Wednesday, June 06, 2012

What World Is John Mayer Living In?

Do you remember when John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston were finished dating? he never shied away from talking about their relationship and the faults he found in Jennifer. Remember when he finished dating Jessica Simpson? In addition his sexual napalm comment he also said some other not so flattering things. So, when he gives an interview to Rolling Stone and says that he was humiliated and that he felt terrible when he heard Taylor Swift's song "Dear John," and that he does not understand why she would talk about their relationship in public. The thing is he is perfectly serious. He is allowed to do it but no one else is and he wants us to feel sorry for him because he can't sing right now and we should forget all the trashy things he has said about practically everyone he has ever dated. Have you noticed that none of his exes have ever said one nice thing about the guy?

To really make sure you know he is whiny, he also explains in the interview that he thinks Taylor's music is cheap songwriting. Hmmm. This is the same guy who thought it was great when he was trying to sleep with her every night. What changed his mind?


  1. Well...I think this is the answer to one of today's BV's. Johnny/John.

  2. heee. douche gets a taste of his own medicine and doesn't like it. #crymeariverasshole

  3. Who would have thought little ole Tay Tay would cause so much drama in his life?!


    I think I love that girl even more now!

    And John, just cuz you share the same first name, does not mean you will ever be in Depps league!

  4. So what did he say about his exes? The only thing I can remember is the scat sheets in the hotel with Jessica Simpson.

  5. LOL what a dick.

  6. John, please meet Karma. She's a bitch!

  7. 1st order of busines after I am crowned Grand Chawhee is to outlaw The Pedo Stache. John is my numero uno offender.

    Moving on-When you've been with Swifty be prepared to hear a song about it. He's just mad she called him a prick. I dunno maybe he shouldn't treat women like spitoons then. *aunt jess shrug* But I still love Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.

  8. What an ego. Yeah, and put a large hat on your already oversized freakish head. Johnny Depp? I don't think so. Johnny Lacks Depth

  9. This asswipe is full of shit. Literally. His MO is out there now, so he probably is finding it harder and harder to get chicks who don't know about his love of shit. Chicks smell him coming from a mile away. Literally. So he's crying in the press, hoping some chicks take pity on him. So he can get them to shit on him. Literally.

  10. I really dislike this poo freak.

  11. They're both douchebags. But this is why talor swift will be forever alone.

  12. I have never liked him, and I want to like him even less. Pls. dish on the scat sheets/ poo situation. Thank you

  13. Poor thing he doesn't want ppl to know what a douchbag/asshole/jerk he is....


    Cry Me a River!!!!!

  14. And do we think he's learned about his behavior after being publicly called out? NOT LIKELY.

  15. He and Giada need to get together with their skanky ways and disappear, so we no longer have to hear about his massive ego or worry if she has washed her hands after preparing food. *shivers*

  16. He's a POO FREAK!??? No wonder "the girl in the dress cried all the way home......"

  17. So a young girl writes a not so flattering song about him and it upsets him? As Enty said, he dished the dirt on Jennifer and Jessica so karma does work.

  18. I have to agree with him about TS's songwriting skills or lack thereof. All the men in America should boycott her and she'd be out of a career and her songwriting formula ("I was doing this, you were doing that, we fell in love and then you broke my innocent heart..." blah blah blech!)

    Don't know much about him except stuff I read here, but if TS dishes it out, she must take it, no matter the source. Or else she's as bad as he might be!

  19. nuna, I'm pretty sure she'd still have a career if only women were buying her albums.

  20. Gross. In so many ways. And the answer to that earlier blind, I'm sure. What a tool.

  21. So it's ok for him to write songs about his ex's and give tell-all interviews, but not her? She never once mentioned him in an interview, and as far as the "Dear John" song, I'll take a line from Carly Simon: "You probably think this song is about you, you're so vain"

  22. This guy... grrr. He is a complete dichotomy to me. His music is as amazing as he isn't. I can't stand that he's so talented.

