Friday, June 01, 2012

Justin Bieber Gets A Concussion

In a scene probably reminiscent of Bret Michaels getting knocked to the ground at the Tony Awards or a bird slamming into a sliding glass door, Justin Bieber was knocked to the floor when he ran straight into a glass door during a concert in Paris last night. He fell to the ground but still finished the show. Later, after the show he apparently passed out for about 15 seconds and doctors say he suffered a mild concussion. As much as I give the guy crap, you have to admit most performers would have called it a night after being dropped to the ground last night. I wish there was some video of it somewhere.


  1. "wish there was a video", lol. that does sound kind of funny. (a little mean, but he's 18 now).

  2. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

    Yes, I'm going to hell. See you all there!

  3. There is video of it on

  4. First the paps, now this. He's becoming a one-man machine of destruction.

  5. As a self-proclaimed klutz, I can't laugh at this too hard. I'm only grateful that I'm a nobody and didn't have people mock me when I've done the exact same thing!

  6. I went to look at the video, and the thing that struck me the most was the image of Madonna from her new tour.

    Yes, this is off topic, but OMG, that woman looks like she escaped from Madame Toussaud's. Gross.

  7. I only wish my fist could have been said glass door.

  8. Are we sure that he ran into the glass door, or did someone knock him out with the glass door.

    Look at that photo of him - he's a grade A turd.

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Nola, I am laughing re: the turd. Yes, yes he is.

    I was VERY amused by this, even though I walked smack into a sliding glass door once, too. Hurt like hell. I was sure my nose was broken.

  10. he is a child...not fully developed and that can cause clumsiness. basically your body grows faster than your brain can keep up with. opposite is true with major weight loss, takes a while to realize...oh i dont have to turn to the side and suck it in, i can fit lol

  11. The PR machine is really working hard to promote him as straight to maintain his tweeny fanbase. Too funny.

  12. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Am I going to hell for being glad and LOL-ing?

  13. This is the second time he's run into a glass door. You'd think he would've learned after the first one.

  14. Dude us a total goof, and the Hammer pants. Blech!

    Ive heard the whole thing has gone to his head and he's horrible to be around. I also heard hes really nice especially when kids are involved and goes to hospitals and such on the sly. I still hate the pants.

  15. Is this the only country where 18 is still a child? Someone should have pushed him down in the dirt so his knee was skinned off when he really was a "child". Maybe stuff wouldn't happen to him now, twice. You just heal better when you're younger.

  16. Last night my husband got Bieber to draw in Draw Something, he drew s stick figure walking into a glass wall and wrote "I got a concussion"

  17. I feel bad when anyone gets a head injury, but also feel that Bieber is a plague upon mankind, and I'm talking of Biblical proportions. This former Donny Osmond worshipper is torn.

    I don't know what to say - he's an Illuminati operated robot designed to destroy mankind by pumping his mediocre music into our heads?
