Friday, June 22, 2012

John Travolta Is Being Sued Again

This sounds like something straight out of the Scientology playbook. Robert Randolph wrote a book about John Travolta. It was called You'll never Spa In This Town Again. It basically documented a bunch of allegations that massage workers had made about Travolta and put into book form long before these recent accusations came out. Well, right before the book was set to be released, Travolta and his attorney leaked to the press that the author had been in a mental institution and was not a reliable source. Book stores decided not to stock the book and the press decided the author was not going to be a good interview subject so the book sales sank. It turns out Randolph had not been in a mental institution, but did have lots of sex with John Travolta. Now, he is suing for what Travolta and his attorney said about him. At some point on this press tour for Savages, John Travolta is going to have to give in and answer some questions. How can you go on a tour all over the world and just ignore everything people want to ask while trying to get them to talk about your new movie? maybe he thinks if the movie does well it will all go away. Maybe.


  1. Happy Friday, everyone!

  2. " You'll never Spa In This Town Again"

    You serious, Clark?

  3. Sounds like Mr. Travolta is swimming in a large river in Egypt...DE-Nile!

  4. Can't be that hard. His people will just demand that interviewers can only ask questions about his movies. If they stray, he'll walk.

  5. Agree with Vicki...they do it all of the time.

  6. @Vicki - then they should ask him anyway! Walking looks like admission to me.

  7. What Amber said.

    I wonder if he'll end up dropping out of the press tour for some sort of "family emergency."

  8. I have the copy of You'll Never Make Love In This Town Again. Very interesting read.

  9. Btw, WTF is he doing to his face? It doesn't look pulled back as much as it looks ironed.

    1. And the weird toupee. It looks like someone sprayed brown flocking on a swim cap.

  10. He looks so depressed in that photo, like he is about to break down crying. I wonder how he'll deal with this when he can't deny it any longer.

  11. Randolph isn't trying to do any good, just make money off of Travolta one way or another, so I wouldn't award him a cent.

  12. @angel, how is this different from anyone else writing a biography on a celeb?

  13. Now that the tsunami has hit and the water is starting to recede and the damages have been done, his emotionally world has got to be wrecked. I can only imagine that he has no idea what to do with himself. He looks completely shut down in that picture. I hope that the outcome of this results in him being able to live his life according to his needs as long as one of those needs isn't the need to sexually assault people. GTFO of the Co$, Johnny.

    Also, hello. I've been recovering from an expected weekend hospital stay this week and have loved reading but just haven't had anything clever or funny to say.

  14. @Ima Guillotine - LOL. What a perfect description!

  15. Aw, disco. Take of yourself!

  16. john revolting has morphed on the outside to what he is on the inside.


  17. @Beth, it's not any different. I don't respect anyone who throws people under a bus for profit motives.

  18. I had wondered what happened to that book.

    I just feel sad about this whole mess. I always loved him as an actor.

  19. I'm starting to feel bad for the guy. Obviously he's not comfortable in his own skin, and that's a horrible feeling. Come on out of that closet, Johnny! Embrace your fabulous inner gay dude. We'll all still love you!

  20. JT just needs to come clean with the whole thing...and get the hell out of Co$.

  21. He was my first real crush. He's so sad and creepy now. I wish he would grab a mic at one of these press events and simply shout "I'm a big, proud, gay man. Anyone who has a problem with that, kiss my big ass. No, really, kiss it."

  22. I do think it's sad when a person feels they cannot live the life they want to, but if he ASSAULTED people, I CANNOT feel sympathy for him.

    Just because he's famous and closeted doesn't make it less of a crime, or a scumbag thing to do.

  23. **or LESS of a scumbag thing to do.

  24. A www, JT looks so sad & depressed in that pic. And that's a professional photo, not some candid shot that caught him w/a random expression on his face.

    I hope he stops & comes clean because whatever he's hiding, it seems to be catching up to him :(

  25. He looks like an overgrown kid. Give him a big, multi-colored lollipop.

  26. Why are people putting so much into this photo? It's undated, it could have been taken any time in the last 5 years. Who knows what was done to edit it after it was taken, it looks completely unnatural and 'fixed up' to me. He looks like he's trying to follow direction from the photographer and 'create' a pose instead of just sitting there naturally.

  27. Robert Randolph has a website, someone linked to it here a few weeks ago when the other stories started to come out. It's kind of interesting.

  28. I read some of the excerpts...interesting read, but Randolph came across as a bit paranoid and unorganized of thought on his website. made me question some of what I read.

  29. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I just watch Grease and don't think about the present tense.

  30. I saw John being interviewed on one of the tabloid shows in the past few days promoting his current movie and it was so weird --obviously his current legal issues were off-limits and he and the interviewer could barely look each other in the eye.

    He was asked about his long lived Hollywood marriage and he went on and on about how he and Kelly "understand" each other....then he played the Jett dying card to get off that subject.

  31. Geez John, just come out of the closet already. Pay off the people you sexually harrassed and go on with life!

  32. I agree.....John should just pay off the people coming out with these allegations in some sort of back room deal and either come out, or just keep living in denial and hoping no one ever notices......either way I'm sure living like that is catching up to him. I was a total mess when I was in the closet from my parents from 12-14 I can't imagine living a lie like that for decades.

  33. I think we all (at least here on CDAN) were on to the fact that John is gay. I wish Enty would address whether he thinks John actually assaulted those guys or if that is CO$ hype

  34. Wait - so you can just insinuate someone is insane and places that were going to stock the book decline to stock it? And I'd imagine the press would trip over themselves to interview a crazy man who was in a mental institution about Travolta.

  35. Nolachickee, I would pay more to see that than any new projects he has coming out.

  36. I want to read the depositions in that lawsuit!

  37. No. What is going on here is wrong. He is being tried in the court of public opinion - right on these pages, and I don't believe it is right. He hasn't been convicted of anything, but yet everyone here is the first to cast a stone, convinced he is guilty.

    I've seen all of your pictures, and as far as I'm concerned, a lot of you could be child didlers for all I know. If anything, I see a lot of bloated, unsatisfied idiots wishing they could live the lives of the people they pass judgment about.

    This is fucking pathetic and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

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  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Go to the 1:48 mark on this video and tell me that's not one of THE BEST kisses ever?

  41. OK, I'm done. But really folks, unless JT is convicted of what everyone is accusing him of, then we all need to shut the fuck up.

    Don't forget, I can blast all of your pictures, accusing you of diddling kids and small animals,and how would that feel?

    Please I wouldn't know John Travolta is I walked into him, but I do know the character assassination of him on this site is patently wrong.
