Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Miley Cyrus & Her Medical Marijuana Card

So, over the weekend, Miley Cyrus hit up a medical marijuana dispensary. She is 19. She is a multi-millionaire. She has never been in a car accident. She has never suffered any serious injury. She doesn't really work that much. She is engaged to be married. She exercises regularly. I'm just trying to think of the reason she gave a doctor to get a card for pot. I came up with a few reasons, but I'm sure you can come up with more.

1. Just like the rest of the world, she can't figure out the movie Prometheus, but thinks smoking pot might make it all clear.
2. You listen to Achy Breaky Heart for the millionth time and tell me you don't need a medical marijuana card.
3. She dated a Jonas brother. That qualifies as a disability right there.
4. She has chewed so much gum in her life that she has TMJ.
5. It's the only way she can handle looking at her brother Trace and all his tattoos.
6. Her dad is Billy Ray Cyrus.
7. You get called Hanna Montana for the millionth time by a screaming 7 year old and tell me you don't need a medical marijuana card.
8. She watched LOL.
9. She knows So Undercover is going to be worse.
10. When she smokes pot she feels like she is with Liam & Chris Hemsworth at the same time.


  1. I dunno maybe she has insomnia or hurt her back filming or has migraines. But really, does it matter? Like who cares. Sorry but this is a non story to me.

    1. does she have an eating disorder? my fiance' died of cystic fibrosis and was on marinol strictly for appetite enhancement not for pain.

  2. She probably gave the same reason as you, Enty:)

  3. I have a legitimate medical condition that would make me eligible to obtain a medical marijuana card in cali..but I'm stuck in PA. Luckily my dealer does house visits (just like old school doctors!!)

  4. She's an entitled celeb with the money to buy a reason to qualify.

  5. My gut says that it's probably not needed, but she COULD have migraines, fibro, or any number of invisible pain conditions. You CANNOT tell by just looking at people! Something like 76 percent of disabilities can't be seen, and I have some myself, so I know better than to judge.

  6. Rejectedcarebear lolololthe doctor is in as we say.

  7. Ah, but then isn't it common for celebs to be openly permitted to break nasty, inconvenient things like rules and laws in L.A.? If that weren't the case, Lindsay Lohan would've been thrown into the slammer a long time ago, wouldn't she?

  8. I'm jealous.
    Smoking helps my depression and ADD. It's just really hard to get sometimes. It would be nice if it were readily available and legal. Covered by insurance would be great too!

  9. @monstersinc As someone with a congential heart condition I can't think of a simgle reason this would warrent a medical marajuana card. In fact they do not want heart patients smoking at all.

  10. I think it's also prescribed for anxiety right? I'm in FL so I'm not familiar with the requirements. She probably has the #1 qualification though, it's called rich people problem.

  11. Monstersinc I'm sorry its hard to get some relief where you are. Wanna know something really crazy? I crave sodas and way more that I wanna smoke a bowl. I dreamed about drinking a coke last night! Caffeine is sooo addictive!

  12. If her gluten allergy was messing with her stomach, that could also be a reason. Re: the heart condition - Edibles are also an option so you don't have to actually SMOKE pot to get the THC. You can get THC oil and use it in smokeless cigarettes, as well.

  13. aunt jess- i quit drinking pop 2 weeks ago, and even tho i lost about 5 pounds from it, i crave pop sooo much now. I had a small glass last night because i had such a wicked headache and no matter how much pot i smoked, it would not go away. My stomach is bothering me now, so i totally regret drinking it but i feel your pain!

  14. Oh big deal shes a stoner anyway at least shes getting it legally. And isnt medical marijuana given to some people with bipolar disorder? Doesnt seem like a huge stretch for Miley. When she starts buying crack rocks thatll be news.

  15. I do believe there is a BV reveal in there. Soooo...Miley cheated on Liam with the brother Chris, which was their reason for the original break up. Why on earth would he ever marry her then? Gross. I would also never talk to my brother ever again. That's crossing the line. Also, Chris' wife should have left him.

  16. I have no desire to quit soft drinks but you can get caffeine-free versions. Diet Coke has a caffeine-free version. There's a slight taste difference but nothing overly noticeable. Is there a caffeine free Coke? There must be. I may be wrong but in Canada, the clear soft drinks (Sprite, 7-Up) are caffeine free but I think they have caffeine in the US.

    I love my caffeine but I'm lucky, I don't get headaches. But I'm tired by 9pm and that sucks. So my morning coffees keep me going.

