Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lauryn Hill Is Full Of It

Do you get the feeling that at some point in her life, Lauryn Hill smokes some pot that was laced with something she really never quite recovered from? Combine that with the ultimate diva attitude and you have someone who refuses to pay her taxes or file returns to the government because she is trying to withdraw from society and protect her family. Uh huh. So, when she was making millions of dollars touring in the past year in this same society that was ok? It's ok as long as she is making money, but not paying money. If you want to withdraw and keep your family safe, then great. Move to the middle of the country somewhere; go off the grid; raise your own food; and live off the land. But, when you are perfectly willing to make money off society and tour in different cities each night AND bring your family on stage with you, then that is not exactly withdrawing or worried about the safety of your family.

Because Lauryn Hill did not file returns from three years in which she earned $1.5M She faces up to 3 years in jail and $1M in fines.


  1. I don't know if it was lace pot, but it definitely seems like there became a point that she stopped being the girl from Sister Act 2. ;)

  2. Don't blame herb for her not paying taxes. It has nothing to do with that. She's probably one of those who just doesn't believe in taxes.

    //not that I agree
    //I pay my taxes
    //and I reap the benefits as well (as does she)

  3. Tell it to the Judge and see what happens. Wesley Snipes had a good defense too. I wonder what his prisoner number is?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I honestly think most of her behavior comes down to a mix of ego and mental illness. A much higher ratio of ego to mental illness.

  6. She can always make a good living as an Oprah impersonator.

  7. I think she's legitimately nuts.

  8. @timebob,

    Number 57?

  9. That's not pot. That's called being a crazy bitch. So waaaay back in the day my husband was real good friends with the son of Fugees manager. Pras would be calling the house all the time having to apologize for LH's behavior. Talked to him once myself. Seemed like a nice guy lol. (Forgive spelling n what not this balackberry is shite)

  10. I don't understand. Isn't this what people with money hire people to do? Didn't she have management or something like that?

  11. Just stick her ass in jail. I'm sick of paying taxes every year while others who should be paying taxes make up some bullshit about how they shouldn't. You drive on the roads, don't you? You call the police/firefighters if you have to, don't you? Ever write to your congressperson? Benefit from what the FDA does by checking your (legal) drugs and your meats, etc? Pay up bitch.

  12. She got in on the ground floor of internet and tabloid celebrity, of people who are famous for being famous. No one ever really wanted to hear her sing, that's for sure. She had one song that charted, and you can't say she "wrote" it. Didn't even produce it. She just rode in on the coattails of a relatively "phresh" producer, and she got famous, and she had nothing to show for it. Of course she disintegrated and crumbled apart. Fame without talent.

  13. Take, take, take, and no give. I'm sick to death of people who refuse to do their fair share of anything!

    Pay up, and then do us all a favor and hole up in a mountain cabin somewhere and don't come back out.

  14. Still can't believe Wesley is in prison. I thought it was a joke, at first. He's got another year to go. Bet THAT'S a good time.

  15. She really is mentally ill. Her excuse is irrational. She should get help, and pay up. And cps should make sure her 6 kids are okay.

  16. Tell that to Wesley Snipes! She's going to the Big House for this. The IRS don't mess around.

  17. Barton. I'm confused she is not famous for being famous, regardless of who wrote the album it was a great album that helped put neo-soul on the map.

  18. yes, barton fink, I think you must be thinking about someone else. for all of her issues, not having talent isn't one of them. her album, the miseducation of lauryn hill, has sold so far, over 7 million copies. if you bothered to listen to the album you could easily see - the woman has talent in spades.

    if you don't pay/file taxes for one or two years, its a misdemeanor. for three years, its a felony. she could very easily do time. seems like prosecutors are particularly interested in putting black artists away for not paying/filing taxes, when white guys, like willie nelson, who owed 16 million, don't do time.

  19. Willie avoided time by paying up, no?

  20. Completely full of it?? Completely batshit? I'm going with the latter.

  21. She is fabulously, incredibly talented, but she is also very, very mentally unwell.

  22. Lock her ass up. She isn't crazy. She is just another whiny, entitled celebrity. If I recall correctly, Lauryn Hill has very publicly supported Obama, who--as we all know--is a BIG FAN of people paying taxes. What a f-ing hypocrite she is.

  23. Yeah, fuck that. I got no use for deadbeats. I pay my shit, always have.

    And the IRS will let you pay taxes in installments. God knows I paid mine that way for years when things were lean.

  24. She's effin' bat sh*te cray cray

  25. Yes, Barton, I agree with Kim's World and Annabella - her album is truly excellent. 'One song'? The charitable explanation is that you're thinking of someone else; but of course, you shouldn't trash people like this without knowing your facts.

    I totally agree with everyone here that she's mentally ill, but that's entirely separate from the above point.

  26. You typically don't go to jail if you apologize and pay up when the IRS catches you. It's when you continue to try to fight paying the taxes that they get pissed.

  27. What's that saying?? There's no avoiding death or taxes.

  28. @SusanB and @Barton Fink- agreed.

    Ask Chris Rock about this nut case. "She's effin' bat sh*te cray cray".

  29. What is with everyone going crazy on her? First of all, to whoever said that she is untalented needs to write a reality check to themselves, quick. I can't even take you seriously. You either don't know real art and/or you are not familiar with the African American community and what she did for it and the mindset. Second, what is with everyone saying she's mentally ill? Did she fall off the grid to a certain extent, yes. But after her first album, the industry wanted to change her image and she was not having it because she is too REAL. She does not play games. The industry is immoral, disrespectful, and not worth losing your life and soul over. It's "mentally ill" to not want to pay a gov't that eats off of you and your hard earned money? A gov't that is the biggest paradox in human history and full of it to the highest level? Her attitude is probably "I'm making money doing MY art supporting MY family. F the gov't that brought me into this crazy system (involuntarily I might add). I'm getting mine, and exing out." And I don't blame her for feeling that way, at all. This gov't is full of it. I don't like the idea of getting my pockets dug into every paycheck and every year, and for what? Because they aren't doing ish with it around my way. Poor people are still suffering, the school system is a joke, the police are not protecting anyone, more concerned about incarcerating people around here and getting in on the drug trade, and our country is in more debt. The system is a joke, and America is the biggest facade in existence. Maybe Lauryn has the intelligence, insight, and mental capability to see these things, and chooses not to fall victim to it. Maybe "mentally ill" is being a robot in an automated system doing what you're told and not thinking for yourself. Lauryn is an existentialist to the highest degree and is not afraid. Granted, just not paying is kind of difficult to achieve. Hopefully she has some sort of plan. But still, when black people don't pay taxes, they're on crack, when white people don't, it's all good in the neighborhood? Forget the US and their double standards. This is as bad as Maya Angelou being critiqued as literately inferior b/c her poetry contained Ebonics and other vernacular to connect to her culture, but when white man Mark Twain writes a book FULL of literary mistakes, he's a freaking master mind. Fall off, think twice, and wake up. Do not insult a legend.

  30. Wow. THE MISEDUCATION OF LAURYN HILL is one of THE best albums to come out of the 1990s. Not sure how ANYONE could say there's no talent there.

    But batshit crazy? Spoiled and thinks she's entitled? One of the other or both, absolutely.

  31. Existentialist, give me a break. Oh, please, diana, take your meds. When you know better, you do better.