  23. Quick! Somebody call the WAAAAAAHmbulance for John! His feelings are broken!

  24. Isn't he an entitled former New Canaan, CT boy??? That would explain A LOT about his behavior.

  25. I'm a little biased because I adore Taylor Swift (or T-Swizzle as my housemate calls her), but I think there's a big difference between a young woman writing songs to get her through relationships and breakups (and then refusing to discuss who the songs are about) and John Mayer who often talks about his exes unflatteringly to magazines.

    A female friend of my housemate met Mayer once; I don't know how they progressed to this part of things, but he said that he couldn't cheat on his girlfriend, but he wanted her to watch him pleasure himself (this would have been about 10 years ago). I later heard this same story about him from a completely different source, regarding a different girl. Doesn't have anything to do with Taylor Swift, but it does show what a weirdo he is.

  26. I thought "sexual napalm" was a compliment...

  27. Also, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she never actually slept with him--the scenario I'm picturing is that she fell head over heels in love with him (or thought she had, same difference, esp. at her age), and might have been willing to, until he said or did or proposed doing something sufficiently appalling that she took off...bad enough to get your heart broken--and you don't have to bang 'em for that to happen--but having your previously high opinion of someone smashed utterly, and realizing how foolish you were to think so well of them, can hurt damn near as much (which would certainly explain "the girl in the dress" stumbling home in tears)? Been there, done that, wore out the damn t-shirt washing it, and I was a hell of a lot older than she was at that time.

    (Why yes, I AM Team Taylor here...can you tell? Not to mention that she never specifically said the song was about him, so he's the one who let the cat out of the bag there...)

    Boohoofuckinghoo, poor John...he can't get all that pussy that he as a musicians feels entitled to anymore, because everyone knows he's not only severely kinky, but because he kisses, tells, and trash-talks everyone he's been with, especially the ones who indulged his fetishes. Karma's a bitch, dude, and she just delivered a nice big present to you, didn't she?

  28. I don't like Taylor Swift at all. Never trust a beady eyed person. Think about it. Amber Portwood, Taylor Swift, The yellow eyed kid in A Christmas Story.... But I am totally with Enty here.

    John Mayer is a fucking asshole who was most recently fucking a married Giada. That was mostly her though. She can't control her freak. But he is so disgusting and totally in love with himself. I could barely keep from vomiting when he was on Watch What Happens Live. He is in love with himself and thinks he is gods gift to women. He is a disgusting singer too with the worst rock & roll faces when he sings. Ugh I can't stand his fugly ass.

  29. Don't hold back, Candice. Tell us what you really feel! lol ;)

  30. And "never trust a beady-eyed person" lol - yeah, Richard Nixon does spring to mind...

  31. Well I personally can't wait for someone to write that song about how Taylor is an awful lay or whatever. Because it's coming, and she certainly won't be able to whine and cry about it after trashing every single person she's ever dated or known. She's awful, really. One of the meanest girls on the planet masquerading as Sandra Dee.

  32. I don't know much about John Mayer but I do remember when Taylor came out with that song and everyone was like, WTF? Those two had a fling? Contrary to what's been written in this column, no one even had a fucking clue those two might have hooked up until she went out of her way to publicize it with that song. She does that -- she name drops celebrities in her song for self-serving reasons. (Tim McGraw was the title of the song that launched her.) So I'll have to read the Rolling Stone article but other mentions of it in the news today have John Mayer saying he did nothing to deserve the song from her -- and I kind of suspect there might be something to that. She flies off the handle if a guy dumps her the wrong way -- and they all dump her the wrong way, apparently -- but there's no indication they even had a relationship to be dumped.

  33. It's a shame because John Mayer is a talented musician. All his albums prior to Battle Studies are gems in my opinion. It's hard to imagine that someone who is should a great songwriter can be a complete douche.

