Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Turn

What's the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? How did we get here? Do you care?


  1. I think the purpose of life is procreation. Sorry I'm not holding up my end.

  2. It's Existential Enty, ya'll!

  3. Who cares. Post something about how you so called Katie and Tom's divorce.

  4. We are born of stardust and return to stardust. Everything in between, we make up ! :D

  5. We live to die. Its up to you to fill the in betweens and find your own meaning to live everyday.

  6. I care, but I have a tummy ache and I can't think straight. Stress is killin' me, Larry.

  7. @EDW- !

    story of divorce at tmz

  8. and also at Kneepads re the divorce.

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Does there have to be a meaning? It's life and it's live it!

  10. What MM said. And Agent**It, about stardust. In a larger sense outside of those things, life HAS no ultimate meaning. It is it's own meaning.

  11. Obviously, the meaning of life is celebrity gossip.

    Oh, and drinking, def drinking.

  12. Life's purpose is what you make of it. You are born, you live, and eventually you die (not to exist in another world like some religions believe. *cough*).

    What makes your life meaningful is how you impact others. The "afterlife", IMHO, is really how your memory lives on in the people you leave behind.

    I believe completely in evolution. We live in the 21st century, and shouldn't need the old myths that are outdated in the face of scientific knowledge.

  13. My theory about life ;try to get through life without going out of your way to intentionally bring harm to another and I believe you're gonna be "ok" on the otherside.

    BUT, that whole thing of each of us having a special purpose and or gift, well, I'm still awaiting on figuring out what mine is.

  14. And what Merlin said. 42.

  15. It's all random. Monty Python nailed it with The Galaxy Song:

  16. "Have a good time, all the time"...

    -Spinal Tap drummer (before he 'splodes)...

  17. I've reduced my existential goals. They now consist of being a good friend and partner to my adorable husband and maintaining a positive outlook.

    That's it! :-)

  18. I believe the purpose of life is to love God and to love others. That's MY purpose, anyway.

  19. I think the purpose of our lives is to spread love and generosity and to try and live as truthfully and honestly as we can. Enjoy it when you have the chance. And most importantly to have left some kind of mark on the world when we're gone.

  20. @figgy, I share the same spirit. 'Downsizing' to the most simple loving factor says it all, we are lucky !

  21. Its all dust in the wind.

  22. Life does not come with a meaning, that is the purpose.

  23. Chocolate
    To eat chocolate
    Yes. I really do care

  24. The meaning of my life seems to be a platform for fate to fuck with someone while opportunity plays keep away.

  25. I like what @The Ghost of El and @Gypsy said!

  26. Life has no meaning now that Tom & Katie are divorcing. Tee hee.

  27. To touch and be touched

  28. My thirteen year old son asks me this all the time. I have a hell of a time answering him.

  29. We were created by God, in His image, to love and worship Him.

  30. Life is love baby. And I love life:)

  31. Imo idk but agree w many cdan'ers that you live w/o harming others intentionally, love as much as possible, procreate to keep mankind going, make your mark somewhere somehow to someone or the world, and even though l believe in science it doesn't stop me from believing also in an afterlife and a spiritual being and/or dying and see what happens next. I'm hoping it's the place where everyone good goes. I don't like putting a name whatever is next after you die but I feel it in my soul there is something. sorry for run-on.

    I'm curious where does the job part fit in to the purpose in life? personally or together as a world why must the people who chose to work or haveto work where does this fit into the meaning of life? Sorry if my question is confusing. l have been having this argument going on for almost two years.

  32. Purpose
    Via mom

  33. This is soooooo not why I come to this site. In fact, it's sort of the opposite.

  34. While I consider myself an Atheist, I don't necessarily believe in evolution. I believe that thing evolve and adapt, but I think there is something missing. The reason why we can not find "the missing link" and why civilizations tens of thousands of years ago where more advanced that we were a thousand years ago is because we are descendants of aliens who came here to live. They left behind tools for their future generations to use (written info like the bible to use as allegory, math, astronomy). However, things were corrupted over the years.

    I guess what I believe, is like a reverse version of Planet of the Apes.

  35. 42!

    @zee|nyc - Ah, the Ancient Alien theory. WE are the aliens, man!

  36. @tinkerbell ...the job part fits in, because we are all slaves to a capitalistic universe. 'Tis why herb is illegal (because it would be free, if you could plant a seed you can grow it), and very much public enemy #1, yet booze, tobacco, artificial sweeteners, pharms are totally legal and shoved down our throats. Because they want us to pay. To pay for every, single thing. Now we must pay just because we breathe.

    It's far from the natives way.

  37. Heheheh, despite my "love-God-and-others" answer, I like to give "42" as the answer a lot, too. Don't panic, and don't forget your towel! ;-)

  38. We are an astronomical, freak occurrence but now that we're here we shouldn't intentionally hurt others. (However on a gossip blog, all bets are off!)

  39. Straight up, I don't care. I DON'T CARE!

  40. I think the purpose of this life (MY this life) is some big pay-back for some really sucky thing I did in a past life....hopefully we get through all that so next time around things go a little better.

  41. @car54 -I used to feel that way and then I realized this moment is "it" and "it" got better when I remembered to live in the present moment. That, and a trip to A&W for a root beer float and greasy onion rings helps tremendously!

  42. Our collective purpose is for "each of us" to find our authentic Self. And we're not who we think we are. In fact, thinking (i.e. the egoic mind) has taken us away from who we truly are. We are all one. Separation is an illusion. I've been meditating for over 20 years and no I do not smoke pot.

  43. Oh, and if you're looking for the meaning of life, look it up in the dictionary. In actuality, life has no meaning. It is merely a reflection of the Absolute. It's like asking what's the purpose of the Sun. It doesn't have a purpose, per se. It just shines until it doesn't anymore. No big deal. As Eckhart Tolle said, life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth.

