Friday, June 15, 2012

The Drake & Chris Brown Fight

From all the reports pieced together over the last day it looks like Drake was the one who actually started the fight with Chris Brown. As in started I mean threw the first bottle. Apparently Chris Brown sent a bottle to Drake as a peace offering and the bottle was returned with a note from Drake saying that he was f**king Rihanna and for Chris to deal with it. How that got from a note to Drake throwing a bottle at Chris remains a mystery. What is known is that an Australian girl received 16 stitches and there were several other people injured, the club was virtually destroyed and someone will be charged with something. Apparently Chris and Drake didn't bother to actually throw a punch but instead left the club as quickly as possible and let their minions do the fighting. The minions will probably end up doing any time that needs to be served too. You know, if you hate each other, then just stand in the middle of the bar and fight each other. But they won't. They throw bottles and run.


  1. All this over Forehead? Losers.

  2. what a bunch of pussies.

  3. Its all over a fivehead FSP!!

  4. If Chris Brown were to get in trouble for this, wouldn't it violate his probation? That would be awesome.

  5. That poor bystander. I hope she doesn't wind up with facial scars because of these two asshats.

  6. What happened to the good old days when rappers resolved fights by shooting eachother?

  7. @Amber, I'm no fan of Chris Brown, however from all the available reports I've read so far, it really seems that Drake was in the mood to be a major asshat that night and instigated the whole thing.

    @Patty I agree. She looked awful.

  8. Jimmy already did the whole guns thing and it didn't really work in his favor.
    Sorry, I will never let Jimmy Brooks go and he is all I think about when I hear Drake rapping all about his hood and gangsta shiiz. They go H.A.M up in Degrassi land

  9. @angel - I know, but a girl can dream ;(

  10. lol @ Amber, I hear ya ;)

  11. I love Drake. Too bad the bottle didnt hit chris.

    1. He did get hit. He tweeted a gash on his chin then proceeded to call drake a pussy. He called him that yet he beats girl. How ironic.

  12. This is really quite pathetic. Losers.

  13. This behavior is so childish, both of them are equally responsible in my eyes.

  14. Poor girl. I hope she at least gets a nice chunk of cash out of this.

  15. Those losers should be forced to clean that place up and put it back to how it was before the arsewipes arrived.

  16. Wow! I feel sorry for the girl and the club owners. I bet she is going to have a larger scar on her face unless she saw a plastic surgeon. I hope she has her medical expenses taken care of by both if them.

    I take back my comments yesterday and revert to my usual stance that violence never is ok.

    I expect this from CB, but not from Drake.

  17. That is terrible. Poor girl!

  18. I hate them both but she'd win every "how'd you get that scar" story telling game. "Well I was at this party with Drake and Chris Brown..." "OMG YOU KNOW THEM??????"

  19. They must have a pickle nose fetish. Smh

  20. I just can't fathom that Rihanna's hoo-ha is just so magical that these two would fight over it when thousands of fangirls would give it up so quickly.

  21. The older I get, the more I stick to a rule when I go out for drinks with my fiancee: I want to be the youngest person in the room when I'm there. That way I minimize being a bystander/unwilling participant to this kind of faux rooster bullshit.

  22. Sounds like CB was trying to be a nice guy and Drake was being a jerk...and this poor girl got caught in the middle of it.

    you guys still laughing?

  23. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Yay!! I am so glad somebody stood up to Chris Brown! Finally, he met with someone with just as much of an inflated ego, with the same amount of fame, money, attitude and back up and Drake got nasty with him. I'm so glad. I'm sure that sounds sick but a douchebag this big needs a dose of his own medicine. I feel sorry for the girl that had to get stitches though. Don't be in dangerous places everyone, and run if there's a kerfuffle. Great word, kerfuffle.

  24. Chris Brown was being a noce guy? Guess you didnt read the tweets. One of the rappers that was there tweeted exactly what happened while it was happening (@2chnz) Drake didnt throw the bottle someone in his entourage did. And I dont think joking about rappers killing each other is very funny. I dont see anyone making jokes about other entertainers shooting each other. And if youve ever ONCE listened to Drakes music youd realize there is nothing even slighly "gangsta" about it. Lets not stereotype

  25. @Comma Chaser
    I don't get your comment at all. What does your age have to do with people starting a fight in a bar?

  26. Anonymous9:50 AM


    That's precisely why these guys wouldn't forego Rihanna for just any fangirl. Ever hear the phrase " I don't want it if it's that easy"? Attractive men, wealthy men, talented men get underwear thrown at them and women grabbing them and screaming in their faces, how is that sexy? Everyone wants some connection, conversation, intimacy, not here's my cooch in your face, you don't know me from a hole in the wall but you can have it so why don't you want it? No one wants anything that easy. Male or female. That's how I got my husband, got to know him for a long time (four months) as friends, didn't make it easy for him, and we fell in love. The rest is history. He always had women throwing themselves at him and always said the same thing, he didn't want it if it was that easy.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I live in nyc, and this was front page headline.!!!!! Devoted like 3 pages to this crap! I say lock these morons in a cage and let them fight it out. No publicity, no pics. Last moron left standing gets sent to timbucktoo to live out their life in anonimity.

  29. "An Australian girl received 16 stitches" ..

    ..and was separated from her friends when they took her to the hospital, treated her, then put her on the subway (with nobody to accompany her) with subway fare only, and a huge bandage on her head. Her friends were hysterical looking for her ... I hope she sues.

  30. 2 Douche bags fight and what happens? Little Aussie homegirl gets her head torn open. Fuckin savages in this town (shoutout). Sorry but I think RiAlien gets off on this shit. She likes the attention too much me thinks. (Side note:Woman has a tenhead for gods sake!) And YES he will always be Wheelchair Jimmy!

  31. My heart goes out to the Aussie girl. Agent**It I am shocked reading your comment, what a shabby way to treat a victim.

  32. Sucks that she got hurt, but ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. You should have some awareness of when shit is about to go down, or when something doesn't seem right. Always have more than one way to escape.

    I worked in bars for YEARS and have seen some crazy shit. One time a drunk tourist came into our bar and randomly started punching people. A bouncer picked him up by his pants and threw him over the railing into the parking lot in front of a cop who was just hanging out waiting for drunk drivers.

    There were also a few riots. One time teeth and an earlobe with attached earring were found. I can only hope Chris Brown comes to town sometime. I'm sure we'll welcome him with clenched fists.

    That's only one trashed VIP booth and a ton of broken glass and ice. Someone will have to pay, but it won't be the owner. Just another example of spoiled children being spoiled children.

  33. Scars are visible memories; she'll always have a great story to tell about how it happened.

  34. No story is worth that scar, poor girl.

    I don't know much about Drake and all I know about CB is he is an abuser and acts like a spoiled, entitled baby because people ask him about the fact that he beat his famous, then, girlfriend.

    I hope this is somehow CBs fault. Drake may be an ahole, ne may be a saint, I have no idea and dint really care. I just dont like CB. He did not learn anything after beating his famous girlfriend (in fact he seems to behave even more blatantly like a toddler), Imagine what he does that is never found out about? (I point out that she is famous because otherwise we would probably be nine the wiser).

    How do people end up like that? There are so many. I do not understand not being aware of, or not caring about, the consequences of your actions. Yes, alcohol plays a part, however, if I found myself hurting people etc after a few drinks I would stop drinking.

    I am totally biased. I just cannot get over how he feels no remorse and acts so entitled.
