Monday, June 25, 2012

Jenna Jameson Also Had Drugs In Her System During DUI Arrest

Jenna Jameson was formally charged with DUI after she hit a light pole last month while driving. If she had just been out for a morning jog instead of driving, then hitting the pole wouldn't have been so bad. Oh sure, it would have left a mark on her, but she probably would not have got arrested. When she was arrested, Jenna blew a .13 which is almost twice the legal limit. It turns out she also had Ambien and Suboxone also in her system which was probably not helping much with the booze. Although Jenna faces a year in a jail, she will probably just get a stern talking to and a request for an autograph.


  1. Isn't it strange how some bodies can take Ambien AND alcohol and not pass out, but some like me, can't even look at a stupid Benedryl without sleeping for hours much less drinking w/ it.(Nice run on sentence, sorry!)

    On another note, why did she jack up her pretty face?

  2. Hope it was worth it Jenna.

    I cannot imagine what it is like to sell your soul, video tape it, try to rid yourself of it with plastic surgery....then marry what you think will protect you and then ruin that.

    So glad my little town life is enough for me!

  3. I thought Ambien was for sleeping? Can you take it and run around? Or was it still in her system from the previous night?

    If you're taking Suboxone, chances are you're in treatment for opiate addiction. Was she strung out on pills? I can't remember.

  4. Probably doesn't mean she was on Ambien at that moment, she had it in her system...could have been from nights before. Most woman who do porn are in pain from whatever's in their past...same with drug users, including myself, so it makes sense that she's a boozin' and a pillin'!

  5. I know Suboxone is commonly used to treat heroin addiction too. How sad. I'm wondering if that mess last year with Tito was exactly what he said it was, as in just him restraining Jenna cause she was going nutnut on him.

  6. I have a relative who regularly takes Ambien before going out drinking and then takes another when she gets home. Effed up thing to do.

  7. Thank G-d she didn't hurt anyone while she was behaving this irresponsibly.

    Great example for your kids, Mom.

  8. Why do people do that to their faces?

    I used to take Ambien for insomnia, but I had to quit because I would get up in the middle of the night and binge on food with no recollection of it. once i woke up in the morning to find a open can of sweetened condensed milk with a spoon in it. I had eaten the entire can.
    I also would smoke my roommates cigarettes in bed without remembering it...I woke to a cigarette burning on my arm. so, needless to say I stopped taking Ambien.

    1. Whoa that's not good at all. I never knew ambien did things like that.

    2. Oh most Definately. I take it for insomnia which I have suffered from since puberty. Anyway, when I first started taking it I washed a load of colored clothes and put bleach in. What made it worse was all the clothes were my husbands lol. I still haven't lived that episode down.

    3. Lol poor clothes never saw it coming. How the hell is this still being prescribed with the side effect being this bad?

    4. Truthfully it is the only thing that helps me sleep for 6 hours, and that's if I'm lucky. I've tried everything the drs can think of but ambien now doesn't affect me like that. After a week or so I got my mind around it I guess. Although I did call my mom once and tell her I couldn't get the green people in my head to stop talking lol. Now though if I take it and watch tv for a few hours(yeah it takes that long for it to help me) I won't remember what happened on tv. A few months ago I watched game of thrones and started ranting about what the hell happened to the dragons and my husband was like "uh they got taken last week remember?".

      I do remember reading somewhere that Tiger Woods and his #1 tramp used to take ambien to get high then get it on. That was one of his addictions along with strange on the side with fake tits and missing morals.

  9. She's like Tera Patrick: they both were very pretty and then they had plastic surgery and it's made them look bad.

    1. Doesn't she have black hair and was married to that chubby tattooed up guy from a rock band? I'm ashamed to say I watched that VH1 show where he spit on sabastian Bach

  10. Oh Jenna, you fudged up your face. Think about your babies please. I've heard those crazy ambien stories before Denise - I'm glad you weren't burnt!!

  11. Yeah, I'm gonna stay away from Ambien. Doesn't sound like a good idea.

  12. I took Sonata for about 2 weeks once. It was fine but I ended up peeing the bed twice so I cut that shit out. Guess my brain was "off" and didn't realize I had to go. Now I just smoke a bowl and I'm out like light. No peeing the bed either.

  13. Ambien makes me hallucinate! One time I thought I had critters and a velociraptor in my bed, and another there were Cirque du Soleil people in my apartment and a giant face coming out of my wall in front of my bed.

