Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

February 3, 2012

There is one A+ list movie actor who brought his girlfriend on the honeymoon with him. Seriously. She was on the same plane as the couple and checked into the same hotel and the wife was none the wiser at that point. It was only later in the marriage when he got caught for the 20th time that he confessed to cheating during the honeymoon too.

Sean Penn


  1. Pig. So not surprised.

  2. Sean you dirty, dirty dog!

  3. He is such an asshole.

  4. what a surprise. RWP deserves better

  5. I don't even think he's that great of an actor, just a super skeezy manslut.

  6. Sean penn and his bitch girlfriend r dogs!

  7. Why, oh why did Scarlett give this pig the time of day back then????!!!!! Uuuuurgh! Enty, tell us who Hugh's co-star was.....pleeeeeeeease?!

  8. but was it Madonna or Robin Wright? I assume Robin, if it was Madonna she would of joined in on the fun.

  9. I keep thinking about how he threatened to beat up Matt Stone and Trey Parker after they made fun of him, they were laughing since they're both over 6 ft, and he's like 5 ft haha

  10. Yea! Let the reveals roll!

  11. Why, oh why did Scarlett give this pig the time of day back then????!!!!! Uuuuurgh! Enty, tell us who Hugh's co-star was.....pleeeeeeeease?!

  12. Sean Penn is A+ but Daniel Craig is A++??

    This rating system is puzzling to me.

  13. ahhh poor Princess Buttercup

  14. Yuck! You can't always help who you love never understood why Robin Wright put up with his BS. She deserved better.

  15. Oh he would. ugh

    I totally sided with Ryan R after Scarlett hooked up with Penn AND wanted the world to know. ugh again

  16. Pig, and I read somewhere Robin still hooks up with him...totally gross.

  17. Sean is A because of his Oscar I guess. Can't think of a Sean Penn movie that made money. Except Carlito's Way - and even then it didn't make that much.

  18. Always knew he was a pig but this confirms it.

  19. Will never understand why a woman would do him. He's not good looking---not even average looking, he looks like he smells, and he probably does since he drinks and smokes like chimney, he seems like the type to do you and go or tell you get up and get him a sammich. Just no.

  20. Neither Sean Penn nor RBW were not in the photos but Madonna was.

  21. Sparkwee, DC is A++ right now, because he's leading 2 franchises, especially Bond.

    Sean Penn is A+ because he not only opens films on his name alone, he has had a tremendously good, long body of leading man work...and has TWO well-deserved Oscars.

    I hate so much that he's a prick. But he is a good actor. Excuse me while I throw up now.

  22. I feel sorry for Robin and Ryan.

  23. he's such a pig. what do women see in him (other than the obvious that he's a hollywood star) but i find him revolting. nothing sexy about him at. all.

  24. And, he directed a movie that got an Oscar and other awards. Don't love the man but he is a list...

  25. who is the girlfriend? anyone we should know about?

  26. Sean penn does a lot of humanitarian efforts like katrina and haiti. That's more than a bunch of you haters ever do. Look in the mirror, nobody is perfect. Just sayin'

  27. Anonymous11:15 AM

    such a jerk. wonder who the girlfriend is and why she would put up with that situation.
    I still wonder why these people get married, such morons.

  28. @libby

    Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't thinking that Sean Penn shouldn't be A list. I initially thought Sean Penn should be rated higher than Daniel Craig. But yeah, I guess right now Daniel Craig would do better than Sean Penn at the box office.

    Your explanation makes sense.

  29. just because he does humanitarian things makes it okay that he treats the people he's supposed to LOVE like shit? uhh NOT.

  30. Hugh Grant is moving into permanent A, like it or not. Sean will be never lower than A by this point, but DC could slip someday to A-/B+ or even further. He's the youngest of those, and has alonger to screw it up.

    The ratings system is not at all confusing to me, A's about 'name over the title', length/$ success of career, name recognition, past/current franchises, how many 'permanent fans' you have (Hugh Grant, sorry), and Oscars help, but don't guarantee A list. (Roberto Begnini (sp), anyone?)

    I think Enty has the best ratings system of any blogger, I rarely disagree. I wish I could explain it better, sorry. thanks, anyone, for reading. It's too hot to go outside today!

  31. Ick.
    Don't recall who said it before but: those ladies must be dickmatized.

  32. Sorry, Sparkwee, and thank you. I was prattling the above novel while you replied! Sorry!

  33. @supapimp, we aren't talking about human weakness or flaws here. This douche nozzle brought a tramp along on his honeymoon unbeknownst to his brand new wife. Are you kidding me.

  34. eewww he is so gawd-awful foul. yuck.

  35. Sean doing humanitarian work does not make him any less of a super skeezy manslut.

  36. I'm going to against the crowd and say I think Sean is talented.

    But I am 100% in agreement that he is a talented douche bag. And I thought that before I read this reveal. This is a new level of super douche baggery^100. You bring a girlfriend on your honeymoon? You bring a girlfriend on your honeymoon?

    Sean, stop worrying about Haiti. They probably want to help you, you asshat loser.

  37. Wow, I thought I had heard/seen it all at this point!

  38. Geesh, this was cruel. I enjoy the acting but he really is a pig. If this is Robin, how and wh did she stay so damned long? Loving the blinds today...waiting on the kindness blinds that will surely come as well :-)

  39. Well this is just sick.. Mr Penn must be very, very disconnected from both common sense and any kind of morality. Lost the very small smidgeion of respect I had left for this misogynistic asshat. YUCK!

