Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's A Father's Day Song


  1. Was I the only one who was genuinely worried about Enty when he hadn't posted yet and it was past noon? I thought he was either suffering from alcohol poisoning or the Church of Scientology had finally "paid him a visit."

  2. or bacon sundae poisoning ..

  3. No reveal today? Did I miss it?

  4. Hey Enty! I thought you may have drank too much last night.

    If Andy hadn't walked on stage, this bit would have royally sucked ass. Fuck you, Adam. And fuck those people in the audience who laughed at every word that came out of his mouth.

  5. OT - anybody have any updates ?

    "The stage at Downsview Park in Toronto collapsed before Radiohead was set to perform, injuring three and killing one."

  6. @AnotherJosh I was right there with you. He must have had a hard night.

  7. I ate one of those bacon sundaes from Burger King and it was heavenly. REAL bacon not baco-bits, and chocolate and caramel syrup and vanilla ice cream. It was so freaking good. I want more.

  8. Adam Sandler's new movie (the one he's promoting here with Andy Sandberg) has gotten possibly the most scathing review ever by a mainstream paper.

    "To say “That’s My Boy” is one of the worst movies of the year is to insult 2012. This is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen." - Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times.

    I wish Jimmy would use more discretion in selecting his guests. Jimmy has cred now, he does not need to whore himself out to promote really bad movies.

  9. It's probably just me, but I find that Adam Sandler movies put me to sleep faster than ambien. The best one for it is Punch Drunk Love. Guaranteed you will be asleep in less than 5 minutes.

  10. @nolchickee: If I may quote Ronnie from the Jersey Shore: "Hey, I've dranken a way lot more than I drank last night!"

  11. I don't know or understand these people who are still giving Adam Sandler money for movies. It's the same stupid character every time.

  12. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and The Waterboy are the only movies Adam Sandler has ever made. No one can convince me otherwise.

  13. Hey, I love the Wedding Singer! And 50 First Dates is fun too, if you don't think about it too deeply.

  14. Love The Wedding Singer and Big Daddy. The rest suck moose c___

  15. No reveal... Hope Enty is ok...

  16. Oh, 50 first dates. Loved it till the end. Then it makes my heart hurt...

  17. Agent**It - just saw your post. You may know this by now, but here goes. They were setting up the stage when the top tier collapsed, killing one, injuring three.

    They were just about to let people in to the area when this happened. What I've heard on the news is that they were wondering why the stage was still being set up - this should have been finished much earlier. This collapse had nothing to do with the weather - it was sunny and hot out, with no wind.

  18. Thank you , I had relatives in Toronto that were going. They are OK, sounds tragic.

  19. I didn't like the video. I'm a big Samberg fangirl and I love Fallon, but the song sucks balls and Andy is ugly as hell. Didn't work for me.

  20. geez, its just a bit!! Lighten up everybody, before you make yourselves ill. Adam Sandler always said he wanted to
    make alot of money and put all his friends in his movies. Thats what he does. Everyone who works with him raves about him, no has a bad word to say. So, no, he isnt my cup of tea-Ive never seen any of his movies- but he isnt hurting anyone, and alot of people love him. Not a bad life, eh?

  21. So, wait, they're bringing Simple Jack to the screen for real? Wasn't that a bomb even when it was fake inside Tropic Thunder?
