Thursday, June 21, 2012

Halle Berry Ordered To Pay Lots Of Child Support

Gabriel Aubry has got himself a job at least until his daughter Nahla turns 18. A court this week ordered Halle Berry to pay Gabriel $20K a month in child support. So, for the next 14 years, Gabriel will be getting $240K a year in child support which is not bad considering he does not even have Nahla half the time. It seems like Gabriel pretty much wins every battle in the courts between the two even when it looks like it will be awful for him. That whole yelling at the nanny thing I thought would get him supervised visits with Nahla for awhile, but that didn't happen and CPS said Gabriel didn't do anything wrong. Halle still wants to move Nahla to France. I think Halle might change her mind about that once she and Olivier split. But, I also think Halle Berry is pregnant so that might be awhile.


  1. That's a crazy amount of money.

  2. Wow, strong words towards the end there Enty!!

    I wouldn't mind $20K a month...

  3. If the judge allows Halle to move to France, you can bet that Gabriel's payments will be reduced. BUT, Halle will most likely have to pay to fly him out and put him up, so in the end, she'll still have to pay plenty.

  4. That's a sweet fro she's rockin'!

  5. I've always felt like Halle is the type of girl that would start throwing shoes at you if you tried to break up with her. A real bunny-boiler, if you will.

    1. @Cara - bunny boiler will now enter my personal lexicon.

  6. Good for him. Totally team Gabriel.

  7. Cara, it's pretty well-known she's cray-cray.

  8. Well, i wish she wasnt. Shes so pretty!

  9. I liked her until this whole Gabriel thing. One minute he was the best, they break up and he's evil. Then you start looking at what she said about every relationship she's been in and wonder, was it all them? Every time? What's happening that we don't see? I don't believe her anymore and am fine with Gabriel getting support.

  10. I read somewhere that he hasn't received anything up until now so if true, it is long overdue.

  11. Lmao @ cara..bunny boiler!! That seems to describe halle very well

  12. halle pregnant? the woman is 45. yikes.

  13. So based on that last sentence and this pic... it does seem Halle is pregnant, no?

    Regardless of the nonsense btwn the parents damn do they have the cutest daughter!

  14. I'd be real pissed if I had to fork over my hard earn cash for some dude to live on, especially when he is not getting full custody of our child.

    Halley baby, you should have gotten an anonymous sperm donor, it would have been alot cheaper in the long run.

  15. @annabella - I was thinking the same thing. Pregnant, what??

    I know splitting up when children are involved is ridiculously complicated, but I think it's unfair of Halle to try to take her daughter all the way to France. There is just no way Gabriel Aubrey will be able to have a close realtionship with her, and regardless of how a breakup goes down, it isn't the right choice for the child (unless the other parent is an abusive monster and you are trying to take find a safer place). Either way, feel bad for the kiddo

  16. RenoBlondee said it best, and I hope the judge also doesn't allow Halle to move Nahla to France.

    Olivier is going to regret the day he ever.. too.

  17. You know, is there a child who has not seen their parent get angry about something or has yelled in their presence (and not necessarily at them)? I wouldn't punish Gabriel for that either.

  18. Halle's been bragging that it's almost a done deal and she will be allowed to move to France...
    She's crazier than even I think if she has a kid with Oliver...

  19. I used to like Halle but not anymore. Like someone else wrote in here that she has accuse all her relationships for abuse. Makes you wonder who really is the crazy person.

  20. Wow, now thats good gossip.

  21. GO GABRIEL! Next time you want a gorgeous father for your child, Halle, and want to keep the kid all to yourself, be a woman about it and shop a sperm donor catalog. :) Women get paid, and so should he. That's equality. Love it :)

  22. I have a feeling the judge ordered that much support because he knows Halle and her high powered lawyers will shred this guy if he doesnt continue to have the money to stand up to her.
    Halle seems very nasty in all this, the thought of moving your child to another continent away from their parent is just awful if that person is a good parent. Funny enough that until she wanted to move, she called him a wonderful father.

  23. What's up with all these older (by older I mean too old to naturally have kids) women getting pregnant? Don't they understand the risks involved with carrying a child in their 40's? Surrogacy and adoption are safer for you and your child.

  24. According to Forbes, Halle is worth $70m. She can afford to pay this in child support. I assume she doesn't want her daughter to sleep in a slum when she's with her father.

    Nobody would raise an eyebrow if this were a male movie star paying child support.

    I'm with everyone who's lost sympathy for Halle and is tired of her shenanigans. No parent should be able to move a child to another country without the permission of the other parent.

  25. Sarah, that's what bothers me here. For years, Halle did nothing but talk about how wonderful Gabriel was and what a good father he was. It's not like he's not participating, he's obviously an involved dad. She probably offered him a payoff to give her full custody but he didn't take it. Suddenly, he went from wonderful to the worst dad in the world. That's why I don't believe her. And she's seems super vindictive.

  26. is it just me, or has Halle let herself go a bit since she got with Olivier? its been awhile since i've seen a picture of her and thought 'wow, she looks gorgeous!'

    but anyway, obviously the courts looked over both Gabriel and Halle's income when they were together, after Nahla was born, and post break up. Halle clearly makes more money, so why not give him that much? Its a lot, but Nahla is the daughter of a famous actress. its not like Halle is gonna go broke, its all for the benefit of her child. So who cares?

