Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Kim Zolciak Getting Evicted

It looks like Kim Zolciak should cut back on her wig spending and start spending it on rent. First of all, I think most people probably believed that Kim lived in a place she owns rather than rents. Nope. Remember the house being built and getting it furnished? They spent a whole season talking about it. They acted like it was theirs, but it is actually owned by another couple and the lease was up last week. According to the owners, they are trying to evict Kim and allege that Kim has not paid rent and that Kim lives paycheck to paycheck. It might be time to call Big Papa and go spend a weekend together. Get that mess taken care of really quickly. How much do she and Kroy spend each month if they can't afford to buy a house even though he plays in the NFL and she has her own tv show and is on another?


  1. Well, Enty, acrylic hair, nails, and jewelry are expensive.

  2. Those pictures are from the townhouse she was trying to sell, not the new McMansion.

  3. I dont believe, I don't think Kroy would skip out on the bill.
    Plus isn't this the same landlord that showed up the day before her wedding, unannounced, and wanted to inspect the property? When security turned him away he said he was going to get the police? I guess he he thought the interior designers Kim hired damaged his house? Mad no sense, made him look like a ridiculous landlord.

  4. While I think that she is a despicable and disgusting human being, I don't believe this rubbish. I highly doubt Kroy would allow this to happen. Kim might be a pos, but she's not stupid.

  5. I can't believe I used the word rubbish. It must be all the jubilee talk lately, lol.

  6. I dont believe this much either. But it does cost money to look that cheap!

  7. Ashamed to admit it - but I have watched her show - and I actually like Kroy (Kroy??). He seems to have a level head on his shoulders (although that's debatable, considering he is in a relationship with Kim...).

  8. I call BS on this one. Kroy makes major money in the NFL and though she's not making NFL money, she's not hurting between RHOA and Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding. Her side of the story is that she was going to buy the landlord's house but it was appraised at 2 million instead of the 3 million the landlord wanted so she backed out of the deal and the landlord's pissed. These photos are also not from that house.

    I cannot believe I just defended Kim Zolciak. *smacks forehead*

  9. Kroy, really? Why would parents do that? If a third alien was added to Kodos and Kang, its name would be Kroy.

    Do NFL players really make that much money? They don't play as many games, if they get hurt (or are in jail), they don't get paid, etc.

    But then again, I don't care about these people.

  10. Kroy just signed a 3-year deal with Atlanta that could possibly net $12 mil, but his annual salary is $1.1 mil. I think it was around 500K last year.

  11. He made an annual salary of $555,000 last year and here is his new contract Copied and pasted....

    Biermann got a three-year deal that averages $3.05 million. He received a $3.1 million signing bonus, and will make $1.1 million in base salary this season. His cap figure for this season is $2.133 million. 

    Biermann’s base salary will rise to $2.4 million in 2013, and 2.55 million in 2014.

    1. Kim salary for RHofA

      Newlywed housewife and pregnant mother of three, Kim Zolciak, 33, who along with Leakes has been a cast member since the show's very first debut, is the second highest earner, raking in $600,000 per season and an additional $150,000 bonus if she attends the reunion show.

    2. Soooo, needless to say I think there is more to this story. I'm just basing my assumptions on their combined salary and the footage of the landlords causing trouble during the show.

  12. A reality star and an NFL player overspend and can't afford the rent. WHY are people so quick to say this couldn't happen?

  13. @Seachica

    Because there are lots of people out there who want media attention and this landlord is probably one of them. Anything for 15 minutes, even if it's a lie.

  14. $600k for RHOA? Damn. I knew I shoulda gotten married somewhere along the way...Oh, and moved to Atlanta or NYC or OC or BH ... Oh, and not been "normal." Sigh.

  15. I agree with most people here...I fully believe she could be getting kicked out, but not because of rent. Remember the last episode of Tardy for the Wedding (ha ok I'm probably the only one who watched it), the owner of the house is also her interior decorator. According to Kim, the decorating was supposed to cost $15k, but a day or two before the wedding, Kim was presented with a check from the decorator/home owner for $54k for decorating, which was due and payable immediately. Kim said she was too busy with the wedding to write a check, and besides, she had 30 days to pay the bill. That's why the homeowner showed up the day before the wedding to inspect the place.

    I imagine since the lease is up, the homeowners are exercising their right to not renew the lease.

    Now that Kroy has that big NFL contract they might want to think about buying their own house. I think sometimes pro athletes who are on a short contract rent because they could be traded or let go.

    The way Kim spends money, I wouldn't be surprised if she does spend her Bravo checks as soon as she gets them.

    Ug. I know way too much about Kim Zolciak!

  16. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Anita, players get paid even if they are hurt or don't play, for whatever reason. If a player goes to jail, the team can take steps to cancel his contract, but that's really the only way they can avoid paying out the salary. It's called a "guaranteed contract," and they are pretty much the norm in the NFL. If a guy tears his ACL in summer training camp and misses a whole year, he still gets his money.

    I have never seen one second of anything this woman is involved in, but I can tell you that "Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding" is the dumbest name I've ever heard. Not just for a TV show -- for anything.

  17. Texshan, it's a play on Kim's song "Don't Be Tardy for the Party."

    I'm not buying this story though. Kim kept the owner out when he showed up before her wedding. Why didn't he come back with the police?

    Kim picked out a $400,000 (or was it $800,000?) diamond bracelet for her wedding gift from Kroy. While I don't believe they're paying retail, it was still expensive.

    Ya, I know way too much about this trashy stuff.

  18. Originally they planned to buy the house but put it off and rented it until Kroy signed a contract to make sure they'd be in Atlanta.

    Kim is saying they jacked up the price of the house due to all the publicity and that she backed out of the agreement to buy because of it so this woman put this out there.

    Wendy Williams just talked about it and she had Kim on the show just a short while ago and she said Kim told her about it.

  19. I thought the only "guaranteed contracts" were NBA contracts??

  20. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Califblondy, thanks (I think?) for telling me that. Now I know why they used that title. But it's still stupid.

    I may be wrong, but I don't think a landlord can just enter your property at will. There has to be a specific reason for it. And doing a "spot check" doesn't qualify.

  21. So many of the housewives from the various cities have been fronting and living beyond their means. Kim's one of them. I'm more skeptical about her age than how much money she has. Ain't no way this trollop is in her 30s.

  22. I want to know the story of the Davis's. They seem sha-yyyyyyy-dy.

    I want to know what their deal is. Because it sure seems like they need money.

  23. I watched an episode (don't judge me people!!!) in which she told Kroy (Kroy! God, what a name!) that she wanted to spend $500k on the wedding. Half a million on a frickin' wedding. I had no idea she was making $600k a season. I wouldn't have been surprised at maybe $60k but $600? What in the world is Andy Cohen smoking? And will he share?

    I do think the device of her talking to her baby at the beginning of the episode is very cute. Who ever thought that up deserves a gold star and I don't even like kids.

  24. So, Kim is one of the higher paid Housewives then? That article Enty linked to the other day didn't mention her salary, so I wasn't sure. That's close to NeNe's salary.

    I did catch a few episodes of her wedding spin-off. Based on the way she spends money (and Kroy's money for the wedding), they won't have much left in years to come. Kroy is like the Bruce Jenner of the show. You wonder how the hell he ended up there.

    Like someone else said above, I think that the majority of these people are not really quite as wealthy as they portray on these shows.