  34. Thing is, probably a lot of people didn't know the song or whom it was about (and, who cares?! It's TS, she whines about everyone / anyone "doin' her wrong") ... but do / will now. He probably doesn't think what he said about his exes was negative, which is the difference in his mind. That all aside, TS may as well walk around with a dates-beware-of-future-humiliation-in-song sign on her forehead. So, sorry, John - not sure why you didn't expect this, especially if you were a cad, i.e., just being you.

  35. He absolutely is very talented and a big ole douche nozzle too.
    I doubt they ever slept together too. I can buy Ted C's blind about her that she's a virgin.

  36. Don't like either one of them. But he is the definition of scumbag.

  37. Well, she dated Jakey and that werewolf from Twilight (forgot his name - how funny). Were there any songs about these two??

  38. Once again, I went to high school with John Mayer. He was extremely talented back then, took music way more serious than the other musicians and I swear I knew he would be famous back then. He also couldn't get a date if his life depended on it. The guys tell me that when everyone was sitting around and playing guitar, he would take over and over play them bc he thought he was the best which he totally was, but that was very egotistical. He had a crush on the hottest blonde cheerleader who wouldn't speak to him bc he was so uncool. She finally told her friends to tell him to "leave her the fuck alone". We come from a medium sized town, a few hundred in our graduating classes. We are near NYC, celebs live here bc they can hide. I don't think he's star struck banging every A-List hottie, I think he's sowing his oats bc he always liked hot girls for some reason and was finally able to and went crazy. I think as far as him running his mouth, he thought he could be cool, real and honest. People from here don't turn into fake celebs and there are other people from my class who became famous. I think he just didn't know how to handle his celebrity-ism even though he ALWAYS wanted to be famous. Don't you find it funny that he's lost his voice? I believe that's a self loathing of thing's that have come out of it. You can hate what he says, but his music is incredible.

  39. I loved Taylor Swift for about 5 seconds, but grew tired of her and her whiny songs, and although I think John Mayer deserved that song, I'm glad he called her out on her lazy/cheap songwriting.

  40. @Patty
    She wrote "Back to December" for the Werewolf dude, Taylor Lautner.
    Don't judge me that I know this, I have a teenager! LOL

  41. This is the only poop-related thing I could find on John Mayer. Besides the fact that he is a shithead of course *trollface*

  42. Why didn't he piss and moan about this two years ago when the song came out?

  43. I'm thinking the guy just can't help sticking his foot in his mouth at every opportunity. Maybe it's because I haven't listened to his entire portfolio, but I find his songs nauseating, and will never understand why at one point he was able to have the hottest women in Hollywood clamouring after him.

    Does he have a giant schlong that vibrates? Is he a fantastic lover? Self-involved me usually suck in bed, and not in a good way. From all accounts, he craps during sex, and frankly, if a guy I dated did that I'd kick him out of bed and make him pay for the cleaning bill.

  44. He's a loser. No clue why any woman would want to have anything to do with him. The double standard thing is appalling.

  45. As if we need it, even more proof that folks who have 'gone Hollywood' think they live by different rules.
    Thanks for the insight on John katsm. I can completely buy that. Reminds me of a guy I met in college who went to HS with Heather Graham. Nicest guy in the world. The only time I ever heard him cuss was when he was talking about her. Apparently she told people that she was going to be famous one day, not sure what happened between those 2, but he said she was a bitch of the most mega extreme and seemed pissed that she ended up being right:) Same deal, different city, met a guy who went to HS with Mariah. He was a bit more kind but botter about reading interviews from her in the early days saying she was raised ghetto poor. He said that the choir teacher took her under her wing immediately and Mariah got every solo to be had the entire time she was in school. Then again, who can blame the teacher? (The students, apparently).
    No idea what the deal is with these 2. I've dealt with Taylor's dad in the past (working behind the scenes in radio) and he was always very nice (No Joe Simpson, who was always nice but creepy as hell) At the same time I don't really care about what people want to do behind closed doors as long as both are adults.
    Then again, I just think John is an absolute idiot for dating a 19 yr old who was (and still is) the darling of Nashville, has a solid record deal and writes her own songs (though I agree that her songs are...the diary of a teenage girl that just happens to rhyme and sell well). What did he expect?