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  32. Charlie Sheen is paying out 50grand a month to Denise and 50grand to Brooke for his two children by each of them. Halle paying 20grand a month seems fair to me. Just because she is a female shouldn't make a difference in child support.

  33. Years ago Halle said she wanted Nate Berkus to be her baby daddy. She should have gone that route. She could have remained friends with Nate and co-parented with him since actually sleeping with him would never have been part of the equation (but Nate probably would have run once he saw the crazy).

  34. Why is she paying him when she has primary custody and what's wrong with the guy that he can't get a job and support himself instead of mooching off his ex? What a pathetic loser!

  35. why is she getting preggo when she is 45 and has diabetes with complications. seriously not healthy for her and the baby.

  36. Maybe Halle cured herself of Diabetes all together this time, since she "cured" herself of TYPE 1. :)

    As far as being 45, My grandmother had children til that age & my Aunt is perfectly fine. I'm more worried about a 10 year old girl giving birth than a 45 year old, and a 10 year old pulled it off in Halle is rich, I'm sure she has everything covered with the right doctors. :)

  37. Gabriel only went after child support after Halle wanted to pull up stakes and move to France. And if people remember he wanted to move back to Canada when they first split up and Halle said no way.

    I refuse to be Team Halle.

  38. How can anyone sympathize with her especially @pogue mahon. She's the biggest manipulator. I'm glad the judge can see past all her lies. Especially when she "feared for nahla's safety" cause gabby yells at her. Big deal, parents yell at kids all the time it's how they're kept in line. She must want nahla raised like Suri who has not gotten yelled at a day in her life, gets everything she wants and is known for having the biggest tantrums.

  39. Im with you Pogue Mahon! He isnt Nahlas primary care provider and I don't know too many women who don't have custody of their kids getting huge monthly payments. He was a male model, is he now suddenly incapable of supporting himself and his child. She should have done what Madonna did with Carlos Leon although he knew he was just a baby maker.

  40. @pogue mahone: I understand your reaction, but please think it through.

    Nahla is going to live like a princess while she is with Halle, who is very rich at $70m. Nahla's father is not at all rich, but loves her and sees her constantly, even though he does not have primary custody.

    Her father can't afford to give her anything approaching the standard of living her mother provides.

    Nahla would be spending five days a week (I don't know the terms of the custody agreement) living like a princess and the other two possibly sleeping on the couch of her father's studio apartment. He can't afford security guards for her.

    If, say, in a couple of years, Halle starts Nahla on riding lessons, her dad won't be able to provide the same. Ditto with clothes, friends (can Nahla invite her friends to Dad's studio apartment in the slums? Will her friends' parents allow it?), etc.

    It's a situation that is almost guaranteed to make the child hate the poorer parent.

    The child support guidelines are designed to protect the child by giving each parent an opportunity to provide a similar style of life, depending on their income. Not equal, just similar.

    It's not for the benefit of the parent (who's usually a woman, btw). It's for the benefit of the child.

  41. I'm late to the party here, but just remembered that we spotted Halle, Gabriel, and the baby at DisneyLand a few years ago, right after they broke up. It's one of my only big celebrity sightings!

    They were by the carousel; Halle was TINY but beautiful, Nahla appeared to be tired and fussy, and Gabriel was keeping a bit of a distance from Halle, who looked very frustrated with her daughter.

    I was all, "Stars, They're Just Like Us!", and texted my friend immediately. Oh, a couple of bodyguards, too, who were apparently being paid so they had to stand close to Halle and at least look like they were trying to help.

  42. jamie--You are absolutely correct! Thank you for typing so intelligently what I've tried to say in all these 'huge-seeming child support order' threads.

    And NO ONE here would say a word if the genders were reversed.

  43. Let's face it, Halle used Gabriel as a sperm donor for his looks. He is effing HOT!! I would be on him like a spider monkey and you would have to pry me off of him. Their daughter is gorgeous just like her momma knew she would be with both their genes and once she wasn't amused with Gabriel anymore she tossed him aside expecting she could bully him out of his daughters life.

  44. Some of you twits need to understand what "primary" custodial parent means under California law. It means squat. It's a distinction purely for tax purposes. Basically, dads who are involved parents, even just weekend dads, have as much say in the future of the child as the mom. In other words, don't bother to learn French, Halle, 'cuz you ain't going nowhere.

    Some of you ladies who view fathers as walking sperm donors and ATM's should get a clue. Frankly, if licenses to procreate were required, that attitude would cause an automatic denial, in my view.

  45. Has she ever been in a decent relationship in her life. David Justice beat her, Gabriel was abusive, Eric was a sex addict. I think she is probably really a bitch and goes bat shit cray cray on these guys. They can only take so much of her verbal tirades and then lash out at her, so she can cry abuse. I am not a fan. Can you tell?

  46. Good for him, Halle's is a truly awful, selfish woman. Even at the expense of scarring her child for life and taking a daddy she clearly loves, Halle didn't ever think of what was best for her child. I don't think there is enough money to make up for having to deal with that dreadful person for the rest of his life. It's terrible if she's having another child.