  17. California is a joke (or a blessing, depending on your point of view) for getting medical mj cards. My best friend's dad (in his 60's) has horrible complications from MS, and after suffering daily facial shocks his kids convinced him to try weed for relief. His wife went with him for moral support to get his card at the dispensary, and they just gave her one too without a single question

  18. We should all have such problems as Miss Miley.

  19. #7 would drive anyone to need pharmacueticals.

    Faking to get a medical marijuana card is the least of the things I dislike about Miley.

    Also, didn't Johnny Drama get medical marijuana card because of Anxiety? LOL.

  20. @crila16, yes, she and the luscious Hemsworth brothers were thought to be the answer to a blind about a young celeb doing her boyfriend's brother.

    Yeah, this kid pretty much defines "first world problems."

  21. @Expat

    You don't have to smoke it. :)

  22. In CA you can get a card for pretty much anything, including anxiety. Some people do really need it for anxiety but I don't think Miley is incapacitated by hers.

  23. Anonymous8:19 AM

    All you have to do is tell your doctor that you have a headache and you get the card. At least in California.

    Here in Michigan, doctors aren't so lenient.

  24. I would also like to add that if smoking pot made me feel like I was banging both of the Hemsworth boys at the same time, I'd smoke a hell of a lot more of it.

  25. You do not need to be an entitled celeb to get a medical marijuana card.

  26. Yawn. She stays out of trouble, isn't drunk driving or stealing. Leave Miley alone! ;-)

  27. Yeah, but my hubby has glaucoma and his specialist refused to prescribe it and we're here in CA.

  28. @anita - here's your U.S. of A. soda report -

    Caffeine free diet coke - check - hubby goes through cases of it - good with Crown :-).

    Caffeine free regular Coke - check. Just saw it at Target yesterday.

    All the clear sodas here are caffeine free, too, except for Mountain Dew. Don't know if you have this little gem in the Great White North, but it's chock full of sugar and caffeine. We saw an approximately 4 year old boy scream for it at a Taco Bell while vacationing - SIGH. Even my kids knew his dad shouldn't give in on that one.

    And now, anita, you're in the know :-).

  29. anxiety from all the people bothering her everytime she walks down the street. let the girl have a doobie.

  30. Hey Enty leave miley alone until she buys her first crackrock like someone said above..and dating Nick, those guys I feel bad for because they don't know any better about life other than what their dad brainwashed them to believe about how things work..now those are the ones i wanna know what goes on behind their closed doors

  31. I don't give a shit if she has a card. A LOT of people have them. If she wants to smoke, let her smoke.

  32. Folks who have medical marijuana cards.... how easy is it to get it from the marijuana clinics? What documentation do you have to show? Are there doctors at the clinics who will diagnose you?

  33. Thanks Frufra. Maybe it's Mountain Dew that I was thinking was caffeine-free up here. But I don't know anyone who drinks it. Teenage boys I guess.

    What to do with my new knowledge..... hmmmmm ;)

  34. you guys are so judgmental. Im 20 from CA, and living in Humboldt County, and I have my card. They do legitly ask for your medical records, and they wont just GIVE you one. But it is easy to fake it. Miley probably has it for the same reasons I have it, I have a really really bad anxiety disorder and anorexia. Without pot I cant even eat in the morning, I throw up bile for hours, its hell. Also my knees and feet are messed up from old dance injuries.

    Usually you have to show doctors records from the past that mention what it is you're complaining about, most places are more legit than others. some just care about the money.

    but I think its great, and like everything else, even LEGAL PERSCRIPTIONS from the doctor gets abused.

    some of y'all can be real judgmental assholes.

  35. who cares? Maybe she's depressed, maybe she suffers from anxiety.

  36. Hey everybody thanks for getting on the caffiene kick for me lol ;) my absolute favorite is RC Cola idk if they have that in canada but its amazing. I so try and stay away from all kinds but the craving for dark soda is insane. I'm really trying to watch my weight, its hard. Also does anyone else have a problem with diet ones? They wreck my bladder to the point of intense pain. My dr said its the artificial sweetners.

  37. I live in California, have a card, and have grown mj for 8+ years for personal use. Yes, it can be really easy to procure a card, but just as cinephreak said earlier, prescriptions of all kinds can be procured from Dr's if you shop around enough. I would rather have people circumventing the law to get a 'script for weed than for Oxy (hello, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, etc). I truly feel bad for anyone that has any sort of ailment that marijuana could help but live in an area where they do not have safe, legal access to the herb. It disturbs me so much that someone less than 8 hours away from me (by car) could be (and is) imprisoned for an amount of mj that I can legally carry in my glovebox in my county. Oh, and in case anyone thinks I'm some hippied-out stoner, I'm not. I rarely actually use mj these days--but I enjoy the process of growing, curing, and processing the plant so much that I continue to grow....because it's my right.