  44. I'm with figgy and Agent. Keep it simple and relish every day. Be kind and treat others how you wish to be treated. Don't forget to enjoy the right now.

  45. @AnotherJosh
    "It just shines until it doesn't anymore."

    You might like this:

    "Please realize that your life is solid gold and polish it well. Make it shinier and shinier until the shiny illumination disappears.This is the traceless enlightenment which continues forever."

    --by Maezumi Roshi

  46. I think about that alot!!! I get anxiety thinking about it so I put it out of my mind - but then I watch Nova Science and I get all creeped out all over again!! I might have to give up Nova Science:)

  47. The flip answer would be 42.

    I have a religious answer, which I will skip, though you could infer it from my non-religious answer.

    The purpose of my life is to live each day to make the lives of the people I love better, to make the world a microscopically better place when I leave it than when I got here, and to do no harm to any one.

    It's possible my old hippie roots still show. *smile*

  48. The greatest thing
    You'll ever learn
    Is just to love
    And be loved in return.

  49. Don't forget to have a good time!

  50. I don't know, but I am enjoying the ride a lot more the older I get.

  51. Existence in and of itself provides meaning. The world would not be the same place if you did not exist. Everything you do creates a unique sequence of events that could only come into sequence because of you. Regardless of how you feel intrinsically about life or existence, you have meaning. Every interaction you have fuels the meaning of your existence. If this doesn't make sense to you, think of the idea that there are an infinite number of universes, each one created by the mere actions you engage in (we have all heard this hypotheses, no?). So there is a universe for saying no to marriage, yes to marriage, no to drugs, yes to having kids, etc, etc, for each scenario in life. While you may not believe the idea of infinite universes all created and built on/based on your every action, the universe you live in very much experiences itself based on your very actions. Because you exist, the world is what it is, and if you did not exist, it would not be exactly as it is. It might not be earth shatteringly different, but it would not be as it is now, with you existing. You exist, and because you exist and interact with the world, you are creating that world, the past present and future of the world, and if that is not meaning, well, then what is?

  52. this question as literally al i could think about while i was in college. i kept waiting for/expecting an epiphany. gave up because i thought it would drive me mad.

    only recently i decided that our purpose is to serve others and to love and appreciate what we have. i think if we don't get enough of that "right", we come back again and get another chance in the next life.

    i believe in life after death because life is so horrible for so many people i HAVE to believe there is something more to be able to stand it. if our lifetime is only a "flash"-campared to eternity-then the awful things that happen are but a drop in the sea of forever. makes it tolerable.

    i believe there is more than what we know of "life" because it works for me. keeps me from obsessing over child sex slaves and wars and all the ugly things people do to each other. its convenient.

  53. Meaning of life?
    Life's a piece of shit
    When you look at it
    Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
    You'll see it's all a show
    Keep 'em laughing as you go
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

  54. @Agent**It Love it. Thanks! Who would've thought this kind of discussion would exist on a Hollywood gossip board? :)

  55. Piggy, I LOVE what you wrote. I am going to quote you if that is okay. I know many people gave jokey answers, but in all honesty, I have serious anxiety about "time space eternity". I cannot take this life seriously because we ARE such a blip in the grand scheme of things. I envy religious people because they believe there is a God and a Heaven where they will go and live happily ever after for ever and ever. Whatever that means. Even just typing this, the terror builds. I wish I knew how to ignore our ultimate reality but i cannot.

  56. i often wonder if we are not simply idle amusement for the Gods.

  57. Funny you should ask as I JUST figured it out while at the check out line at Krogers.

    Pancakes.....preferably with real butter and lots of fake (sorry Vermont) syrup.

  58. Without really knowing how to reconcile it all, I'm with Agent**It, Another Josh, i drew a piggy, Me, zee|nyc, and Sherry. I guess there are as many different meanings to life as there are people to look at it....

  59. My theory is that the All That Is wanted to experience Other. So It forgets parts of itself, and dives into matter to play for awhile. "We" remember who/what/? we are when we love and are kind to other parts of ourselves.

  60. The purpose is to do something positive. That is different for every person. My raison d'etre is animal rescue. Yours may be something else. Meaning is whatever is meaningful to you. How did we get here? Who cares. I certainly don't believe it had anything to do with a man in the sky wiggling his nose.

  61. I think I'm really most with The Black Cat.

  62. I just now realized where the lines Tru Leigh posted came from; I was thinking of them off and on since I read them, trying to figure out where I'd heard them before, and a few minutes ago, I remembered: "Nature Boy," by eden ahbez. Great, great song, and a great reference Tru!

  63. @ Me....I agree (about the, well what I call, The Otherside).

    But that's about all I know in, that and God.

    I remember getting laughed at in 8th grade b/c I said, "how do we know we're not some experiment in an "alien" eighth grader's petri dish??

    Again....I'm still gonna roll with just trying to not intentionally bring harm to another. As really, that's all I can do. Lord knows, I certainly can't promise to love everyone.

    I know, confusing.

  64. Purpose of life greatly depends. A jaguar wants to eat, sleep, and fuck. So do lots of us humans. Some of us aspire to do something greater. To those folks: thank you.

    The right atoms, with the input of energy to form bonds, gave rise to the molecules needed for life. At the basic cellular level, we are so similar.

  65. Anonymous5:51 PM

    How deep Enty! I love it. I believe that the meaning of life is that we are all pieces of God, like waves in the ocean and that we are all a part of God discovering Him or Herself. That we are here for God to experience firsthand His/Her Creation in this life to feel pain, pleasure, happiness, parenthood, suffering, etc. and also to perfect our souls through lessons that we need to learn and haven't mastered yet.
