Saturday, June 09, 2012

Going To Matthew McConaughey's Wedding?

Were you invited to Matthew McConaughey's wedding? Well, before you pack up your bongos and medical marijuana cards, you might also want to make sure you bring a sleeping bag and some bug spray. Why? Matthew has everyone sleeping outside in tents. Now this is Austin and this is summer. I'm wondering what guests he has invited to his wedding and which ones will actually sleep in the tents? Let's go through some of the people he probably will invite and whether they would stay in tents.

Sandra Bullock? That is a tough one. I would say yes, but she has her own house there so I will say no.

Renee Zellweger? I'm not sure they talk anymore and I would say no for sure if she was invited.

Channing Tatum? For sure, but Jenna would complain about it all night. So, she will get hammered and keeping screaming out, "Magic Mike. I want to see Magic Mike!!"

Kate Hudson? Yes, she would. She would be scared the good pot would disappear if she left.

Sarah Jessica Parker? If they actually liked each other, then still a no.

Zac Efron? See Kate Hudson.

Jack Black? Yeah, but would you invite him? He is the guy who will be bringing out the guitar all the time and trying to get everyone to sing along.

Tom Cruise? He sends his regrets and the most expensive gift received.

Penelope Cruz? She probably would.


  1. I think LiLo had a wedding gift for Matthew in the bag.

  2. I don't understand WHY they're doing thIs. Paper?

  3. I wonder if their party bag will include bath salts?

  4. I will never spend another Summer in Austin Texas...or anywhere in Texas for that matter. 115+ degrees every day. No thank you. Not even for Matthew.

  5. That was great Enty, thanks! LOL

  6. Renee , Matthew dont talk anymore < this sounds like the answer to the blind for the actor who pimped out up and coming actresses!

  7. Not a good idea. I lived for several years in Houston, which benefits from coastal cooling, and summer is strictly an air conditioned affair. Austin is further inland, so I predict a sudden middle of the night run on hotel bookings.

  8. What's the attire for this magical event? I can imagine that the invite states that clothes should be at a minimum, if not optional. The reception's theme is Bongs, Bongos and Booze. Alright alright.

    1. Excellent Nola!

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Naked men, booze, bongs,.and bongos. a day at Hippee Hollow park in Austin to me...which MMC has been seen at

  9. If you look closely at the picture, you can see these are luxury tents with cooling units.

  10. ^ Is that what the blue things are?

  11. omg, you're right Josh. I guess I'm spoiled because I'd still make a hotel reservation.

  12. Tents, of COURSE. Zip 'em up, you can get really stoned if you have a few people inside.

  13. Am I the only one who sees the sand & the shrubbery and thinks: tarantulas, rattlesnakes & scorpions?

  14. @EmEyeKay I believe so....

    @angel Me too! I'm a wimp. :)

  15. No you are not chopchop.

    It'll be interesting to find out who attends and stays verses who attends and leaves, lol

  16. I live in the Midwest and after finding 2 snakes on my back porch yesterday I wouldn't camp anywhere in a tent. Between the dogs going for the snakes and the toddler wanting to play with the "worms", I was looking for zombies. I've lost it, now a millionaire wants guests to camp out with snakes and things. Gotta be lots of drugs.

  17. I wonder what the potty arrangements are? The more I think about this, the less thrilled I imagine his guests are.

  18. Sleeping in a tent wouldn't bother me. I'd be worried about the bathrooms. Do they go in the bushes? Did he rent a port-a-potty?

  19. Those are fancy ass tents that have freaking air conditioners hooked up to them! Maybe they're not for sleeping arrangements per se, who knows.

  20. Austin has a million hotels. It's basically Silicone Valley east (airlines run San Jose shuttles every half hour for commuters). There must be some other reason for all the tents.

  21. This kind of sounds like fun to my 20 year old self. Now? Not really.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Why would he invite Cruise?

    I live in Austin and it's not too bad weatherwise, it gets cooler at night and the humidity isn't bad this year. Hell yes I would go.

    Ha, nice reveal about Efron being a pothead.

  24. I say Stuff It sleep in a tent.

  25. Yikes, forgot to mention... a friend of mine was an extra in the MM/Jack Black movie last year. He said Matthew was nice enough but pretty distant. He LOVED Jack Black though. What you see is what you get apparently and Jack is a really cool guy, just like his character in real life and very friendly to everyone.

  26. This is hilarious. I would be totally down for sleeping in the tent. I would be sneaking out of it though in the middle of the night for extra wedding cake.

  27. Those are probably the hospitality rooms so guests from out of town can change or rest, etc. Either that or theyre for the bong fillers.

  28. country w/class. the way to go.

  29. @ABlake: even Jack Black says that he can't act (smile) he only acts himself

    i even didn't know McConaughey is going to marry this week-end

  30. I'm old but I think this would be fun. And I'd be out with a black lite looking for the scorpions. I know, I'm weird.

  31. I live in Austin and it is great today! I may have to try and crash the party, I would just have to scale the hill right?

  32. I live in Austin and we run our a/c nearly year round. I can't imagine sleeping outside with the humidity, bugs and snakes. I would guess there will be a/c units for each tent. I would hope so at least...

  33. Everyone is going to be hot-boxing in those tents.

  34. I would dig the tent thing for a destination wedding (Costa Rica maybe?), but this is a little bizarre to me. God love 'em for being creative though

  35. Give me a cot to sleep on, and I would be fine. Also, I bet there is some REALLY good weed there.

  36. Anonymous3:25 PM

    We love weed and naked in Austin. I have walked topless down congress ave in Austin cause its legal there.

  37. My favorite part of that pic is the guy kickin' it in a lawn chair outside one of the tents already.

    I'm guessing these are for family out-of-towners who might not have the cash to drop on a flight to Texas AND an extended hotel stay. I'd like to think MM would be the kind of good guy who'd make arrangements for that situation.

    Now to get on and prove we're distant cousins on my mother's side...that looks like it'll be one hell of a party.

  38. I feel so much better about my lost invitation now.

  39. That's gonna be one hell of a fun campfire roaring tonight.

  40. :D Frenchgirl
    That's what I heard about him! Makes me just love him as well

  41. I went to a wedding on a ranch in New Mexico (not at a high elevation) and we all camped out. The best thing about it???? We could party ALL night and not have to worry about driving somewhere. So I bet all the partiers stayed in tents, where, I'm sure, there was a/c and potty arrangments.

  42. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Angel, how can you say with a straight face that Houston "benefits from coastal cooling?" Seriously? I'm convinced Houston has the worst weather in the continental US, and I've lived here for going on 35 years! The heat is bad enough -- it was 95 degrees today -- but the humidity makes it downright unbearable w/o a/c. Most days in the summer it's at least 95 degrees with humidity in the 90's. It's wretched. Austin is hot, sure, but the humidity is FAR lower there, making it bearable.

  43. We are having a camping wedding this summer! Although my screen name obviously shows I like the outdoors. ;) Austin in June isn't nearly as bad as Austin in August. And I bet the evenings are gorgeous and warm.

  44. THere seems to be a couple of answers to a few BV's. hmmmm....I wonder.