    Perhaps the President of Geniusville will do more research on his decade+ younger booty call next time.

  46. *botter* = bitter

  47. Don't like her but find it hysterically funny that she wrote this song about this douche-nozzle.

    I think he is socially inept and a classic douche.

    She sickens me to no end because she reminds me of being a musical version of a welfare recipient due to her ordeal with Kanye West.

    All three of them could disappear and I'd be fine with it.

  48. @Geebz. When Kanye did that interruption of TS speech, he later blamed her for not making a statement about it forgiving his drunken ass (maybe she did but never made it into the news) and basically trash talked her. Now JM is doing the same thing. I just find it odd that 2 successful artists have slammed her publicly. I have no idea if she is a bitch in RL as some comments have attributed to her, but she is still a kid really, and these are grown men.

    I'm not a Swiftboater, but these guys should lay off of her since apparantly both times, the adult male in question has done something ungentlemanly to her.

  49. His music may be considered great, but I can't stand listening to any of it because of how much I dislike his singing voice. I think I never liked his singing voice, but the dislike certainly grew by association w his public shenanigans. I have such a visceral reaction to it that when I really wanted to llke Colbie Caillat's boyfriend's voice because he is a cutie, talented and seems really sweet (his name is Justin Young), I couldn't get past his John Mayer voice. That may seem like a non sequitur, but the purpose is to illustrate how much I hate John's voice. ;)

  50. I remember all the gossip that he and Taylor Swift were involved and her people hated it because of her image. I think it's hilarious that he talked about her in the interview but wouldn't talk about the line in her song "don't you think I was too young to be messed with?" I like some of his songs -don't like hers (well I don't admit to it) but she needs to change and develop. A story I read about the work she did to get to where she is impressed me though.

  51. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I wish he would listen to his own song "My Stupid Mouth" and ACT ACCORDINGLY.

    What an unmitigated, unrepentant asshole. Yeah, I believe he impersonates Depp - he's small and petty enough to do it.

  52. @katsm0711: Your high school story about Mayer is so emblematic and typical of so many celebrity "when they were young" tales. Many of the kids like Mayer don't actually have his talent, however. He is incredibly talented and a wonderful songwriter. But so many of these nerds who couldn't get the cheerleader in high school remain sexually fixated at that stage of their development and determined to conquer and often humiliate the girls that now flock to them. You'll see a lot of rich middle aged or older producers & studio and TV executives acting the same way, even when they have lovely wives and families at home.

    I used to love Mayer's music and do still admire many of his principal. However his real-life douchiness just ruins it all for me now. This is a man who likes to denigrate women and tell the world how superior he is to them. The way he seems to have no impulse control over his words, he's probably either an alcoholic, an addict (drug or sex?), or both...even if he's dry, he needs a 12-step program to learn some humility. Of course, the business that he's in tends to reward bad behavior with attention (ironically so do blogs like this!) so his chances of ever becoming a decent person are very low as long as he's successful.

    Taylor Swift would've been the perfect conquest for a guy like this. Young, virginal (if only symbolically) and golden. The one he never could have. And now here's that same girl...and today he can toy with her and destroy her at his whim. Good for her for calling him out. And talk about karma - this guy spilled right and left about all his exes. "Lazy songwriting?" Listen to HIS lyrics. What a stupid ass hypocrite.

    Not that I'm judging or anything :-D

    He's the poster boy for Generation Entitlement.

  53. The comments about TS were like 2 paragraphs of a 5 page interview, and he only said anything about her because the interviewer pressed him. Dude has done and said some stupid things, but read the whole interview. He was literally sick over it.

  54. It tickles me that he got that broken up about it. That damn Taylor and her bullying songs! ;)

    The lyrics to Dear John are really hardly worth commenting on, even if he was pressed for an answer. He just made himself sound like a giant baby.
