Friday, June 01, 2012

Pink Is In The Hospital

For someone who has stomach flu, Pink seems to be one happy person. Maybe it's the morphine. Pink says she was admitted to the hospital for stomach flu but that she is going to be fine. Whenever I get the flu I don't recall ever getting any pain killers. All I ever get is the same thing from my doctor. Drink a lot of water and don't drink much booze. I don't recall any doctor offering to fill me up with pain killers so I could ride out the flu on a wave of vicodin or morphine. Everyone would skip flu shots if the doctors passed out pain killers. Why be at work because you did the right thing and got a shot while all your co-workers are at home spending a week watching television and popping pills like they are at a Lindsay Lohan BBQ.

Pink did also have one of the top lines ever by a celebrity on Twitter. "Stomach flu sucks but morphine doesn't."


  1. I <3 her. Get well soon!

  2. I got morphine after my c- section. Major abdominal surgery. A stomach flu hardly warrants such a strong pain killer

  3. Morphine for a stomach flu? Where is this hospital Im feeling nauseous.

  4. I have a stomach flu right now. I am at work in quarentine because I have stuff I have to do. The stomach cramps are killing me. Love her but boooooo. Hell of a way to lose weight though.

  5. Hey if I could get morphine for a menstral cramp I would.

    Just saying ;)

  6. Anyone ever try to get OFF morphine? Had to after a traffic accident. Not fun.

  7. Are we sure they aren't giving her compazine for vomiting and she heard morphine? If you've been up all night sick you don't hear so well.

  8. Maybe kidney honey was loving that drip, and he never stopped squeezing that button...lucky for us it was over in 36 hours...

  9. Wow. I have never heard of morphine for the stomach flu. I am going to presume she either heard wrong or it is not the stomach flu. But why the hell is she on Twitter? What is wrong with celebreties? They don't want people all into their lives, but they are posting everything they do on Twitter. Good grief. And quite frankly, unless she's dying, I really don't care.

  10. @BigMama, feel better.

    The look on Pink's face! Seriously - I wish I had somma that.

  11. @Ericaomega, you beat me to it. The narcissism of Twitter kills me. It just screams, "LOOK AT ME!!! LOOK AT ME!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  12. Either pink does not really have a stomach flu, or she got the med wrong. I will give her the benefit of the doubt, because she has always been open and upfront inthe past.

  13. Twitter isn't just celebrity ego though.... most of the people I know on facebook/twitter constantly scream "we hate drama", then continuously post/tweet about drama.... why do I not delete this people you ask? Because sometimes it is nice not to waste the gas on a trip to walmart when you need a self esteem booost :)

  14. I had the flu a few months ago and the ER did give me vicodin. I think they just felt so damn bad for me (I was crazy sick) that it was a consolation

    Actually vicodin is a miracle worker for getting rid of a hacking cough. The haze was much appreciated after going 3 days with no sleep.

  15. this in the above comment should be these.... and secondly I have some weird Pink love and desperately want her and Mr. Hart to be in luuuuvvvvvveeeee 4ever (I need help)

  16. I've had the flu a few times and the aches can be so bad you seriously want to die. However, I've never heard of morphine for it. I want her doctor.

  17. Years ago, before ibuprofen came into general use, I had horrible menstrual cramps every month so my GYN gave me Percocet. Loved it - my period couldn't come soon enough. It was a sad day when he started prescribing ibuprofen. (it wasn't over the counter then).

  18. Hell, I got a dilaudid IV when I was admitted for stomach flu and it was like a five day vacation! In all seriousness, the reason for the pain meds is probably because sometimes if a stomach flu is bad enough, it can cause a complication called a paralytic ileus, where the bowel essentially craps out (like the pun?!), which is really painful - at least until the bowel gets moving again (another pun - I kill me)...

    That's the poop on the pain med switch. I'm guessing Pink is having similar issues.

  19. I had a bowel resection 10+ years ago (due to diverticulitis, not cancer), and ended up on the patient-controlled analgesia/push the button every 6 minutes morphine IV. The surgery was Tuesday morning, and come Thursday at 8 a.m., I found myself lying in my hospital bed, remote no doubt smoking in my hand, stoned out of my mind and watching the Teletubbies w/a silly-assed smile on my face. While 95% of my brain was going "Awwww...this is cute!" the 5% that was still coherent was standing there wearing a leather jacket, arms folded, shaking its head and muttering "Dude, this is fucked up..." (Yes, that's exactly what I thought & how I pictured it; I have a very colorful visual imagination sober, much less totally baked.) It was still a painful & miserable experience, but at least I got a good anecdote out of it, and I decided then and there (well, once I came off the drugs) that if heroin was anything like morphine, I should probably leave well enough alone. ;-)

    (OK, the other anecdote from my stay was the night before I was to be released, when they were finally letting me have solid food again. Around 8 p.m. or so, someone came on the PA to announce that someone was making a Dunkin' Donuts run--this IS Boston, after all--and if anyone wanted anything, to let them know. I knew they were addressing the staff, but I couldn't resist the urge to be a wiseass, so I hit the "page" button, and when they said "Yes?" I said "Sure, I'll take a couple of Boston Cremes...OK, not really, but I just had to say that." Fortunately, the nurses at MGH have a good sense of humor, and laughed along with me...)