    1. I don't mean to poke fun but I think it's hilarious and scary as shit you dreamed about a velociraptor! That's just soo specific ya kno!

  14. A porn "star" on drugs and alcohol?

    I am shocked, shocked.

  15. I took Ambien occasionally for insomnia, and I have to admit, I never had a problem. Slept like the dead. Never had any side effects. But I only took it occasionally and only just before I went to bed.

  16. I think the big problem is that when people earn a living and get their self-esteem from their looks, they will do just about anything to try to hold onto them. Last ditch: Surgery.

    Such a shame....

  17. I took Ambien once for insomnia and was trapped in this nightmare where a giant man made of construction paper was hovering over my bed threatening me. It sounds funny now but was terrifying. Never took Ambien again - red wine is a better choice.

  18. I've never taken Ambien, but a couple friends who have, have reported really weird side effects, like getting up in the night without remembering having done so. One friend said if she took it, but did not go to bed immediately, she'd wind up staying up binging on food with no recollection of it.

  19. @rejectedcarebear - I didn't even dream it. I was awake and hallucinating! LOL

  20. I'm with you, RenoBlondee! Even children's Benadryl puts me out like a light. Boom, down!

    I imagine JJ has some built-up tolerances to a LOT of substances...

  21. Jenna looks like the long lost cousin of Jocelyn Wildenstein......not pretty.

  22. She was addicted to hydro condone and oxycodone. Which is loritab and Percocet. Suboxone is supposed to make it so you do not get a high from opiates and also to help with withdrawals. But in some cases like my sister you become addicted to suboxone. It gives you a rush, energy, and curbs appetite. Tito Ortiz and her got into a fight awhile back when he found pills in a pair of her jeans.

  23. Tito tried to get a restraining order on her supposed "best friend" awhile back. He said that the woman was bringing pills to their house. Just saw the other day he dropped the request though.
    It really does seem like he is fighting an uphill battle and its heartbreaking. Tito overcame a shitty life by working his ass off, and now he's right back in it. Just hope he stays strong and he gets the kids when he finally gives up on her.

  24. Suboxone is used to treat opiate addictions and is supposed to not be able to get you high and make you really sick if you do take something, but I don't believe it because that is what my ex was on. And Ambien is crazy. I have insomnia from all of the stuff I have been through and I was given Ambien. I would text people in the middle of the night, post stuff on Facebook and have no idea I did it (it was weird because what I would write was what I wanted to post like putting someone on blast but I would go on and on and the grammar and spelling were terrible, which is very unlike me), or eat something and not remember it. It was just too scary that I was doing things without knowing I was doing them because I live by myself so I don't touch that stuff. Would rather just be exhausted.

  25. @ Denise - same problem I had! I had a box of Little Debbie's Snack Cakes sitting on my microwave for weeks for when my nephews would visit. I never ate them. I took an Ambien and woke up early the next morning and found my kitchen light on, snack cake wrappers on the floor and a half finished glass of milk on the counter (I only use milk in my coffee). For a moment I panicked and thought someone has broken in. Then I realized the doors were locked and nothing was stolen or missing. I googled Ambien and read stories about people eating ENTIRE CARTONS OF ICE CREAM IN THEIR SLEEP! Worse, there were stories about people going for drives while sleeping under the influence of Ambien. Scary stuff! I never took it again.

  26. My birth mom takes ambien's AND soma's together, and will then drive!!!!! Toppled with booze. And she's an executive, who hates me because I am a proponent of legalizing herb. Because she said "think of all the people who will drive stoned."

    again...she takes ambien and soma's together regularly, w bud light AND DRIVES. riddle me that.

    p.s. I googled SOMA's b/c I don't take drugs.....just smoke some herb here and there and I heard they are muscle relaxers that often will comatose the taker. So again, riddle me that. My guess, these pill poppers build up a tolerance.

    I have some resentment that she hates me. can you tell?

  27. It appears that the pole has gone from friend to foe for poor Jenna......

  28. Ambien is dangerous, IMO
    I took it for awhile, & wound up driving across town in a blackout, to my IN-LAWS(!), at Christmas, and made an ass of myself, to say the least. And I just kept taking them, in the blackout...I remember feeling sooooo good, relaxed, and just felt great, but never again...

    My poor hubby had to restrain me ( nicely ) & force me to go to sleep. It just felt so good I didn't want to sleep & waste it! I then slept for 26 hrs. Good times.

    Thank GOD I didn't harm or kill anyone driving...
