimes mental illness can present itself. I think that's what happened with her.

  15. @MontanaMarriott

    I believe Britney was diagnosed with Bipolar. As a sufferer myself, I feel for her. My suspicion is that for a while, she was heavily medicated to control the symptoms, leaving her listless and out of it. They may have lowered her dosage or stopped the medicine all together so that she could better "perform". This sudden dosage change could lead to extremely erratic behavior.

  16. @MontanaMarriott I wonder if it is post partum that was never treated properly.

  17. Her contract states that she can do whatever she wants, so she does. Counting down the minutes until Jason posts another support video.

  18. Britney Spears = Michael Jackson in the type of crazy. She's like a child.

  19. I don't think Britney is bipolar but that's what's been put out there because it sounds better than what I think she has which is schizophrenia.

  20. I suspect that reports of all these alleged "walk offs" are just to drum up drama so more people will tune in to watch.

  21. GSDlover - often schizophrenia is triggered by bipolar disorder that basically gets out of hand. So it wasn't really a "lie" to say that she's bipolar. It just may have progressed to schizophrenia - and I agree that they aren't likely to advertise that.

  22. Britney is there to increase ratings. You are reporting on bathroom breaks in Kansas City.
    Well played Simon.

  23. Schizophrenia begins to manifest itself after the age of 20 in women, men generally display symptoms at an earlier age than women, I don't see bipolar morphing into schizophrenia here, sometimes these disorders share many symptoms that can seen in people with ADHD, bipolar, autism and schizophrenia, many mentally ill people are misdiagnosed making their issues worse until the correct diagnosis and treatment are given.

    I truly feel sorry for Britney because she's obviously not well and has to live with this in the public eye.

  24. Just finished Frank Langella's new tell-all book - which I highly recommend to anyone who likes old Hollywood gossip - and was struck by the resemblance of Britney to Rita Hayworth, who struggled with mental illness and then early-onset Alzheimers for much of her life.

    Both women were onetime sex symbols who ended up confused, unstable and seemingly wandering through their own careers.

    At least Britney, unlike Rita Hayworth, seems to have some regular companions around her, as imperfect as her family and manager/boyfriend may be. Better that than being ill and alone, victim to substance abuse and various types of sleazy passer-by.

  25. Oh wow, thanks everyone I had no clue.

  26. Britney isn't used to having to come up with orignal thoughts. If she isn't told what to do, if words aren't fed to her it is just too overwhelming for her to handle.

    I don't think Simon cares what she does during the audition stage. All he will care about is the live shows and she will be trapped at the table and can't leave.

  27. I never knew that about Rita Hayworth, @Nutty_Flavor, so interesting, gotta get that book, thanks!

    ...poor Rita... :-(

    and poor Britney. She needs to go live a comfortable, quiet life somewhere.

  28. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I just got home from my semi-annual checkup at the doctor, and while in the waiting room was reading one of the trashy magazines...I dunno, US or something of that sort...and there was an article on Britney and I found myself feeling really sorry for her, for having to go through this. She is not doing well, and this new gig is not helping her. I think they need to decide to put the cash cow out to pasture, and let her live a simple life somewhere other than L.A. Poor kid.

  29. Our local KC paper had an article on these auditions and quotes from people who were there and several of them mentioned that Britney was "off" and not in a bathroom break kind of way.

  30. Which of the CDaN posters went to the X Factor taping? I wasn't on here much these last few days and I was wondering if they reported back. If so, can someone tell me where I can find it? Thanks!

  31. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I'm sorry, I've tried to feel for Britney, but I just can't. I find her tiresome and wildly untalented. I'm sorry she's mentally ill, but that doesn't excuse poor behavior. Plenty of bipolar people live completely normal, mature lives. And I don't buy that Jason and her parents are fiddling with her meds.

    I will say one nice thing -- I like that white dress she's wearing.

  32. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Whatever it is she's cookoo for cocoa puffs that's for sure. She seems like an extremely bipolar person, look how la la la I'm happeee, weee! she is in the above photo, and look at Demi sharing in the bubbliness Brit's putting out....they look like two five year old's playing with kittens. Obvs Brits people are in it for the money, but as long as someone's taking care of her and she looks ok in the eyes, not the way she did when she shaved her head and beat the pap's car with an umbrella, then I'm fine with it.

