Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cybill Shepherd Getting Married Again

I can't remember the last time I wrote about Cybill Shepherd. I miss writing about her. She was a Lindsay Lohan of her time. Not the arrest record or penchant for stealing things, but she was a troublemaker. A definite tabloid mainstay. The one thing she did more frequently than Lindsay was to marry. Well, or get engaged to get married and married. Yesterday, Cybill announced she was going to try the whole marriage thing again for the third time. Previously she had said she was finished with weddings and just preferred living with someone or just dating. Do they show Moonlighting in syndication anywhere? It has been so long since I have seen that show and I wonder how it has held up. I know Bruce Willis has hair in it so the Smithsonian should really try and preserve those episodes because no one will believe he ever did. The hatred between Bruce and Cybill comes across through each episode. I'm surprised they could get anything on film at all. Cybill was a great television show too. She has had quite the career. From teen beauty queen to starring in Taxi Driver to now, a still amazing 62.


  1. Where is Moonlighting? I loved that show.

  2. We all know that Cybill's best performance by far is as Jennifer Love Hewitt's mom in The Client List.

    Let's not get it twisted.

  3. It must be SO hard to work that closely and attempt to emote with someone you hate, yikes! I wonder why they hated each other? Egos?

    I loved the show Cybill, but mostly because of Christine Baranski's character Marianne. Cybill herself always seemed to be smirking and trying not to laugh.

    But Enty, if she's only been married twice before, how does that make her tabloid fodder? What else did she do? Don't remember.

  4. LOVED her show but mostly I loved Maryann who was a freaking riot! They still show Cybill on oxygen I think, no clue about the Bruce show, it used to be on Bravo!

  5. @figgy
    Are you serious? Cybill had an affair with Peter Bogdonovich (sp). He directed her in The Last Picture Show. She was accused of breaking up his marriage.

    She also had an affair with Elvis Presley and various famous men. She said she slept with Bruce Willis, and it went sour. She took credit for Willis' career too. She is a major nut.

  6. Back in the 80s detective shows were big. I loved Remington Steele with Pierce Bronsan and Stephanie Zimbalist. Moonlighting was ABC's version.

  7. I believe she was jealous of Christine's character and perhaps even media attention when she had the show, Cybill. Same thing with Willis, 'how come I'm not the star?' attitude. Interestingly, I just finished reading her bio. Wanted to read it to see what she said about Willis and how she portrayed their relationship. Didn't get that into it, no real dirt whatsoever, except I didn't know about the relationship with Bogdonovich (sp?).

  8. @Silly Girl
    Bogdanovich is her most famous love affair. Here is a cute blog from People circa 1974: http://dearoldhollywood.blogspot.com/2010/04/peter-bogdanovich-and-cybill-shepherd.html

    Polly Platt was his wife's name! She was a big producer too.

  9. the taming of the shrew episode of moonlighting is classic! why isn't this show in reruns?

  10. I watched Moonlighting, I loved Bruce's character and the rapport they had.

    But I also watched Hart to Hart, so maybe TV viewing habits should be kept to myself. (I was like 12 though! I'd watch anything!)

  11. I don't care if she is a nut, I love her and I loved Moonlighting and Cybill. One ofmy guilty pleasure movies is Chances Are.
    Hey, does anyone else remember that Michelle Pfeiffer's little sister was on Cybill?

  12. DeeDee right? Peter Krause played her hubby.

  13. ^ Peter Krause would have been a teenager then (?) He's my age.

  14. Nope, he was on Cybill, he played her son in law. this was a couple years before he was sports night (great great show!!) I double checked on imdb.

  15. Loved Moonlighting, and I loved Cybill! My friend and I fancied ourselves the young Cybill and MaryAnne. Kind of like the modern day (at the time) Lucy and Ethel but with booze

  16. I just watched an epi of Cybill the other day, Idk why, but it featured DeeDee and Peter.

  17. loved moonlighting. and that sexy music.

  18. I loved Cybil on Moonlighting and on her sitcom after that. She's a great broad --very outspoken and she knows who she is.

    I hope this works out for her. She deserves to be happy.

  19. Agnes DiPesto. What a gal. Allyce Beasley and Curtis Armstrong were stellar backups on Moonlighting.

  20. Does Reese Witherspoon look just like her in that picture above?

  21. "We all know that Cybill's best performance by far is as Jennifer Love Hewitt's mom in The Client List."

    I dunno...Martha Stewart, anyone? :-)

  22. "Doctor Dick must die, die, die!" Oh, that Maryann! Alicia Witt was her other daughter on that show, which I thought was really funny.

    One thing I remember Cybill doing was during an appearance on David Letterman in which she wore a long, slinky black dress; she couldn't decide between black Doc martens or high heels for footwear, so she wore one of each! That was pretty cool.

  23. There was a Moonlighting episode where David was out hitting the bar scene looking for Maddie. As he sadly stirred his cocktail, West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys played in the background. I remember get squishy watching it!

  24. Cybil is also a singer. In the early 80's I saw her in a jazz club in Greenwich Village. We got there too late, missed her singing but she was hanging out at the bar having a drink, looking very pretty but wearing one of those oversized Snorkel Jackets that used to be popular. Too funny!

  25. It must of sucked for her to have someone upstage her on both Moonlighting and Cybill, but instead of swallowing her pride and being grateful that both shows were a hit, her ego got in the way both times.

    So... who's the lucky fella?

  26. Can't believe no one mentioned that 'Cybil' was the US version of the BBC's Ab Fab.

  27. I saw her in a restaurant in the Hamptons when I was in college. Even as a woman of a certain age, she was gorgeous.

  28. Last Picture Show, naked swim with Randy Quaid, excellent movie

  29. I've always liked her, she's interesting at least.

  30. Her bio included a retelling of a coke-fueled threesome with her bf and a stuntman. Not to mention she seems to have had conflicts with every co-star and it was always their fault for being jealous or some such manure.

  31. She's always bothered me because her hair has NEVER changed! Always blonde with a side part. How can someone have the same hair for 40+ years? It's like Gwen Stefani and that tired-ass red lipstick...update your look already!

  32. As someone who is hair style challenged and practically obsesses about my hair I think it's nice Cybil is comfortable with her hairstyle not to change it. it's a pretty classic, can't go wrong style. I would get bored with it but maybe it works for her type.