  38. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Cinephreak, I think you are overreacting. No one has been overly judgmental. Miley is only 19, works out all of the time, and, except for claiming a "wheat sensitivity," she's never mentioned any health problems. I think she merits the side-eye for getting medical mari.

    Like a couple of other people on this board, I have "invisible" medical conditions -- CFIDS, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus, and liver disorders. Looking at me, you wouldn't know I am sick (except for when my liver is really bad, and my abdomen swells up and I get moon-faced). But believe me, I am in a lot of pain and feel like shit every day. However, even if I lived in Cali, I wouldn't get a card, because smoking pot never did anything for me other than making me eat an entire bag of Doritos.

  39. Why is it any of our business what ails her? Why should we have the right to demand to know why she's using MMJ? It makes me fuming mad when people reduce me to a "legal stoner" because they "cant see whats wrong with me"
    I work out all the time, why? Because I have body issues. Eating disorder and depression go hand in hand, and I dont blame Miley for not announcing that to the whole world. I'm willing to bet that some of her reasons are anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. I'd bet my next paycheck on it.

    For some, marijuana, natures medicine, is a better personal choice than anything Rx full of chemicals and side effects.

  40. @maria--contact a dispensary and ask for a referral to clinic that has mj positive Dr's. Or find a Medicann office near you (I use one of their many clinics to renew my card each year).
    @seachica--Easy to get a card depending on what area of the state you're in. The clinic I use only prescribes for mj. That's all they do. It's a total racket but whatever, my G.P. doesn't believe in mj for medical use so I go there. At the clinic I use, a new "patient" must show supporting documentation from another Dr in order to get a script from the clinic Dr (does that make sense?). After 5 mins with the Dr, filling out some forms and dropping $125 (first time fee. yearly renewal is $90), voila, you got a card. Oh, and there are discounts for patients on medical/medicare.

  41. She should go on Wednesday when they give free joints upon a purchase.

  42. I don't care if she smokes pot -- we all know she's a big ol' stoner -- I just can't get past her banging her fiance's brother. If BI is really about her that should be a deal breaker for Liam.

  43. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I have a card for my ovarian cysts. Midol and other pain relievers don't work and I don't want to get addicted to anything too strong. A lot of women and young girls have intensely painful periods and miscellaneous gynecological issues and medical marijuana is a lifesaver. She could have found an easy loophole (plenty of non celebs fake their way to an Rx) or she could have a legitimate reason. We can't know and we don't need to know. Pot should be legal anyway.

  44. I'm still furious about all the celebrities who drank alcohol during prohibition. The nerve!

  45. Regardless of why she has a card (don't really care), the worst part of this story is that it is clear that she lied about the Salvia incident. Who cares, you smoked pot and got caught. Whoopsie! Like no one your age can relate? Instead, you cop to smoking a hallucinogen simply because it is not regulated. Kids: don't smoke pot, that is illegal and bad for you. Just smoke Salvia instead, and you can time travel, see through walls and visit other dimensions (yay!).

    Prediction: Rihanna and Miley will soon become besties, bonding over their love of the ganja. Miley aspires to one day show her taytays in public just as freely as the elder skank.

  46. IDK, I think Miley was for real about the salvia. Have you ever smoked it? Its way different than marijuana, and Miley's actions after she smoked definitely made me think salvia high, not weed high.
    Never have I ever hallucenated or gotten cray cray after a hit of weed.
    Salvia however... fuck that shit

  47. re: peeps trying to break either Caffeine addiction and/or want a diet alternative cola

    I was a Diet Coke addict for 2 DECADES!! I never thought I could break the habit, but when I got pregnant I switched to Diet Hansen's diet original cola when I really needed a fix. I don't know if you guys have it in Canada, but it is the only thing I drink now, and can't imagine stomaching a Diet Coke. From what I've read, aspartame is the devil, so if you suffer from any kind of neurological diseases (MS etc) or insomnia I encourage you to attempt the switch if possible. I believe the sweetener is sucralose (Splenda)

    re: peeps with anxiety/depression

    I like to share my story in case it will help one person. I am a really happy person by nature, but I just started feeling really off over the winter and my anxiety got so bad that I had daily heart racing and my arms would get tingly. I wound up going to an integrative MD and had a full blood panel. As it turns out, my progesterone was low so I am temporarily using a cream during half the month. I also run 4-5 days a week, take supplements including evening primrose oil (OTC and used for PMS) and cut my coffee to one cup a day. Guess what? Anxiety gone.