  33. She should have a sit down chit chat with Carrie Fisher

  34. Paul Shaeffer wrote in his book about the first time he met Britney. They were going up in an elevator and he said hello and introduced himself. She just stared blankly at him for what seemed like a minute and then she finally said, "Oh, you're Dave's DJ."

    So I believe every word of Enty's post.

  35. I believe that Britney is extremely mentally ill- that breakdown she had five or six years ago was her illness taking over, I don't think she ever had "addiction" issues. That whole episode with Sam Lufti taking over her life made everything worse. I have no idea how healthy she is now, but....
    I don't believe for a second that Simon's "sweating out his $10 million gamble". He got exactly what he wanted, he could care less if Britney acts perfectly professional or takes a "break" every other auditioner. People tune in to watch her, period. Why the F else would we be talking about X-Factor auditions in KC????

  36. I don't see why she isn't living a simple island life somewhere. A place where golf carts are the mode of transportation. You can buy your own island for $250k. Better for her and her kids.

  37. Sbalb she did have addict issues she even did a secret stay at a center once.but I think it's schizophrenia .her managers were able to cover it up well when she was younger but not anymore .jason has to be close to her to control her.he may look creepy but I think he is a good guy

  38. sbalb I agree with you. I think she is very mentally unwell but I don't know what. I've never seen someone on drugs break into a British accent. She's fortunate to have had parents who could intervene and get rid of the people who were taking advantage, but now? Maybe it's smart in that this is a small window of time, bank it and let her retreat in a year or two with financial security for her and her children. That's my optimistic take. That picture of her with Jason, where he is literally holding her in the golf cart like she is a child that could fall out says a lot.

  39. Mental illness may be a factor, but I wonder how much of a part pure stupidity and spoiled-as-fuckedness play? I'm betting a lot.

  40. Her spaced out demeanor reminds me of people who take antipsychotics for schizophrenia, sometimes they are given to people who are bipolar and very manic, but I don't think it's long term and even the most manic person responds to lithium and Britney from what I had read in the past takes antipsychotics, they are very powerful drugs and they slow and dumb you down a bit as well as affecting short term memory just to name a few side affects.
    When I see pictures of her I can see the flat affect and dead eyes and that's not bipolar folks, she's either schizophrenic or autistic and I highly doubt she's on the spectrum.

  41. I don't know what her diagnosis is other than she doesn't seem very bright (I mean, let's face it, Christina seems like a genius compared to her) and she does seem to be medicated for some sort of disorder. Hopefully she's not just being drugged so she'll be compliant and easily manipulated.

  42. Doesn't that run in her family? Her grandmother had it and committed suicide?

    Whatever she really has, she needs to get off the merry-go-round and retire to some nice, quiet small town where she can relax and be happy for once in her life.

  43. I do not believe the people in charge of Britney have her best interests at heart. At all. She should not be anywhere near show business. She should be quietly raising her family somewhere out of the spotlight, while trying to heal. I'm so absolutely disgusted that she is being exploited and thrown out there to make money for a bunch of greedy assholes.

    Don't think for a minute that parents who would throw their children to the wolves for fame are capable of having their child's best interests in mind. Ever. BS is being used as a work horse, so every last dollar can be made from her before it's too late. OMG, this infuriates me!!

  44. My respect has gone up for her about 37% because she didn't know who the fuck Pauly D was. That's awesome - way to go Brit!

  45. What else would you expect since she was bred to be a star? I would expect that to be the cause of a mental illness, probably something with anxiety and phobias, and also like Michael Jackson never having a childhood. I bet she has trouble sleeping at night too. It just breaks my heart. I hate when people call her dumb, I don't think it's her fault. Her parents put her in dance class instead of English/math/science...

  46. I love Britney!!!!!!!

  47. I don't think she is just bipolar. I know bipolar people who lead very productive lives. I think she very mentally ill. It's really sad that she is made to do this stuff for money.

  48. If you have a genetic tendency towards bipolar or schizophrenia, drugs can trigger their manifestation. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened to her.

  49. I thought the tour that she slept through was to get her back into good financial shape.
    This is just greed. That said, I might watch. I would not have otherwise.

  50. I like brit but i agree that someone needs to "supervise" her. Thats a nice white dress though.

  51. Paulie worked with Britney before. Somewhere there is a photo of her giving him one of her stageshow lapdances, pink boa wrapped around his neck. Why is this woman being paraded around in the first place. Her fiance/manager is a blood sucking leech for even attempting this. She's rich enough to live in peace, or one would think.
