Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pakistani Pop Star Shot Dead For Leaving Husband

Ghazala Javed, a 24 year old Pakistani pop singer is dead today along with her father after she told her husband she wanted a divorce. She had discovered that he had a second wife and apparently he thought it was fine and Ghazala didn't. As she was leaving a hair salon and climbing into the car with her father, her soon to be ex-husband and another person on motorcycles opened fire on the car. Javed is extremely popular with young people in Pakistan although she has to record most of her music and make videos outside the country although it can all be sold and watched inside the country. So, this guy kills his wife because she was upset he didn't tell her that he has at least one other wife and when she finds out and wants a divorce, it makes him look bad so he kills her? Ridiculous.


  1. She dishonored him by being upset he had another wife. Of course he had to kill her.

  2. Duh, obviously. Problem?

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Pakistan, like Afghanistan, Iran, and others, is largely peopled by savages. Is this to assert that Muslims are savages? In no way. But any people, Muslim, Christian, or otherwise, who believe in so-called "honor killings," who believe that people of any age should be executed for their beliefs (or lack thereof), or who execute people who commit such preposterous "crimes" as blasphemy, are savages.

  4. Thailand is starting to look good now.

  5. The Western world has its problems, but at least women have rights here. It's easy to forget that in many parts of the world they are still treated as property. Feminism still has a long way to go.

  6. The husband is in really big trouble, he was supposed to put her head on a pike in front of his house with word whore carved in her forehead...I hear the government is going to take away his iphone for that.

  7. That's fucked up!

  8. Maybe she will become their "Selena" and it can raise awareness of honor killings.

    Or not...

  9. @Unknown, at the very least.

  10. Yet this man will probably get a slap on the wrist if anything. :/ 2 people gone forever & it's ok because she didn't like sharing her toys. Oh well, she deserved it. smh /end sarcasm

  11. This makes me sick. Robert, I hate using the term 'savages', but the behaviour you describe IS savage.

  12. Does anyone know if her husband will face consequences for this, or is it considered righteous justice over there?

  13. @Robert, it is not correct to say that Iran, Pakistan, even Afghanistan is "peopled largely by savages." No more than, say, America is peopled largely by savages because Casey Anthony got away with killing her daughter.

    There are some savages there, yes. Their behaviors, like honor killings, are reviled by 99% of the rest of the population.

    Iran, especially, has a well-educated population. If you were to go to Tehran you'd see that, behind walls, the vast majority of men and women live lives similar to our own. In the streets, yes, women have to cover up, due to the oppression of the bat-shit crazy Ahmadinajad et al.

    It's the governments and would-be goverments (e.g., the Taliban) of these three nations (and many others) that are savages. Not the vast majority of the people.

  14. I hate looking at a picture of this young woman and thinking that she's dead. Shit.

  15. Any way we could hook this guy up with Kim Kardashian?

  16. I think it's time to get another drone up in the air over Pakistan. After we destroy this man's home with him sleeping in it we can say, "Whoops, intel told us there was an Al Queda big shot living there. Sorry."

  17. I'm sure most citizens of Pakistan are more upset about the father being murdered than the girl.

  18. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The Koran states that men are "a degree above women;" In giving witness testimony, two women equal one man; Men should always inherit twice as much as women; "Lewd" women "should be confined to their houses until death;" "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other ... So good women are the obedient ... As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them;" A man can accuse his wife of adultery with only himself as a witness; And women must cover themselves when in public.

    Yes, I know the Bible also has some less-than-equal things to say about women, but the important difference here is you don't have thousands, if not millions, of Christians around the world still following antiquated guidelines that were written to keep women subserviant. Many Muslims still do.
    They still think marrying children is OK; they still practice female genital mutilation; they think "honor" killings and stoning women for disobedience and adultery is permissible. It's disgusting.

    It infuriates me that our government still insists that Pakistan is our "friend and ally," just like Saudi Arabia. Get real. Neither of those countries are in any way, shape or form supporters of the USA, except for the money they can get out of us.

  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I like what Robert said about the "honor killings". I remember a similar situation with two teenage daughters of a pakistani family in canada being murdered by their father and brother because they had been secretly having boyfriends (nothing untoward but just talking), so the feds bugged their phone and they were talking about it casually. Only someone like this pop singer is going to cause some level of outrage and reasessment.

