Friday, July 20, 2012

Brooks Ayers Demands An Apology From 20/20 - Says He Is Not A Deadbeat Dad

I am not a fan of Vicki Gunvalson or her boyfriend Brooks Ayers. I'm actually shocked that Vicki has even managed to find a boyfriend because in all the years I have watched RHOC, I'm not sure I have ever seen her smile. Oh, I'm sure she has. I mean people have died who have been on the show or perhaps there were some other times she smiled too. Injuries. That sort of thing. Anyway, 20/20 aired a segment on brooks and called him a deadbeat dad. They interviewed the mother of one of his children who made the claims. Now Brooks has hired an attorney. Brooks is going to be out of luck. Brooks' attorney says they are in negotiations with 20/20 and that they want an apology or they are going to sue. Nothing is going to happen. The baby mama says Brooks didn't pay any of the bills of the birth. His lawyer does not deny it and just says it is all part of a child custody fight. Brooks is just trying to make himself look good. Very hard to do.


  1. She has such a pig face.

    Don't watch this anymore...what happened to her hubby Don?!

  2. Ooh girl, yo face is messed up

  3. I am confused about the people who have died comment...
    Can someone explain how that ties into anything?

  4. I can't believe 20/20 finds this newsworthy.

  5. Vicki is such a hypocrite...her biggest gripe with Slade & Gretchen was that Slade was behind on child support & as much as I am not a fan of Slade, I think his child support was set when he was making lots of dough & couldn't get it lowered when it wasn't coming in anymore & simply couldn't keep up. Brooks on the other hand has 4 kids & up & left them to move to LA & drive Vicki's car, live in her apt & use her debit card...he bailed on his kids for a sugar mama...he has actually been in jail for non-payment....Tamara & Briana are right about him preying on Vicki...anyone who's watched the show knows what she has been whining about missing from her marriage from Don & he's capitalizing on that.

  6. *whining about what was missing from her marriage to Don...sorry coffee hasn't kicked in yet

  7. Vicki has her moments (although they are getting fewer and farther between), but she is very emotionally needy. In other words, she's easy prey for the walking Hallmark card known as Brooks. I don't know how much of it he really means, but it has certainly blinded Vicki to any faults he may have -- which is sad when your best friend and daughter are trying to point out basic facts to you which you insist on ignoring, excusing or dismissing.

    Also, she has been an incredible hypocrite about framing his child support issues as "different" from Slade's. Gretchen's not my favorite, but I absolutely get her frustration over that.

  8. Breeding and abandoning kids, criminal record, not self supporting. I guess he's throwing up the mirror to Vicki and she's buying the game. No good can come from this.

  9. let us be honest here. vicki hired the attorney for brooks. vicki is the one signing checks for the attorney. vicki is fucking insane along with jesus jugs.

  10. @denise vicki and don are getting divorced. he's still living in the home they shared while they were married, but is in a relationship with someone else now. apparently he was cheating on her for a long time while they were married, and the last 4 years of their marriage Vicki began a friendship, and eventually an emotional affair with brooks. and they came out as a couple soon after she annouced her divorce.

    vicki is a total hypocrite and its obvious that brooks is playing her, but she's so needy and delusional, she refuses to see that. i think she's just a control freak, and i feel bad that Don had to put up with it for so long. its wrong that he cheated on her, but then again, what do you expect a man to do when his wife is working nonstop and constantly talks down to you, throws her money in your face, and doesn't pay any attention to you. oh well...

  11. Jeff died.. It was very sad (Gretchens old man)... Also i think vicki and Don are very divorced but Don is still in the picture as the psuedo-father of Brianna and Michael

  12. I like Donn and was shocked he was having a long time affair. Vicki on the other hand, I used to like, this season she was all over the place, controlling, mean spirited, and Brooks capitalized on everything needy thing she displayed. Maybe someday she will see that.

    Jesus Jugs, I thought that was funny in the finale! As for Alexis, I think she is gorgeous but worry about her because of her creepish husband (who gets along great with Brooks).

  13. Vicki is Ramona level crazy. She's obv very successful so I can't fathom why she is attracted to this loser.

  14. At the end of the season it said Vickie broke up with Brooks, but that they got back together. I want to know why they broke up. Did she get a moment of clarity but then slip back into her Brooks daze? Anyone know?

  15. The part of this I missed was WHY ABC was doing a story on Brooks and Vicki. If it was Dateline I could understand it since Bravo is part of NBC but why would ABC pick them--and if you want to expose a deadbeat dad househusband why wouldn't you do a story on Slade Smiley?

  16. I also worry about Alexis. Jim gives me a physically abusive vibe especially after the way her shut her down on the last episode for acting like she "wears the pants". Wtf? Who says that?

  17. Ah, I never grow tired of Real Housewives, except that dreadful Miami cast. They were the worst. The DC ones were just ... just bitches. But give me some Sonia Morgan and Gretchen Rossi anytime. I'm even a Kelly and Jill fan. Love Kandi and Kim, and the whole non-Taylor Beverly Hills cast. I love everyone. Let's face it, I'm just a friggin bundle of love at the moment.

  18. Oh wait, I forgot to mention, Yes, Vicki, pig face.

  19. Don't worry about Alexis; she has more than enough bitch in her to keep up with her husband. Worry about their kids - they've already almost killed two of them.

    Brooks changed his fb status to Single a week or so ago, so let's hope she finally came to her senses! Someone reported seeing him berating her in public for embarrassing him at a party recently. As awful as Vicki is, this guy is worse.

    Donn was a member of a swinger's club, so it wasn't exactly a huge revelation that he had cheated on Vicki. Also, Vicki was sexing Brooks long before she'll admit to. And also cheated on her first husband with Donn, as well as whatever happened in Cabo. (Yeah, Tamra is a heinous bitch, but I believe her over Vicky - she has almost zero filter between her brain and her mouth.)

  20. I dislike all of them with their hair extensions, fake teeffs, melting faces and boobs up to their ears playing musical men.
