Monday, June 04, 2012

Elisabetta Canalis Still Wants Steve-O

I guess Steve-O must have got to Elisabetta Canalis and she is still disappointed the guy broke up with her. Hopefully she has cleaned herself up a little because they are not going to get back together until she does. She told "A Magazine" that her relationship with Steve-O was one of the most important of her life. Not one of the most important was her relationship with George Clooney. She told the magazine there was no hope of them ever getting back together and it didn't seem like she wanted to. She also told them that when she has spoken about it in the past it has gotten blown way out of proportion. I don't remember her really ever speaking about it and I don't think she is allowed to. She spoke about it while they were dating a little, but not since.


  1. Dude looks like a lady.

  2. There's a resemblance between Elisabetta and the Cannibal Porn Star. Hmmm.

  3. I don't remember her looking so masculine during her Clooney go round....You would think he could get prettier beards, but then again, he doesn't want any that are prettier than him. Stacy is pretty close though. She is one good looking wrestler...

  4. Someone is trying too hard to look like Cindy Crawford. And Steve-O? Really?

  5. Didnt she say Clooney was like a "father figure"? I think that's what she's refering to...

  6. She looks more and more manly each time she appears. You would have thought that George would have kept her around longer for that reason alone.

  7. Steve O actually seems like a great guy

  8. Steve O actually seems like a great guy

  9. Steve O actually seems like a great guy

  10. she needs to buy a one way ticket back to italy. her 15 minutes are up.

  11. I agree with @lostathome. She totally looks like Cindy C.

  12. I think this is her 'subtle' way of telling George he ain't all that. Remember she called him like a brother or father, and hinted that his penis wasn't so awesome either. It's the Italian woman way of trying to hurt your feelings, while basically showing you she's the one who's hurt
