Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

February 27, 2012

#1 - This former A list model and currently a reality star and single was not really ready to mingle. After getting way more drunk than she usually does she started making some calls and ended up calling her ex. Turns out he was out with someone. Well, actually because of the time difference they had already been out. Now was just the cleanup stage. Our model broke down in tears.

#2 - This former A list tweener kept up her one person bucket list of sexual experiences to try. She pouted and emasculated her soon to be very close to A list movie star boyfriend, but now just a B- until he agreed to have sex with her under a table while people were sitting there. Very loud party. No bathroom sex for her. "Been there done that. Gross." This will be revealed.

#1 - Heidi Klum & Seal
#2 - Miley Cyrus/Liam Hemsworth


  1. ew Miley is so trashy. I wonder if Liam is with her is because she's so easy

  2. she's just being Miley!

  3. Makes me think the Miley and JL rumor might have some truth to it.

  4. stephenk beat me to it! Hahaha!

  5. Miley is pure, white, hillbilly trash.

  6. Poor Heidi. Still shocked they broke up, Seal will never do better, IMHO

    Miley being young and foolish. No judgement, theres plenty of places that shouldn't have seen my backside :p

  7. Oh been there, done that. Liam is too hot for her! I'm sorry but she is so chipmunky to be seen as cute.

  8. Poor Heidi- ouch.
    On the floor under a table? This girl is just tasteless and does cause one to wonder what's in it for him? ick nast!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. agreed @Cook. she is just that.

    i can't believe Liam is going to marry her. she will cheat on him. i'm no prude, and sex is good ... but she's just a hooker!

  10. Miley is becoming the new Britney.

  11. You can take a girl off the hill, but you can't take the hillbilly out of her.

  12. Even I wouldn't fuck a guy under a table in front of people.

  13. No judgement, but as young as Miley is, if she's already resorting to extremes to obtain a thrill, I'd be a bit concerned if I was Liam. Just sayin'..

  14. Anonymous1:11 PM

    These were the popular guesses. Its funny that no matter how much the publicists deny the obvious answer is usually right. Im also reeling from the a.j and heard reveal. We all knew but its ashock to read. Theres no way her and brad will last because she seems to be more lesbian than bi. Poor brad. She seemed to make him more of a humanitarian when he was more l.a in the past. If and when she falls for a dom controlling female that female would demand she leave brad. If shes actively kissing biting calling women then shes available for a serious relationship. Would you want to share your significant other? That only makes sense if brads gay too. Which i dont believe. He gets starry eyed for pretty women not the guys. If he did dont you think hed still be close to the cloons?

  15. Poor Heidi. :-(

    As for Miley, yeah, it's tacky as hell, but I have to give the girl credit for knowing what she wants, and for being willing to be frisky. (Hey, if you can't be wild and crazy when you're young, when are you supposed to be able to do it?) At least it was a loud party--with, presumably, a long tablecloth that hit the floor--and IMNSHO, I'd almost rather have people getting busy under the table than doing lines of blow, etc. on top of it, and it was probably (and ironically) more discreet under the table than it would have been in the bathroom, which she's already learned is gross.

    I also don't see Liam as having been emasculated by giving in to her, unless there's more to the story than you're telling us. He could always have said no, after all. Hey, now they can both say they've knocked a few points off their purity tests!)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Lurker for many years here, pleased to meet you all!

    I think Amy Adams has been the only un-called one so far and truly shocking one.

  18. @FSP can I hear a amen?

  19. i agree with angel. what is she going to do in five years to get the same rush?

  20. Having had a girlfriend of similar ilk 10 years ago in college, who loved to pull this kind of stuff at sorority socials, I'll reserve judgement. Miley may not be the classiest chick out there, but she's not the worst. Her biggest problem is that she's famous and supposed role model, so it gets reported.

  21. I finally guessed one (Klum). Yep it's easy to impulsively judge Mile-highley but I know I pulled some red faced stunts. Let's just hope she waits to procreate

  22. Heidi, Miley and Liam were in the photos that day (I stopped after I saw those three, don't know if Seal was there).

  23. She can't be tamed, I guess.

  24. Mile-Highley!!! LMAO!!!

  25. I almost feel bad for Liam, but if he's dumb enough to fall for it, and then want to marry it, then that's a mess he made for himself.

  26. I dont think the miley thing is that bad. Having sex in a bathroom is worse imo. Miley is wild and liam prob likes that. Just like with brad and angie. Men dont really complain when they r with a sexually adventurous woman.

  27. I'm guessing Miley challenged him on not being able to get it up in public or some other similar insult when he initially turned down her invitation. Not surprised by this at all. Also doesn't seem like she is very considerate of him since they may have been at an industry party and he probably wants to keep a clean reputation with his role in The Hunger Games franchise. Hope her desire for cheap thrills doesn't ruin his career.

  28. Carma please google brad Pitt /thom racina . That's all I have to say about gay

  29. Feel bad for Heidi for some reason.

    As for Miley, I suspect this is probably not as bad as it sounds. Probably more a footsie thing under the table.

  30. First thought; she has Liam Hemsworth..can you really blame her?

    Second thought; is Liam in WAY over his head? Or is he secretly just as freaky and adventerous as her? I dont think there have been any blinds actually focused on HIM...

  31. agree with uberbaldy. Way to distract your fan club Miley but it won't work forever.

  32. Uh yeah. Thom Racina is obsessed with Pitt.
    You know what? That gives me an idea. I'm going to start a random blog and say I have been David Tennant's secret lover for 5 years. Why haven't there been any pictures taken of us together? Because he's a media manipulator and ran from the camera's everytime someone took a picture of me.



    That aside, didn't Miley diddle Chris as well? I'm not sure I would respect a guy who stayed after knowing I screwed his brother. Then again, when I see Miley 'respect' isn't a word that comes to mind.

  33. Liam prob loves that Miley is wild in ze sack. Who can blame him.

    Sad for Heidi!

  34. Miley didn't have sex by herself under the table. He was there too.
    Poor Liam (yeah right).
    I did worse when I was a kid.

  35. Miley didn't have sex by herself under the table. He was there too.
    Poor Liam (yeah right).
    I did worse when I was a kid.

  36. Now I can't get "The Humpty Dance" out of my head: "I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom".

  37. Is that the end of the BIs?

  38. That's so Miley! I feel bad for Heidi Klum though.

  39. Yeah ok, so Miley likes having sex in weird places. No judgement here. I once had a blowie in the pantry of my aunts kitchen while the whole family was in there prepping the turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner. She'll settle down eventually.

  40. They're young, its not hurting anyone. Go for it I say

  41. Heidi and Seal being broken up still makes me sad =( I thought it was the real deal for them.

  42. Jesus Christ, so many ex-extremely wild children over here. I mean, back when I was in my teens/twenties, I would have NEVER dreamed of having sex in public, let alone do anything almost in front of the rest of the world. I don't even think it's fair to chalk this up to "oh, they're just being young", because there are far too many young people of both genders who are currently in their teens and twenties who would NEVER even think of doing anything even remotely like this either. So it's not a youth thing -- it's a lack of self-respect thing. But given that Miley's mom was a trashy groupie and her dad was just plain trashy, it's in her DNA.

    As for poor Heidi Klum -- I really, really feel for her. Seal must've been her one true love and it must've hurt like hell to see their marriage dissolve. I'm sincerely hoping that time heals this wound and that eventually she can learn to be happy without him in her life. Who knows, maybe there'll be someone even better in her future? Still, this is going to take quite some time (and possibly some therapy) to get over. I'm totally rooting for her to pull through.

  43. 1st across the finish line was :

    Kari said...