  40. @Sparkwee:

    "Sean Penn is A+ but Daniel Craig is A++??"

    I hear you! Penn has two Oscars and, I think, two further Oscar noms. That's almost Streep/Nicholson/Hepburn territory, professionally. Well, not quite, but serious screen cred.

    I don't like his public persona (especially after reading the reveal) but he is 100% A-list and a very talented actor.

    Daniel Craig is rated higher? Remind me how many Oscars or SAGs DC has won.

    Enty is completely confusing me today. He also thinks Hugh bloody Grant (nary an Oscar nom that I know of) is A-listed.

    Go figure.

  41. My first words were, "What a fucking pig!"
    I too believe that Sean is incredibly talented at his "craft". But in the game of life he seems to lack the neccesary REAL kindness gene. Love that you're doing something nice for the world but do it because you really mean it, not because you want to show how good you are. Showing how good you REALLY are would mean being kind to your partner. Total fail Sean, total fail.

  42. Ok but who was the woman? Someone totally outside of entertainment industry?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @supapimp, it ain't hatin if its true. and you can be a douche/a-hole to women and still do good deeds. doesn't make it right.

  45. @Sherry: Nicely put. Anyone who brings a GF on his honeymoon w/o telling his new bride automatically loses any claim to being a humanitarian. Kindness begins at home.

  46. I have heard of actors visiting the girlfriend prior to the ceremony and post honeymoon, but bring the girlfriend WITH you on the honeymoon is a first. Was she a mule, to boot?

  47. What a sleaze. That's the nicest way I can put it.

    For those who are wondering what Scarlett saw in him, she sounds like a piece of work herself. I just read on some other site the other day -- can't even remember where, b/c I only read this one 99% of the time -- that she was the answer to the blind about the actress that some woman tried to talk to in a bathroom and she said something super-bitchy like, "Am I supposed to care that you want to talk to me?" Remember that BI? Yeah, she and SP deserved each other if you ask me.

  48. @AKM -

    see that seems to me to be just like her. i don't find her attractive at all and i do not get what men (and/or women) see in her. i've always thought she was a bitch.

  49. Anonymous12:34 PM

    God, he's an asshole. AND ugly.
    If he was just a "regular" person, this guy wouldn't be able to get laid for shit !

  50. If it was his honeymoon with Madonna, it makes more sense. He would need a clean partner to help remove the skeeze after finishing up with Madonna.

  51. Sean Penn, Tiger Woods, why do these men ever get married?

  52. I assume this is Robin Wright and not Vadge.

  53. "Sean penn does a lot of humanitarian efforts like katrina and haiti. That's more than a bunch of you haters ever do. Look in the mirror, nobody is perfect. Just sayin'."

    Considering Sean Penn is worth about 1,000 times more than I am, I am fine with what I do for humanity, thanks. And I don't treat the people I consider family like dogs in the street. Yes, no one is all bad or all good. But that honeymoon gambit - that's not just self-indulgent and cruel, that's pathological.

  54. And my Buddy BigMama wins:

    BigMama said...
    Oh wait! What about Sean Penn? He would totally do that!

    7:36 AM

  55. @supapimp: Sean Penn does what he does because he's got the Bono virus, i.e. he wants to be revered as a god would. It's not like he's Brad Pitt, chugging away at his chosen causes because he truly believes in them and sacrificing every moment of free time to devoting his time and energy toward that regard. Or Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, Martin Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Michael J. Fox, etc. Or even George Clooney, who got arrested while protesting for what he felt was right (that almost made me forgive him for his Alzheimer's joke awhile back, which was not cool at all). All of those other celebrities do charitable things because they honestly want to help. Penn does it because he wants an award for it.

    BTW, I'm seriously disappointed in Scarlett because I thought she'd be better than it turns out she actually is. Damn. At least the world still has Anna Paquin, who seems like a stand-up kind of young woman AND who is exceptionally talented. (Please don't tell me she's done crazy shit too or else I will have a major sad.)

  56. I.Just.Can't. I don't even want to think of the level of a-holeness Sean Peen is capable of. Really, if I witnessed it I wouldn't believe it. He is such a pig.g

  57. To be fair, Sean penn puts his money where his mouth is with the humanitarian stuff. I was watching an episode of Anthony bourdain, which the fiancé forces on me lol, where they were in Haiti, and they were visiting one of the refugee camps known as "tent cities" because everyone is literally living in tents as their home for the foreseeable future, and who pops up in one of those tents but Sean penn. he was living there, in a tent, among the poorest of the poor. They said the Haitian people adored him and he was considered the "unofficial mayor" of the tent city. And I don't see Anthony bourdain as someone who would promote Sean penns agenda for him.

    Not that that makes up for his treatment of women or other people close to him. I think the behavior described above is absolutely horrendous, as is a lot of other behavior attributed to him that I've heard about. I'm not a Sean penn fan and have no interest in defending him personally, as I would have no interest in defending anyone personally that behaved like this. But it's not really fair to bash his humanitarian efforts and say they're only for his image, because from what I've seen he really is genuine in them.

    However, carry on bashing him for his horrible treatment of women and whatever else! Lol. I do think it's extremely strange that he works so hard to "fix" the world, yet could care less about fixing himself, which clearly is in need of just as much work as a Haitian village!

  58. Wow also sorry for the novel lol, I tend to overwrite =\
