Wednesday, June 06, 2012

John Travolta Had Six Year Gay Relationship With Pilot

The National Enquirer is reporting in their new issue that for six years in the 1980's, John Travolta and his pilot, Doug Gotterba were having an affair. Apparently The Enquirer got two people to confirm it and actually go on the record with their names too. The two people are John Travolta's secretary, Joan Edwards, from that time period and an ex-lover of Doug Gotterba. Joan was not just someone who worked for John for a week or something. She worked for John for almost 16 years.


  1. Starting to think CO$ is punishing him.

  2. Robert, I'm thinking the same thing.

  3. Wow. Co$ & Kelly have been busy. poor guy, hindsite can be a real bitch.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What are the odds CO$ and KP try to parlay their inevitable "SHOCKING" divorce into a TV show gig for her?

  6. I remember Ted C has a blind about a man & his pilot being biblically acquainted. I wonder if it's the same?

    1. I always thought that was Tom Cruise, but think we may of been wrong.

  7. I didn't know JT was gay.

  8. So what. My friend used to be his body guard and was hit on by John Travolta. It's no shock. What's actually really sad is that he's had to hide it his entire life and deny his true desires, while living a complete lie.

    1. Also agreed. He's had to hide a lot of things about his life. I remember how they denied up until his son's passing thar Jet was not autistic. As a parent of an autist, I was appalled and extremely offended.

    2. *so sorry* WAS autistic

  9. crila - personally, it doesn't make a difference to me what his orientation is. Now, if he's forcing himself on people, that's vile. I don't think anyone should have to hide who they are (unless they're a pedophile - they should try to get over that).

    I AM curious to see what ends up happening from the KP/CO$ angle, though.

  10. Oh, and by not hiding who you are that includes no more bad toupees. FFS.

  11. @NapAssasin....Yes. It was figured out to be John Travolta.

    1. Do you remember the moniker? Just curious to cross it off my list for other possible vicers. Thanks!

  12. I can't say "poor John" given the circumstances, but I do feel bad he felt he couldn't live his life the way he really wanted to.

  13. @Robert. . . that was my thought when this all started. I thought maybe he was finally trying to free himself of CO$ like Lisa Marie Presley and Kelly and the cult decided to let all this leak out to keep him in check. Feel sorry for him a bit but no excuses for his behaviour with massage therapists. I think he's led a life of lies for so wrong his moral compass is off.

  14. Agree crila. What strikes me about this story is the bit about the woman who was his secretary for 16 years going on record to out him. He must have treated her well to have lasted that long. Her betrayal is what's shocking.

  15. I'm pretty sure Travolta was the blind about wanting to leave the COS back when Jett died.

  16. thoughts exactly. That is a long time to work for someone, then confirm a gay affair for NE?

  17. angel & Denise - she must've been given an offer she couldn't refuse (heh). If it was coming from CO$, it's possible she was threatened if she didn't go on record, and then rewarded.

  18. And if that's the case, I'm sure JT understands.

  19. I just cannot see CoS as being behind his troubles right now, the cult is only interested in maintaining its reputation and they would not risk that just to punish JT, cults are all about the organization and never about individuals no matter how high profile a member might be, this is why cults employ controlling tactics on their members, the control is a way to keep people in line and avoid bad publicity, usually they will try to keep what they an under wraps but once the shit hits the fan they leave you to deal with the fallout and the cult distances it's self from you to show you are the problem not them.

  20. I agree with Amber, as his secretary she was CERTAINLY a member of the CoS and she was probably coerced to go on record. Kinda sad.

  21. Not so GSDlover,

    CoS is different that way. They will go after anyone with a vengeance if they feel like they are any sort of a threat, will bring bad publicity to CoS, etc, etc. JT is going to have a heck of a time fighting them off. I'd feel bad for him, but I agree with those posters and their comments about him forcing himself on others.

  22. GSD, this is exactly what COS does. They will slander anyone who they consider a threat or someone they don't want to leave.

  23. I keep hoping this isn't true (not the gay stuff - the part about him being such an asshole).

  24. or this shows the CO$ isn't as powerful as they like to think they are. They can't contain these stories about one of their most powerful members.

    Love the cracks in the foundation, hope the whole thing crashes and people see what a money making machine this "religon" is.

  25. When I looked at this picture-all I could hear him saying in my head was "Girl, you are NOT going out looking like that"

  26. Its too bad being a back stabbing bitch doesn't carry the stigma being gay apparently does. The NE? now theres bottom feeding.

  27. There is no way in hell KP didn't know about all of this. I'm sure CO$ (love that, by the way!) knew all along as well. This just solidifies it for me.

  28. Can someone tell me what is the deal w/Kelly Preston? Why does everyone think she'd be involved? Did she get him involved in it ?

