Friday, June 08, 2012

Kris Humphries And His Booty Call

So, what is dating and what is a booty call? Do you think that some people who are booty to calls to others believe they are a girlfriend? Kris Humphries' latest calls him her boyfriend, but Kris Humphries says she is just someone he hooks up with and Radar says he had his lawyer send Fatmire Sinanj a letter to stop calling herself his girlfriend. Normally I would put a really? after that sentence, but I'm trying to stop. Don't be the last on your block to stop. Winning the jerk award of the year in June is pretty good. I would say he would have had it locked up except for the married actor hitting on the model on the airplane the other day.

So what if she says that she is his girlfriend. All he has to do is go out with someone else and that costs way less than having your lawyer call her and write her letters. I think he is upset because he wants to have sex every night with a different person and take advantage of being one of the worst players on one of the worst NBA teams who married and got dumped by a porn star.

To have your lawyer jump in for this is idiotic.


  1. Who's getting too big for their britches? Asshat.

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  3. Fatmire? What a horrible name!

    Mired in fat.

  4. He called in his pr agent to send out a press release. The lawyer was just to have an excuse for the press release.

    Humphries sure has a type, doesn't he?

    And yes, we have all had and/or been the booty call. No?

  5. You know it's bad when your public image/identification is nothing more than being a low-rent Kim Kardahian.

    It's going to be a tough life for her.

  6. So far, have never been booty call!

  7. i think the girl just got excited about being w/ an was most likely a FWB situation....esp given it'd been going on since january and she'd kept it relatively on the d/l until tmz posted the miami pics. i think she thought that gave her proof/credence of 'gf' status'. he's a jerk to string her w/o (apparent) clear boundaries, but she's just as much to blame.

  8. I'm embarrassed for her. Who here hasn't had a friend who thought a guy was her boyfriend but you knew she wasn't?

    She's got it all though, doesn't she? Dyed black hair, orange face but wearing light make-up, black bra under light coloured shirt and the sideways Justin Beiber peace sign. I'm sure she's on Twitter and her account is about to blow up. Sigh....

  9. it is beyond sad that I look at this chick and think how she's a step down from kim kardashian. I'm embarrassed for myself that those thoughts run through my head. *shakes head in shame*

  10. oh, and even sadder, this guy will get ass for the rest of his life by girls like this who just want bragging rights for sleeping with kim kardashian's ex. it's AMAZING how many people actually do worship that bitch. ughhh.

  11. they are both pathetic. he must have learned about lawyers sending letters to do stupid stuff like that from the family whose name I refuse to say, that starts w/k.

  12. What an ass. He's in the NBA though, having a wife wouldn't stop him from getting laid every night. He made himself look like a giant douchebag.

  13. he is probably just trying to protect himself because he wants to accuse Kim of having a boyfriend while still being married, and make himself look like a saint.

    The depositions for their divorce start at the end of the month...

    she is gross, and so is he.

  14. @parissucksliterally: that's my thought, too. Doesn't want anything to mess up his divorce.

  15. Is he even divorced yet? Maybe he's just trying to keep a low profile since he's still married!
    Just so the youngsters know - it is considered in poor taste to date before your divorce is final. (Please don't say but KK...She is an idiot and certainly not an example for anyone to follow)

  16. Who still says booty call? Its 2012. Who even cares anymore

  17. Steppy -- I agree that it's in poor taste to date before you're divorced, but so many people do it these days. When I was single, every other date would say he was separated and in the process of getting a divorce. I would never give them a second date (or first date if I knew prior). My motto is to always finish up your old business before starting new, but with laws in some states requiring 1 or 2 years of separation before divorce, I don't think many people are really waiting anymore

  18. ^nobody seems to wait!

  19. I'm Brad Pitt's girlfriend.

    Oh No...Am I going to get a letter from Brad's PR people now telling me to stop telling everyone that?

    Honestly...Kris should welcome the attention, cause his 15 min are done.

  20. I am so over the peace signs, ducks lips, YOLO, stupid photos people take/have taken of themselves. What happened to smiling and NOT making your hands the focus of the shot? Makes me want to smack people.

    Side note: the first and ONLY one night stand I've ever had in my entire life was when I was 19. I had just moved out on my own, and decided I was going to sow my wild oats and do something crazy. And, I ended up marrying him. :) Now, I would have told you then that he was "the one", and he would have told you "she's crazy", but it ended up being love at first...bump? Anyway, maybe she's one of *those* girls.

  21. "married and got dumped by a porn star."

    I hope Enty is referring to KK there b/c that is just awesome!

  22. Enty, what do you really know about lawyers?

  23. Damn it to hell, ENTY! No interfering on this one. It's got some good stuff. I want to see it play out on Special Victim's Unit. Being called someone's boyfriend, someone you're actually sleeping with, makes him a Victim. To bad former ADA Jack McCoy is gone.

  24. When you have a fake marriage do you really need to abide by certain dating rules of a divorce? This guy doesn't owe KK anything. She filed divorce papers without even telling him they were splitting. They have to be separated 4 months longer than they were married to be granted a divorce, so I'll let the dating slide.

  25. I wonder what he said when her heard her name?

    Fatmire? That's funny because my ex is named Fatass.

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  27. Someone certainly is milking their 15 minutes of fame for all it's worth.

  28. he should be glad she's not calling him her "baby daddy". punk.

  29. He totes had his lawyer put a note in her locker telling her he doesn't like her anymore and he scratched out her name that he wrote on his Pee Chee folder.

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  31. Apparently she is semi-obsessed with Kim K. I know he's dumb even for a jock, but I hope he gets a clue and stops "hooking up" with her.

  32. Me, I hope Kris Humphries has lots of sex with everyone willing to have sex with him. I have a fondness for tall, café au lait bonbons with big innocent eyes. Wipe the Kardashian smell off him first, though.

  33. @Ingrid, hilarious. And he folded the note reading, from her, do you want to go with me? Check yes or no (no check)--folded into the shape of that triangular little football.