  20. @Karli, agreed. That's why my next stop after this site is STFU, Parents and STFU, Couples.

  21. why do celebs seem to be admitted to the hospital everytime they have a little bug? they are treated like children. she has a stomach flu. so did my entire family this week. it does suck, but its no bid deal. if you are well enough to pose for pictures and post online; go home and rest.

  22. Love Pink and hope she gets better soon!
    Some hospitals are whack - I was in last year for an acute case of pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the pericardium or the sac that your heart sits in. Pretty painful stuff and you can't lie flat or you feel like you can't breathe...anyway, in the ER they offered me dilaudid for pain and I said thanks but no thanks. Then later on when I was admitted, I asked for something for pain and my choices were motrin or morphine. I chose motrin because I feared becoming a quick addict. Crazy stuff...

  23. Dilaudid is 10x better than morphine. I have to get it every so often because I have Crohns disease. Maybe she could have something going on moreso than the flu. Cause unless your severely dehydrated they won't admit u for it. And zofran is the best anti- nausea drug ever

  24. I'm that person who got morphine for the stomach flu. I had the flu/stomach virus so bad that - well let's just say that I was afraid to make the 10 minute trip to the ER because I could not control the symptoms. I was sooo dehydrated my body was in incredible pain. I was shivering, shaking and had terrible body aches.

    While they were admitting me, I had to take a bathroom break and I think they felt so bad for me, that once they gave me the IV for fluids, the dr gave me an injection of some pain killer (morphine hybrid?) and in an INSTANT all my pain went away. It was the sweetest feeling ever.

    I've never done any drugs, but after that I could definitely see how people like the heavy stuff.

    Anyway, I believe her.

  25. I had morphine after open heart surgery, and weaning off it was the worst. I had horrible, vivid nightmares I still remember years later.
    Maybe she just watched The Devil Wears Prada! "I'm just one stomach flu from my ideal weight". LOL

  26. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am allergic to morphine -- I had surgery for the first time when I was 12, and after they got me in my room they hooked me up to one of those patient-controlled morphine drips. I pressed the button once, and within two minutes was barfing everywhere. Yuck. I'm also allergic to Zofran, the stuff they give you before surgery to stop the anesthetic from making you sick to your stomach.

    I started my period when I was 11, and from the first month I had horrible, awful, no-good, very bad cramps. Truly terrible. When I was 14, the doctor put me on the pill to try to lighten it and control the cramping. I stayed on the pill for 6 years, but eventually had to get off of it because I was on the largest dose available and the hormones were creating havoc with me. So then the doc gave me an Rx for Percocet. Oh, I loved it so, so much. I have never been addicted to drugs, but I can definitely see how it happens.

    When I was 35 I had a uterine ablation. No more periods! Unfortunately, no more Percocet, either.

  27. I was induced with my daughter and went through 8 hours of extreme pain, but didn't dialate one tiny bit. (Damn you Pitocin, med of the Devil!) Anyway, they gave me morhpine when they stopped the Pitocin drip and.....ahhhhhhhhh.....NICE.

    Oh, and I love Pink too!

  28. I was in D.C. in October of 2010. I went to GWU E/R for severe upper abdominal pain that was causing me to vomit violently & uncontrollably for hours. The first thing they gave me was MORPHINE. Once the pain was gone, I only vomited one more time.

    Mine was probably a reaction to a prescription and not 'stomach flu' (they never figured it out), but the pain felt like I'd been shot. Morphine was like a miracle.

    I've been the the E/R many times at home in Indiana with similar GI issues, and never had morphine here. I've was told in D.C. that some hospitals just won't use it, but those that do use it "give it out like candy" (quote from GWU E/R nurse).

  29. Wonder if this is a minor blind reveal.

  30. If anyone knows the REAL reason pink is in that hospital do tell. Flu my ass!
    they said cheryl cole had malaria when it was a nervous breakdown!

  31. I was given morphine when I had a really bad case of food poisoning (stops the pain and a side effect is constipation which you want when you have the runs).

    Perhaps she just didn't want to tell the world she had a bad case of the shits?

  32. If she's on an IV (and that's sure what it looks like in the picture), there's a reason for it, and most likely it's dehydration. Can't see what she's drinking, but I bet it's ginger ale or something like that; ordinary water can be too rough if you've been puking your guts out, but the ginger in ginger ale can definitely help.

    Oh, and Demerol is wonderful when you're in the hospital w/a nasty case of diverticulitis, in a whole lot of pain, and waiting for the super-duper IV antibiotics to kick in. I felt sooooooooooo much better after they gave me that shot! What was weird was watching TV that night--I was somehow in a private room--and seeing Magic Johnson's short-lived talk show; Howard Stern was a guest, and was up there w/a band playing "Wipeout" while 3 people (2 men & a woman) were trying to fart the drum solo. The guys didn't seem to have any trouble ripping 'em out, but she was sort of partially bent over, fists clenched and face scrunched up--I couldn't hear well enough to tell if she managed, but watching her try was funny as hell. I remember lying there thinking "OK, just because I'm on Demerol does NOT mean I'm hallucinating, because this really is on TV--I'm not imagining it!" Hmmm...wonder if that clip's on YouTube... *wanders off to find out*

  33. More proof that I am NOT making this shit up:
    ...and yes, they specifically mention that particular performance...