  29. I mean involved in leaking everything as well as getting him involved in COS

  30. Somthing stinks in all this. I wonder why it's just now starting to all come out?

  31. @ Moose - I'm sorry, but I think that look is pure "Oh no you DID-N'T!"

  32. He must have had the very first Palm Pilot ever invented.

  33. Despite the fact , I still the secretary was wrong to rat him out. He has kids and has been involved with women-Marilu Henner and the original mom on 8 is Enough, could we say he is bi?

  34. I guess he's regretting ever becoming a clam head at this point. It's damn scary what the clams will do to you when you try to leave.

  35. I guess we should be more supportive if he's trying to break free from COS. might need to give him a pass on all this.

  36. how can an author making a bet with his friend that he could start a religion with a book about aliens turn it into this huge secret society that runs half of Hollywood and who knows what else?

  37. I can't believe this hasn't blown up into a huge scandal. Apparently those not into Hollywood gossip don't want to believe, and those that are involved with it are just too jaded about it to raise issue.

  38. I don't really care about who he fucked or sucked. What's with the bad hair pieces?!? Did the "church" advise that too?

  39. COS would CERTAINLY go after an apostate member like this. Travolta trying to leave? Not only will they ruin him for doing so, they'll want to make things so bad that he will be afraid to reveal what he knows about THEM.

    ALSO, think of what all this tells others who have had similar questions about the church and thoughts about leaving. They certainly would have made threats in the past, now they are putting their money (and secret info revealed in the confidentiality of the audit room) where their mouths are.

    David Misacaviage is an evil man. I absolutely see him ordering his minions to act this vindictively. As for the secretary, if she is in the church, she was threatened. If she is out of the church, she was rewarded amply. Maybe both are true (threatened and rewarded.)

    Sad things is, no one cared that JT is gay. Really, his days of romantic leads are SO far over...having it revealed would've been no issue for his career. Keeping this secret has ruined his life.

  40. He's going to be surprised by what a NON-issue it is that he's gay. He'll probably come to regret having been closeted for so long, when really, he didn't have to do so.

    I just always feel so sorry for JT. But hopefully he's going to be free now--free of CO$ and free to live as a gay man.

  41. yep, absolutely have way more respect for him as an openly gay man than as a closeted harrasser.

  42. Kelli, according to a recent People article, JT has been involved with Co$ since the late 70's. His older girlfriend, Diana Hyland, was involved with them also. Kelly Preston became Co$ in 1991 after being introduced to it by JT.

    I completely believe this is Co$, and believe he want to or has left them, now they're punishing him.

  43. Doesn't it seem like John Travolta would have been happy to be out, and like he wast trying to get caught since he was so aggressive with the masseurs? CoS definitely forced him in the closet. DEFINITELY. And probably forced the marriage. At first I was disgusted at his predatory nature but now I'm thinking he wanted to get caught. I'm envisioning arguments he had with CoS questioning what was wrong with being gay.

  44. Can't wait to see how "kneepads" is going to spin it this time.

  45. yes. I can see the COS being behind this.I've read a ton of stuff on them and it's known they will ruin you if you leave. Sad. If indeed they are releasing all this stuff, as someone else said, THIS is the big story...not that he's gay. Big whoop on that one.

  46. Anonymous10:06 AM

    wake me up when we get to the part where john leaves scientology

  47. I thought that was Alec Baldwin...

  48. Just yesterday I told Hubby how strange it was that the whole JT thing has died down.

    Slammed with stories and then NADA

    Somethings that just make you pause and go hhmmmmmm

  49. YUP - this is what happens when you try to leave the CO$

  50. @ iknowpeople , my thoughts as well

  51. Who saw that coming?

  52. What a screwed up life!!

  53. Now I am not a fan of this guy's, but who cares??? Let them man live. If his wife's cool with it, why should any of us care.

    That's all of our problems. WE care more about what our neighbors are up to, ready to attack at the slightest imperfection on their part meanwhile allowing ourselves to behave in totally unacceptable manners.

    Leave this poor guy alone. It's like we all live to just shame others.

  54. I feel badly for him. I'm afraid he's going to end up hurting himself, the way people are all going after him at once. It's very wrong if he is guilty of sexual harassment, but who knows how much of that part is true, esp. if it's Co$ behind everything. I just don't know how to feel about all of it...but can't help being sad for him.

  55. Ultimately no one will give a shit, unless the COS tries to plant stuff about JT molesting children or something equally vile. The scary thing is that they're not above that.

  56. JT ain't making it out of the closet alive. He pilots his own airplanes quite frequently (and apparently not all that well). Way too many clamfolk around him, some of whom would surely have the access to monkeywrench his 707.