    I know this will NOT work for everybody (and that I sound like freakin' Tom Cruise) but if your anxiety/depression seems to have come out of nowhere (versus a life-long battle, a traumatic incident etc) I like to share this information with people I care about

  48. @Seachicka, I too live in Sea and went to a "MMJ clinic" with my medical records in hand. It is on 40 something and Aurora in Wallingford. It was kinda creepy that they had a ton of peeps in and out of the waiting room, and I went into the "dr" consultation with 4 other peeps at the same time, but a quick review of your papers, and if you did not have any they would do an exam there I think for a little more $. They take your pick and give you papers you are to carry with you any time you go to a despensary and pay like $125 and that is it. Then you find a dispensary you like, show them the papers and your card, they look you up in the state system and then let you in. You can buy edibles, tincture, lotions, and smoke there. I was sick of taking so many pills for my back pain that I decided to try it. Alas I decided the pills do work better so I did not use it enough to renew another year. Pretty easy peasy.

  49. Please. Everyone I know with a MM card (in Cali) got one for a BS reason. Anyone can find a doctor who doesn't care.

    I wonder if a MM card would show up during a Federal job application?

  50. @Sunny - once again, you've informed and enlightened me! I have been eyeballing the diet Hansen's and will now give it a go. Thank you!

    I'm also going for my good old yearly exam this week, and will def ask about the progesterone level testing. I have anxiety, and while it is a life-long issue for me, I am adamant that I am not going to let menopause turn me into a crazy person (I'm looking at you, Mother).

    Thanks for being awesome, Sun!

  51. @Frufa
    I think I have probably had underlying anxiety my whole life, but just numbed it with excessive drinking and drugs (which probably explains your prior issues with the hooch too)

    I also used to suck down diet coke and coffee all day long, and when you already have a high energy personality like me (which I'm guessing maybe you too???) it exacerbates the feelings of anxiety. Trust me that regardless of what fuels your anxiety, if you cut back on caffeine and have a stress outlet such as running/walking/yoga your symptoms WILL improve.

    Lastly, Frufa, I was also ridiculously low on Vitamin D levels in my blood panel. I now try to spend lots more time outdoors and take a Vitamin D3 supplement daily (as well as a multi, fish oil, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc and evening Primrose Oil) I think I get enough of the necessary B vitamins in my multi, but they are very important to help keep moods stable. My integrative MD also recommended an anti-inflammatory diet, having protein at every meal and making sure I got regular exercise. All these things have helped me so much, so it's certainly worth a try!!

    Anyway, you know I love you, girl! Good luck with your tests!!!!

  52. she gave the md a hefty donation?

    who cares though. I wish it were me.

  53. That's a bit presumptuous and callous to just assume she has no valid medical reason, isn't it?

    Just because someone does not appear to have any kind of disability or condition doesn't mean they don't. There are tons of unseen things that affect people. And more to the point- her medical history and information is PRIVATE.

    There's a term for passing judgment upon people just because they don't seem to possess any obvious, visible disabilities- it's called ableism. It's very unkind and rude.

  54. To my gals Sunny and Frufra, excellent path you are both on ! I am diabetic , so I avoid additional prescription drugs like the plague. But Vit D, fish oil, primrose oil, Vitamin B12 shots, Dr. John Lee natural progesterone cream and Vino have delightfully come together in my life to keep me from getting the "creepers" (that just not right feeling). Hormones are not just for menopause, look into reading some Suzanne Sommers research on this. Interesting:)

  55. @Agent**it
    Thanks for weighing in. I really value your opinion :) My big downfall is that I don't enjoy red wine, and I know it's a wonderful anti-inflammatory. I like Chardonnay, but I need to find a way to make the switch :)

  56. Sunny and Agent, thanks! I'll let you know how I come out. This aging thing ain't for sissies, let me tell ya!

    Sun, try sweet red wine. Agent, is it as good for you as non-sweet? I'm sure it has more calories, but the antioxidant power's still there, I hope.

  57. @Frufra , probably not ... I just really, really like..... vino!

  58. I'm going with: She has to wake up everyday knowing that her career peaked when she was 15.

  59. When you grow up in a dysfunctional family where your mum was your dads groupie, and you are the biggest earner, it's easy for me to see that she may have some anxiety issues. Instead of ragging on her I am going to cut her some slack.

  60. I remember being very amused by the list of conditions that medical marijuana is legal for in Cali. Off the top of my head, it included headaches and nightmares. So basically, everyone is potentially eligible.

  61. Good for old Miley!
    I'd love ta just drive around in a Dodge Challenger, and smoke spliff all day......alas it does not agree with me,

  62. Many kinds of chronic pain PTSD, ADHD and other things are invisible illnesses.

    I'd be a raging alcoholic without my herbal art supplies.