  20. I'm almost surprised he didn't just burn her face with acid. That's a popular way of punishing women there. Acid attacks are used as a means of revenge when a wife or fiancé tries to break ties with a man, or otherwise "dishonors" him.

  21. Robert, I'm Iranian and was born there before moving to Canada. I've been there many times and including Iran in that list is not true. Iran is not nearly as close to other Muslim countries with things like honor killings.

  22. Robert, I'm Iranian and was born there before moving to Canada. I've been there many times and including Iran in that list is not true. Iran is not nearly as close to other Muslim countries with things like honor killings.

  23. This is nothing but heartbreaking.

  24. This is a sad world we live in. In no way should such madness be tolerated. All in the name of a radical concept of religion and honor. Disgusting!

  25. figgy, gtfo with your crap parallels. A lack of evidence in one case does not equal a culture where women are inferior by custom and law.

    As a reminder for all, a Muslim's testimony in court, per Sharia law, nullifies any unbeliever's testimony.

  26. Texshan, I see that you want to lump all Muslims together but to make excuses for the vast majority of Christians. It doesn't work that way, sorry.

  27. (And before you get all flamey, I'm an atheist and really don't give a shit -- I just love to see hypocrisy in action.)

  28. @Jennifer H. - I like where your head is at...My only fear is that Pimp Mama K would try to work the Sister Wives angle into yet another show.

  29. There isn't a nation more "savage" than the US. Where do I start ??? 12 and 13 years old who prostitute themselves....bitter employees who upon being fired return to blow up anyone in a 20 miles radius, pedophiles running amock, ex-coke addicts as presidents, Hiroshima, the KKK, the systematic slaughter of a whole nation...yes the indians....the kidnap and indescribable torture of babies, children women and men of all ages for 400 years of a whole african continent....the paying educational system put in place to prevent the masses to access learning and education...which we know to be power...hummmm...oh....the american pedophile travelling en masse to go rape little girl in Indonesia, ....etc...etc....etc....

    you want to look and insult other people...make sure your derriere is clean at least.

    If american were such beautiful and exquisite white waspy loving christians like they like to harp on...then 3/4 of the world wouldn't hate your guts and despise you for leaving a train of blood behind you. You are just as worst as the Talibans. Thay use religion to hurt people. What's your excuse ??....oh yeah I remember...money.

  30. @Robert there are many men in this country & elsewhere who call themselves Christians who have stalked, assaulted, raped,shot, and stabbed their wives, girlfriends, baby mamas, because they tried to leave them. It has absolutely nothing to do with someone being a Muslim. Are the men who kill their
    wives/girlfriends in this U.S. savages? The laws in Pakistan could be considered archaic, but only in the late 70's into the 80-90's did the domestic violence laws change in the U.S. There was time a man couldn't be arrested for assaulting his wife unless the police actually saw him abuse her. Your use of the word savages is so inappropriate and says a lot about your views on people that aren't the same color as you.

  31. Women only have the "rights" that men allow us to have. The minute things get tough, they will take them away again.

    Still waiting for the ERA to be ratified... it was only introduced in 1923!

  32. The name "Javed" means "exempt from death." Too bad name meanings don't carry real protection.

  33. @ WUWT may her name live on then, these stories make me so sad. And angry. What a sick man.

  34. doctressjulia, a world of yes to both of your comments.

  35. Anonymous12:04 PM

    laaalaaa -- really? So the USA is the worst country on earth, huh? Interesting. I wonder how much better off other countries would be if we, say, stopped giving them millions/billions in aid every year? Or stopped sending literally tons of food and medicine to impoverished nations? And very few, if any, European or Asian countries have clean hands in the slavery trade. England, France, China, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, etc., they ALL had slave trades. And no European country has the right to lecture US about imperialism. Go ask someone from the Congo how they feel about Belgium.

    No, the USA isn't perfect. We do/did lots of things I'm not proud of. But no one else around the world has such a clean background that they get to assume some kind of moral superiority. ALL countries do shitty things.

    And Seahorse, I did not "lump" ALL Muslims together, nor did I "make excuses" for Christians. I simply quoted from the Koran ACTUAL Muslim laws that are still followed to this day. Meanwhile, I don't know of any Christian who still lives by the practices outlined in the Old Testament.