    I wouldn't fly with him right now, that's for damn sure.

  57. He has kids and has been involved with women-Marilu Henner and the original mom on 8 is Enough, could we say he is bi?

    There are lots of gay men who have had kids and been in longterm relationships with women. He's the only one who can say if he identifies as bi, gay, or whatever.

    Knowing CoS, it would be stupid to not at least suspect they've got a hand in all of this coming to light. Guilty till proven otherwise with them, as far as I'm concerned. I do doubt they'd have him offed, though. They have to know that would only give their detractors more credibility with everyone they haven't brainwashed yet.

    I'll be the first to admit I was wrong if his plane goes down a month from now....

  58. A couple of weeks ago I posted this on enty's fb. I still believe it to be true...

    If he really did assault those men then I'm not going to support him any more, but if a blind about him wanting to leave the Co$ was true, then it mentioned the fact they would do everything they could to stop him. If my suspicions are correct, the Co$ have paid these men to accuse him of assault because if he then *did* come out, many would believe the accusations to be true. He can still be gay and innocent of the charges. This way though, his best defence is to deny he is gay, which is exactly what the Co$ want him to continue doing. Thoughts?

  59. Long time reader...first time commenting! Someone I know personally sat by Kelly and John at a private event and John was all over some dude and Kelly was all over some chick!!! Has nothing to do with the COS theory but this is why Kelly doesn't care!

  60. Two things:

    1. I'm wondering if this other pilot is the guy JT was pictured kissing on the mouth near an airplane a few years ago.

    2. This whole thing is reminding me that a couple of years ago, Carrie Fisher said something like," I thought we all agreed that John was gay and that we're all fine with it." And everyone tried to dismiss it as CF "just being crazy." Sometimes the "crazy one" is the smartest and/or most honest one, it seems.

  61. I have always believed the COS was blackmailing JT into staying in the fold with the knowledge he is gay. Actually, I believe that's how they keep the majority of their followers, right? All that auditing and whatnot? Why else make your members spill all their deepest secrets? It has always seemed to me like JT is an unwilling member, unlike Tom Cruise who totally spouts the party line and is a more active and visible cheerleader it seems.

  62. Co$ plays so very dirty. Wow.
    I do believe in karma, though, and if he was forcing himself on people, he is realizing what a bitch lady karma is.

  63. @Bangagong -"Jeff Kathreiny" , hired as a "nanny" by JT

    Here's some info:

    ..and now I have "bangagong, get it on " running through my mind..

  64. "There are lots of gay men who have had kids and been in longterm relationships with women."

    Sure, like even being a [denomination redacted] minister, married, with kids, but on the down low hanging out at gay bars, picking up random tricks and dealing a little Ecstasy from time to time.

    Oh wait, that shit's crazy. That would never have happened.

    (Actually, he was a very nice man and, I think, a good pastor and father.)

  65. Unknown, I'm not saying I doubt you, but if she's a lesbian, what the hell was she doing with Charlie Sheen? Maybe he shared his bottomless supply of hookers?

  66. hothotheat - I've always heard that Kelly was already in the cult when John first joined, and she was hand-picked (by whom I'm not sure) to be John's wife. Perhaps Kneepads is spinning it so it's poor, poor wifey.

    I listen to the Hollywood Babble-On podcast, and sometimes Ralph Garman will read some of the victim's account of what happened. It's pretty bizarre - humping the massage table and trying to position his ass so the massage therapist would touch his anus. Seriously dude, any number of men would be happy to spend some time with you - why go after the ones who don't? Is it the challenge?

  67. Actually, if there is some kind of semi-meltdown portending for COS, I wonder if one of the side effects will be some kind of revelation about Kneepads and clam cult. Because it's pretty clear that one or more people behind CDAN work in or know the professional publicist world of Hollywood intimately, and the blog is not shy about insinuating re. the murky mouthpiece flacking of Kneepads.

    Kneepads = Time-Warner. The clams famously sued Time at one point.

  68. Can't wait til the CO$ outs Tommy!

  69. Coming on to men the way he did was wrong of him. There are plenty of men who will get with JT without him even asking. That being said, I do feel sorry for him - somewhat. It's easy to say that no one will care if he's gay. However, he's still an icon to a lot of men who remember him as a Hollywood heartthrob and someone they wanted to emulate. How is this going to work when he comes out as being gay? There are a lot of emotionally fragile and insecure people who can't take anything well, let alone this news. Believe me, I don't think there are 20 year olds looking up to him as some sort of icon or anything. It's the older crowd that are still supporting him. He has every right to be concerned with how coming out will affect his livelihood. Even though he should do it. I mean really, who wants to live the next 50 years in the closet?
